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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
General Assembly
(Nos. 1604-2546)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

Brief Summaries of UN Resolutions - General Assembly
(Nos. 1604-2546, years 1960-1969)

Resolution 1604 (XV)(21 April 1961) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with deep regret that repatriation, reintegration or compensation has not happened for Palestinian refugees, and of the inadequate funding for UNRWA, and that UN Conciliation Commission has not succeeded yet, looks to governments for what help they can give, and expresses appreciation to UNRWA director and staff for their efforts.

Resolution 1725 (XVI)(20 December 1961) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation has not happened for Palestinian refugees, and of the inadequate funding for UNRWA, and that UN Conciliation Commission has made great effort to make the above happen including identifying the immoveable properties of the refugees, and therefore looks to the Secretary-General to increase the Commission’s staff, and governments for what help they can give, and expresses appreciation to UNRWA director and staff for their efforts.

Resolution 1733 (XVI)(20 December 1961) United Nations Emergency Force: cost estimates for the maintenance of the Force: Concerning the financial problems of the UN Emergency Force, decides to continue the special account, authorizes funding for the Force of $1,625,000, plus $9.75 million more, and to appeal to Member-Nations for contributions with the incentive of receiving credits in the form of help from the UN Programme of Technical Assistance.

Resolution 1803 (XVII)(14 December 1962) Permanent sovereignty over natural resources: This resolution confirms the rights of developing nations to control their own natural resources, and to interact with developed nations from a status of equality over them.

Resolution 1856 (XVII)(20 December 1962) Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation of Palestinian refugees has not happened yet, as well as the financial problems of the UNRWA, and expressing gratitude to the UN Conciliation Commission and UNRWA for their efforts, and asks the governments of the world to help out.

Resolution 1864 (XVII)(20 December 1962) United Nations Emergency Force: Having looked at the financial problems of the UN Emergency Force, decides to continue the special account and spend a maximum of $1,580,000 per month on the Force.

Resolution 2002 (XIX)(10 February 1965) Extension of the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Decides to extend the mandate of UNRWA for one more year.

Resolution 2052 (XX)(15 December 1965) Reports of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation for the Palestinian refugees has not happened, and the financial problems of the UNRWA, expresses appreciation to the head and staff of the UNRWA, and calls upon all governments to help out, directs the UNRWA to rectify the relief rolls, to cooperate with the UN Conciliation Commission, and to extend the mandate of UNRWA 4 more years.

Resolution 2115 (XX)(21 December 1965) United Nations Emergency Force: Develops a more equitable way of distributing the costs of the UN Emergency Force taking into consideration how developed a country is, and charging some to specialized agencies such as the IAEA.

Resolution 2154 (XXI)(17 November 1966) Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Notes with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation of the Palestinian refugees has not occurred, and the financial crisis of the UNRWA, expresses appreciation of the head and staff of UNRWA, asks governments to help out, asks UNRWA to continue to rectify the relief rolls, notes the failure of the UN Conciliation Commission to succeed at obtaining the above, asks all to help with the above and continue their efforts.

Resolution 2194 (XXI)(16 December 1966) United Nations Emergency Force: Authorizes the Secretary-General to cover the revised costs of the UN Emergency Force.

Resolution 2252 (ES-V)(04 July 1967) Humanitarian assistance: Considering the tremendous suffering amongst civilians and POW’s in the conflict, welcomes UNresSC 237 (1967) which points to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 protecting the humanitarian needs of both civilians and POW’s, and thus calls upon Israel to facilitate the return of civilians who have fled their homes because of the fighting, and all governments involved follow the conventions, and expresses appreciation to all the humanitarian groups involved for their efforts, and asks all governments to offer assistance to UNRWA to help with this.

Resolution 2253 (ES-V)(04 July 1967) Measures taken by Israel to change the status of the City of Jerusalem: Considers all measures taken by Israel to change the status of Jerusalem to be invalid and calls upon Israel to rescind them.

Resolution 2254 (ES-V)(14 July 1967) Measures taken by Israel to change the status of the City of Jerusalem: Deplores Israeli violation of UNresGA 2253 (ES-V), and repeats call upon Israel to rescind measures to change status of Jerusalem.

Resolution 2256 (ES-V)(21 July 1967) The situation in the Middle East: “Requests the Secretary-General to forward the records of the fifth emergency special session of the General Assembly to the Security Council in order to facilitate the resumption by the Council, as a matter of urgency, of its consideration of the tense situation in the Middle East;”, and to adjourn temporarily the fifth emergency special session of the General Assembly.

Resolution 2257 (ES-V)(18 September 1967) The situation in the Middle East: “Decides to place on the agenda of its twenty-second regular session, as a matter of high priority, the question on the agenda of its fifth emergency special session;”

Resolution 2304 (XXII)(13 December 1967) United Nations Emergency Force: Taking note of the revised estimates submitted by the Secretary-General, decides to use any monies left from the sale of UNEF equipment to facilitate the termination of the UNEF and closing of the special accounts and further disposal of UNEF equaipment.

Resolution 2341 (A+B) (XXII) (19 December 1967) Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Notes with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation has not happened for the Palestinian refugees, and the continued financial problems of UNRWA, expresses appreciation to the head and staff of UNRWA for their efforts with the above, and calls for them to continue their efforts with the most equitable distribution of relief, and that the UN Conciliation Commission also has not been able to make the above happen, and calls upon all governments to help out UNRWA, and also reaffirms UNresGA 2252 (ES-V) concerning reversing Israel’s efforts to change status of Jerusalem.

Resolution 2443 (XXIII) (19 December 1968) Respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories: Guided by the UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva Conventions, etc., calls upon Israel to facilitate refugees return to their homes, and to stop destroying Arab civilian homes, and to facilitate aid to refugees and suffering civilians, and establishes the UN Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.

Resolution 2452  (A-C) (XXIII) (19 December 1968) Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East :Calls upon the Government of Israel to take effective and immediate steps for the return without delay of those inhabitants who have fled the areas since the outbreak of hostilities;”, including the refugees from the 1948 fighting, and notes UN Conciliation Commission failure to make this happen, and expresses thanks to the head and staff of UNRWA for their efforts, and directs UNRWA to do equitable distribution of relief, and noting UNRWA financial problems, asks all governments to help out UNRWA, and extends UNRWA’s mandate 4 more years, and reaffirms UNresGA 2252 (ES-V) calling for Israel to reverse efforts to change the status of Jerusalem.

Resolution 2535 (A-C) (XXIV) (10 December 1969) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Notes with deep regret that repatriation, resettlement, reintegration or compensation has not happened for the Palestinian refugees of both 1948 & 1967, and the financial problems of UNRWA, expresses thanks to head and staff of UNRWA for its efforts including rectifying the relief rolls and distributing relief equitably, but that the UN Conciliation Commission was not able to succeed with the above, asks all governments to help UNRWA,  Refugee problem stems from Israeli acts of “collective punishment, arbitrary detention, curfews, destruction of homes and property, deportation and other repressive acts against the refugees and other inhabitants of the occupied territories”.  Notes Israeli UN resolution violations, including not reversing efforts to change Jerusalem status.

Resolution 2546 (XXIV) (11 December 1969) Respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories : Guided by the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions and many other humanitarian conferences and laws, which have not been followed by Israel including “collective punishments, mass imprisonment, indiscriminate destruction of homes and other acts of oppression against the civilian population in the Arab territories occupied by Israel”, and not reversing changes to Jerusalem’s status, and thus condemns Israel for these violations of resolutions and laws.

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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
General Assembly
(Nos. 1604-2546)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

(C) Israel Law Resoource Center, February, 2007.


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