Meals On Wheels?

Check out some more wonderful choices.

Senator John Edwards will change this.

Medicare Floor Statement -MP3 audio  -  REAL Video
November 24, 2003November 23, 2003

This is an abomination to the food GOD created for us to eat!

I was pretty distressed... I tried to find some meat in this goop. People really don't know what they have until they no longer have it. I never would have imagined at 45 that by the time I was 48 I would be dependent on other people to get food in my home and not be able to do things like go to a movie. Something should be done about this.

In my spiritual thinking, my body is the house of the Holy Spirit. To defile it with food not worthy of it's purpose is sinful. To be put in a situation, where the STATE is attempting to force me to violate my own religious values is a crime against humanity. Over the past 13 years, dealing with my situation has been like dealing with the devil--which I see as a metaphor for some of the most evil and destructive behavior imaginable.

But we all reap what we sew... And what Microsoft has brought down on me is now coming down on them. And it's happening very fast.  The EU is finding how how to balance you out... No one is going to want to deal with me for  causing so many problems for so many other companies. Lets see what else they may bring to the table? 

Just remember Mr. Gates, this war was started by YOU, NOT me. You attempts to punish the people you DON'T LIKE in ways like this, because you're spoiled and always could get away with  it.  You attack people without know who they are.... like a gifted women with three children who had a physical disability... takes the cake. Your attacks are not working so well with the Internet around. You have dirty laundry everywhere. You will pay, perhaps with your own health some day. And your father, well, he is definitely going to come back to the mess he created, and I bet he won't be born wealthy either... And when you are searching through garbage in a city without hope the next time around, you will remember some of the past in your dreams.

For me this is a major life struggle. It's against my religious believes to commit suicide, so those people who think they can push it, should just give it a break. Instead, I look at these issue as something much bigger and more important than just my incontinence and personal  distaste.  I could eat beans and rice with vegetables every day and feel just fine about it. I'm a very basic person, driven by very basic instincts. But I am disciplined to this. I feel better with this kind of diet and will mostlikely stop these meals as soon as the weather improves.

In the process of going through this I've tapped into some kind of inner strength--GOD--and am healing myself.  I can now walk in my apartment and do some yoga. I'll have to take some picture of this too. Anyone in my situation, including the Pope, only need ask and I will help.

This is the kind of meal most of our home bound seniors and disabled, which includes vets, people with HIV/AIDS, cancer, MS and people like me who were injured on the job (never able to work again due to Microsoft's discriminatory practices), have to choose.  Because we  are a captive group, we are being ripped of at a major level.  AND these meals are making our condition worse.  You think this isn't important to  you until you have your speed boat flip on Lake Washington, find yourselves at the mercy of doctors who exhaust all your insurance and other resources, and then find yourself, disabled, alone, and on social security having to pay to have this kind of food to just stay alive. You wouldn't believe the stories I've heard on Access Vans. People think they have insurance, but you rally don't.

These meals cost $3.50. You can get a roll, that has been frozen--usually hard and glass of powdered milk with it. Still this doesn't justify the cost for what you are buying when this is a non-profit program and is staffed by volunteers.

I was pretty distressed about this and have been for quite some time. Not all of the seniors who are shut-ins are so poor they can't afford something else. They justify this kind of food claiming it's been created with the best health benefit in mind. NOT SO!

So I decided that since the weather was good (it is always good when I have things to do) that I would take my camera to Safeway, which is a block from my apartment. And what did I find there?  Safeway just so happens to be running a sale on almost all their frozen meals. LOL My angel must be looking out for me again. So I decided to buy some dinners, since they were all just 4 for $10. That means they are $1 less than the crap above. This is what I got to match the so called Fried Chicken Breast that wasn't.

HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THE US ARE USING THIS PROGRAM? Wouldn't they be healthier if they had food that was at least government inspected and healthy to eat. I think this program needs to be investigated to find out who the hell is making a buck off of this mess.

This is cheaper.  Not only is this REAL Chicken, it's a healthy portion of White Meat.


The regular price for this is $3.29 and a roll can usually be added too, but with the cherry crisp, that isn't necessary. It's heals the body and spirit. This is what health is about. When these are on sale, they are $2.50.  And if they were bought wholesale, they would be much less, about half the price on the shelf.

This is the Reality. Something is very wrong with this totally volunteer program. Either there is massive fraud or the people doing it are not qualified to do so. I believe that there is a very huge business opportunity here for someone who can figure this out.  Since I've been eating this crap I have it pretty well figured out myself. Any takers?

Remember, I have an Angel looking out for me. And if you doubt this I would suggest you go to Safeway and have a look see.  I'm a pet. When I do good I get a treat. LOL This is how you know of God's existence.

 I'm hardcore math and statistics.  There is not way statistically that I can constantly have these things happen like this. When my physical ability started to go down hill, the Safeway store which was about 1 1/2 miles from my home moved to within a block. It was as much a miracle as this was. 

This always happens to me.   Just as I was preparing to put up a page on the Meals on Wheels program this wonderful bonanza of sales turns up.  I was photographing my meals for about two months from time to time.  Mostly I eat the same thing so getting a variety was hard. This week I didn't get any because my phone was out when they called last week and I couldn't order. So when I do God's will I get rewarded.

Many of these products are better than what they are putting out to the Meals on Wheels program. But it's what they sell at Trader Joes and the Food Coop that I think has the best potential. These are frozen foods, and healthy foods.  Even the products produced by the company Linda McCartney started (Paul McCarthy's Wife.) She was getting it together pretty well. I am too, but we get to a point where we know it's time to move on. Linda McCartney's Kitchen  I remember reading the boxes and trying some of these meals. It was exactly what we need for aging and ill people who are often alone or living with people too busy to prepare such things. So food for health is a big issue. And humans need to understand that when they eat, they are accepting the life force of another enmity that is part of GOD'S creation and have respect for that.

We eat to life. We do not LIVE to eat.

One thing I do know for sure... Never eat processed foods if you can help it. Vegetarianism isn't the trick.  Macro Biotic is. If you eat meat, it organic and cook it right so it's still juicy. If you eat vegetables, do the same. There are all these critical enzymes and cell salts in certain foods. We need to replenish them. While vitamin can help, nothing can take the place of what GOD has created and in that kind of a complex way, NO MAN will understand how it all fits together and works. So you have to TRUST the CREATOR! Raw fish and rare meat occasionally is a good thing.

I tend to like tofu just plain, plain yogurt and butter milk as my protein sources but that is only because I am physically disabled and poor. This is something I don't have to really prepare. But when I began to add rare meat and raw fish, my neurological problem improved. So I though that it makes since. GOD created us to eat such things too.

If you remove the refinements from your life, you have a better idea of what is good. ALL man made drugs, down to the simplest aspirin, can effect the ability of the LIFE FORCE of GOD acting within you. Yet the stressers of our life have created a condition that makes other problems.  What to do I have no idea. Run Away.

You know, I think some of these people might like a 6 pack of beer or a bottle of win too.  I mean what is the use of staying alive if your life is nothing but doctors, drugs and social workers.

Less than $1.40 each and it's real food not textures protein.

Two Ham Scrambles @ $1.90 each not $3.50 for garbage. And this is real food.

Much of this is better than Meals on Wheels but I think we can do much better.


God is NOT very happy about MAN redesigning what he has created or attempting to fabricate it. He is about as crazy about Copyrights as Bill Gates and Microsoft. Though this Being is not flesh and blood like a human and has no voice or physical present as we need, God can express himself in ways more powerful than any mere human. God is at one with all elements and in all things.  God flows through you when you are in line with his laws as laid out in many languages, cultures and holy books such as the Bible. And when God flows through you he cares for you. In some lands we call this Chi.  But Chi is God. But when you are in violation of the Codes of existence, God can not flow through you correctly and you become ill.  This is what HIV/AIDS is.

This body is too complex for any man to understand and so is the ecosystem on this planet. Man is modifying his biology with drugs, food additives and perversions that cause hormonal imbalances, changes in the electrolytic  and modify cell DNA in the body. When man messes with what God has created, then the Holy Spirit can not move through you. And the Angels who watch over you can't protect you. You are at grave risk. We all need a guardian in our life to survive.

This Meals on Wheels program is being force on the elderly and disabled. They are not being given a real healthy choice for what they put in their body. And the government and the crooks who are marketing these drugs that cause more problems are so arrogant that they think they can totally rework what God has created.

I know from being a computer programmer that reworking someone else's code always lead to major problems. This is what is wrong with Microsoft's Windows. I use it only as an analogy. The same is true with genetic engineering. When you change God's Codes then he can't now enable the life force in the food or the animals the way he intended. You are on your own. That is very risky. 

People who live outside the rules of our creator, are going to be sent back to try it again. Imagine all you industrialist being born into a world with disease, war and food, fuel and water shortages. This is HELL. And you created this! I'm absolutely certain I was a scientist in one of my past lives. I knew two much about science from the time I was born.

Max Planck--father of quantum physics

Einstein -- Relativity--Photoelectric Effect

Weird Science...?
It's all about money and power. GREED! The reality is that putting any science into the hands of morons is a sin. Look what they always do with it. I think Gates is Einstein reincarnated. Einstein asserted that 'Without Secrets, you can have NO WARS!' As hard as this man tries, he has work to strip away all privacy and secrecy in the world do day. How do you undo the atomic bomb? No secrets.


An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism

There are a lot of things I learned from the Catholic Church as a child. I really liked the first part of the Catechism. Then when it starts to claim to be special and becomes pompous, I toss it. No mere man is GOD and the idol warship of Christ as GOD is pretty weird. It's not even consistent with is teaching. GOD is a totally spiritual essence without any human comparison. GOD is what made all and moves all. GOD is something we can't understand or know because it's so beyond our ability to know as we are mere humans bound to this bodily confinement. It is only in death that the spirit is truly freed. So read this Catechism. And know that GOD and CHI and many other similar concepts are ONE.  And we are all ONE with GOD when we follow his codes of life. May the FORCE be with YOU!

Q. 1. Who made you?
A. God. 

There are many other words for this Being. The personification of God is only done to help the lower in intelligence gather a bit of what his intent is. This whole concept is so abstract, that we can never understand God or the motive or the REAL intent. We just have to trust in the results of our actions.  GOD will show us the way, by doing things like causing rolling black outs, turing off the light on the East Cost, Freezing the Cherry Blossom in D.C., or tricking the US and Britain into a war. God works through others, so what happened on 9/11 was SO because it was GOD'S WILL.  If it were not, we would have known and prevented it.

Q. 2. What else did God make?
A. God made all things.

We as humans, have a tie to GOD. GOD is our father just as we say Ford is the father of the auto industry. It's a metaphor. The whole Father, Son and Holy Spirit triad is a metaphor for the relationship we have to our CREATOR.

Q. 3. Why did God make you and all things ?
A. For his own glory.

We are only what we are for HIS own ego in a sense.  It's like why do I do art. For my own satisfaction, not for anyone else's.

Jesus said he was the son of GOD.  He said his father's Kingdom was of this world. He said that he was the Shepard and that we were the sheep. That meant that common man lacked the ability to know where to go on his own. They could be easily lead and were willing to be lead. But Jesus said we were all children of GOD. 

Q. 4. How can you glorify God?
A. By loving him and doing what he commands.

I understood this all at a very early age.  Even in kindergarten I argued this idea with the nuns and priest.

In kindergarten it started with the Pagan Baby program. We were told to bring money to school--usually quarters--that filled these slots on a poster in our room. Poster of poster board and had Holy Picture on it of Jesus Baptizing people of all colors. We had to get $5 to get a Pagan Baby Baptized.

I was in a major panic over this whole thing. If they died without Baptism they would end up in Limbo for eternity. To me this was unacceptable. This was  NOT what Jesus taught. He said to go and Baptize everyone. And we drink water, so this wasn't a major deal... the water. This was my first crisis with the Church.

I was quite obsessed with this dread that children in Africa or South America could be deprived Heaven because we didn't get the money fast enough. for about 3 years, they were constantly having to send me to the priest, who I argued with about this. Eventually I learned that it was money for the Missions, not to Baptized these children.

This was just one of the many issues. It seemed I spent a lot of time with the nuns during recess or with the priest coming to the class and taking me into an office to talk about these things. To me there were all kinds of contradictions between what Jesus taught and was in the Bible and how the Church interpreted it.

I would say, Jesus said I'm a child of GOD too. That means I am the Daughter of GOD just as he is the son.  AND Jesus said to "Be Like ME!"  That meant that I could be a Christ also.  This sure didn't go over well with a very sexist religion. 

For some reason, perhaps because I was an artist almost since I was born, I've always understood the metaphors.  Jesus was the Shepard.  He know how to climb the mountain and find those green pastures.  He was also a fisherman, though we know that his trade was as a Carpenter.

You raise sheep to eat them.  He knew how to herd sheep and when to cull them.  So the concept of being a sheep is to be used.  I wanted to be a Shepard. I didn't want to be used.  I also never wanted to be a fish. They get caught in nets and eaten too.  

He said that if you are one with GOD and allow GOD to work through you that there would be rewards in the end of your being as a human.  This is because GOD is attempting to create other Beings like himself. BUT even though GOD can create the Spirit within you, he can't give you the intelligence of his infinite knowledge. So we will never be more than the ANGELS.  But I would love to be an Angel someday so that I could better serve GOD.

At any rate, my precociousness was quite concerning to my family.   I loved reading about saints and seeing movies about them. The concept of miracles is amazing. So by the time I was about 10 I was teaching myself medication. I would wait until my parent were asleep. Then I would go into the Living room and we had this green glass on a wood pedestal that a candle was in. I drew a picture of it about 15 years ago from memory. I would light the candle and focus on it completely. I always kept it in my mind that Jesus commanded us to be like him, and not to be a sheep that was easily led. He was the greatest man of all times. So go figure.

Q. 5. Why ought you to glorify God?
A. Because he made me and takes care of me.

God made you. But he can only take care of you if you are what he originally made. When MAN changes our genetics, chemistry and hormones, this effects the ability of GOD to care for you.  So you loose your Spiritual connection to GOD.  This is to loose your Chi. 

We are all just a Spirit in a shell composed of an organization of much smaller enmities--cells, DNS, bacteria, virus. Virus are engineered to a purpose. That purpose seems to be to teat the integrity of GOD'S creation. We could call it his QUALITY  ASSURANCE.  This is why I know you will never find a real cure for this biological robot. Only by evolving can Humans resist the Virus.

Q. 6. Are there more gods than one?
A. There is only one God.

This is most true.  We are not guided by a group of deities.  In fact, the term deity is very inappropriate to what GOD is. GOD is the essence of Nature and of all things. The word deity implies just someone that is supreme to you. We tend to place this on people who have acquired some kind of status in the material world. So to me GOD is CHI is the FORCE and SOURCE of ALL that is.

Q. 7. In how many persons does this one God exist?
A. In three persons.

This is also an analogy.  God has 3 aspects that we can relate to. GOD may have more we can't understand at all. But these 3 aspects.  Since we are talking in metaphor again, we need to see that OUR FATHER is our SOURCE and CREATOR. The HOLY SPIRIT is the life FORCE that was breathed into you. AND the SON, is what we are. The creation. 

Q. 8. What are they?
A. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

The trinity. I know of this from having the Mysteries of the Catholic Church explained to me in my early teens when they were trying to recruit me. Seems that at age 7 I was so right on about what was hidden from normal people in the Church... I knew the secrets... that I blew them away. 

Q. 9. What is God?
A. God is a Spirit, and has not a body like men.

You can't see the air, but you know of it's existence because when you don't have it you die. You can't see electricity but you know it's there because if you come in contact with it you get shocked. AND you can't see GOD but you know that GOD is there because when you loose contact with GOD you loose your health and mental wellbeing. 

Q. 10. Where is God?
A. God is everywhere.

Yes GOD is the FORCE of NATURE and as such can control all the elements. He is the STAFF of LIFE.  And without GOD you can not hold yourself up.

Q. 11. Can you see God?
A. No; I cannot see God, but he always sees me.

One's SPIRIT is as important to health as One's Body. I do not fear death because I know my SPIRIT can't die and because I have had past lives. If one learns enough in their lives as humans, they can move on to the next step and become closer to GOD. You can become an ANGEL or even higher like Jesus who sits at his right hand--metaphorically speaking. Saints such as Mary seem to be higher in evolution. And evolution seems to be what this is about.

Now this is a metaphor.  Jesus simply got to the state of being where he was so pleasing to GOD in his actions that he no longer had to go through hell on earth to learn the system. AND he was Higher than any Angel. So... He is really up there. LOL Or perhaps I should say, he is really out there guiding our way. "Walking in his foot steps..." is the way.

Q. 12. Does God know all things?
A. Yes; nothing can be hid from God.

Because this FORCE is within all things, all things are known to GOD.  When one is ONE with GOD they have a high since of these FORCES and how they are moved.

Q. 13. Can God do all things?
A. Yes; God can do all his holy will.

Because GOD is the Creator of all things, and within all things and has a sublime intelligence for what he has created, he can do all things.  In other words, don't think you can FIGHT GOD. He will always win in the end. So when you go against GOD, you go against your own CREATION and LIFE. When you cut yourself off from GOD, you loose your LIFE FORCE. I do believe that in older times when men were still close to nature that they lived as it is said in the Bible, 500 years. It is the corruption of GOD'S creation that is causing our life span to become so short.

Q. 14. Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
A. In the Bible alone.

This is where I begin to reject Organized Religion.  I do not Believe that the BIBLE is the only book. I believe that this knowledge is in other places.  AND I think it was wrong to attempt to explain such abstract concepts in human terms. GOD will come to those naturally without any language at all if they are at the level of perception. I certainly knew before I had any language of this presence. I suppose that my arguments with the Church had to do with their way of skewing things for their own power structure. This went against my instincts. My BASIC INSTINCTS are always what I trust most. Those were born into me as I was CREATED by GOD.

It was when I began studying other religions that the Catholic Church really made their move on me to recruit me. There are a lot of secrets in the Church. One of them is that they are so similar to other religions. In side the Church a Priest is like Jesus. He is ordained as such. He knows he is a child of GOD like I knew when I was just 7.  And they understand about metaphoric language. They continue to use it due to the inability for normal people to grasp abstract through. So when Jesus told his people to be like him and that they too were children of GOD, he didn't intend them to ever worship him as a GOD himself. He was just making a promise to them that  they too could be one with GOD for eternity and in spirit like the Angels who serve GOD.

I literally had the Church comparing the Rosary with Buddhist chants.  The Latin in the Church was used to get people more spiritually focused. NOT understanding the words does this. It gets people out of their head where they use language to analyze things all the time. It's a Meditation.

Needless to say, I was very upset when they started competing with many other Christian religions and doing folk and now even rock music with the focus of giving yourself over to Jesus--not GOD--and you could just float through life...without any real spiritual work. Well, you have to work to find Nirvana or Heaven. And the idea that one can just go to a priest an confess ones sins yet continue to do the same things over and over again...  Well... in your dreams.

In the Church, the nuns are symbolically married to Jesus. This makes them at his level spiritually. And the Priest are ordain to serve as Jesus in his place. This is because they are suppose to be like Jesus in their hearts, spirit and in their blessings. And above all things, Jesus loved the Children. Not in a sexual way. But in the same way I love and feel protective of the children. And it my distress over public perversion, the same way Michael Jackson loves the Children. People tend to project their own lust and greed onto others. They project their greed onto Bill Gates though I know this man has non. And they project their lust onto Michael, though I now he is like me and lust after no one, looking for that kind of spiritual connection with others that can truly touch his soul. We all recognize each other. We can hear it in our songs, see it in our art and find it in each others eyes. It's that rare gift from GOD that makes us motivated to be Christ like.

It's this Unification that one really needs to seek. Only God can Judge. And when men place themselves above God, they get into trouble. Thou shalt not kill--unless in the defense of ones self and family.

I stay away from organized religions because too often they attract people with a need for power. I don't need external power or approval. I get mine from the Source. And to that end I do understand that sorcery  is about this very fact. Like the Saints, the ability to become one with the GOD FORCE and when that happens, all things are possible--including transcendence. And when this occurs the physical realm is unimportant. You just know. There is no other way to see it. This is beyond the words. It's is the sound of the spheres.

They should know after 13 years of attempting to knock me down that when I finally go down in the end, it will be their total undoing. I keep getting up.  And as long as GOD has a plan for me I think that will continue to happen. So I am not afraid of them.

So in a manner of speaking, they weren't able to recruit me, but instead sent me on my journey for Unification. So after all my work getting through college, to end up stuck in a conflict with the largest and most dangerous monopoly in history. One so God less and greedy. One so destructive and judgmental. One that would attack my children to get at me... well that was something pretty amazing, given who I am and why I left my wonderful isolation in the mountains to go back mainstream.

My religious name in the Church is Jude. