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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
General Assembly
(Nos. 54/266-???)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

Brief Summaries of UN Resolutions - General Assembly
(Years 2000-2009; Nos. 54-266-???)

Resolution 54/266 (15 June 2000) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Recalling previous UN resolutions establishing, financing and renewing the UNDOF, and the special financial procedures instituted, notes concerns to continuing improving working conditions at new headquarters in Gaza, expresses appreciation for voluntary contributions, but takes note of need for much more, and expresses concern about the financial problems of the UNDOF, thus urges the Force be run with cost efficiency, and continue to hire local staff to save costs, and decides to appropriate for the Force about $37 million to be spread amongst member-states, and resolves not to borrow $ from one peace-keeping effort to finance another.

Resolution 54/267 (15 June 2000) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Recalling previous resolutions establishing, financing and renewing the mandate of UNIFIL, and decisions to use different financial procedures to handle UNIFIL finances, and concerned about the financial problems of UNIFIL, and that Israel has not complied with UN resolution 51/233, 52/237 and 53/227 concerning restitution of $1,284,633 to UNIFIL for Israel’s attack on the Qana facility, but expresses appreciation for member-state voluntary contributions and for those who have fulfilled their regular financial obligations to UNIFIL, and asks for more of each, also expresses appreciation for UNIFIL efforts to operate in a more cost-efficient manner, such as by employing local staff, and decides to appropriate to UNIFIL about $147 million, which shall be spread amongst member-states, and no amount shall be borrowed from one peace-keeping effort to help finance another.

Resolution ES-10/7 (20 October 2000) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Expressing deep concern and condemnation over Sharon’s provocative visit to the Al-Haram Al-Sharif compound on 28 September 2000, and the tragic events that followed in East Jerusalem and then throughout the occupied territories involving excessive force by Israel leading to numbers of Palestinian civilian casualties, and including clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian police, and reaffirming that lasting peace in the Middle East must be based on realizing UN resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), including protecting Holy Places, but noting the convening of the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to discuss measures to enforce the Conventions in the occupied Palestinian territories, and demands an immediate end to the fighting, and urges all parties to implement the agreements of the summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, including launching a fact-finding committee, and reiterates that the Israeli settlements are illegal, and demands that Israel comply scrupulously with the Geneva Conventions, and invites the depositary of the Geneva Conventions to consult on development of the humanitarian situation in the field, and supports the effort to resume the peace talks.

Resolution 55/9 (12 December 2000) Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference : Recalls UN resolution 3369 (XXX)(1975) when it invited the Organization of the Islamic Conference to participate in UN sessions and work as an “Observer”, and the mutual interest in working on the issues of “international peace and security, disarmament, self-determination, decolonization, fundamental human rights and economic and technical development”, and noting the UN Charter commitment to promote cooperation between and within regions and between different specialty groups, and expresses appreciation for the efforts on the part of all to work together, and encourages UN agencies to provide technical and other forms of assistance to the member-groups of the Islamic Conference.

Resolution 55/10 (30 October 2000) Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : Noting the desire of the UN and League of Arab States to work together, and the effort of the League to get the Arab states to cooperate with each other, a task the UN wishes to support, requests that the two and their divisions and secretariats further that effort, toward the goals of “realization of the purposes and principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, the strengthening of international peace and security, economic and social development, disarmament, decolonization, self-determination and the eradication of all forms of racism and racial discrimination”, and to help the League modernize to benefit from globalization, economic and technological development, training, environmental issues, and that a schedule of regular meetings between the groups be set up.

Resolution 55/18 (07 November 2000) Bethlehem 2000 : Recalling that Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus Christ, and hence one of the most important places on earth, and noting the ongoing millennium celebrations there that will continue until Easter, 2001, and the importance of these celebrations to the Palestinian people, and noting the international cooperation (including the UN) that has been needed to make this a success, and that has been given, and including the pilgrimage of the Pope, and thus how this requires an immediate change in terms of the fighting, ensuring free access to holy places, and thus renewed hope in the peace process, supports this event and the international support for it, and requests the Secretary-General to mobilize the UN to continue to support it as well.

Resolution 55/30 (20 November 2000) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : Recalling previous UN resolutions on this matter, including the basic provisions that states of the region will (1) formally declare that they will not acquire or produce nuclear weapons, and (2) that they will place their nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, and (3) they will not accept the placement of nuclear weapons on their territory by a third party, and (4) declare formal support for the creation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and calling upon all parties to take these steps, and reaffirming (1) the right of all states to peaceful nuclear energy and (2) to take steps toward protecting peaceful facilities from attack, and supporting general disarmament, and invites all parties in the region to take these steps, and noting that the peace process should be comprehensive.

Resolution 55/36 (20 November 2000) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : Noting the evolution of a non-proliferation treaty for nuclear weapons, calls upon Israel to sign onto that treaty and to pursue the practical steps toward establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone (commit not to buy or produce nuclear weapons, and to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards).

Resolution 55/38 (20 November 2000) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : Recalling previous UN resolutions on this issue, and progress made so far on this issue, and the primary role of nations in the region toward accomplishing the goal of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region, as well as the effort to strengthen ties with European countries, but expressing concern about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, commends the nations of the region for their efforts toward this goal, and the efforts to eliminate social and economic disparities, and calls upon all nations in the region to sign onto and adhere to all regional agreements including disarmament and non-proliferation, and expresses satisfaction with the efforts of nations to eliminate sources of tension in the region including occupation and use of force to acquire territory and non-interference and non-intervention, and to pursue confidence-building measures such as transparency and openness in military expenditures and reporting on the UN Register of Conventional Arms, and encourages cooperation in fighting terrorism, international crime, and illicit trafficking in drugs and weapons.

Resolution 55/50 (01 December 2000) Jerusalem : Recalling previous UN resolutions on this matter, especially resolution 478 (1980) deciding not to recognize Israel’s Basic Law: Jerusalem, and called upon all those states that had moved their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem to withdraw them, determines that Israel imposing its laws, jurisdiction and administration on Jerusalem is illegal and hence null and void, and deplores the transfer to Jerusalem of diplomatic missions by some states in violation of UN resolution 478 (1980).

Resolution 55/51 (01 December 2000) The Syrian Golan : “Reaffirming the fundamental principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force”, and the applicability of the Hague Regulations (1907) and Geneva Conventions (1949) to the Israeli occupation, and thus that the settlements are illegal, declares Israel has failed to comply with UN resolution 497 (1981), and that its decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration – a de facto annexation - on the Syrian Golan is invalid, null and void, and demands once more that Israel completely withdraw from the Syrian Golan, and calls upon all involved in the conflict to resume the peace process which includes full implementation of UN resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).

Resolution 55/52 (01 December 2000) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : Recalling the signing of the Oslo Accords and the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum, expresses appreciation for the efforts of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and requests the Committee to continue that work in cooperation with other groups in the area, including the UN Conciliation Commission, including modernizing the records of the Commission.

Resolution 55/53 (01 December 2000) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Expresses appreciation for the work of the Division, and requests it to continue – (1) organizing meetings around the world about the crisis, (2) continuing development of the document collection efforts of the UN Information System on the Question of Palestine, (3) implementing the widest dissemination possible of publications about the crisis, and (4) providing annual trainings to the PA staff, also requests continued cooperation between the Division and the UN Dept. of Public Information and other units of the UN Secretariat, and invites all governments to help this effort, and notes with appreciation member participation in the annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, including the organizing of the annual exhibit on Palestinian rights assembled with the help of the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN.

Resolution 55/54 (01 December 2000) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : Aware of the signing of the Oslo Accords and the Sharm el-Sheikh memorandum, and convinced of the importance of world-wide dissemination of information about the Palestinian crisis, and importance of NGO participation in this effort, considers the special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Dept. to be very useful in educating the international community about the Palestinian crisis, and helping the peace process, and requests the Dept. to continue this work in cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, including expanding its range of publications including audio-visual materials, organizing fact-finding missions and seminars for journalists, and media trainings for Palestinian groups and journalists and broadcasters, and to promote the Bethlehem 2000 project, including on the UN website homepage.

Resolution 55/55 (01 December 2000) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : Aware that more than 50 years have passed since the partition of Palestine, and more than 30 years since the beginning of the occupation, and convinced that finding peace between Palestinian people and Israel is the core issue of Middle East peace, and aware that equal rights and self-determination and the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force, are important principles of the UN Charter, and affirming how the settlements are illegal, and that all states have a right to exist within internationally recognized borders, and recalling the mutual recognition between the Israeli government and the PLO, and the signing of the Oslo Accords and Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum, and recalling the withdrawal of the Israeli military in Gaza and Jericho and redeployment in other areas, and noting with satisfaction the first Palestinian elections, but noting the tragic events that have occurred since the incident in East Jerusalem on 28 September 2000 (Sharon entering Mosque compound) that has resulted in high numbers of deaths and injuries amongst mostly Palestinian civilians, and concerned about clashes between Israeli military and Palestinian police, expresses full support for the peace process that began in Madrid and with the signing of the Oslo Accords, and stresses the importance of commitment to the principle of land for peace and the implementation of resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), and calls upon all parties to exert all energy possible to reverse the measures taken on the ground since the 28 September 2000 incident, and stresses the need for ending the occupation, realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people especially the right of self-determination, and resolving the refugee crisis as per UN resolution 194 (III)(1948), and urges all nations to send economic and technical aid the Palestinian people.

Resolution 55/87 (04 December 2000) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : Aware that the development of friendly relations amongst nations is based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination of all peoples, as per the UN Charter, and recalling international human rights law, and hoping for the resumption of peace negotiations, reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including a state, and this is not subject to any veto, and urges all States and groups to support and assist the Palestinian people in realizing this.

Resolution 55/123 (08 December 2000) Assistance to Palestine refugees : Welcoming the signing of the Oslo Accords and the work of the Multilateral Working Group on Refugees in the Middle East, notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees has not occurred, as per UN resolution 194 (III), and the failure of the UN Conciliation Commission to implement this, but expresses appreciation to UNRWA for their efforts, and notes the success of the Peace Implementation Programme of the Agency, but stresses contributions to this Programme must not be at the expense of the General Fund, and welcomes the cooperation between UNRWA and different groups and States involved in the area, urges all States to extend aid to help with economic and social development of the Palestinian people, and repeats concern about the financial problems of UNRWA, and calls upon all donors to help UNRWA with this.

Resolution 55/124 (08 December 2000) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Deeply concerned about the continuing financial problems of UNRWA, which affects the Palestinian people negatively, but commends the work of the Working Group on the Financing of UNRWA, and requests it to continue its work in cooperation with the Secretary-General and Commissioner-General of UNRWA. Welcomes the new unified budget structure which will help with financial transparency of UNRWA.

Resolution 55/125 (08 December 2000) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2252 (1967) and 2341 (1967) and Security Council resolutions 237 (1967) and 259 (1968), and the relevant provisions of the Oslo Accords, reaffirms the right of all displaced persons to return to their homes, and expressing concern that the relevant provisions of the Oslo Accords have not been implemented, endorses the work of UNRWA to aid these displaced people, and strongly appeals to all governments and organizations to help UNRWA with this.

Resolution 55/126 (08 December 2000) Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees : Cognizant of how the refugees have lost everything (homes, livelihood, lands), urges all nations to respond to appeal to help these refugees through UNRWA, including with their educational needs including vocational training and university schooling and scholarships and grants and the proposed University of Jerusalem “Al-Quds” for Palestinian Refugees, and expresses appreciation for those who have helped so far.

Resolution 55/127 (08 December 2000) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Affirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and aware how the Palestinian refugees have lost everything (homes, lands, livelihood) going on 50 years, and gravely concerned about the suffering and loss of life since the recent tragic events following Sharon’s visit to the Mosque compound, and aware of the working relationship established between the UNRWA Advisory Commission and the PLO, expresses its appreciation for the work being done by UNRWA, and the successful start-up of the new headquarters in Gaza, and calls upon Israel to accept the de jure applicability to the Israeli occupation of the Geneva Conventions, to respect the safety and immunities of UN personnel, and to stop interfering with UN movement of vehicles, personnel and re-supply efforts, and to compensate UNRWA for attack on facilities, and requests UNRWA to proceed with plan to issue ID cards to refugees and their descendents, and notes the new context with the signing of the Oslo Accords and commitments to finance development by the World Bank and others, and reiterates its request to the UNRWA Commissioner-General to proceed with modernization of agency archives, and also notes the significant success of the Peace Implementation Programme of UNRWA, but expresses concern about the financial constraints on UNRWA negatively affecting the refugees.

Resolution 55/128 (08 December 2000) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : Recalling resolutions 194 (III)(1948) and 36/146 C (1981), and the principle that “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property”, and the efforts of the UN Conciliation Commission to protect the rights, property and interests of Palestinian refugees (as per UN resolution 394 (V)(1950)), and noting completion of the registration programme for Palestinian refugees and their property and the Land Office has records of all Arab landowners and their holdings, reaffirms that Palestinians have a right to both their property and the income derived from it, and appreciates the efforts being made to modernize all records of the Commission, and calls once more upon Israel to help with this effort, and both parties to deal with the refugee issue within the framework of the Oslo Accords.

Resolution 55/129 (08 December 2000) University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine refugees : Emphasizes the need to strengthen the educational system for the refugees, specifically the need for the proposed University of Jerusalem “Al-Quds” for Palestine Refugees, and calls once more upon Israel to cooperate with this effort.

Resolution 55/130 (08 December 2000) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the UN Charter and international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions, and the Oslo Accords, and “convinced that occupation itself represents a gross violation of human rights”, and gravely concerned about the recent tragic events following Sharon’s visit to the Mosque compound including the Israeli military excessive force against civilians, but hoping that the end of the occupation will soon bring to an end the human rights violations by the Israelis against the Palestinians, commends the work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, and requests that it continue, in cooperation with the Red Cross, and to continue to investigate treatment of prisoners in the occupied territories as well, and requests that the Secretary-General circulate the Special Committee report as widely as possible.

Resolution 55/131 (08 December 2000) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : Noting the meeting of experts concerning the Geneva Conventions application in the Israeli occupation, and the convening of the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to discuss measures for enforcement of the Conventions in the Israeli occupation, demands Israel accept the de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and calls upon all nations party to the Convention to exert as much effort as possible to ensure respect for the Conventions in the Israeli occupation, and reiterates the need for speedy implementation of the Emergency Session resolutions ES-10/3-7 concerning getting Israel to respect the Conventions.

Resolution 55/132 (08 December 2000) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : Guided by the UN Charter, and affirming the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and support for the peace process begun at Madrid, but expressing grave concern for Israel’s continuing settlement activities in violation of international law, the UN Charter, and agreements between the parties, and particularly gravely concerned about the dangerous situation that has developed from the arming of settlers, embodied by the massacre of worshippers in 1994, reaffirms that the settlements are illegal and must be stopped by Israel immediately, and calls upon Israel to accept the de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and Israel must disarm the settlers.

