Why are you letting them hurt me like this. You know they are doing to this because of your.  I can't stop crying...

Lost At Sea... I think I want to loose this body and see what the next one brings. Perhaps another Dolphin swimming free.

So I begin a new segment of my life. Lightning sriking again. Lightning strikeing again and again...


Love in the Office

Motley Fool
Thursday February 12, 6:42 am ET
By Selena Maranjian


A recent Inc. magazine article took aim at the conventional wisdom that people at work shouldn't get entangled in romantic relationships -- especially bosses and subordinates. There's some logic in the warning: If things go sour, there may be accusations of sexual harassment, and even if things go well, other employees might not feel comfortable.

But there's also logic in accepting and seeking out workplace romances. Some points made by Inc.:


  • A survey by the American Management Association reports that nearly a third of managers have dated someone from work. Among those relationships, some 44% led to marriage and another 23% to long-term commitments.
  • According to a study by the American Psychological Association, only 1% of harassment claims are bogus. This should encourage those who worry about being the target of unfounded claims. (It's speculated that the number is so low because of the risks involved in making a claim, even a truthful one.)
  • Mari Florence, author of Sex at Work: Attraction, Harassment, Flirtation, and Discrimination, notes that the office is one of the most "natural" places to find love. "The people you meet at the office are often more compatible… They have similar hopes and dreams."
  • Entrepreneurs and others who work long hours will often find love at their workplace or not at all, since most of their waking hours are spent at work.

  • While dating may be OK, mere flings can be destructive. And if someone keeps saying no, that should mean no. Otherwise, it's harassment.

  • One last piece of advice: "Fall in love with someone who's really good at his or her job. Then no one's going to question why this person is getting promotions."

Inc. also notes the example of The Princeton Review (Nasdaq: REVU - News), where "six of 10 top executives, including the CEO and president of the New York City-based test prep company, are married to people who were on the payroll. More than 40 couples that met at the company have tied the knot. So far, there have been no divorces and no lawsuits -- though more than 20 children have been born." It also points out that Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT - News) Bill Gates met his wife Melinda at work.

If you'd like to discuss relationships, pop into our Single Fools, He/She, or Investing for Couples discussion boards. If you're not yet a Fool, take a 30-day free trial today.

Once you're paired up with someone, don't neglect your financial future together. Learn more in Dayana Yochim's book, Couples & Cash: How to Handle Money With Your Honey.

Longtime Fool contributor Selena Maranjian owns shares of Microsoft.

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Sexual Politics--Sexual Harassment is about Power Not Sex.

What is also true is for those of us who have REAL sexual harassment cases, the people doing it are often psychotic and may go to the point of stalking and harassing you outside of the office. For a company to ignore such a complaint is insane.  In my case, the male was of a different race, born in a third world country, 12  years younger and uneducated, while I was a technical women who Microsoft and Bill Gates personally pursued for employment. They did head hunt me into their company and placed me in an unusual job right downstairs from Bill Gates.  Not only did Microsoft ignore the sexual harassment complaint I made, they have remained hell bent over the years to defend their mistake, even though the assault that was involved resulted in a very serious injury to me and left me with a permanent disability. Instead of protecting my right to privacy in this case, they didn't even allow me an interview to tell my side of the story. To this day they have never talked to me about this situation. I wasn't even deposed in the lawsuit and the case was dismissed before it was even legally briefed. 

Defending the actions of a rapist or criminal is nothing to take pride in Microsoft! Victims of rape under criminal law can keep their names even withheld from public. In my case, I was personally defamed by Connie Ballmer in the media, even though she had never met me or have any kind of real information about me. And it was Connie Ballmer who handled the PR part of my case at Waggener-Edsrtom at the time. The situation was so bad that Steve Ballmer took to using phony e-mail alias in Europe so he could harass me and some others over the Internet. The situation was so bad that one of his own managers in Europe reported him to Microsoft's Board. Ballmer repaid this man by harassing him right out of his job. Having people with this level of wealth attacking you when you have a disability is very physically destructive.

