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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
General Assembly
(Nos. 2628-35/45)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

Brief Summaries of UN Resolutions - General Assembly
(Nos. 2628-35/45, years 1970-1979)

Resolution 2628 (XXV) (04 November 1970) The situation in the Middle East : Reaffirms occupied territories must be restored because forcible acquisition is inadmissible. Reaffirms "a just and lasting peace" should include Israeli withdrawal from territories, respect for Palestinian rights, and states recognizing others' sovereignty and right to live in peace. Urges quick implementation of Security Council Res. 242. Calls on parties to resume contact with UN Special Representative. Requests three-month extension of cease-fire for peace efforts.

Resolution 2649 (XXV) (30 November 1970) The importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights : Notes principles of international law on self-determination and declaration granting independence from colonization. Affirms right to end "colonial and alien domination" "by any means" available and to receive assistance. Declares violating self-determination to gain territory "inadmissible and a gross violation of the Charter." Condemns denying self-determination, especially to "peoples of southern Africa and Palestine." Calls on governments to recognize right.

Resolution 2656 (XXV) (12 December 1970) Establishment of the Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Notes severe shortage of funds for UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Establishes Working Group to study aspects of financing it, and to produce a report with "recommendations on possible measures to be taken to prevent a reduction of the Agency's services in 1971."

Resolution 2672 (A-D) (XXV) (12 August 1970) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East :  "Notes with deep regret" neither repatriation nor compensation of refugees occurred, as called for by UN SC Res.194 (III). Requests funds for temporary emergency relief for Palestinian refugees. Recognizes "that the problem of the Palestinian Arab refugees has arisen from the denial of their inalienable rights," because " they have not been able to return to their homes." "Calls once more" on Israel to take "without any further delay effective steps for the return of the displaced persons."

Resolution 2727 (XXV) (15 December 1970) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Notes grave concern "for the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants of the Arab territories under military occupation by Israel." Calls on Israel to implement the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and relevant Resolutions. Requests it cooperate with the UN Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.

Resolution 2728 (XXV) (15 December 1970) Report of the Working Group on the financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Considers and approves the Working Group on Financing the UN relief to Palestine refugee's report. Notes grave concern about UNRWA's "acute financial situation" and its "serious implications." Requests the Working Group continue its work and renews its appeal for governments to help solve the financial crisis.

Resolution 2791 (XXVI) (06 December 1971) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Supports the General Assembly President's and Secretary-General's joint appeal to Governments to help solve the financial crisis of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Requests the Working Group on financing the UN relief efforts to continue its work for another year. "Endorses Economic and Social Council resolution 1565 (l), and in particular urges serious consideration and early implementation of paragraph 5 of that resolution."

Resolution 2792 (A-E) (XXVI)(06 December 1971) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Criticizes Israel's failure to repatriate or compensate refugees. Requests relief funding, noting it is needed because Palestinians' inalienable rights are denied. Deplores Israel's destruction of shelters and forced removal of 15,000 refugees, contrary to the Geneva Convention to protect human rights in armed conflict, (Art. 49 & 53; and UN GA Res. 2675). Endorses similar Human Rights Commission resolution. Calls on Israel to stop, to provide shelters, and to allow refugees' return.

Resolution 2799 (XXVI)(13 December 1971) The situation in the Middle East: Reaffirms acquiring territory by force is "inadmissible," so occupied territories "must be restored." Reaffirms "a just and lasting peace" should include an Israeli withdrawal and respect for others' right to live in peace. Praises Egypt's positive reply to UN peace initiative and calls on Israel to respond. Invites the States to guarantee navigation through international waters, justly settle the refugee problem, and guarantee States' territorial inviolability and political independence.

Resolution 2851 (XXVI)(20 December 1971) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Notes Israel violated the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War. Calls on it to end violations, such as: annexing parts of the occupied territories; building settlements; destroying towns and homes; expropriating property; denying the right to return; torture; expulsions; and collective punishment. "Reaffirms that all measures taken by Israel to settle the occupied territories, including occupied Jerusalem, are completely null and void."

Resolution 2949 (XXVII)(08 December 1972) The situation in the Middle East: Reiterates "grave concern" that Israel has occupied Arab territories since 1967. Recalls that acquiring territory by force is "inadmissible." Reaffirms "a just and lasting peace" should include Israel's withdrawal from the territories, respect for Palestinian rights, and states' respect for other states' "sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence" and "right to live in peace." Declares Israeli changes to the territories violating Geneva Convention "null and void".

Resolution 2963 (A-F) (XXVII)(13 December 1972) : Notes that Israel "persisted in changing the physical, geographic and demographic structure of the occupied territories, by the displacement of inhabitants, the destruction of towns…and the establishment of settlements" in violation of the Geneva Convention. Calls upon Israel to allow the repatriation of Palestinian refugees and to provide them shelter. Affirms the Palestinian people's inalienable rights, including "equal rights and self determination" and to return to their homes.

Resolution 2964 (XXVII)(13 December 1972) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Recognizes with "grave concern" that the financial situation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East continues to be acute, thereby "endangering the already minimum services being provided to Palestine refugees." Requests that the Working Group continue its efforts to finance the relief program for another year.

Resolution 3005 (XXVII)(15 December 1973) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Calls on Israel to stop annexations, building settlements, population transfer, demolishing villages and homes; expropriating property; expelling inhabitants; and denying the right to return. "Reaffirms that all measures taken by Israel in contravention of the Geneva Convention…to settle the occupied territories, including occupied Jerusalem, are null and void." Calls on all states and agencies "not to recognize or cooperate with, or assist" Israel's exploitation of the territories' resources.

Resolution 3070 (XXVIII) (30 November 1973) Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights: "Reaffirms the inalienable right of all people under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation to self-determination, freedom and independence" as well as "the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation" there from "by all available means, including armed struggle." Calls upon all States to offer assistance to this struggle. "Condemns all Governments which do not recognize" these rights, notably the colonized peoples of Africa, and the Palestinian people.

Resolution 3089 (A-E) (XXVIII)(17 December 1973) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Reaffirms displaced Palestinians' right "to return to their homes and camps." Notes Israel's obstruction of this right by: displacement, population transfer, destroying towns and homes, and building of Israeli settlements in the area. Calls on Israel to stop the obstruction and to begin repatriation. Requests funds for humanitarian relief for refugees. Declares that the realization of Palestinians' "inalienable rights," particularly self-determination, are "indispensable for…a just and lasting peace."

Resolution 3090 (XXVIII)(17 December 1973) Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Notes that the lack of financing for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East continues to be serious, "thereby endangering the essential services being provided to Palestine refugees." The Secretary-General requests it continue its work for another year providing "necessary services and assistance."

Resolution 3092 (A-B) (XXVIII)(17 December 1973) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Calls on Israel to "desist immediately" from violating the Geneva Conventions through annexations; building settlements; demolishing homes and villages; expropriating property; expulsions; pillaging, denying repatriation; administrative detention and ill-treatment during detention; interfering with religious and family rights; and exploiting the territories' people and resources. Reaffirms that the settling of the occupied territories is a "flagrant violation" of international law, and resulting changes are "null and void."

Resolution 3102 (XXVIII)(17 December 1973) Respect for human rights in armed conflicts: Affirms that only "general and complete disarmament under effective international control " truly leads effectively to peace and relief of suffering. Reaffirms the complete applicability to the conflict between Palestine and Israel of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, the Geneva Protocol of 1925 and the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and requests that all combatants follow these international agreements. Welcomes the development of new and updated Geneva Conventions on human rights and regulations of weapons used in war which are scheduled for 1974.

Resolution 3175 (XXVIII)(17 December 1973) Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories: Affirms the rights of all occupied peoples, and specifically the Arabs of Palestine "to permanent sovereignty over all their natural resources", and that the exploitation of these resources by Israel is illegal. Calls on Israel to stop this exploitation. Calls on Israel to pay compensation to Palestinians for all "exploitation and looting of, and damages to…" natural resources and for any harm or manipulation done to workers.

Resolution 3210 (XXIX)(14 October 1974) Invitation to the Palestine Liberation Organization: "The General Assembly, Considering that the Palestinian people is the principal party to the question of Palestine, Invites the Palestine Liberation Organization, the representative of the Palestinian people, to participate in the deliberations of the General Assembly on the question of Palestine in plenary meetings."

Resolution 3236 (XXIX)(29 November 1974) Question of Palestine: Reaffirms Palestinians' inalienable rights in Palestine, including to self-determination without external interference, national independence, sovereignty, and return to their homes. Emphasizes that the realization of their rights is "indispensable for the solution of the question of Palestine." Asks states and organizations to aid the Palestinians' struggle to regain their rights. Requests the Secretary General to establish contacts with the PLO on all matters concerning Palestine.

Resolution 3237 (XXIX)(22 November 1974) Observer status for the Palestine Liberation Organization: Invites the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in the General Assembly's sessions and the work and its international conferences as an Observer.

Resolution 3240 (A-C) (XXIX) (29 November 1974) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Expresses grave concern at Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and other international law, particularly by: annexations; settlements; population transfers; destroying houses and towns, confiscating property; displacing and expelling Arabs; denying the right to return; mass arrests; pillaging; and illegal exploitation. Declares that these policies violate the UN Charter, and international law regarding occupation and basic human rights. Reaffirms Israel's changes to the territories' demographics and status are null. "[U]rges all States to refrain from any action which Israel will exploit in carrying out its policy of colonizing the occupied territories. "Regards Israel's deliberate destruction and devastation of the town of Quneitra as a grave breach of the Geneva Convention."

Resolution 3246 (XXIX)(29 November 1974) Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights: Renews its call to States "to recognize the right to self-determination and independence of all peoples subject to colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation" and to aid them in their struggle to exercise self-determination and independence. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize these rights, notably of peoples of Africa and of the Palestinians.

Resolution 3331 (A-D) (XXIX)(17 December 1974) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Calls attention to the "unprecedented seriousness" of financing UNRWA humanitarian relief to displaced Palestinians. Requests funds. Reaffirms displaced Palestinians' right to return to their homes and camps. Notes Israel's obstruction this right by displacement, destroying towns and homes, and building settlements. Deplores Israel's military attacks on refugee camps. Reaffirms the displaced's right to return. Calls on Israel to stop removing refugees and destroying shelters.

Resolution 3336 (XXIX)(17 December 1974) Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories: Reaffirms that all of Israel's measures to "exploit the human, natural and all other resources and wealth of the occupied Arab territories are illegal and calls upon Israel immediately to rescind all such measures." Reaffirms the right of Arab states, territories, and peoples subject to Israeli aggression and occupation to full compensation and restitution.

Resolution 3375 (XXX)(10 November 1975) Invitation to the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in the efforts for peace in the Middle East: Reaffirms Res. 3236, recognizing "the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people," the realization of which must be a prerequisite to a "just and lasting peace." Convinced efforts for a just and lasting peace must include Palestinian participation. Calls for their representative, the PLO, to be invited to any UN efforts on the Mid-East on "equal footing with other parties," as per Res. 3236. Requests Security Council implement measures so that the Palestinians may exercise their inalienable rights.

Resolution 3376 (XXX)(10 November 1975): Recognizes "the problem of Palestine continues to endanger international peace and security." Expresses grave concern at lack of progress towards Palestinians' inalienable rights, including self-determination, independence, sovereignty and "return to their homes and property" from which many are "displaced and uprooted." Establishes Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to recommend program of action.

Resolution 3379 (XXX)(10 November 1975) Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: Recalls UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, specifically that "any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous", and its alarm at racial discrimination, some of it government-imposed. Recalls resolution condemning "the unholy alliance between South African racism and Zionism." "Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

Resolution 3414 (XXX)(05 December 1975) The situation in the Middle East: Condemns Israel's occupation, which violates the UN Charter, international law, and UN resolutions. Requests states stop military/economic aid to Israel, while it denies Palestinian rights and occupies Palestinian territories. Requests Security Council implement resolutions for a just peace through a comprehensive settlement with all parties' participation, including the PLO. The settlement must ensure total Israeli withdrawal from occupation and attainment of Palestinian rights.

Resolution 3419 (A-D) (XXX)(08 December 1975) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Reaffirms displaced peoples' right to return to territories Israel occupied since 1967. Deplores Israel's refusal to effect their return. Again calls on it to do so, to provide shelter, to end displacement, and to stop destroying shelters. Calls again on it to stop obstructing return, including by changing territories' physical and demographic structure. "Condemns Israeli military attacks on refugee camps" and calls on it to stop. Strongly appeals for funds for relief for displaced Palestinians.

Resolution 3525 (A-D) (XXX)(15 December 1975) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Condemns Israel's annexations, settlements, population transfers, home demolitions, property expropriations, expulsions, denying right to return, mass arrests, detentions, and exploitation. Declares these grave violations of the UN Charter-specifically sovereignty and territorial integrity, and of international law on occupation. Declares them impediments to "a just and lasting peace." Reaffirms illegal changes to territories are null and void. Demands Israel cease violations.

Resolution 31/15 (A-E)(23 November 1976) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Reaffirms displaced peoples' right to return to their homes and camps in territories Israel occupied since 1967. Deplores Israel's refusal to effect their return. Again calls on it to do so. Calls on it to provide shelter, end displacement, and cease destruction of shelters. Again calls on it to stop obstructing return, including by changing territories' physical and demographic structure. Strongly appeals for greatly needed funds for UN emergency relief for Palestinian refugees.

Resolution 31/20 (24 November 1976) Question of Palestine: "Deeply concerned" there has been no just solution to the Palestine question, which is necessary for a just peace. Reaffirms this includes Palestinian attainment of rights of return, independence and sovereignty. Takes note of Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People's report. Endorses its recommendations, which urges Security Council to consider and implement it. Requests "the greatest possible" dissemination of the report.

Resolution 31/61 (09 December 1976) The situation in the Middle East: Expresses deep concern at situation's deterioration due to continued Israeli occupation and its refusal to implement UN resolutions. Affirms that a Peace Conference including the PLO is necessary. Reaffirms a just and lasting peace requires Israeli withdrawal and realization of Palestinian rights. Again requests States stop any aid to Israel, "which would enable it to consolidate its occupation" or exploit the territories. Requests that the Security Council implement UN resolutions.

Resolution 31/62 (09 December 1976) Peace Conference on the Middle East: Gravely concerned at the lack of progress, and calls for a Peace Conference on the Middle East to convene early, by March 1977, under UN auspices, with US and USSR as co-chairs. Requests the Secretary-General resume contact with all parties and co-chairs to prepare and then submit a report to the Security Council on the results by March 1, 1977. Requests Security Council then convene to consider the situation and promote the process towards a just and lasting peace.

Resolution 31/106 (A-D)(16 December 1976) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Finds "no legal validity" in changing Jerusalem's legal status through population transfer and expropriation. Deplores Israel's "continued and persistent violation" of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Condemns Israeli acts, including: denying access to territories, annexations, building settlements, transfers, demolishing homes, exploitation, expropriations, expulsions, mass arrests, pillaging, and destruction of Syrian Quneitra.

Resolution 31/110 (16 December 1976) Living conditions of the Palestinian people: Requests the Secretary-General work with UN agencies and organs to prepare a report on the Palestinian people's living conditions. Requests it "consult and cooperate with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, "the representative of the Palestinian people." Urges that all States cooperate with the UN in this matter. Requests the Secretary-General submit his report to the General Assembly.

Resolution 31/186 (21 December 1976) Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories: Recalls G.A. Res. 3516, which concluded the Secretary-General's report on economic damage to Arabs from Israeli aggression and occupation was inadequate, because it lacked comprehensive studies. Recalls 3516 requested a final, complete report. Notes Secretary-General regrets the report's tardiness. Requests he complete it. Reaffirms Arab States' and occupied peoples' right to control their resources and economy, and to compensation for exploitation, loss, and damage.

Resolution 32/4 (A)(25 October 1977) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force: Notes that funds for the UN Emergency Force are only authorized to October 24, 1977, but SC Res. 416 extended their mandate until October, 1978. Authorizes Secretary-General to enter the UN Emergency Force into commitments up to about $6 million monthly from October 25 until November 30, 1977, and the UN Disengagement Observer Force up to about $1.3 million monthly during that time to give the GA time to consider the report on their financing.

Resolution 32/4 (B+C)(02 December 1977) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force: Apportions over $76.3 million for UN Emergency Force from October, 1977 until October, 1978. Stresses need for contributed money, services, and supplies. Apportions funds for UN Disengagement Observer Force: $6.4 million for June, 1977 until October 1977 and over $17.6 million for October 1977 to May, 1978.

Resolution 32/5 (28 October 1977) Recent illegal Israeli measures in the Occupied Arab Territories designed to change to legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of those territories in contravention of the principles of the charter of the United Nations, of Israel’s international obligations under the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and of United Nations’ resolutions, and obstruction of efforts aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East: "Expresses grave anxiety and concern" over serious situation due to Israel, as the Occupying Power, changing geography and demographics of the territories, violating the Geneva Conventions. Finds all such measures in the occupied territories "have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction of efforts aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East." Calls on Israel not to try to change occupied territories' legal status, including Jerusalem. Requests Secretary-General urgently contact Israel to implement this resolution.

Resolution 32/20 (25 November 1977) The situation in the Middle East: Deeply concerned by Israel's ten year illegal occupation and thirty years of depriving Palestinians of their national rights, and reaffirms acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible. Condemns its occupation. States a just peace requires a comprehensive settlement, including Israeli withdrawal and attainment of Palestinian rights. Calls for early Peace Conference under UN auspices with US and USSR as co-chairs and with relevant parties, including the PLO, on equal footing.

Resolution 32/40 (A+B)(02 December 1977) Question of Palestine: Endorses Committee on Palestinian rights' recommendations. Urges Security Council to decide whether to endorse them. Requests the creation of a Special Unit on Palestinian Rights in the UN, and for the Secretariat to write about Palestinian inalienable rights, relevant UN resolutions, and UN actions to promote these rights. Requests it also to promote publication of these writings and organize International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29.

Resolution 32/82 (12 December 1977) Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the region of the Middle East: Recognizes the urgency of preventing nuclear war in the Middle East. Urges establishment of a nuclear-weapons-free zone. Urges states to adhere to Treaty on Non-Proliferation, to proclaim reciprocal intent not to make or possess nuclear arms or to allow them on their territory, and to allow IEAE safeguards for any nuclear activities. Recommends nuclear states act accordingly to promote nuclear weapons free zone in Middle East.

Resolution 32/90 (A-F)(13 December 1977) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Calls on Israel to allow refugees' return and to provide shelters. Calls on Israel to cease obstructing refugees' return, including through attempts to change the territories' structure; destroying shelters; and expelling refugees. Notes that less than one in 1,000 Palestinian refugees can receive any higher education. Calls for scholarships. Requests funds for relief to Palestinian refugees through UNRWA "as a matter of urgency."

Resolution 32/91 (A-C)(13 December 1977) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Reaffirms that the Geneva Convention does apply to the occupied territories, including Jerusalem. Deplores Israeli refusal to acknowledge this. Condemns Israeli destruction of Syria's Quneitra, annexations, settlements, population transfers, home demolitions, property expropriation, expulsions, denying right of return, mass arrests, torture, and exploitation. Declares Israeli changes to territories' demographics and structure "null and void", and that they are "flagrant violations" of the Geneva Convention.

Resolution 32/111 (15 December 1977) Health needs of Palestinian Refugee Children: Deeply concerned that almost 1/2 million Palestinian children in refugee camps do not get "basic nutritional requirements", and requests Secretary-General conduct a sample survey to assess needs.

Resolution 32/160 (05 July 1977) Question of Palestine: Recites Organization of African Unity resolution: "Gravely concerned" about Israel's "vicious… expansionist plans," and reaffirms a just peace requires withdrawal from occupation and recognition of Palestinian rights, including to self-determination and a State. Criticizes South Africa's, Rhodesia's, and Israel's alliance for "terrorism and extermination." Supports "heroic struggle against Zionism and racism." Calls for Israel's isolation, and support for Palestinians' "just cause".

Resolution 32/161 (19 December 1977) Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories: Bears in mind conventions on occupiers' obligations. Notes Secretary-General's report on economic damage to Arab peoples and states from "repeated Israeli aggression" and occupation. Reaffirms that Israel's measures to exploit occupied territories' resources and economy are illegal, and calls on Israel to stop. Calls on countries and institutions not to recognize or cooperate with Israel's exploitation of territories' resources, or Israel's changes to the demographics, geography or structure of the occupied territories.

Resolution 32/171 (19 December 1977) Living conditions of the Palestinian People: Notes the Secretary-General's report on the Palestinians' living conditions in the occupied territories. Believes more analysis is needed to satisfy GA resolution 31/110's objectives. Requests the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the UN agencies, including the UNRWA, to prepare a "comprehensive and analytical report on the social and economic impact of the Israeli occupation" on the Palestinians' living conditions, and submit it to the General Assembly.

Resolution S-8/1 (21 April 1978) Credentials of representatives to the eighth special session of the General Assembly: "Approves the report of the Credential Committee".

Resolution S-8/2 (21 April 1978): Appropriates $54 million for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon from March 19 to September 18, 1978. Discusses apportionment between member states. Approves commitment up to $6 million monthly from September 19 until October 31, 1978, if the Security Council decides to continue it beyond the initial six months. Invites voluntary contributions to it in cash, services, and supplies. "Calls upon Israel to fulfill its responsibilities under Security Council resolution 425 (1978)."

Resolution 33/13 (A-F)(14 December 1978) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force: Authorizes Secretary-General to enter into UN Emergency Force commitments of up to about $6.3 million monthly and UN Disengagement Observer Force commitments up to $1,607,000 monthly from October 25 until November 30, 1978, while the G.A. considers the Secretary -General's report on the financing of the Forces. Also authorizes funding for December 1-7. Apportions funds for nine months beginning in October, 1979. Stresses need for contributions.

Resolution 33/14 (03 November 1978) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Appropriate $6,900,000 more to Special Accounts, which is the amount of the commitments the Secretary-General entered into for UN Interim Force in Lebanon Appropriates about $44.6 million of it for the period from September 19, 1978 until January 18, 1978. Authorizes commitments for the force up to $11.142 million monthly from January 19 until October 31, 1979. Invites voluntary contributions of cash, services, and supplies.

Resolution 33/24 (29 November 1978) Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights: Condemns Israeli expansionism, bombing of civilians, and destruction of their villages and camps. Condemns governments that do not recognize the right to self-determination of peoples under colonial or foreign domination, notably pertaining to Africans and Palestinians. Demands release of those imprisoned for struggling for self-determination or independence. Calls for observance of Universal Declaration on Human Rights' prohibition on torture and cruel treatment of prisoners.

Resolution 33/28 (A-C)(07 December 1978) Question of Palestine: Reaffirms that a just and lasting peace requires a just settlement, including Palestinians' attainment of their inalienable rights. Declares that agreements on the Palestinian question are only valid if they are as per the UN framework and Charter, include Palestinians' rights to return and sovereignty, and include PLO participation. Regrets that the Security Council has not yet taken action on the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People's recommendations.

Resolution 33/29 (07 December 1978) The situation in the Middle East: Reaffirms "until Israel withdraws from all occupied…territories, and until the Palestinian people achieves…its inalienable national rights, a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East…will not be achieved." Calls for a peace conference on the Mid-East under the UN auspices, with the PLO participating on equal footing, and with the US and USSR as co-chairs.

Resolution 33/64 (14 December 1978) Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the region of the Middle East: Invites all parties concerned to declare support for nuclear-weapons-free-zone in Middle East and to consider "practical and urgent steps" to implement it. Invites them to abide by the Treaty on Non-Proliferation, and declare that they will reciprocally refrain from making or acquiring nuclear arms. Calls on them to place their nuclear activities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. Recommends nuclear-armed states act accordingly.

Resolution 33/81 (15 December 1978) Health needs of Palestinian Refugee Children: Thanks Secretary-General for preparing a report on Palestinian refugee children's health needs. Requests states and concerned organizations to cooperate with UNRWA to remedy the basic deficiencies discussed in the report's annex.

Resolution 33/110 (18 December 1978) Living conditions of the Palestinian People: Notes Secretary-General's report on Palestinians' living conditions. Notes it has not prepared the full report required by previous resolutions. Requests it prepare a "comprehensive analysis and report on the social and economic impact of Israel's occupation" on the Palestinians' living conditions in the occupied territories. Calls for cooperation with the PLO and UN agencies while doing so, and to have it completed by the next General Assembly session.

Resolution 33/112 (A-F)(18 December 1978) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes in the territories Israel occupied since 1967. Declares attempts to restrict or condition this right inadmissible. Calls on Israel to repatriate displaced persons, stop obstructing their return, and stop removing Palestinians and destroying their shelters in Gaza. Requests scholarships to Palestinian refugees and greatly needed funding for the UNRWA.

Resolution 33/113 (A-C)(18 December 1978) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Urges Geneva Convention parties to "exert all efforts" on Israel to abide by Geneva Convention in occupied territories and to avoid actions it will exploit to colonize them. Condemns annexations, building settlements, population transfers, expulsions, home demolitions, expropriation, mass arrests, torture, pillaging, and exploitation. Reaffirms demographic changes to the territories, including Jerusalem, are void and settling them is a flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention.

Resolution 33/146 (20 December 1978) Assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon: Deeply concerned about immense economic damage, death, disruption, unmet needs in Lebanon due to four years of fighting, and endorses Secretary-General's appeal for assistance to Lebanon. Urges all governments to help in its reconstruction.

Resolution 33/147 (20 December 1978) Assistance to the Palestinian People: Endorses Economic and Social Council resolutions regarding assistance to Palestinian people. Calls on UN Development Programme, with other agencies, to implement the resolution to improve the social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people. Calls for it to identify their social and economic needs, establish projects, and provide funds to do so, "without prejudice to the sovereignty of the respective Arab host countries."

Resolution 34/7 (A)(25 October 1979) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and the United Nations Disengagement Force: Authorizes Secretary General to enter UN Disengagement Observer Force into commitments of up to about $1.68 million monthly from October 25 until November 30, 1979, while the General Assembly considers the Secretary-General's report on financing the peacekeeping force.

Resolution 34/7 (B+C)(03 December 1979) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and the United Nations: Appropriates about $18 million for liquidating the UN Emergency Force from July 25, 1979. Discusses apportionment. Appropriates about $10 million for the UN Disengagement Observer Force from June 1 until November 30, 1979, as appropriated and authorized by prior resolution. Apportions $12.5 million for its operation from December 1 until May 31, 1980. Authorizes Secretary-General to enter UNDOF into commitments of about $2 million monthly.

Resolution 34/7 (D)(17 December 1979) Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and the United Nations Disengagement Force: Notes UN Disengagement Observer Force's financing is essential for it to meet Security Council-mandated duties. Realizes that UN Financial Regulations would aggravate its "already difficult financial situation," which resulted from some member States withholding their contributions. Suspends those regulations for over $5.2 million pending further discussion of the matter by the General Assembly.

Resolution 34/9 (A)(01 November 1979) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Authorizes Secretary General to enter into commitments for UN Interim Force in Lebanon up to about $10.17 million monthly from Nov. 1 until Dec 18, 1979, while the General Assembly considers the Secretary-General's report on financing the force.

Resolution 34/9 (B-E)(17 December 1979) Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Appropriates about $60.7 million for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon from June 19 until December 18, 1979. Authorizes the Secretary-General to enter it into commitments up to about $10.7 million monthly for a year beginning December 18, 1979, if the Security Council decides to continue the Force. Notes that states withholding contributions caused a lack of funds needed to reimburse troop-contributing states. Asks for voluntary contributions.

Resolution 34/29 (16 November 1979) Situation in the occupied territories: Calls on Israel to rescind the deportation order for the mayor of Nablus to outside of the occupied Palestinian territory. Notes with grave concern that the order caused other mayors in the occupied territories to resign. Expresses "grave anxiety and concern about the present serious situation in the occupied Palestinian territory as a result of the deportation decision."

Resolution 34/44 (23 November 1979) Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights: Reaffirms legitimacy of independence struggles. Condemns agreements that violate the UN Charter and "prevent the realization of the Palestinian people's aspiration to return to its homeland" to achieve self-determination and sovereignty. Condemns Israel's "expansionist activities," bombing of civilians, and destruction of villages. Demands release of all imprisoned for liberation struggles. Calls for support for Palestinians' struggle for self-determination.

Resolution 34/52 (A-F)(23 November 1979) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East: "Notes with deep regret" Palestinian refugees have not been repatriated or compensated, as provided by SC Res. 194 (III, para 11), so their situation is still of serious concern. Considers void all agreements restricting or conditioning their right to return. Calls on Israel to repatriate the displaced, stop removing Palestinians, stop destroying shelters, and stop obstructing return. Requests scholarships for Palestinian refugees and greatly needed funding for UNRWA.

Resolution 34/65 (A-D)(12 December 1979) Question of Palestine: Rejects agreements claiming to solve the Palestine issue that envisage continued occupation or violate Palestinian inalienable rights, including to self-determination and to return. Rejects Camp David Accords provisions ignoring such rights. Declares "no legal validity" in deficient accords. Request Secretary-General rename Special Unit on Palestinian Rights "Division on Palestinian Rights" and expand its work. Requests states observe November 29, Palestinian solidarity day.

Resolution 34/70 (06 December 1979) The situation in the Middle East: Reaffirms until Israel withdraws from occupied territories and Palestinians attain their inalienable rights, "a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East…will not be achieved." Condemns agreements violating Palestinian rights and the principles of a comprehensive and just settlement. Calls for a peace conference under UN auspices, with the PLO participating on equal footing, and with the US and USSR as co-chairs.

Resolution 34/77 (11 December 1979) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East: Invites all parties concerned to declare support for nuclear-weapons-free-zone in Middle East and to consider "practical and urgent steps" to implement it. Invites them to abide by the Treaty on Non-Proliferation, and declare that they will reciprocally refrain from making or acquiring nuclear arms. Calls on them to place their nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards. Recommends nuclear-armed states to act accordingly.

Resolution 34/89 (11 December 1979) Israeli nuclear armament: Recalling UN condemnation of Israeli - S.African nuclear collaboration, and recalling UN resolutions to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, appeals to all nations to end nuclear collaboration with Israel, and condemns Israeli efforts to acquire and develop nuclear weaponsand calls upon Israel to submit to IAEA inspections.

Resolution 34/90 (A-C)(12 December 1979) Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories: Deplores Israel's Geneva Convention violations. Condemns its annexations, building of settlements, torture, population transfers, expulsions, home demolitions, expropriation, mass arrests, pillaging, and exploitation. Reaffirms demographic and structural changes to occupied territories are flagrant Geneva Convention violations. Calls on States not to recognize such "null and void" changes and to avoid acts that could further Israel's illegal policies, including "annexation and colonization."

Resolution 34/113 (14 December 1979) Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories: Notes Secretary-General's report on the Palestinians' living conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories, which "has not been sufficiently analytical," though it had many relevant facts. Requests it prepare a "comprehensive and analytical report on the social and economic impact of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people" for the next G.A. session. Requests it work with UN agencies and the PLO to prepare the report.

Resolution 34/133 (14 December 1979) Assistance to the Palestinian people: "Notes with satisfaction" the UN Development Programme's response to G.A. Res 33/147. Endorses UN Development Program's decision 79/18, which implements 33/147. 33/147 called on it to intensify efforts to implement Economic and Social Council resolutions to improve Palestinians' social and economic conditions by identifying those needs, establishing projects to that end, and funding them. Urges all UN organs to implement the Economic and Social Council Resolutions 2026 and 2100.

Resolution 34/136 (14 December 1979) Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories: Reaffirms the illegality of Israeli measures to exploit the people and resources of the occupied territories. Calls on it to stop and provide compensation. Calls on all states, organizations, and investment corporations not to recognize or cooperate with Israel's exploitation or changes to the occupied territories geographic character, demographics or institutional structure.

Resolution 35/45 (A+B)(01 December 1979) Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Force: Appropriates about $15 million for the UN Disengagement Observer Force from December 1, 1980 until May 31, 1981. Discusses apportionment. Authorizes the Secretary-General to enter the force into commitments up to about $2.4 million monthly from June 1 until November 30, 1981. Requests voluntary contributions. Recognizing financial troubles caused by Member States withholding contributions, suspends some UN financial regulations.

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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions, 1947-present
General Assembly
(Nos. 2628-35/45)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

(C) Israel Law Resoource Center, February, 2007.



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