Resolution 55/133 (08 December 2000) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem : Reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and noting the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Jericho and redeployment in other areas, and appreciative of the protective presence of internationals for Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories, but concerned about ongoing violation of Palestinian human rights “including the use of collective punishment, closure of areas, annexation and establishment of settlements and the continuing actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem”, and deeply concerned about the tragic events following Sharon’s visit to the Mosque compound on 28 September 2000 leading to numerous deaths and injuries amongst Palestinian civilians, and the severe restrictions on Palestinian civilians and goods, determines that all actions by Israel in violation of the Geneva Conventions and numbers of resolutions are illegal and invalid and should cease immediately, condemns violence especially excessive use by Israeli military against Palestinian civilians, and demands Israel stop all violations of Palestinian human rights, and stresses the need to preserve territorial integrity, freedom of movement, and to accelerate the release of Palestinians arbitrarily imprisoned as per agreements signed by the parties.

Resolution 55/134 (08 December 2000) The occupied Syrian Golan : Reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and welcoming the peace process begun in Madrid centered on UN resolutions 242 (1967) and 338(1973), and recalling previous resolutions calling for end of occupation of Syrian Golan, and the illegality of Israel imposing its laws and jurisdiction and administration on the Syrian Golan, calls upon Israel to obey relevant resolutions to the Syrian Golan occupation, especially UN resolution 497 (1981), and determines that these actions by Israel are flagrant violations of international law and especially the Geneva Conventions, and calls upon Israel to stop it, and also stop imposing on Syrian citizens Israeli citizenship and ID cards and other repressive measures against them, and once more calls upon all member-nations not to give recognition to Israel’s measures in Syrian Golan.

Resolution 55/173 (14 December 2000) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Welcoming the signing of the Oslo Accords and the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum, but gravely concerned about the tragic events following Sharon’s visit to the Mosque compound, and about the difficult economic situation of the Palestinian people, and how the occupation interferes with development, and thus conscious of the need for international assistance, and of all the UN-sponsored international conferences to help the Palestinian people, expresses appreciation to all member-nations and groups who have assisted the Palestinian people, including the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the PLO and PA, and urges all to continue to aid the Palestinian people, and to open their markets to Palestinian goods, and to fulfill their pledges of aid, and to implement the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations (29 April 1994), and suggests a 2001 UN-sponsored seminar on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 55/180 (19 December 2000) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Recalling past resolutions establishing, financing and renewing the mandate of UNIFIL, and how the costs are spread amongst member-nations, and decisions to manage UNIFIL finances through special procedures, noting with appreciation voluntary donations to UNIFIL, but concerned about the financial problems of the Force, deeply concerned that Israel has not complied with resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227 and 54/267, concerning compensation for attacking UNIFIL facilities, rges all members to meet their financial obligations and give voluntary contributions if possible, and appropriates approximately $86 million plus $50 million, and requests the Force to work on reducing expenses such as by hiring local staff, and reiterates that no peace-keeping mission shall be financed by borrowing from another peace-keeping mission.

Resolution 55/209 (20 December 2000) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : Reaffirming the principle of the permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources”, and that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and that the settlements are detrimental to the economy and society of the Palestinian people, especially because of the confiscation of Palestinian lands and forced diversion of water resources to them, and expresses concern over Israel’s exploitation of the natural resources of the occupied territories, reaffirms the need to resume peace negotiations based on the principle of land for peace, reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian and Arab peoples over their natural resources including land and water, and calls on Israel not to exploit them or deplete them, and recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to claim compensation for the losses suffered so far.

Resolution ES-10/8 (20 December 2001) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Emphasizing a just and lasting peace based on resolutions 242 and 338, and emphasizing the important role of the PA in achieving that peace, and condemning all terrorism which threatens civilians, and all extradudicary executions and excessive use of force and destruction of property, and emphasizing the need for Israel to obey the Geneva Conventions, and that all sides should follow the recommendations of the Sharm el-Sheikh investigation and Mitchell Report, calls for the creation of a monitoring system to monitor implementation of these recommendations, and the resumption of negotiations.

Resolution ES-10/9 (20 December 2001) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Recalling special meeting of the High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions and their recommendations including its applicability to the occupation, and the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and reaffirming the position of the international community on the Israeli settlements that they are illegal and an obstacle to peace, and expressing concern at Israeli actions against Palestinian institutions in Eastern Jerusalem, as well as illegal actions to change the status and demographic composition of Jerusalem, expresses full support and calls upon all nations to support the declaration by the Committee mentioned above of High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions.

Resolution 55/180 B (14 June 2001) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Reaffirming Res. 49/233A concerning peacekeeping budgetary cycles, and expressing concern with Israel's violation of resolutions 52/237, 43/227, 54/267 and 55/180A, and taking note of contributions to UNIFIL (including outstanding obligations) through the Tax Equalization Fund (TEF), thanks those nations fulfilling obligations, and continues to ask Israel to reimburse the Force for damages sustained from attack on Qana in 1996, asks Force to make use of base and equipment in Italy as much as possible to save on costs, decides to reduce appropriation from about $233.6 million to about $207.15 million, and resets amounts to ask for from member-states through TEF, re-emphasizes that no peace-keeping missions shall be financed at the expense of other peace-keeping missions, and asks for voluntary contributions from member-states.

Resolution 55/264 (14 June 2001) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Noting the hardships of the staff upon moving to Camp Faouar in Gaza and their efforts to address them, and noting the state of financial contributions to the UNDOF (including outstanding ones), and expressing appreciation to those nations who have fulfilled their obligations, endorses use of base in Italy to save costs, and to continue to recruit local people for staff, decides to appropriate about $71 million total, some from special fund and some from apportionments spread amongst member-states, commits to not taking from one peace-keeping mission to finance another, and to ask all member-states for voluntary contributions.

Resolution 56/21 (29 November 2001) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : While recognizing the right of all nations to develop nuclear energy and to be free from attack upon their facilities, emphasizes the provisions of such a zone - for the member-states to commit not to purchase or build any nuclear weapons, and to place all of their nuclear facilities under the IAEA safeguards, and asks all member-states in the region to obey these recommendations, and notes the ongoing negotiations including those of the Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security.

Resolution 56/27 (29 November 2001) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : Cognizant of the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, and mindful of the 1995 and year 2000 Conferences reaffirming the non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons treaty, and noting the importance of creating a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East, but also noting that Israel remains the only state in the Middle East with nuclear weapons who has not signed onto the treaty, calls upon Israel to cooperate in creating a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East, and to sign onto the Nuclear Weapons non-proliferation treaty

Resolution 56/29 (29 November 2001) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : Recalling relevant resolutions, especially 55/38, and noting the growing dialog and contributions amongst the Meditarranean nations, which contributes to peace world-wide, but noting also the ongoing military conflicts that are also in the area adding to tensions, commends the Mediterranean countries for their efforts, which includes eliminating disparity in incomes and supporting the self-determination and respect all human rights of all peoples, and encourages all efforts to continue including efforts to greater military transparency, and cooperate in anti-terrorism efforts and international crime efforts.

Resolution 56/31 (03 December 2001) Jerusalem : Recalling resolution 478 where the Security Council decided not to recognize the Israeli Basic Law giving Jerusalem special status as the united capitol of Israel, and called upon all states opening diplomatic missions in Jerusalem to move them elsewhere, determines that all efforts by Israel to change the status of Jerusalem are illegal and therefore null and void, and deplores the actions of some countries to move their international missions to Jerusalem as violations of UN resolutions.

Resolution 56/32 (03 December 2001) The Syrian Golan : Recalling resolution 497 (1981) and that acquisition of territory by force is illegal as per international law and the UN Charter, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and the illegality of the Israeli settlements, and expresses deep concern that Israel still has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, and the halt of the peace talks with Syria, declares Israel in violation of UN resolution 497 (1981), and to thus reverse its actions changing the status of the Syrian Golan, which is thus now de-facto annexation, which is illegal, and asks all member-states to help with the situation.

Resolution 56/33 (03 December 2001) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : Recalling relevant resolutions, signing of the Oslo Accords, and the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, endorses the conclusions and recommendations of this report, and commends the Committee for its efforts, and authorizes the Committee to continue, and requests the UN Conciliation Commission to cooperate with the Committee, and asks the Secretary-General to circulate the report to all competent bodies in the UN whom should taken appropriate action.

Resolution 56/34 (03 December 2001) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Commends the Division, and requests that it continue, especially its cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, to use the UN Information System to set up meetings and distribute info about Palestine, and "the Question of Palestine", and invites all UN bodies and members to cooperate with the Division in this work. Also notes with appreciation the annual observation of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and maintenance of the annual exhibit on Palestinian rights done in cooperation with the UN Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine.

Resolution 56/35 (03 December 2001) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretaria : Aware of the Oslo Accords signed and partially implemented, and of the importance of spreading information about the conflict, and declaring satisfaction with the Bethlehem 2000 project, expresses appreciation for the work of the UN Dept. of Information, and requests its continual cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, to continue with its Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine, which includes outreach to the media and media training for Palestinians.

Resolution 56/36 (03 December 2001) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : Aware that more than 50 years has passed since resolution 181 was passed, and 34 years has passed since the beginning of the occupation, and that equal rights and the right of self-determination are amongst the purposes and principles of the UN, and that acquisition of territory by force is illegal, and that the Israeli settlements and changing the status of Jerusalem are both illegal, but that all nations in the region have the right to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, and recalling now with satisfaction signing of the Oslo Accords and the subsequent mutual recognition between Israel and the PA, and the subsequent Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Jericho areas and redeployment in other areas, and now the Palestinian elections, and the appointing of a Personal Representative from the PA and PLO to the Secretary General, as well as the convening of the Conference to Support Middle East Peace, but expressing deep concern about the beginning of the second Intifada leading to many deaths leading to many closures and Israeli military incursions in the occupied territories, and thus urging the parties to implement the Sharm el-Sheikh /Mitchell Committee recommendations, and stressing the necessity for the land-for-peace approach of resolutions 242 and 338, realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, as well as Israel withdrawing from Palestinian territory, and urges all member-states to lend aid and assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 56/40 (07 December 2001) Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : Taking into consideration the report of the Secretary-General on cooperating with regional groups and alliances, commends the League for its work to foster cooperation between Arab states, and asks that the cooperation continue, and that the various bodies of the UN help the League reach its goals.

Resolution 56/47 (07 December 2001) Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference : Recalling resolution 3369 (1975) inviting the Organization of the Islamic Conference to participate in the UN as an observer, and their continued and growing cooperation and common goals, and requests that the cooperation continue, and that the relevant bodies of the UN support it and assist it.

Resolution 56/52 (10 December 2001) Assistance to Palestine refugees : Recalling resolutions 194 of 1948 and 55/123 of 2000, and the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, and the work of the Multilateral Working Group on Refugees of the Middle East, notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the 1948 refugees still has not occurred, and expresses appreciation to the UN Conciliation Commission for its efforts on behalf of the refugees, and the increased cooperation amongst many non-profit groups on behalf of the refugees, urges all states to help the refugees more, but notes how the shortage of funds hurts the efforts to help the refugees.

Resolution 56/53 (10 December 2001) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Thanks and commends the efforts of the Working Group for its efforts to find financing for UNRWA, and for its streamlining of UNRWA budgeting for example, and requests it to continue with these efforts.

Resolution 56/54 (10 December 2001) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : Taking note of previous UN resolutions on the matter, and the Oslo agreements on the matter, which have not been implemented, reaffirms the right of return to their homes and communities in the occupied territories of all persons displaced by the fighting in 1967, and asks that the Oslo procedures for their return be implemented very quickly, but in the meantime endorses the efforts of UNRWA to aid those displaced persons, many of whom are extremely desperate, and strongly appeals to all member-states to contribute generously to UNRWA to help with this mission.

Resolution 56/55 (10 December 2001) Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees : Cognizant that for 50 years Palestinian refugees have lost everything, urges all member-states and specialized NGO's to aid UNRWA in aiding the refugees educational needs, especially higher education, such as the proposed University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" program, and for vocational training, and expresses appreciation to those that already have.

Resolution 56/56 (10 December 2001) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Affirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupied territories, and the Conventions on the privileges and immunities of UN personnel, and how the Palestinian refugees have lost everything for over 50 years, and of all their needs throughout the territories and in the camps in surrounding countries, and appreciative of the good work of UNRWA including its Peace Implementation Programme even as it suffers with a severe financial crisis, but of the decline in conditions in the territories due to recent events including events around Jersualem, including economic impacts due to closures and restrictions on travel, despite the Oslo agreements and others, including the new working relationship between the UNRWA Advisory Commission and the PLO, which it appreciates, calls upon Israel to accept the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and to abide by the UN Charter, especially articles 100, 104 and 105, and to respect the rights and protections for UN personnel and its movements around the area, and to compensate UNRWA for damage to its facilities caused by Israel, and calls upon Israel to cease its policies restricting Palestinian commerce as well, and to allow cooperate with UNRWA and its efforts with the World Bank as per the Oslo Agreements to aid Palestinian economic development, including issuing Palestinian refugees ID cards, and its microfinance, enterprise and peace programmes, as well as the modernizing of its archives. Notes also UNRWA financial crisis and urges all member-states to help out.

Resolution 56/57 (10 December 2001) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : Noting previous resolutions on this matter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international laws that forbid arbitrary deprivation of a persons' property rights, and the report of the UN Conciliation Commission mandated to help protect Arab property in Israel and completion of its program to register that property, reaffirms the rights of Palestinian refugees to their property in Israel, and any income derived from it, calls upon Israel to cooperate with the Commission in this work.

Resolution 56/58 (10 December 2001) University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine refugees : emphasizes the need to fulfill the educational needs of the Palestinian people living in the occupied territories, especially the fulfillment of this university program, and calls upon Israel to cooperate with this effort and stop hindering it.

Resolution 56/59 (10 December 2001) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the Geneva Conventions and international human rights law, and recalling the Oslo agreements, and convinced that the occupation itself represents a gross violation of human rights, and aware of the impact of the intifada and the excessive force of the Israeli response, commends the work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, and demands that Israel cooperate with the Special Committee, and deplores those Israeli practices exposed by the Special Committee which violate human rights, and condemns the Israeli actions which have led to more than 700 Palestinian deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, and requests that the Special Committee continue its work, including the treatment of prisoners, and asks the Secretary-General to give maximum support to the Committee and distribution of its reports.

Resolution 56/60 (10 December 2001) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : Considering the reports of the Special Committee Investigating Israeli Practices… and noting the convening the meeting of the high contracting parties to the Geneva Conventions concerning application of the Conventions to the Palestinian occupied territories, including issues involving Jerusalem, stresses that the Geneva Conventions completely apply to the territories, and that Israel must accept the de jure applicability of the Conventions to its occupation, and asks all states party to the Conventions to influence Israel to obey them, and reiterates the need for speedy implementation of the recommendations of the emergency resolutions passed since 1997.

Resolution 56/61 (10 December 2001) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : Considering the UN Charter, the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, the ongoing peace process, and the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, expresses grave concern about Israel continuing settlement activity in violation of international humanitarian law, UN resolutions, and previous mutual agreements, and the massacre of Palestinian worshippers in a mosque by illegal Israeli settlers, reaffirms that the settlements are illegal, and demands immediate cessation of their construction, and calls for full implementation of UN SC resolution 904 calling for disarmament of Israeli settlers and guarantee protections for Palestinian civilians.

Resolution 56/62 (10 December 2001) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem : Having considered the reports of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories and of the UN Human Rights Inquiry Commission, and reaffirming the principle that territory gained by force is illegally held, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and stressing the need for implementation and compliance with previous peace agreements, while noting serious Israeli incursions in violation of these agreements, determines that all Israeli actions in violation of the Geneva Conventions are illegal and invalid, and must cease immediately, including extrajudicial killings and other violations of Palestinian human rights, and condemns Israeli excessive use of force, and should remove restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement including access to and from Jerusalem.

Resolution 56/63 (10 December 2001) The Occupied Syrian Golan : considering Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and the principle that territory taken by force is inadmissible, and deeply concerning about continuing Israeli occupation of Syrian Golan in violation of UN resolutions, calls for an end to the Israeli occupation, and its illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan, welcomes the convening of the Mardrid Peace Conference, but calls upon Israel to end occupation and annexation of the Syrian Golan, which has been deemed illegal as per UN SC resolution 497 (1981), and to end its settlement construction there, and imposition of Israeli citizenship and ID cards upon the Syrian residents there, in violation of the Geneva Conventions, and calls upon all member-states not to recognize Israel's laws putting this into effect.

Resolution 56/111 (14 December 2001) Assistance to the Palestinian People : Welcoming the signing of the Oslo Accords and Sharm el-Sheikh memorandum, but concerned about the serious economic and employment conditions suffered by the Palestinian people living in the occupied territories, and how difficult development is during an occupation, but noting the UN Seminar on assistance to the Palestinian people, and noting the appointments of a UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and a Personal Representative of Secretary-General to the PLO and PA, and support coming from the World Bank, and other committees working on the problem, expresses appreciation to all those who have helped, and to continue to do so, and to open their markets to Palestinian goods, and suggests UN sponsored 2002 Seminar on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 56/142 (19 December 2001) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : aware that friendly relations between nations based on mutual self-respect is a major principle defining the work of the UN, and international human rights law and programmes, hopes for an immediate resumption of the Middle East peace process, and reaffirming the right of all states in the region to live in peace and security with internationally recognized borders, reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and hopes they will soon be able to, and urges all states and NGO's to support them in this goal.

Resolution 56/204 (21 December 2001) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : reaffirming the right of an occupied people to permanent sovereignty over their own natural resources, and the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and aware of how the Israeli settlements involve confiscation of Palestinian lands and usage of their natural resources, takes note of the socio-economic impact of the occupation upon the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, calls upon Israel to stop exploitation and depletion of Palestinian resources, and recognizes the right of the Palestinians to claim restitution for the losses they have already suffered, and hopes this issued will be covered in the final status negotiations stemming from the Oslo Accords.

Resolution 56/214 A (21 December 2001) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : noting the financial crisis of UNIFIL, and expresses appreciation for the contributions already made, and noting numbers of Israeli violations of UN resolutions, and reiterates its concern that all UN peace keeping missions be treated equally, encourages the Secretary-General to continue to find ways that UNIFIL costs can be reduced, and thus decides to appropriate approximately $243 million dollars for the force, and ask member-states to contribute approximately $31 million dollars more, and asks the Secretary-General to look for more ways to both protect UN staff in the region, and collect more contributions.

Resolution 56/214 B (27 June 2002) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Recalling UN SC resolution 425 (1978) establishing the UNIFL, and expressing appreciation for the voluntary contributions and fulfilled financial obligations to UNIFL, but noting its financial crisis including the depletion of reserve funds due to lapsed donations, which have contributed to late financing for other peace-keeping missions especially in Africa, which will not happen again, repeats request to utilize the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy and to employ local people as staff to save funds, decides to appropriate about $117,100,000 to finance UNIFL, to be apportioned amongst member-states proportionally, and invites voluntary donations to help out the Force.

Resolution 56/294 (27 June 2002) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Recalling UN SC resolution 350 (1974) establishing the UNDOF, expressing appreciation for the voluntary donations to the Force, but noting the lapsed commitments which has led to depletion of reserved financial resources, and the subsequent delay in funding for other peace-keeping missions, such as in Africa, but commits to equality in funding in the future, reiterates request to utilize the UN Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy to save costs, decides to appropriate about $40,700,000 for the Force for the next year, to be apportioned amongst member states proportionally less contributions they have already made, and invites all member-states to make voluntary donations to help with the financing of the UNDOP.

Resolution ES-10/10 (07 May 2002) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and recalling previous UN resolutions, including the resolutions of the tenth emergency special session on illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and expressing grave concern about the tragic and violent events of the 2nd Intifada, including destruction of PA institutions, and condemnation of the grave violations of international humanitarian law by the Israeli military actions and seige of the Jenin Refugee Camp, other Palestinian cities and Moslem and Christian holy sites including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (ongoing seige only), and noting Israeli non-cooperation with the UN Secretary-General fact-finding mission concerning Jenin, and deploring Israeli disregard for UN resolutions and stressing the need for full accountability for this, but welcomes special peace envoys from the USA, Russia and the EU, demands the immediate implementation of UN SC resolution 1402 (2002), and calls for the full implementation of the declaration of the high contracting parties to the Geneva Conventions to get Israel to obey the Convention, and demands that Israel stop interfering with the humanitarian work of NGO's like the ICRC and UNRWA, and calls upon all concerned parties to help with the humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories, to help with the rebuilding of PA facilities, and to bring the parties back to negotiations for peace and the establishment of a Palestinian State.

Resolution ES-10/11 (05 August 2002) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Recalling recent resolutions on Israeli actions pertaining to Jerusalem and the occupied Palestinian territories and reports concerning Israeli actions in Jenin and other Palestinian cities, and strongly deploring Israeli lack of cooperation including violations of the Geneva Conventions, and gravely concerned over the violent events of the 2nd Intifada, and stressing the need to end the occupation, and condemning any and all attacks on civilians, demands an end to all military actions, and immediate withdrawal of Israeli military from Palestinian population centers to positions held prior to September, 2000, stresses the need to respect all human rights, and all medical and human rights organizations including access to Palestinian civilians, and calls upon all to bring aid to the Palestinian population, and for the high contracting parties to implement their declarations of 2001 calling for ways to force the Israelis to respect the Geneva Conventions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Resolution 57/42 (21 November 2002) Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference : Recalling resolution 3369 (XXX) wherein it was decided to invite the Organization of the Islamic Conference to participate in UN General Assembly sessions as an official observer, and considering the ongoing desire of both organizations to continue cooperation in every area and field, welcomes and encourages this cooperation and requests that it continue at every level.

Resolution 57/46 (21 November 2002) Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : Recalling the relevant UN resolutions wherein cooperation between the League and the UN General Assembly was commenced, and commending the League's effort to get the Arab States to all cooperate with each other, and considering the ongoing desire of both organizations to continue cooperation in every area and field, welcomes and encourages this cooperation and requests that it continue at every level, including trainings and consultations for each other.

Resolution 57/55 (20 December 2002) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : recalling dozens of previous resolutions calling for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, thus again asks all nations in the region to commit to not to create, buy or possess nuclear weapons, or to accept placement of nuclear weapons by a third party upon their territory, and to agree to place their nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, but also reaffirming the right of all nations to acquire and develop nuclear energy facilities, and to forbid attack on nuclear facilities, and supporting general disarmament in the region as well, and notes the ongoing bilateral peace negotiations, and asks all parties in the region to work toward these goals.

Resolution 57/97 (22 December 2002) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : Cognizant that the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East would pose a serious threat to international peace, and mindful of the need to place all nuclear facilities under the safeguards of the IAEA and of the terms of the nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty, and noting that Israel remains the only country in the Middle East not to sign the treaty, and urging all countries to take the practical steps to realize a nuclear-weapon-free-zone in the Middle East, calls upon Israel to sign that treaty and obey its requests.

Resolution 57/99 (22 December 2002) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : Recognizing and expressing appreciation for the efforts made so far toward bringing peace to the Mediterranean region, including the cooperative efforts of all the nations of the region working together toward peace, reaffirms the connection of Mediterranean peace to European security, and peace and security for the world, appreciates the work toward elimination of class differences, and encourages them to continue to do so, including fighting drug and arms trafficking and other crimes.

Resolution 57/107 (03 December 2002) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : Recalling the Oslo Accords which included mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, and expressing its appreciation for the work of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and requests the Committee to continue its work toward realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, toward supporting the peace process, and toward mobilizing international support for the Palestinian people, to cooperate with the UN Conciliation Commission, all within the framework of the UN Question of Palestine program.

Resolution 57/108 (03 December 2002) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Considering that the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat continues to make a useful and constructive contribution toward resolving the conflict and helping the Palestinian people, working with the other UN committees, including organizing meetings all over the world for them, helping the UN Information System expand its document collection on the Question of Palestine, and with distribution, help with training of PA staff, and help with the organizing of annual exhibit on Palestinian rights as part of UN observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November, invites all governments to cooperate with the Division, and the Secretary-General to continue to support its work.

Resolution 57/109 (03 December 2002) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : Recalling the signing of the Oslo Accords which included mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, and convinced of the importance of world-wide distribution of information about the struggle of the Palestinian people for their inalienable rights, notes with appreciation the special information program on the question of Palestine put on by the UN Department of Public Information of the Secretariat in response to resolution 56/35, and requests that the Department continue this work in full cooperation with the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and to dessiminate info and publications on all the UN programs relating to the question of Palestine, including audio-visual materials, keeping them up-to-date, and organizing fact-finding news missions and seminars for journalists in the area, including areas under control of the PA, and to continue to train Palestinians in media production as well.

Resolution 57/110 (03 December 2002) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : Affirming the commitment to the two state solution and a speedy end to the Israeli occupation and realization of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and that equal rights and self-determination are central principles of the UN Charter, and acquisition of territory by force is not admissible, and that the Israeli settlements and changing the status of Jerusalem are both illegal, and recalling the mutual recognition of the Oslo Accords, but regarding with grave concerns the violent events of the 2nd Intifada and the resulting re-occupation of Palestinian-controlled areas, reaffirms the neccessity of the peace process, including the Arab initiative of March, 2002, and asks all member-states to help with this, especially the Quartet.

Resolution 57/111 (03 December 2002) Jerusalem : reaffirms all previous resolutions declaring Israel's efforts to change the status of Jerusalem, including passage of its "Basic Law: Jerusalem", to be illegal, null and void, and asked all member-states not to recognize the change of national capitol to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, and thus deplores the action of some states to move their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem from Tel-Aviv. Also important is protection of all holy places and free access to them.

Resolution 57/112 (03 December 2002) The Syrian Golan : reaffirming the fundamental principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, the applicability of the Hague Regulations and Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and calls upon all parties to obey them, and the illegality of Israeli settlements in the area, expresses deep concern that Israel still has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan contrary to previous UN resolutions, and the halt of peace negotiations with Syria, declares null and void Israeli attempt to impose its laws and jurisdiction upon the Golan and its Syrian inhabitants and calls upon Israel to rescind it and demands that Israel withdraw from the Golan and resume peace negotiations with Syria.

Resolution 57/117 (11 December 2002) Assistance to Palestine refugees : aware of 5 decades wherein the Palestinian refugees have lost everything, and the essential role of UNRWA in solving the refugee problems which are of the highest priority for the UN including within the occupied territories, and aware of the work of the Multilateral Working Group on Refugees of the Middle East peace process, notes with regret that repatriation and compensation as per UN resolution 194 (III) has not been implemented, and requests the UN Conciliation Commission to continue to seek a way to fulfill that resolution, and affirms the work of UNRWA on behalf of the Palestinian refugees, and asks all donors to help UNRWA financially.

Resolution 57/118 (11 December 2002) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Commends the work of the Working Group on the Financing of UNRWA, and requests the group to continue with this work.

Resolution 57/119 (11 December 2002) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : reaffirms the right of return of all persons displaced by the fighting in 1967, and expresses concern that the Oslo Accord mechanisms implementing their right of return has not been implemented, and meanwhile endorses the efforts of UNRWA to help these displaced peoples, and asks all member-states to lend help to both efforts.

Resolution 57/120 (11 December 2002) Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees : expresses appreciation to all groups who have assisted in the past with Palestinian educational needs, reiterates UN appeal for assistance with educational and training grants and scholarships for Palestinian refugees, as well as Palestinian universities in the occupied territories including the proposed University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestinian refugees.

Resolution 57/121 (11 December 2002) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : affirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation and that Israel should obey it as well as the UN Charter and Conventions protecting UN personnel and facilities, and aware of the continuing needs and increasing suffering of the Palestinian refugees both in the occupied territories and the surrounding Arab nations, and gravely concerned about the recent events in the Jenin refugee camp, as well as damage to and movement restriction of UN facilities and personnel in the area, as well as the economic struggles of UNRWA, expresses appreciation for the work of both UNRWA and the nations that have helped it out, and takes note of the functioning of UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City, and urges Israel to compensate the UN for damage to its facilities, and asks UNRWA to continue distributing ID cards to Palestinian refugees, and its economic efforts to create economic stability, and asks all donor states and groups to contribute to UNRWA.

Resolution 57/122 (11 December 2002) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : recalling international human rights law, and noting completion of program to ID all Arab refugee property,

Resolution 57/123 (11 December 2002) University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine refugees : emphasizing the educational needs of the Palestinian occupied territories, and especially for the proposed University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine Refugees, calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to work toward realization of the University as per GA resolution 35/13B (1980), and calls upon Israel, the occupying power to cooperate and no longer hinder its realization either.

Resolution 57/124 (11 December 2002) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the Geneva Conventions, and other international humanitarian and human rights laws, and convinced that the Israeli occupation represents a gross violation of human rights, and gravely concerned about the ongoing 2nd Intifada, including Israel's excessive use of force, but expressing hope following the signing of the Oslo Accords and that Israel's occupation will thus end soon, commends the Committee, and reiterates it demand that Israel cooperate with the Committee, and deplores Israeli practices and policies which violate human rights in the occupied territories, requests the Committee to continue its work until the occupation comes to an end, including consulting with the Red Cross, and investigations of the treatment of prisoners and detainees, and requests the Secretary-General to assist the Committee and distribute widely its reports.

Resolution 57/125 (11 December 2002) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : Having considered the report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, and noting the recent meeting in Geneva of experts on the Geneva Conventions, and stressing that Israel must comply with international humanitarian and human rights laws, reaffirms the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and demands that Israel accept this applicability de jure, and that it obey the Conventions scrupulously.

Resolution 57/126 (11 December 2002) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : Guided by the UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and recalling the signing of the Oslo Accords, and aware of the multiple illegal activities involved in the Israeli settlements (illegal population transfer, confiscation of land, exploitation of native natural resources, etc.) including their ongoing expansion, and the way the settlements interfere with the peace process in general, including the ongoing actions of the armed Israeli settlers (including the massacre of Arab worshippers at Al-Khalil), reaffirms the illegality of the settlements and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and that Israel must stop all settlement expansion and illegal actions by armed settlers.

Resolution 57/127 (11 December 2002) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : reaffirming that territory acquired by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and stressing the importance of full compliance with previous peace plans, but concerned about ongoing Israeli violations of international law (such as collective punishment, area closures, home demolitions, destruction of property, settlement expansion, limiting movement of Palestinian people and goods, mistreatment of prisoners, extrajudicial killings, and including changing the legal, demographic and geographic compositions of the territories including Jerusalem), demands Israel comply fully with the Geneva Conventions, and condemns all use of force, and especially Israeli excessive use of force, and what recently happened in Jenin.

Resolution 57/128 (11 December 2002) The occupied Syrian Golan : reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and the basic principle that acquisition of territory by force is not acceptable, therefore opposes the actions by Israel taken on 14 December 1981 to absorb the Syrian Golan into itself as illegal, as per SC resolution 497, and calls upon Israel not to transform the physical characteristics of the Syrian Golan, and stop imposing Israeli citizenship and IDs on the Arab inhabitants of that land, and calls upon member-states not to give recognition to Israel's attempt to absorb the Syrian Golan.

Resolution 57/147 (16 December 2002) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Noting the economic struggle of the Palestinian people largely due to the occupation, and the efforts of the UN to help them (such as recent Seminar, appointment of UN Special Coordinator, appointment of the Personal Representative to PLO, the work of the World Bank and the Joint Liaison Group, establishment of the Ad Hoc Liaison, and more), also notes the work of various member-states, and urges more in cooperation with the PLO, and to open their markets to Palestinian products, and pledges to be fulfilled, and stresses the implementation of the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations, and suggests the convening of another Seminar on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 57/188 (18 December 2002) Situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : Recalling the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and concerned that many children in the occupation are deprived of basic rights, as a consequence of ongoing Israeli sieges over Palestinian population centers, and thus demands that Israel comply with the international laws covering the rights of children, as well as the Geneva Conventions, and asks all member-states to help out the Palestinian people.

Resolution 57/198 (18 December 2002) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : Recalling international human rights law, and the urgent need to resume peace negotiations, and the right of all nations to live in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders, "reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine", and asks all member-states and organizations to support this.

Resolution 57/269 (20 December 2002) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and reaffirming the basic principle that people have permanent sovereignty over their own resources, and thus expressing concern over Israeli exploitation of the resources of the occupied territories while destroying extensively agricultural lands including orchards, and the detrimental impact of the settlements on the Palestinian economy, calls upon Israel to stop exploiting Palestinian resources, and recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to claim restitution for those resources already exploited by Israel.

Resolution ES-10/12 (19 September 2003) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : recalling recent UN resolutions and Emergency Special Sessions, reiterates grave concern about the violent events of the 2nd Intifada, including condemning suicide bombings and extrajudicial killings by Israeli military, and illegal deportations of Palestinians, demanding that Israel stop these illegal practices, and respect the Geneva Conventions, and expresses full support for the Road Map to peace proposed by the Quartet.

Resolution ES-10/13 (21 October 2003) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Recalling its previous resolutions on the matter, and the principle of how acquisition of territory by force in inadmissible, and reaffirming the two-state solution, and condemning all acts of terrorism and violence most notably both the suicide bombings and the extrajudicial assassinations, and stressing the urgency to end the occupation of 1967, and expressing concern that the route planned for the Israeli wall in the West Bank would lead to a large humanitarian crisis and make the two-state solution impossible, calls upon Israel to thus reverse construction of the wall, and to fully respect the Geneva Conventions, including stopping all settlement activity which it sees as de facto annexation of Palestinian lands, and calls upon all parties to the conflict to fulfill their obligations under the Road Map to peace, including the obligations of the PA to halt Palestinian terrorists and the Israelis to stop undermining trust with such practices as deportations, extrajudicial killings and attacks on civilians.

Resolution ES-10/14 (08 December 2003) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Guided by the UN Charter and the principle that territory acquired by force is inadmissible, and the principles of human rights and self-determination of the UN Charter, and reaffirming the applicability of both the Geneva Conventions and the additional Protocols of 1977, and the Hague Regulations of 1907, and the declaration of the Conferences of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions meeting in 1999 and 2001, and recalling relevant UN resolutions declaring the settlements illegal and demanding an end to all settlement activity, and that Israeli actions to change the legal status and demographic composition of East Jerusalem have no validity and are null and void, and gravely concerned about the wall being constructed throughout the West Bank devastating the lives and property of thousands of civilians, and noting the unanimous international opposition to the wall, and affirming that the two-state solution following the 1949 borders must be the goal of peace negotiations, and noting how the passage of time makes things worse as Israel refuses to comply with all of this, requests the International Court of Justice to render and advisory opinion on the following question: "What are the legal consequences arising from the construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, as described in the report of the Secretary-General, considering the rules and principles of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions?"

Resolution 57/324 (18 June 2003) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Recalling UN resolutions establishing the UNDOF, and the necessity of adequate financing, taking note of and expressing appreciation for contributions, but noting unfulfilled pledges and expressing concern about financial problems of UN peace-keeping efforts and resulting delay of some operations, especially in Africa, and thus urges all members to fulfill their obligations, and thus repeats request for UNDOP to fully utilize facilities in Brindisi, Italy, and to hire local staff to save funds, and to appoint soon the position of Deputy Force Commander as recommended by the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and fill three general staff posts also recommended, while eliminating the vacant Field Service Driver position, and decides to appropriate about $42,000,000 for the maintenance of the Force, and commits to the principle that no longer will any UN Peace-Keeping Force be financed by borrowing from another one, and invites voluntary contributions from member-nations.

Resolution 57/325 (18 June 2003) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : recalling past UN resolutions establishing and financing the UNIFL, and relevant UN reports, and noting with appreciation voluntary contributions to the UNIFL, but mindful of and expresses concern over the continuing financial problems of the Force, and expresses concern about Israeli violation of UN resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267, 55/180 A & B, and 56/214 A & B, and reiterates that Israel should obey these resolutions, reiterates request for full usage of UN facilities at Brindisi, Italy and to hire local staff to minimize costs for the Force, and reiterates need to hire General Service staff and Deputy Force Commander position to increase the efficiency of the Force, and reiterates commitment to non-discrimination and non-favoritism in financing for all UN Peace-Keeping Missions, and demands that Israel reimburse the UN $1,117,005 for destruction of UN facilities at Qana in 1996, decides to appropriate for maintenance of the Force about $94,000,000, and invites all member-states to fulfill their obligations and give voluntary contributions.

Resolution 58/18 (03 December 2003) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : "Having considered the report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People" and the Oslo Accords involving mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, and welcoming the Road Map to Peace presented by the Quartet, expresses appreciation to the Committee for its work, and requests the Committee to continue, including cooperation with Palestinian civil organizations, including the UN Conciliation Commission, and invites all nations to help out with this effort.

Resolution 58/19 (03 December 2003) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Considers that the Division continues to make a constructive contribution to the effort to protect the Palestinian people, and urges continuation of this work including document collection through the UN Information System on the Question of Palestine, the maximum distribution of materials on the conflict, the training of PA staff, cooperation with the UN Dept. of Public Information, observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and the organizing of the annual exhibit on Palestinian rights in cooperation with the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine, all in cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and invites all governments to help with this work.

Resolution 58/20 (03 December 2003) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information : "Convinced that the worldwide dissemination of accurate and comprehensive information and the role of civil society organizations and institutions remain of vital importance in heightening awareness of and support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people", and recalling the mutual recognition of the Oslo Accords, and welcoming the Road Map to Peace presented by the Quartet, notes with appreciation the action taken by the Dept. of Public Information of the Secretariat in compliance with resolution 56/35 (2001) to continue to dessiminate info about the Question of Palestine to media and to provide media training to Palestinians in the occupied territories, and to continue this work in cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, including updating materials, expanding audio-visual materials, fact-finding missions for journalists, organizing seminars for journalists, and providing media training to Palestinians in the occupied territories. NOTE: reissued for technical reasons.

Resolution 58/21 (03 December 2003) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : Welcoming the vision of the two-state solution, and noting the passage of 56 years since the partition of Palestine by resolution 181 (II) and 36 years since the beginning of the occupation, and the peace between Israel and Palestine is core to a stable and peaceful Middle East, and aware that the principle of self-determination is a core principle of the UN Charter, and that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and reaffirming the illegality of the Israeli settlements and the wall construction within the occupied territories, and reaffirming the right of all states to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, but expressing grave concern over the tragic events of the 2nd Intifada leading to great loss of life and property amongst the Palestinians and destruction of PA facilities, and the reoccupation of PA controlled areas by the Israeli military, and condemning all acts of violence against civilians, reaffirms the necessity of the peace process to continue, and welcomes the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, and calls upon all parties to implement their part in the Road Map for Peace, and stresses the commitment of all to the two-state solution, and to end the reoccupation of the PA areas, and stresses the need for Israel to end the occupation, and for the realization of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people, and to resolve the refugee crisis as per resolution 194 (III), and calls upon all states to aid the Palestinian people and the PA.

Resolution 58/22 (03 December 2003) Jerusalem : recalling previous resolutions "in which it, inter alia, determined that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called "Basic Law" on Jerusalem and the proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, were null and void and must be rescinded forthwith", and other resolutions calling on all states not to give validity to this move by moving their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem, or if they have to withdraw their missions from Jerusalem, reiterates the above, and "stresses that a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem should take into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides and should include internationally guaranteed provisions to ensure the freedom of religion and of conscience of its inhabitants, as well as permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the people of all religions and nationalities".

Resolution 58/23 (03 December 2003) The Syrian Golan : reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and that the Geneva Conventions are applicable to the Israeli occupation, and that the settlements are illegal, and expressing grave concern that the peace negotiations on the Syrian track have been halted, and that Israel still has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan and is thus in violation of UN resolutions, declares also Israeli efforts to impose its jurisdiction and administration over the Syrian Golan is a de facto annexation, and thus is null and void and calls upon Israel to rescind it, and calls upon all parties to respect the Geneva Conventions and resume the peace talks.

Resolution 58/34 (08 December 2003) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : recalling the many previous resolutions on this matter, mainly to take the practical steps toward establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone which entails committing to not making or purchasing or trading or allowing stationing of nuclear weapons on their territory, and agree to place their nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, and to officially declare support for such a zone, and reaffirming the right of all states to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and to take appropriate measures to prohibit military attack on their facilities, and also supporting general disarmament for the region, and notes the ongoing peace negotiations for the region, and invites all nations in the region to follow the above guidelines.

Resolution 58/68 (08 December 2003) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : "Recalling the decision on principles and objectives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament adopted by the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on 11 May 1995", and the renewal of this commitment in the year 2000 Conference, and "noting that Israel remains the only State in the Middle East that has not yet become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons", and stressing the importance of taking confidence-building measures such as establishing a nuclear-weapons-free-zone in the Middle East, and calls upon Israel to join the treaty and to place all its nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards.

Resolution 58/70 (08 December 2003) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : recalling its previous resolutions on this matter, and the previous conferences and agreements on this matter, and recognizing that Middle East peace affects peace in Europe and in the world, and is also affected by events in the Middle East and the Magreb, and reaffirming the responsibility of all nations in the region to follow and respect the UN Charter and the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and commends the efforts along these lines by the Mediterranean countries, including economic efforts to help the poorer nations and populations, and to end military actions and occupations, and to combat terrorism and crime, including the trafficking of drugs and arms.

Resolution 58/91 (09 December 2003) Assistance to Palestine refugees : Recalling that the Palestinian refugees have lost everything for more than 5 decades, and that they reside in all states throughout the region, and that resolving the refugee crisis is imperative to peace, and noting the especially grave conditions of the refugees living under occupation, and notes with regret that repatriation or compensation has still not been made to the refugees in violation of UN resolution 194 (III), but asks the UN Conciliation Commission to continue with its efforts on this issue, and affirms the importance for UNRWA to continue its work on behalf of the refugees, and asks all nations to help out as well.

Resolution 58/92 (09 December 2003) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : Concerned about the ongoing suffering of these persons since 1967, and taking note that the relevant provisions of the Oslo Accords have not been implemented, reaffirms the right of these persons to return to their homes in the occupied territories, and stresses the need for this to happen at an accelerated pace as per the Oslo Accords, but in the meanwhile endorses the efforts of UNRWA to provide aid to these persons, and strongly appeals to all nations to provide aid as well.

Resolution 58/93 (09 December 2003) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and aware of the ongoing needs of Palestinian refugees who live in a nations throughout the region, but their especially desperate situations in the occupied territories, and especially the terrible events in Jenin in 2002 leading to loss of life and property, and deeply concerned about the ongoing financial crisis of UNRWA, and the loss of UN personnel and damage to UN property due to Israeli military action, and calls upon Israel to halt harassment and restriction on UN and civilian and commercial movement including area closures throughout the occupied territories, but taking note of the signing of the Oslo Accords and working agreements between UNRWA and the PA and UNRWA and Israel, expresses appreciation for the work of UNRWA and the Working Group focused on finances for UNRWA, takes note of UNRWA headquarters functioning in Gaza City, calls upon Israel to obey the Geneva Conventions and relevant articles of the UN Charter, and to compensate the Agency for its damages to UN facilities, and repeats request for continuation of the Palestine Refugee Records Project, and asks all nations to provide educational aid to Palestinian refugees including vocational training, and financial assistance to UNRWA.

Resolution 58/94 (09 December 2003) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : recalling UN resolutions protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees, and completion of the program to document and evaluate Palestinian property claims, and the commitment by both parties in the Oslo Accords to negotiate a permanent status solution, "reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice", and calls upon all parties in the conflict to help make this happen.

Resolution 58/95 (09 December 2003) Assistance to Palestine refugees and support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : stressing the importance of obeying international law and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupation, and acknowledging the essential role that UNRWA has played in bringing aid to Palestinian refugees living in the many countries throughout the region, but gravely concerned about the deteriorating conditions in the area, and the deaths of 6 UNRWA workers, and Israel restricting movement of both civilians, commerce and UN workers, and the financial crisis of UNRWA, affirms the importance of that UNRWA continue its work, and that all nations must give aid to help UNRWA, and to help with the higher education needs of the refugees, and commends all those who have already been helping with these issues.

Resolution 58/96 (09 December 2003) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the principles of the UN Charter, and international humanitarian and human rights law, especially the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, gravely concerned about the ongoing tragic events taking place since September, 2000, and condemns the excessive force by Israeli military against Palestinian civilians, but hoping that the Israeli occupation will soon end, commends the work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, and requests that the Committee continue with this work and consult when necessary with the ICRC especially as it concerns violations of the Geneva Conventions, and deplores the Israeli practices and policies which violate Palestinian human rights, which includes extrajudicial executions resulting in more than 2600 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, as described in the reports submitted by the Committee, and requests the Secretary-General to give full assistance to the Committee and its work, and to make sure that is maximum distribution of its reports.

Resolution 58/97 (09 December 2003) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : recalling the Hague Regulations of 1907, and the Geneva Conventions including additional Protocols of 1977, and all relevant provisions of customary law, and the UN Charter, and noting the meetings of the experts of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions taking place in 1998, 1999 and 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, as per UN resolution, thus reaffirming that the Geneva Conventions apply to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and demands that Israel accept de jure this applicability, and scrupulously comply with these Conventions, and reiterates the need for speedy implementation of the relevant recommendations of the 10th Emergency Special Session concerning Israeli respect for the Geneva Conventions.

Resolution 58/98 (09 December 2003) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : affirming that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and guided by the principles of the UN Charter, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupation of Palestinian territories including East Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan, and recalling the Oslo Accords, and welcoming the presentation of the Road Map by the Quartet noting its freeze on all settlement building, hich involves illegal population transfer and exploitation of resources of the occupied territories and peoples, detrimental to the peace process and violating international humanitarian law, especially the new and expanding settlements in Jabal Abu-Ghneim, Ras Al-Amud and East Jerusalem, and the construction of the wall through the West Bank and its impact making a future Palestinian State undoable, and the need to end all terrorist acts, and the actions of illegally armed Israeli settlers, reaffirms that Israel must accept de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupation, and demands that all settlement activity stop, and that Israel stop the wall construction and reverse it, and to disarm the settlers as per UN resolution 904, especially in light of recent events involving the settlers.

Resolution 58/99 (09 December 2003) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : "Reaffirming the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force" and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and "having considered the report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories", and others, and deeply "concerned about the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power, including the use of collective punishment, the reoccupation and closure of areas, the confiscation of land, the establishment and expansion of settlements, the construction of a wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, the destruction of property and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem … the destruction of homes and properties, of religious, cultural and historical sites, of vital infrastructure and institutions of the Palestinian Authority, and of agricultural land throughout Palestinian cities, towns, villages and refugee camps … the Israeli policy of closure and the severe restrictions, including curfews, imposed on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis, that thousands of Palestinians continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres, and also expressing concern about the ill-treatment and harassment of any Palestinian prisoners and all reports of torture", and gravely concerned about the tragic events of the 2nd Intifada including suicide bombings against Israeli citizens, determines that all violations of the Geneva Conventions by Israel "are illegal and have no validity", and demands that Israel comply fully with the Geneva Conventions, and "condemns all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction, especially the excessive use of force by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians, resulting in extensive loss of life, vast numbers of injuries and massive destruction … (and) the events that have occurred in the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, including the loss of life, injury, destruction and displacement inflicted on many of its civilian inhabitants", and stresses the need to protect the territorial integrity of the occupied Palestinian territories and freedom of movement for civilians and commerce including to and from Jerusalem and to and from the outside world.

Resolution 58/100 (09 December 2003) The occupied Syrian Golan : Deeply concerned about the continuing Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan in violation of UN resolutions, and reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible as per international law and the UN Charter, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupation of the Golan, and the illegality of the Israeli decision to impose its jurisdiction, administration and laws which "resulted in the effective annexation of that territory" and "constitute a flagrant violation of international law and of the Geneva Convention", and is declared null and void, and also expressing grave concern about the stalling of the peace process, calls upon Israel to reverse the decision described above, and to desist from building settlements and changing the demographic and geographic nature of the Syrian Golan and imposing Israeli citizenship and ID cards and repressive measures on the residents of the Syrian Golan, in violation of the Geneva Conventions, and calls upon all member-states not to give recognition to the legislative and administrative measures taken by Israel in the Syrian Golan.

Resolution 58/113 (17 December 2003) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Recalling the signing of the Oslo Accords, but gravely concerned about the deteriorating conditions in the occupied territories, and the urgent need to improve economic and social infrastructure, and how difficult this is under occupation, but welcoming the ongoing peace efforts including the efforts of the Quartet's performance-based Road Map, expresses appreciation to those nations and organizations that continue to provide assistance to the Palestinian people, especially the UN Special Coordinator working with the PA and PLO, calls upon all nations and organizations to provide assistance to the Palestinian people, and to fulfill pledges made previously, and to open their markets to Palestinian products, and especially to implement the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations (1994) which included clearance of Palestinian tax revenues (by Israel), and suggests convening of a UN Seminar in 2004 on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 58/155 (22 December 2003) Situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : Recalling the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international conventions and declarations protecting children and on the rights of children, and concerned that many children under Israeli military occupation are deprived of their rights, and the dire humanitarian crisis from Israeli siege and assault on Palestinian communities, demands that Israel obey the above international statutes, and calls upon the international community to help out.

Resolution 58/163 (22 December 2003) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : Recalling that self-determination is one of the basic principles of international humanitarian and human rights law and the UN Charter, and recalling the need to resume peace talks, and reaffirming the right of all nations in the region to live securely and peacefully within internationally recognized borders, "reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine", and calls upon all nations and organizations to assist the Palestinian people in realizing this right.

Resolution 58/229 (23 December 2003) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : "Reaffirming the principle of the permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources", and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and expressing concern over the Israeli exploitation of natural resources of the occupied territories, and the extensive destruction of Palestinian agricultural property by the Israelis, and the Israeli confiscation of Palestinian lands to build Israeli settlements on, and the impact of the wall on the Palestinian economy and society, and reaffirms the need to continue to peace process, including the Road Map to Peace proposed by the Quartet, reaffirms the inalienable right of self-determination of the Palestinian people and the native people of the Syrian Golan, and their right to call for restitution for all their losses, and calls on Israel not to exploit the natural resources of the occupied territories, and hopes this will be covered in the final agreement of Oslo.

Resolution ES-10/15 (20 July 2004) Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory , including in and around East Jerusalem : Recalling previous UN resolutions, and international laws such as the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Geneva Conventions, and others, and that acquisition of territory by force is illegal, and "reaffirming also the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including their right to their independent State of Palestine", and reaffirming commitment to the two-state solution, calls upon all states to fulfill their obligations as per the Road Map to Peace, and reaffirming that Israel needs to stop and reverse construction of the wall, and having thus received the ICJ Advisory Opinion about the wall, and noting in particular that the ICJ has judged that the wall is illegal, and thus Israel is obligated to stop and reverse construction of the wall, and pay reparations for damages caused by the wall, and that the settlements are also violations of international law, and that all parties must obey international law and fulfill their obligations as per the Road Map to Peace, and requests the UN Secretary-General to start a register of all damages caused by the wall, and calls upon all states party to the Geneva Conventions join together an put pressure on Israel to respect the Geneva Conventions.

Resolution 58/292 (06 May 2004) Status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : Noting previous UN resolutions and international law on this subject, and reaffirming the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and "affirming the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise sovereignty and to achieve independence in their State, Palestine", "affirms that the status of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, remains one of military occupation, and affirms, in accordance with the rules and principles of international law and relevant resolutions of the United Nations, including Security Council resolutions, that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory and that Israel, the occupying Power, has only the duties and obligations of an occupying Power under the Geneva Convention", and expresses its determination to help the Palestinian people achieve their inalienable rights, and affirms the vision of a two-state solution which includes Israel existing within its pre-1967 borders.

Resolution 58/306 (18 June 2004) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Recalling previous UN resolutions establishing and financing the UNDOF, takes note of all the member-states that have not made their required contributions, and expresses appreciation for those that have, expresses concern about UN Peace-Keeping missions in Africa deploying late, and commits strongly to equality in financing for all UN Peace-Keeping missions, and that no funding for one mission shall be borrowed from another, and once again asks for the UN facilities at Brindisi, Italy be used fully, and to hire local staff as much as possible to save money but to also fill General Service staff positions as soon as possible, and decides to appropriate aproximately $43,000,000 for the Force, and again asks member-nations to fulfill their obligations and to make voluntary donations.

Resolution 58/307 (18 June 2004) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Taking note of previous resolutions establishing and financing the UNIFL, and the general principles for financing of UN Peace-Keeping missions, notes with appreciation the voluntary contributions to UNIFL, but also taking note unfulfilled obligations, and expresses its deep concern that Israel has violated UN resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267, 55/180 A & B, 56/214 A & B and 57/325 and stresses that Israel must abide by those resolutions and reimburse the UN for damage to Qana facilities amounting to $1,117,005, Stresses the importance to use the UN facilities at Brindisi, Italy, and to hire local staff, all to save money, but also emphasizes that all UN Peace-Keeping missions will be funded equally, and none shall be borrowed from to finance another, and requests fulfillment of General Service posts that need filling, and decides to appropriate about $98,000,000 for the Force, and invites all member-states to fulfill their obligations and also to make voluntary donations.

Resolution 59/9 (22 October 2004) Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : noting the desire of the League of Arab Nations and the UN to cooperate with each other, and previous resolutions to that effect, commends the efforts of the League to facilitate greater cooperation amongst Arab nations including goals of sustainable development and the "Millennium Development Goals" including "international peace and security, economic and social development, disarmament, decolonization, self-determination and the eradication of all forms of racism and racial discrimination", and to help the Arab States benefit from globalization, and developments in information technologies, and development in the area of "…energy, rural development, desertification and green belts, training and vocational education, technology, environment, information and documentation, trade and finance, water resources, development of the agricultural sector, empowerment of women, transport, communications and information, promotion of the role of the private sector and capacity-building", and to utilize Arab resources and institutions whenever possible, and to hold meetings biennially on this matter.

Resolution 59/28 (01 December 2004) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : recalling relevant UN resolutions, and the mutual recognition found in the Oslo Accords, recalling also the Road Map to Peace leading to a permanent two-state solution, and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, expresses appreciation to the Committee for the work it has done, and requests that it continue, which involves supporting the peace process, trying to raise international aid for the Palestinian people, to continue working with Palestinian Civil Society and other UN groups such as the UN Conciliation Commission, to work on solutions for the "Question of Palestine", and invites all governments and groups to work with the Committee on this work.

Resolution 59/29 (01 December 2004) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Considers that the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat makes a useful and constructive contribution in cooperation with other UN groups in organizing meetings throughout the region, and facilitating the document collection work of the UN Information System on the Question of Palestine, and the distribution of reports and publications on the conflict, and its training program for PA staff, and asks all member-states to help the Division with this work, including observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, including putting on the annual exhibit on Palestinian rights in cooperation with the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the UN and a cultural event.

Resolution 59/30 (01 December 2004) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : convinced of the importance of world-wide dissemination of information on the conflict in cooperation with civil society organizations world-wide, and recalling the Road Map, the mutual recognition of the Oslo Accords and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, notes with appreciation the work of the Department, to disseminate information world-wide, to keep up-to-date various publications on the question of Palestine, to expand its collections of audio-visual materials on the conflict, to organize and promote fact-finding missions and seminars for journalists, and to help with media development and training in Palestine.

Resolution 59/31 (22 November 2004) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : recalling relevant UN resolutions and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, and affirming the vision of the two-state solution and that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible and that the Israeli settlements are illegal, and aware that "… the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples is among the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations", and that all states in the region have the right to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, but expressing grave concern about the tragic events of the 2nd Intifada, including the reoccupation of Palestinian population centers, and condemning all acts of terrorism against civilians including suicide bombings and extrajudicial executions and excessive use of force, reaffirms the need to support the peace process, including the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, and the Road Map presented by the Quartet, stresses the need for a speedy end to the reoccupation of Palestinian cities, and for Israel to obey the recommendations of the ICJ Advisory Opinion including ending all settlement activity, and ending the occupation and returning to within the pre-1967 borders, to respect the rights of self-determination of the Palestinian people including the right to their own independent state, and to resolve the refugee crisis as per UN resolution 194 (III), and urges all member-states to send aid to the Palestinian people including steps to help rebuild Palestinian infrastructure and institutions,

Resolution 59/32 (01 December 2004) Jerusalem : recalling many relevant UN resolutions and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, "1. Reiterates its determination that any actions taken by Israel to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever; 2. Deplores the transfer by some States of their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem in violation of Security Council resolution 478 (1980), and calls once more upon those States to abide by the provisions of the relevant United Nations resolutions, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations; 3. Stresses that a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem should take into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides and should include internationally guaranteed provisions to ensure the freedom of religion and of conscience of its inhabitants, as well as permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the people of all religions and nationalities…"

Resolution 59/33 (01 December 2004) The Syrian Golan : reaffirming the fundamental principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of both the Hague Regulations (1907) and the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, including the illegality of the Israeli settlements, and deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan as requested in previous UN resolutions, but noting with satisfaction the Madrid Peace Conference of 1991 but expressing grave concern over the halting of the peace process focused on the Syrian track, "1. Declares that Israel has failed so far to comply with Security Council resolution 497 (1981); 2. Also declares that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution 497 (1981), and calls upon Israel to rescind it…", and determines that the occupation of the Syrian Golan is a de facto annexation and demands that Israel withdraw and resume peace talks with both Syria and Lebanon, and asks all relevant parties to resume the peace process, all nations of the world to support it.

Resolution 59/56 (02 December 2004) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Recalling relevant UN resolutions and the Oslo Accords, but gravely concerned about the deteriorating conditions in the occupied territories, and conscious of the urgent need to improve economic and social infrastructure throughout the territories, and conscious of the urgent need for international assistance for the Palestinian people because of the hardships of occupation hurting efforts toward economic and social development, but welcoming the work of the Joint Liason Committee to help with this matter, and the Ad Hoc Liason Committee for its efforts, and the efforts of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East and the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the PLO and PA, and the UN Personal Humanitarian Envoy to the Secretary-General, and the Special Envoys of the Quartet, and the UN Security Council endorsement of the Road Map presented by the Quartet, and to those many nations and groups, and especially UN committees and groups, that have provided aid to the Palestinian people, and urges them to do more especially through the PA and official Palestinian institutions, and stresses the need to implement the 1994 Paris Protocol on Economic Relations, especially to give prompt clearance to Palestinian indirect tax revenues, and suggests the convening of a 2005 UN-sponsored Conference on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 59/63 (03 December 2004) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : recalling the many relevant UN resolutions, which call for the urgent implementation of the steps toward establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, such as solemning committing to not building, buying, selling, distributing, or staging nuclear weapons, and to place all nuclear facilities under the safeguards of the IAEA, but reaffirming the rights of all nations to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and to protect their nuclear facilities from attack, and also welcoming general disarmament in the region, and takes note of ongoing peace and disarmament negotiations going on in the region, and invites the nuclear weapon states to help establish this zone.

Resolution 59/106 (03 December 2004) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : recalling agreed upon principles and objectives of non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear weapons, of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the years 1995 and 2000 Conferences calling for agreements not to buy or build or distribute or allowing staging of nuclear weapons, and to place all nuclear facilities under the safeguards of the IAEA, all to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and noting that only Israel had not become party to these agreements, and calls upon Israel to accede to the Treaty.

Resolution 59/108 (03 December 2004) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : Bearing in mind the various agreements amongst the Mediterranean countries toward building peace in that region, and the efforts amongst those nations to overcome the causes of tensions (such as economic and social disparities) and to strengthen economic, social, and cultural ties and environmental cooperation across the region, and recognizing that world-wide developments impact developments in the Mediterranean, and its relations to Europe and the Magreb, and reaffirming the importance of all to respect the UN Charter and international law, but also concerned about continuing military activities in the region, and asks all countries of the region to cooperate in the UN Register of Conventional Arms reporting all military expenditures, and to also cooperate in the fight against terrorism and international crime including drug distribution.

Resolution 59/117 (10 December 2004) Assistance to Palestine refugees : recalling relevant UN resolutions including the one establishing UNRWA (res. 302 (IV)), and aware of the fact that in 5 decades the refugees continue to live having lost everything without retribution throughout all the different countries of the region where they live, but especially their desperate situation under occupation, and remembering the Oslo Accords signed by both parties to the conflict, notes with regret that the refugees have not received either repatriation or compensation as described in resolution 194 (III), and that the UN Conciliation Commission has not been able to make any progress concerning this, affirms the need for UNRWA to continue its work, and calls upon all groups and nations to send aid to UNRWA to help with its work.

Resolution 59/118 (10 December 2004) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : recalling relevant past resolutions, and reports from UNRWA, and concerned that the progress promised in the Oslo Accords has not been made, "reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967", and stresses the necessity that this happen at an accelerated rate, and endorses in the meantime the efforts of UNRWA to help these refugees, and strongly appeals to all governments and groups to financially help UNRWA with this work.

Resolution 59/119 (10 December 2004) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : recalling relevant UN resolutions including those establishing UNRWA and financing it, as well as the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, and affirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and gravely concerned about the extreme suffering of those refugees living under occupation, especially the grave events occurring in the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, and deploring the killing of 12 UNRWA staff by Israeli military since April 2000, and the killing and wounding of refugee children in UNRWA schools by the Israeli military, and expressing deep concern about the area closures, curfews and movement restrictions imposed by the Israeli military throughout the occupied territories which has had a grave impact on Palestinian society and commerce, and taking note of the Oslo Accords, expresses deep appreciation for the efforts of UNRWA and its Advisory Commission and the Working Group for financing UNRWA, for its work on behalf of the refugees, and acknowledges those groups who have made voluntary contributions or fulfilled their financial obligations toward UNRWA, and welcomes the June 2004 Conference in Geneva on financing UNRWA, and encourages further its special focus on refugee children, but expresses concern for the move of headquarters staff out of Gaza city facilities, and calls upon Israel to respect UN Charter and other international conventions protecting UN personnel and facilities, and urges Israel to quickly compensate the UN for damages it has caused to UN facilities and to cease obstructing movement of UN personnel and vehicles, and calls upon UNRWA to continue to issue ID cards to all refugees, and notes the efforts of UNRWA to encourage microenterprise amongst the refugees to help with their economic development, and reiterates its request for UNRWA to continue the modernization of its Palestine Refugee Records Project, and again appeals to all nations and groups to help UNRWA financially, and especially with the educational programs for refugees including vocational training.

Resolution 59/120 (10 December 2004) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : recalling relevant UN resolutions, and related international humanitarian and human rights law including the principle that "no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property", and especially resolution 394 (V) directing the UN Conciliation Commission to "prescribe measures for the protection of the rights, property and interests of the Palestine refugees", and noting the completion of the program to ID and evaluate Arab property claims, and that the UN Land Office now has a schedule of Arab land ownership claims with documents defining location, and recalling the commitment to include negotiations on the refugee issue in the permanent status negotiations part of the Oslo Accords, "reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice", and requests the Secretary-General and Israel and all concerned groups and nations to help with this process, and provide all needed information to protect Arab property interests within Israel.

Resolution 59/121 (10 December 2004) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the UN Charter and international humanitarian law, and especially the Geneva Conventions, and recalling relevant resolutions, including those of the Security Council, and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice concerning the Israeli wall being built through the West Bank, and "convinced that occupation itself represents a gross and grave violation of human rights", and gravely concerned about the tragic events of the 2nd Intifada still continuing, including the use of excessive force against Palestinian civilians by the Israeli military, commends the Special Committee for its work and requests it to continue, and to cooperate where necessary with the ICRC especially concerning Israeli violations of the Geneva Conventions, and also the treatment of prisoners and detainees, and deplores Israeli policies and practices which violate human rights in the occupied territories as reported on by the Special Committee especially since the beginning of the 2nd Intifada, which includes "excessive and indiscriminate use of force against the civilian population, including extrajudicial executions, which has resulted in more than 3,400 Palestinian deaths, including those of more than 750 children, and tens of thousands of injuries", and requests the Secretary-General to make sure all necessary facilities are made available to the Special Committee, and that its reports are distributed as widely as possible.

Resolution 59/122 (10 December 2004) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : recalling the UN Charter, and the Hague Regulations of 1907, and the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Additional Protocols of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions, and the recent Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, and the various Special Committee reports on the conflict, and the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions having convened in 1999 and 2001, and thus reaffirms that the Geneva Conventions are applicable to the Israeli occupation, and demands that Israel accept de jure this applicability, and that it "comply scrupulously with the provisions of the Convention", and calls upon all High Contracting Parties to the Convention to do what they can to influence Israel to comply fully with its provisions, and reiterates the need for speedy compliance.

Resolution 59/123 (10 December 2004) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : "Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and affirming the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force", and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and recalling the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, and noting its conclusions that "the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law", and recalling reports of Special Committees and the Road Map for Peace presented by the Quartet, and the Oslo Accords, but expressing grave concern that Israel continues its settlement activity and building its wall all in violation of international law and UN resolution, severely violating human rights and leading to de facto annexation of land, calls upon Israel to accept de jure the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to its occupation of Palestinian lands, and to completely end all its settlement activities, and comply fully with the ICJ recommendations concerning stopping the construction of the wall, and give compensation to Palestinians who have suffered losses because of it, and for Israel to comply with UN resolution 904 (1994) to disarm Israeli settlers and enforce the law against them when they do illegal actions, and to protect Palestinian civilians from harm.

Resolution 59/124 (10 December 2004) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : recalling relevant UN resolutions and reports of Special Committee and the UN Human Rights Inquiry Commission, and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ (which judges that the construction of the Israeli wall in the West Bank is illegal), and other international human rights law, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and reaffirming the rights of all nations to take action to halt violent actions against their citizens, and stressing the need for full compliance with signed agreements, but concerned about the ongoing systematic violation of Palestinian human rights including "the excessive use of force, the use of collective punishment, the reoccupation and closure of areas, the confiscation of land, the establishment and expansion of settlements, the construction of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, the destruction of property and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", and "the military actions that have been carried out since 28 September 2000 and that have led to thousands of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of children, and tens of thousands of injuries", and "the extensive destruction caused by the Israeli occupying forces, including of religious, cultural and historical sites, of vital infrastructure and institutions of the Palestinian Authority, and of agricultural land throughout Palestinian cities, towns, villages and refugee camps", and "the Israeli policy of closure and the severe restrictions, including curfews, that continue to be imposed on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis", and that "thousands of Palestinians continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres under harsh conditions that impair their well-being, and also expressing concern about the ill-treatment and harassment of any Palestinian prisoners and all reports of torture", and now convinced of the need for an international presence to monitor the situation and protect Palestinian civilians, such as the temporary international presence in Hebron, reiterates that all measures taken by Israel in violation of the Geneva Conventions are illegal, null and void, and that Israel stop those actions, including extrajudicial executions, and condemns all acts of violence and terrorism, but especially "the excessive use of force by the Israeli occupying forces against Palestinian civilians, resulting in extensive loss of life, vast numbers of injuries and massive destruction of homes, properties, agricultural lands and vital infrastructure", and Israeli military actions in Jenin in April 2002, and in Rafah refugee camp in May 2004, and stresses the need to preserve the territorial integrity of the occupied territories, and to guarantee the freedom of movement of all civilians and goods including to and from Jerusalem and the outside world.

Resolution 59/125 (10 December 2004) The occupied Syrian Golan : concerned that the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan (and other Arab territories) has not ended as requested in many UN resolutions, and reaffirming that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and welcoming the Madrid Peace Conference, calls upon Israel to obey relevant UN resolutions and end the occupation of the Syrian Golan, and all its measures to impose Israeli law and jurisdiction over the Golan are illegal null and void, and to desist from changing the physical, demographic and legal nature of the Syrian Golan, and to stop imposing on the inhabitants of the Syrian Golan Israeli citizenship and ID cards, and its repressive measures against the native population, all in violation of the Geneva Convention, and calls upon all nations not to give recognition to Israel's efforts to change the legal status of the Syrian Golan.

Resolution 59/173 (20 December 2004) The situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : recalling the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the ICJ Advisory Opinion of 2004 judged to be applicable to the Israeli occupation, and other recent developments in international law, and noting with grave concern that "…Palestinian children under Israeli occupation remain deprived of many basic rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child", and concerned about the continuing deterioration of conditions in the territories largely due to Israeli military actions and the construction of the Israeli wall through the West Bank, demands that Israel obey the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Geneva Conventions, and calls upon the international community to provide urgently needed aid to relieve the dire humanitarian crisis faced by Palestinian children, and to help with the recovery of Palestinian institutions.

Resolution 59/179 (20 December 2004) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : bearing in mind international humanitarian and human rights law and the UN Charter, and international conference declarations, and the ICJ Advisory Opinion of 2004, all reaffirming the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and to their own independent state, and urges all nations and organizations to support and assist the Palestinian people in realizing this right, while reaffirming the right of all nations to "live in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders".

Resolution 59/251 (22 December 2004) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : recalling previous UN resolutions and the 2004 ICJ Advisory Opinion about the wall Israel is building in the West Bank, guided by the UN Charter, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the principle of "permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources", expressing concern over the destruction to Palestinian society and commerce and natural resources caused by the Israeli settlements and the Israeli destruction of Palestinian agricultural lands and orchards and the Israeli construction of the wall, reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the native population of the Syrian Golan to control their own natural resources, and calls upon Israel not to damage or deplete those resources, and acknowledges the right of the Palestinian people to "claim restitution as a result of any exploitation, damage, loss or depletion, or endangerment of their natural resources, and expresses the hope that this issue will be dealt with in the framework of the final status negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides".

Resolution 59/306 (22 June 2005) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force : Recalling relevant UN resolutions, and expressing appreciation to those states that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, and given voluntary donations to the Force, and recognizing the present difficulties financing peace-keeping missions, especially in Africa, and commits to treating all missions equally, and not borrowing from one to finance another, decides to appropriate about $85,000,000 to finance operations of the Force, and invites once again all states to give voluntary contributions to the Force.

Resolution 59/307 (22 June 2005) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : Recalling relevant UN resolutions, and noting with appreciation the voluntary donations to the Force and to those who have paid their required amounts, but also taking notes of the large numbers of states that have not paid their required amount, and expresses deep concern that Israel has violated UN resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267, 55/180 A, 55/180 B, 56/214 A, 56/214 B, 57/325 and 58/307, and stresses once again that Israel must abide by them, for example paying the UN $1,117,005 for damaging UN facilities in Qana in 1996, and expresses concern about the financial problems facing UN peace-keeping efforts, especially in Africa, to save money in terms of UNIFL, asks the Secretary-General to make full use of the facilities in Brindisi, Italy, and to hire local people for staff, and decides to appropriate around $99,000,000, plus about $8,000,000 more toward the operations of the Force, and reiterates decision not to borrow from one peace-keeping operation to help with another, and encourages again all states to voluntarily donate to the UNIFL.

Resolution 60/36 (01 December 2005) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : recalling the relevant UN resolutions, and the mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO of the Oslo Accords, and recalling all the different peace process efforts, and the 2004 advisory opinion of the ICJ, expresses its appreciation for the work done by this Committee, and requests that the Committee continue this work , including the "Question of Palestine", and to cooperate with and support the civil society organizations of the Palestinian people, and requests the UN Conciliation Commission to continue working with the Committee as well, and invites all governments and organizations to help with this work as well, and requests the Secretary-General to distribute the reports of the Committee as widely as possible.

Resolution 60/37 (01 December 2005) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Considers that this Division of the Secretariat "continues to make a useful and constructive contribution", and requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide the Division with everything it needs to do its work, while coordinating with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People including organizing meetings and conferences around the world, and improving documentation systems of the UN Information System on the Question of Palestine, and maximizing distribution of publications concerning the Question of Palestine, in full cooperation also with the UN Department of Public Information and other units of the UN Secretariat, and invites all governments and organizations to help with this work.

Resolution 60/38 (01 December 2005) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : "Convinced that the worldwide dissemination of accurate and comprehensive information and the role of civil society organizations and institutions remain of vital importance in heightening awareness of and support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people", and recalling the mutual recognition between the PLO and Israel of the Oslo Accords, and the Road Map to Peace proposed by the Quartet, and the 2004 advisory opinion of the ICJ, notes with appreciation the work of this Special Information Programme, and how it contributes to an atmosphere that this conducive to dialogue and thus supportive of the peace process, and requests the Department of Public Information of the UN Secretariat to continue with this program in cooperation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People including the widest distribution possible of publications on the Question of Palestine, to expand its collection of audio-visual materials, to continue organizing fact-finding missions and world-wide seminars for journalists, and media trainings for Palestinians interested in media work.

Resolution 60/39 (01 December 2005) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : "Welcoming the affirmation by the Security Council of the vision of a region where two States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within secure and recognized borders", and "convinced that achieving a final and peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is imperative for the attainment of comprehensive and lasting peace and stability in the Middle East", and "aware that the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples is among the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations", and affirming the principle of the inadmissibility of gaining territory by force, and the right of all states to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, and the illegality of the Israeli settlements and wall being built through the Palestinian territories and communities (as per ICJ Opinion), and recalling the mutual recognition of the Oslo Accords, and the Road Map to Peace of the Quartet, and welcoming the efforts to aid the Palestinian people, but concerned about the tragic events of the 2nd Intifada and the re-occupation of Palestinian towns, and condemning all attacks on civilians including suicide bombers, but acknowledging the importance of Israel dismantling its settlements and withdrawing from Gaza, and welcoming the peace efforts by the Palestinian civil society, reaffirms the vision of the 2-state solution and its full support for the peace process including lately the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, and calls upon all parties to fulfill their obligations as per the Road Map to Peace, and calls upon Israel to obey all international law, and to end the recent re-occupation of Palestinian towns, as well as the overall occupation, and to take down the wall and pay compensation to those who had losses because of it (as per the ICJ Advisory Opinion) and to stop all settlement activity, and for immediate implementation of the Sharm-el-Sheikh understandings, and stresses the need for the "…the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, primarily the right to self-determination and the right to their independent State, [and] also stresses the need for resolving the problem of Palestine refugees in conformity with its resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948", but welcomes the recent agreement increasing movement between the two sides, and asks all states to send aid to the Palestinian people and authority, including for the rebuilding and reform of the Palestinian government institutions.

Resolution 60/40 (01 December 2005) The Syrian Golan : Reaffirming the fundamental principle of the inadmissibility of territory gained by force, and the applicability of both of the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the illegality of the Israeli settlements, and deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Golan contrary to resolutions of both the Security Council and General Assembly, but noting with satisfaction the convening of the Madrid peace conference in 1991, and the subsequent UN resolutions pertaining to it, but gravely concerned about the peace talks with Syria stalling, declares Israel in violation of UN Security Council resolution 497 (1981), that the occupation of the Syrian Golan is a de jure annexation of that territory, and calls upon Israel to obey the Hague Regulations and Geneva Conventions and withdraw from the Syrian Golan, and resume talks with Syria and Lebanon, and calls upon all parties concerned and the international community to resume peace talks aiming at the implementation of UN resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).

Resolution 60/41 (01 December 2005) Jerusalem : Recalling and reaffirming UN Security Council resolution 478 (1980) and UN General Assembly "resolution 36/120 E of 10 December 1981 and all subsequent resolutions, including resolution 56/31 of 3 December 2001, in which it, inter alia, determined that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called "Basic Law" on Jerusalem and the proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, were null and void and must be rescinded forthwith", as well as the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, and expressing grave concern about any violation of the above resolutions by any government or organization, and deplores the decisions of some states to move their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem in violation of the above resolutions, and "...stresses that a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem should take into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides and should include internationally guaranteed provisions to ensure the freedom of religion and of conscience of its inhabitants, as well as permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the people of all religions and nationalities".

Resolution 60/52 (08 December 2005) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : recalling relevant UN resolutions, and emphasizing the main point of those resolutions - that "call upon all parties directly concerned to consider taking the practical and urgent steps required for the implementation of the proposal to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East and, pending and during the establishment of such a zone, to declare solemnly that they will refrain, on a reciprocal basis, from producing, acquiring or in any other way possessing nuclear weapons and nuclear explosive devices and from permitting the stationing of nuclear weapons on their territory by any third party, to agree to place their nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards and to declare their support for the establishment of the zone and to deposit such declarations with the Security Council for consideration, as appropriate", to adhere to the provisions of the non-proliferation treaty, and also reaffirms the right of all nations to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and to take appropriate measures to protect their facilities from attack, and desirous of both nuclear and general disarmament, and asks all nations to help with establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.

Resolution 60/92 (08 December 2005) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : recalling the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and associated conferences, calling upon all remaining states to sign onto the treaty, and noting that actually Israel is the only state left in the region not to sign onto the treaty, and stressing the importance of all states taking the confidence-building steps which help bring the region closer to peace, and thus calls upon Israel to join that treaty and take the confidence-building steps which are needed to build toward a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and toward peace.

Resolution 60/100 (08 December 2005) Assistance to Palestine refugees : recalling relevant UN resolutions including resolution 302 (IV) establishing UNRWA, but that the refugees have suffered for over 5 decades having lost everything and living in camps throughout the region, notes with regret that the refugees still have not been repatriated or compensated as per resolution 194 (III), and that the UN Conciliation Commission has not been able to do anything about this, and affirms the need for UNRWA continuing its work, and calls upon all nations and groups to help out with this.

Resolution 60/101 (08 December 2005) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : recalling relevant UN resolutions and the report from UNRWA, "reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967", and endorses the efforts of UNRWA to help them in the meantime, and strongly appeals to all nations and groups to help with this effort.

Resolution 60/102 (08 December 2005) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Recalling UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions, and affirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and gravely concerned about the extreme harshness of Palestinian refugee living conditions ("resulting, inter alia, from loss of life and injury, extensive destruction and damage to their shelters and properties, and displacement"), and the danger to agency staff, including the killing of 12 staffers in 2000 by Israeli military, and killing and wounding of children in Agency schools, and the frequent closures, restrictions on movement and curfews imposed by the Israelis leading to grave impact on Palestinian commerce and economy, and recalling the various peace efforts and aid efforts, aware of the severe economic crisis of UNRWA, expresses appreciation to UNRWA for its work, and to the Advisory Committee and Working Group on Financing for their efforts, expresses concern about staff having to leave temporarily UN headquarters in Gaza, urges Israel to comply with the UN Charter and resolutions and Geneva Convention, and to speedily compensate the UN for damaging its headquarters, and to cease obstructing movement of UN staff, and asks UNRWA to continue issuing ID cards to refugees, and thanks UNRWA photo and document archiving programs (the Palestine Refugee Records Project), and asks all nations to aid this effort.

Resolution 60/103 (08 December 2005) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : recalling relevant UN resolutions, and international human rights law which includes "the principle that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property", and noting the completion of the program to register all Arab property in Israel, "reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice", and requests that UN protect their property in Israel, urges all parties to the conflict to submit whatever into they have on this issue, and urges the parties to deal with these refugee issues in the Middle East peace process.

Resolution 60/104 (08 December 2005) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Guided by the UN Charter and international humanitarian law, especially the Geneva Conventions, and relevant UN resolutions, and the 2004 advisory opinion of the ICJ concerning the Israeli wall built through the occupied territories, and "convinced that occupation itself represents a gross and grave violation of human rights", and gravely concerned by the deadly events of the 2nd Intifada, and especially the excessive forced used by the Israeli military, commends the work of the Special Committee and again demands that Israel cooperate with the Special Committee, and deplores those practices described in Special Committee reports that violate Palestinian human rights, and requests the Special Committee to continue its work, in cooperation with the ICRC, including investigating the treatment of prisoners and detainees by Israel, and asks the Secretary-General to assure the widest distribution possible of Special Committee reports.

Resolution 60/105 (08 December 2005) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : recalling the relevant UN resolutions, including Emergency Sessions, and the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1977, and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ, and the obligations of the UN Charter, and the convening of the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions, all this reaffirms the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and thus demands that Israel accept the de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and calls upon all High Contracting Parties to continue to exert full pressure on Israel to comply with these conventions, and reiterates the need for a speedy implementation of Emergency Session resolution ES-10/15.

Resolution 60/106 (08 December 2005) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : Guided by the principles of the UN Charter, and recalling the 2004 advisory opinion of the ICJ which said "the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law", affirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and recalling the relevant UN resolutions, reaffirms that the Geneva Conventions are applicable to the Israeli occupation, and thus that the transfer by the occupying power of part of its population into the occupied territories constitutes a breach of the Geneva Conventions (including the additional protocols of 1977) and other relevant provisions of customary law, and recalling the various stages of the peace process which has been working toward a two-state solution, and "aware that Israeli settlement activities have involved, inter alia, the transfer of nationals of the occupying Power into the occupied territories, the confiscation of land, the exploitation of natural resources and other illegal actions against the Palestinian civilian population", as well as a detrimental impact on the peace process, and expressing grave concerns about Israel continuation of settlement activity, including the "E-1" plan to surround Jerusalem with Jewish settlements, and also expressing grave concern about Israel continuing to build the wall through Palestinian communities creating humanitarian hardship on the Palestinian people possibly negatively impacting future peace negotiations making the 2-state solution virtually impossible, and also gravely concerned about the actions of the armed Israeli settlers, but acknowledging the greatness of the Gaza withdrawal, reaffirms that the settlements are illegal, and that Israel must accept the de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and demands that Israel comply with its obligations as per international law, and must disarm the settlers (as per UN resolution 904).

Resolution 60/107 (08 December 2005) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : recalling relevant UN resolutions, and the 2004 advisory opinion of the ICJ, and various human rights reports, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and that all states have the right of self-defense, but also acknowledging the importance of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, but also the need to comply with all peace process agreements, but "Expressing grave concern about the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power, including that arising from the excessive use of force, the use of collective punishment, the reoccupation and closure of areas, the confiscation of land, the establishment and expansion of settlements, the construction of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, the destruction of property and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, [and]gravely concerned about the military actions that have been carried out since 28 September 2000 and that have led to thousands of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of children, and tens of thousands of injuries, [and] expressing deep concern about the continuing detrimental impact of the extensive destruction caused by the Israeli occupying forces, including of religious, cultural and historical sites, of vital infrastructure and institutions of the Palestinian Authority, and of agricultural land throughout Palestinian cities, towns, villages and refugee camps, [and] expressing deep concern also about the Israeli policy of closure and the severe restrictions, including curfews, that continue to be imposed on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, [and] concerned about the continued establishment of checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the transformation of several of these checkpoints into structures akin to permanent border crossings inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory, [and] expressing concern that thousands of Palestinians continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres under harsh conditions that impair their well-being, and also expressing concern about the ill-treatment and harassment of any Palestinian prisoners and all reports of torture", and thus convinced of the need for international observation of this conflict, and reiterates the illegality of Israeli actions in the occupied territories which violate the Geneva Conventions, and demands that Israel comply with the Geneva Conventions and other recommendations of the ICJ advisory opinion, and end all its settlement activities and building of the wall and extrajudicial executions, and condemns all Israeli actions leading to destruction of lives and property and infrastructure and agricultural lands, but also expresses grave concern about the suicide bombings aimed at Israeli civilians, stressing the need to maintain Palestinian territorial integrity.

Resolution 60/108 (08 December 2005) The occupied Syrian Golan : deeply concerned that the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan continues, and recalling previous resolutions calling for Israeli withdrawal from the Golan, and to end the occupation in general, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation and thus the principle concerning the inadmissibility of acquiring territory by force, and hence the illegality of Israel imposing its jurisdiction upon the Golan and Israeli citizenship upon its native inhabitants, thus calls upon Israel to withdraw from the Syrian Golan reversing all its efforts to impose Israeli citizenship and jurisdiction over the area, and to end settlement activity and changing the landscape physically and efforts to repress the native inhabitants, and calls upon all nations not to give recognition to Israel's moves in the Syrian Golan.

Resolution 60/126 (15 December 2005) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Recalling the Oslo Accords, and international human rights law, and gravely concerned about the declining conditions of the of the Palestinian people and especially the children, and how difficult economic development is under occupation, and welcoming the various peace efforts, and welcoming the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, expresses appreciation to the nations and organizations that gave assistance to the Palestinian people, and calls upon all to provide more to help with the humanitarian crisis of the Palestinian people, and welcomes the recent opening at the Rafah border to aid crossing into the Gaza Strip, and calls for the Secretary-General to assess what more is needed, and suggestions the convening of a UN-sponsored seminar in 2006 on assistance to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 60/146 (16 December 2005) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : "Aware that the development of friendly relations among nations, based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, is among the purposes and principles of the United Nations, as defined in the Charter", and recalling UN resolution 2625 "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations", and other international humanitarian and human rights laws and declarations, including the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the ICJ concerning the Israel wall "noting in particular the reply of the Court, including on the right of peoples to self-determination, which is a right erga omnes", and that the wall "along with measures previously taken, severely impedes the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination", but also reaffirming the right of all states to live in peace within internationally recognized borders, "1. Reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine; [and] 2. Urges all States and the specialized agencies and organizations of the United Nations system to continue to support and assist the Palestinian people in the early realization of their right to self-determination."

Resolution 60/183 (22 December 2005) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : Guided by the principles of the UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and other international humanitarian law to the Israeli occupation and "the principle of the permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources", and recalling the advisory opinion of the ICJ pertaining to the legality of the Israeli wall being built through the West Bank, and expressing concern about Israel exploiting and destroying Palestinian natural resources, especially as a consequence of the Israeli settlement activity, and reaffirming the need for resumption of the peace negotiations and the importance of Israeli withdrawal from the occupation and dismantling the settlements, "reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the population of the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources, including land and water", calls upon Israel not to exploit or destroy Palestinian natural resources, and recognizes the rights of the Palestinians to claim restitution for any resources Israel destroys or uses, and stresses the Israel wall is instrumental in exploiting and destroying Palestinian resources, and is considered illegal by ICJ, and calls upon Israel to obey international law, and calls upon Israel to cease dumping all sorts of waste material in the occupied territories.

Resolution ES-10/16 (30 November 2006) Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Recalling relevant UN resolutions and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and other international human rights and humanitarian law, deeply deploring the loss of civilian life including women and children due to excessive use of force by the Israeli military, and especially the incident at Beit Hanoun, and also deploring the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel, "1. Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to immediately cease its military operations that endanger the Palestinian civilian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to immediately withdraw its forces from within the Gaza Strip to positions held prior to 28 June 2006; 2. Calls for the immediate cessation of military operations and all acts of violence, terror, provocation, incitement and destruction between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, including extrajudicial executions, bombardment against civilian areas, air raids and the firing of rockets, as was agreed in the Sharm el-Sheikh understandings of 8 February 2005", calls upon Israel to obey the Geneva Conventions, and upon the Palestinian Authority to bring an end to the violence by Palestinians, expresses need to preserve Palestinian institutions, infrastructure and property, emphasizes the need to allow unrestricted access to humanitarian and medical personnel, and calls upon the Quartet to work on stabilizing the situation and restart the peace process.

Resolution ES-10/17 (15 December 2006) Establishment of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory : Guided by international law and the UN Charter, and recalling the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion concerning the Israeli wall they are building through the occupied West Bank, and especially its conclusion that "Israel is under an obligation to make reparation for all damage caused by the construction of the wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem", and thus noting the subsequent request of ES-10/15 (2004) that the Secretary-General arrange for the establishment of a Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall, and deploring the continued construction of the wall by Israel, this resolution reaffirms resolution ES-10/15 and demands that Israel comply with it, and establishes the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and to set up an Office of the Register of Damage, to work out of UN offices in Vienna, Austria, and requests the Secretary-General to appoint a Board of the Office of the Register of Damage, and an Executive Director of the Board of the Office of the Register of Damage, and calls upon Israel and all governments and groups to cooperate with the Office of the Register, and to report back in 6 months about what progress has been made.

Resolution 61/22 (01 December 2006) Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : Recalling the mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO of the Olso Accords, and the Road Map presented by the Quartet, and the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion concerning the Israeli wall being built through the occupied territories, expresses appreciation for the work of the Committee, and requests the Committee to continue this work, especially in support of the peace process, and generating international support and aid for the Palestinian people, and to continue its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations in this work, and asks the UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine and all governments and groups to work with the Committee.

Resolution 61/23 (01 December 2006) Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : Considers the work of the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat to be very useful in helping the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People fulfill its mandate, and asks it to continue and for the Secretary-General to continue to assist it in its work, especially of organizing seminars world-wide to educate the world about what is going on in Palestine, and cooperating with civil society, and facilitating the work of the United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine to publish and dessiminate world-wide information about the conflict, asks all nations to help with this work, and to once again help with the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November, including the annual exhibit on Palestinian rights and the cultural event put on by the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations, and asks all nations to give great support and publicity to this "Day of Solidarity".

Resolution 61/24 (01 December 2006) Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : Recalling UN resolution 60/38 (on the same subject with the same requests), and "convinced that the worldwide dissemination of accurate and comprehensive information and the role of civil society organizations and institutions remain of vital importance in heightening awareness of and support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people". and recalling the mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO of the Olso Accords, and the Road Map presented by the Quartet, and the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion concerning the Israeli wall being built through the occupied territories, notes with appreciation the work of the UN Department of Public Information of the Secretariat in fulfillment of UN resolution 60/38, and considers the special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department to be very important for informing the world about what is going on in the region, and asks the Department to continue its work, cooperating fully with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and especially in terms of expansion of audio-visual materials on the conflict, and the organizing for journalists of seminars world-wide and fact-finding tours through the region, and continue assistance and training programs in media to the Palestinian people.

Resolution 61/25 (01 December 2006) Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : Recalling relevant UN resolutions and the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion, reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and "Welcoming the affirmation by the Security Council of the vision of a region where two States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within secure and recognized borders", and welcoming the peace efforts of the civil society, and the endorsement of the Road Map to Peace introduced by the Quartet, and the many donor meetings and donations to help out the Palestinians, but noting with concern the passage of 59 years since the adoption of UN resolution 181 (II), and 39 years since the beginning of the occupation, reaffirming the illegality of the Israeli settlements and the wall and changing the legal status and demographics of Jerusalem, and gravely concerned over the violence and suffering of the 2nd Intifada including extrajudicial executions and suicide bombings and excessive use of force, "1. Reaffirms the necessity of achieving a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in all its aspects, and of intensifying all efforts towards that end", and welcomes the peace initiative of the Council of the League of Arab States, and stresses the need for a speedy end to the re-occupation of Palestinian population centers, and calls for Israel to obey international law and implement the recommendations of the ICJ advisory opinion, and calls for a complete Israeli withdrawal and an end to all Israeli settlement activity, and to resolve the Palestinian refugee crisis as per UN resolution 194 (III), and urges all nations to aid the Palestinian people.

Resolution 61/26 (01 December 2006) Jerusalem : Recalling the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion, and expressing grave concern about Israel continuing building the wall and settlements in the occupied territories, particularly the E-1 plan that isolates Jerusalem from the West Bank, "1. Reiterates its determination that any actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever, and calls upon Israel to cease all such illegal and unilateral measures", and that this includes the Basic Law codified by the Knesset declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and "3. Stresses that a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem should take into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides and should include internationally guaranteed provisions to ensure the freedom of religion and of conscience of its inhabitants, as well as permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the people of all religions and nationalities", and welcomes the decisions of states withdrawing their diplomatic missions from Jerusalem.

Resolution 61/27 (01 December 2006) The Syrian Golan : Reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and Hague Regulations to the Golan occupation, and the illegality of the Israeli settlements on occupied land, and deeply concerned that Israel still has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, and that the peace process has not been resumed between Israel and Syria even though it has been resumed elsewhere (Madrid, 1991), declares Israel in violation of Security Council resolution 497 (1981), and declares Israel's decision to impose its laws and jurisdiction over the Syrian Golan to be null and void, and demands Israel rescind it and withdraw from the Golan, calls upon all parties to resume the peace process, and labels the Israeli occupation a de facto annexation of the Syrian Golan.

Resolution 61/27 (22 December 2006) The Syrian Golan : recalling UN resolution 497 (1981), and reaffirming the applicability of the Hague Regulations and Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and deeply concerned that Israel has still not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan and thus declaring Israel is in violation of UN Security Council resolutions especially 497 (1981), and stressing the illegality of the Israeli settlements on occupied land, noting with satisfaction the Madrid peace process, but expressing grave concern at the halt of the Syrian track of the peace process, and also "declares that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution 497 (1981), and calls upon Israel to rescind it", and calls upon all parties to obey all Hague Regulations and Geneva Conventions, and calls upon Israel to resume the peace process with Syria and Lebanon, and demands Israel withdraw from the Syrian Golan as per UN resolution, and "calls upon all the parties concerned, the co-sponsors of the peace process and the entire international community to exert all the necessary efforts to ensure the resumption of the peace process and its success by implementing Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973);".

Resolution 61/112 (06 December 2006) Assistance to Palestine refugees : Recalling UN resolution 194 (III) affirming the Palestinian right-of-return to pre-1948 homes, and UN resolution 302 (IV) establishing UNRWA, and the Oslo Accords, and other relevant UN resolutions, and aware that it has been 5 decades for the refugees and that they have lost everything, notes with regret that repatriation or compensation as per UN resolution 194 (III) has not been implemented, and that the UN Conciliation Commission has not been able to make a difference with this issue, but also affirms the necessity of the efforts of UNRWA to help the refugees in the meantime, and calls upon all donors to help UNRWA with this effort.

Resolution 61/113 (14 December 2006) Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : recalling relevant UN resolutions and the Oslo Accords, reaffirms that those persons who were displaced due to the 1967 war have a right to return to their homes in the occupied territories, and expresses deep concern that the provisions in the Oslo Accords for the return of those displaced persons has not been complied with, and stresses the necessity for the accelerated return of those people, and endorses in the meantime the efforts of UNRWA to help those people, and asks all governments and groups to help UNRWA with this work.

Resolution 61/114 (14 December 2006) Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Recalling relevant UN resolutions and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and deeply concerned about the critical financial situation of the Agency due largely to the worsening conditions of the refugees, and recalling also the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, and related articles of the UN Charter, and thus deploring the killing of 15 Agency personnel and refugee children in Agency schools by Israeli military, and about the restrictions on movement and harassment of Agency personnel by the Israeli military, expresses its appreciation for the work of the Agency and related groups working on financing, etc., commends the Agency on its effort toward budgetary transparency and managerial efficiency, acknowledges the support of host governments, but expresses concern about having to move headquarters from Gaza City, and calls upon Israel to respect the Geneva Conventions and other laws protecting UN personnel and facilities and remove restrictions on movement, but notes the success of the Agency micro-enterprise programs, and asks all nations and groups to help the Agency in its work, especially in reference to the educational needs of the refugee children.

Resolution 61/115 (14 December 2006) Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : Taking note of relevant UN resolutions and the report of the UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine, and recalling the Univeral Declaration for Human Rights, and upholding "the principle that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property", and noting the completion of the registration of Arab properties filed at the Land Office undertaken by the UN Conciliation Commission, and recalling the framework of the Oslo Accords, "1. Reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice", calls upon all parties to cooperate with the Commission, and deal with the issues of the refugees as per the Oslo Accords.

Resolution 61/116 (14 December 2006) Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : Recalling the Geneva Conventions and relevant international human rights law and the Geneva Conventions and the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion, and "convinced that occupation itself represents a gross and grave violation of human rights", and gravely concerned about the deteriorating conditions since the beginning of the 2nd Intifada, but "welcoming the free and democratic Palestinian Legislative Council elections" of 2006 and subsequent efforts to form a unity government, and calls for a ending of the Israeli occupation, commends the work of the Committee, and calls for Israel to cooperate fully with the Committee, and calls upon the Committee to continue its work, including the treatment of prisoners and detainees in the occupied territories, and to consult when neccesary with the ICRC, deplores Israeli violations of Paletinian human rights, and requests the Secretary-General to circulate as wide as possible the reports of the Committee.

Resolution 61/117 (14 December 2006) Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : Recalling relevant UN resolutions, the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion, and the Hague Regulations (1907) and Geneva Conventions, and reaffirms their applicability to the Israeli occupation, and demands that Israel accept their de jure appliability to their occupation and comply scrupulously with their provisions, and calls upon all of the High Contracting parties to the Conventions to continue to exert their full influence upon Israel, and reiterates the need for immediate full implementation of ES-10/15 concerning Israel respecting the Conventions.

Resolution 61/118 (14 December 2006) Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : Guided by the principles of the UN Charter, and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and related UN resolutions, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and taking note how the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion declared the settlements illegal, and of the Oslo Accords, and of the Road Map, and "aware that Israeli settlement activities involve, inter alia, the transfer of nationals of the occupying Power into the occupied territories, the confiscation of land, the exploitation of natural resources and other illegal actions against the Palestinian civilian population", and "expressing grave concern about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of settlement activities, including in and around East Jerusalem, in violation of international humanitarian law, relevant United Nations resolutions and the agreements reached between the parties, and concerned in particular about the construction and expansion of the settlements in Jabal Abu-Ghneim and Ras Al-Amud in and around Occupied East Jerusalem and Israel's intentions to proceed with the so-called E-1 plan, aimed at connecting its illegal settlements around and further isolating Occupied East Jerusalem," and "expressing grave concern also about the continuing unlawful construction by Israel of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and expressing its concern in particular about the route of the wall in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, which could prejudge future negotiations and make the two-State solution physically impossible to implement and which is causing serious humanitarian hardship and a serious decline of socio-economic conditions for the Palestinian people, [and] that the wall's route has been traced in such a way as to include the great majority of the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", "1. Reaffirms that Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan are illegal and an obstacle to peace and economic and social development", and calls upon Israel to accept the de jure applicability of the Geneva Conventions, and reiterates its demand that Israel cease immediately its settlement activtity,and comply with relevant UN resolutions and the ICJ advisory opinion, including disarming illegal settlers and other measures to protect the Palestinian civilian population.

Resolution 61/119 (15 January 2007) Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : Recalling international human rights law, relevant UN resolutions and the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force, and "reaffirming that all States have the right and the duty to take actions in conformity with international law and international humanitarian law to counter deadly acts of violence against their civilian population in order to protect the lives of their citizens", and reaffirming the need for full compliance with the provisions of the Road Map leading to a two-state solution, as well as full compliance with the Agreement on Movement and Access and the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing of 2005 for full freedom of movement in and out of the Gaza Strip, and noting the importance of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and dismantling settlements, but "expressing grave concern about the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power, including that arising from the excessive use of force, the use of collective punishment, the reoccupation and closure of areas, the confiscation of land, the establishment and expansion of settlements, the construction of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory in departure from the Armistice Line of 1949, the destruction of property and infrastructure, and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, ... about the military actions that have been carried out since 28 September 2000 and that have led to thousands of deaths among Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of children, and tens of thousands of injuries, ... about the recent deterioration in the humanitarian and security situation in the Gaza Strip, including that resulting from the bombardment against civilian areas, air raids and sonic booms, and the firing of rockets into Israel, and in particular from the military actions carried out by Israel, the occupying Power, that endanger the Palestinian civilian population, and especially deploring the killing of Palestinian civilians, including women and children, that took place in Beit Hanoun on 8 November 2006, ... also about the vast destruction caused by the Israeli occupying forces, including of religious, cultural and historical sites, of vital infrastructure and institutions of the Palestinian Authority, and of agricultural land throughout Palestinian cities, towns, villages and refugee camps, and expressing deep concern about the short- and long-term detrimental impact of such destruction on the socio-economic and humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian civilian population, ... about the Israeli policy of closure and the severe restrictions, including curfews and the permit regime, that continue to be imposed on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the consequent negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, ... about the continued establishment of Israeli checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the transformation of several of these checkpoints into structures akin to permanent border crossings inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which are severely impairing the territorial contiguity of the Territory and severely undermining efforts to rehabilitate and develop the Palestinian economy, ... that thousands of Palestinians, including children and women, continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres under harsh conditions that impair their well-being, and expressing concern about the ill treatment and harassment of any of the Palestinian prisoners and all reports of torture ...", stresses that all of the above are in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, the Geneva Conventions, and have no validity where implemented through legislative action by Israel,demands that Israel obey the Geneva Conventions fully and cease all of the above actions, especially all settlement activity and building the wall, and to release the tax revenues due to the PA as per the Paris Economic Protocols, and "3. Condemns all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction, especially the excessive use of force by the Israeli occupying forces against Palestinian civilians, resulting in extensive loss of life and vast numbers of injuries, including among children, massive destruction of homes, properties, agricultural lands and vital infrastructure, and the internal displacement of civilians; 4. Expresses grave concern at the use of suicide bombing attacks against Israeli civilians resulting in extensive loss of life and injury", and "11. Emphasizes the need to preserve the Palestinian institutions and infrastructure for the provision of vital public services to the Palestinian civilian population and the promotion of Palestinian civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights", and calls for "respect for the unity and territorial integrity of all of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Resolution 61/120 (14 December 2006) The occupied Syrian Golan : Expressing deep concern about the continuance of the occupation of the Syrian Golan in violation of previous UN resolutions, and reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Israeli occupation, and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible as per international law and the UN Charter, and "reaffirming once more the illegality of the decision of 14 December 1981 taken by Israel to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan, which has resulted in the effective annexation of that territory" in violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law, calls upon Israel to desist these illegal measures, especially the building of settlements in the Golan and "imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian citizens" and its repressive measures against the native population, and calls upon all nations to deny recognition of the legislative steps taken by Israel implementing these illegal measures.

Resolution 61/135 (14 December 2006) Assistance to the Palestinian people : Recalling international human rights law and the signing of the Oslo Accords, and welcoming and expressing appreciation for the various efforts of the ongoing peace process including the efforts of the Personal Humanitarian Envoy of the Secretary-General, and endorsing the two-state solution, calls upon all nations to aid the Palestinian people through the PLO and other official Palestinian institutions, especially to help women and children during this dire humanitarian crisis, and stresses the importance of freedom of movement for the Palestinian people, especially at the Rafah crossing as per the Agreement on Movement and Access and of the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing, of 15 November 2005, and urges the full implementation of the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations of 29 April 1994 especially regarding the clearance of Palestinian indirect tax revenues.

Resolution 61/152 (14 February 2006) The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : aware that the principles of equal rights and self-determination are amongst the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and recalling international human rights law and documents, and recalling the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion which declared the Israel wall being built through the West Bank severely impedes the Palestinian right of self-determination, and recognizing the urgent need to resume the peace process, and affirming the right of all states to live peacefully within internationally recognized borders, "1. Reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine; [and] 2. Urges all States and the specialized agencies and organizations of the United Nations system to continue to support and assist the Palestinian people in the early realization of their right to self-determination."

Resolution 61/184 (25 February 2007) Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : "Reaffirming the principle of the permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources", and the principle that acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, and the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and other international human rights laws to the Israeli occupation, and recalling the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion and relevant UN resolutions, and "expressing its grave concern at the extensive destruction by Israel, the occupying Power, of agricultural land and orchards in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the uprooting of a vast number of fruit-bearing trees, [and] at the widespread destruction caused by Israel, the occupying Power, to vital infrastructure, including water pipelines and sewage networks, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which, inter alia, pollutes the environment and negatively affects the natural resources of the Palestinian people, [and] Aware of the detrimental impact of the Israeli settlements on Palestinian and other Arab natural resources, especially as a result of the confiscation of land and the forced diversion of water resources, and of the dire economic and social consequences in this regard, [and] of the detrimental impact on Palestinian natural resources being caused by the unlawful construction of the wall by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and of its grave effect on the natural resources and economic and social conditions of the Palestinian people", and reaffirming the need to resume the peace process, and recalling the need to end all violence including terrorism and provocation, reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and Arabs of the Syrian Golan over their natural resources and water, and calls upon Israel not to exploit or damage those resources, and recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to claim restitution for any damages or exploitation that occurs to their natural resources, and stresses that the wall being built by Israel through the West Bank is contrary to international law and negatively impacts the natural resources of the Palestinian people and thus calls for full compliance with past UN resolutions concerning the wall, does take note of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and closing of some settlements in the West Bank to be a step toward implementation of the Road Map to Peace presented by the Quartet, but calls upon Israel to comply with all international law, and to especially cease dumping of waste in the occupied territories and quit destroying infrastructure such as pipelines and sewage systems all of which harms Palestinian natural resources and poses health hazards.

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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
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(C) Israel Law Resoource Center, February, 2007.

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