Not only was I sexual and physical assault, I have  had to put up with the endless attack by Microsoft.  They treated my case the same way they did the antitrust case or any other.  I've had to put up with defamation of character, the total destruction of my career, watch them harass and manipulate my children, help my ex-husbands take my family from me, a permanent disability that has required extensive social service support and now a powered wheelchair and an a total lack of privacy in my life. What they didn't count on was that a women at my intellectual level would spend the rest of my life trying to CLEAR MY NAME and REPUTATION! I have to laugh at times. AND if that means bring this company to it's knees, that is exactly what I will do. NO CORPORATION that encages in kinds of criminal activities to win lawsuits should be a monopoly. AND I have nothing better to do with my time since they took every other means of reasonable work away from me.

I was promised an investigation of these criminal issues by VP Al Gore's Office in 1993 and it still hasn't happened. Just how much money did Microsoft pay to get this investigation stopped and to whom?

For the FBI:

Letters from the White House and Department of Justice and others.

You can go through my documents and their dates and see a constant stream over 13 years of one issue after the other. So right now we are here:  The denial of medical treatment at Valley Medical for a dislocated and broken elbow and the assault at Overlake Hospital (related story) who didn't even do an X-ray of my neck or knees or put an ice pack on my head. People know who I am and this is the kind of treatment I get--abuse and no medical treatment at all. Just yet another attempt to defame, humiliate and defame.

This is the main link page:  The Eye -- Sexual harassment, retaliation and the promotion of pornography by Microsoft.

The bruises on these pictures were light but darkened over the next few days. The one of my right upper arm was so bad that it was to the bone.  I had good reason to want to leave.

Man behind Microsoft's Monopoly Power

Isn't it amazing that with this kind of evidence there is NO attorney willing to take my case?

I would love to see this Mr Gates eat this crap
He interfered with my ability to even get a public defender when he was president of that. Justice for all as long as you suck up to him and his law firm and family. Yep, you is going down in the History Books as just what you are old man.  Even your oldest daughter had to move away from you. Do a Kristi Billy. Bill has never been good enough for you.  He has some flaw that you need to take care to cover up, like ME!  I had two Presidents of the Washington State Bar Association in the early 90s and several others who either went to school with Bill Gates at Lakeside say it was Gates Sr. and his attitude about his son.  They would say, 'I don't like Bill Gates much myself, but with all he has given this community you would think his father would have something positive to say.' 

There are even others who are complaining about the amount they give to both the UW and the United Way because they feel that it's an attempt to own what should be public institutions.  Well, that is why I've been denied medical at the UW and had every United Way agency I've dealt with, including my landlord Seattle Mental Health treat me badly. 

After I got a wheelchair, Seattle Mental Health had all the door stops taken off all the doors I needed to go through so I would have problems getting into the building, laundry room and storage and refuse to remove the spring hinges on my apartment door, even though other apartment's don't have them,  so I'm constantly getting injured just getting into my home.

Or after having two days of assessments with Hearing Speech and Deafness Center in Seattle, my only choice for a job was working in a Casino... Gee as a disabled person that seem like a pretty high risk job to me. What it was is a slap in the face again just to say, we aren't going to let you work at anything that matches your education or skills.

Then it was even better when Washington Vocational Services got involved. They wanted me to do a work easements at CEI in Issaquah. This is a sheltered workshop for the Mentally Retarded.

When I attempted to do volunteer work in the Issaquah school district, I got hit yet again. Here we have a district desperate for technical help and I am rejected. I was told that they didn't think I would be able to work with men. My last business venture was a multimedia company and I was one women-CEO with 7 males willing to work with me. My last for pay job was setting up a video production lab for a company that would allow them to convert Beta Cam into video for Windows.

This is what I get? I have no damages from Mr. Gates and his law firm Preston Gates and Ellis? Mr. Gates doesn't do anything wrong, he just encourages other people to by his actions. How about Gov. Locke who wouldn't investigate the harassment in his own government. I don't even have any social services and was denied a hearing about DSHS interfering with my ability to get medical treatment for a dislocated elbow, broken arm and sprain ankle. Actually, I'm feeling kind of better without any services. I would rather die in peace than to be badgered to death but local Gates Foundation suck ups.

I'm going to have those answering machine taps up as soon as I can figure out how to get them into MP3 format.

This is the declaration involving Mary Gates that was used to prevent me from moving to Connecticut to work for IBM. Non of the women who are mentioned in the declaration ever spoke to me either on the phone or in person after I was assaulted at Microsoft. That is why I went to the EEOC for help. I was being harassed at work and it didn't stop after they fired me and I was getting ready for surgery. I was so traumatized by this situation that I couldn't even approach that company or anyone in the Gates family.

You know, a lot of these insane court document out on this web are in the hands of Judges and Lawyers handling other Microsoft cases. I learned something very important from Bill Gates, Sr.  You don't win a case on just the basis of facts. What really count is who you are, know and what kind of bias you can create. Thanks so much Mr. Gates Sr. You son lost his antitrust case with the US and also the EU. Don't expect Microsoft to win an appeal of the EU settlement. With what is in those documents, it's possible that hearsay evidence will be admitted to support even harsher measures. You see, the laws regarding abuse and discrimination of women and exploitation of children are much harder in the EU. So maybe you should take a look at what your law firm said I did that was so wrong and deserved this kind of treatment. Hey do you like SPAM and Porno?  Well, Microsoft used their monopoly to promoted so they could make more money.

I never called anyone either or attempted to meet them, especially Mary Gates. How would I? I only got the phone number in the middle of 1994 after he called me and asked me to call him.  Perhaps if he had taken the time to meet with me I wouldn't be living like this after 10 years of non stop harassment by people who think that this is what he wants in order for them to get money from the Gates Foundation.  I did send Mary Gates a letter at the UW  about my background and who hard I worked to get through college as a single mother, asking for her help. I was under the miss understanding that this family supported women who worked hard to get out of poverty.

Let's all say Charity and United Way... Who is doing this?

Every single so called non-profit organizations I've come in contact as a disabled person reek of fraud, including Seattle King Co. Health and Human Services. Everyone is making a buck off of the poor and defenseless people in this community, including Mr. Gates who keeps on making so much money off his Trust that he is having to pay taxes on it every year. His Trust is nothing but a tax shelter and promotional fund.

In 1995 I put this web on the Internet because after 5 years of trying to put a sexual harassment case behind me, I found myself accused of breaking into the Federal Building by the very agency who was suppose to be investigating the retaliation issue--The EEOC.  I had been led to think that there would be some kind of mediation where both sides would be in the same room to hear this case. I learned over the years that the sole purpose of this agency and our laws that give you only 90 days to sue are to white wash cases like mine. Every attorney in the area that I went to said that they couldn't take the case because the EEOC had investigated it. It is my intent to get rid of the EEOC and these statues of limitation so that people, both women and men have the ability to sue in for injury under the same limits as someone in an auto accident or any other civil case. I had to deal with the EEOC while I was trying to go through major surgery and the emotional trauma for an assault--adding to my traumatic situation and definitely having a major impact on me emotionally when they didn't even interview me or any of my witnesses during the case. 



This agency and many others waste valuable tax payer's dollars. It also waste the careers of valuable employees. Rod VanMechlan was a male at Microsoft fired for simply writing an e-mail to a women about her provocative behavior on the job. She was sexually harassing him. And Ron Collins, who investigated my Labor and Industry case, was also fired from his job for responding to a provocative e-mail from a women employee. He was obviously set up too for having supported my case. It amazed me that a corporate whore can totally destroy a males career and yet a female that is high tech, has no civil right under the EEOC at all. That Paula Jones case with Clinton really upset me to no end. And the Monica Lawinsky case? Who was sexually harassing who? And why does anyone believe a female who is coming onto a male in this manner? And then there is Bill Gates' mess... which is the case of the century. And then come to think of it, I always wondered why I was attacked by Connie Ballmer. Could it be that Steve Ballmer was trapped in a similar way?  After all, Connie considered my e-mail to Bill Gates about women using sex to manipulate men very threatening? To who? Certainly not to Microsoft males!
















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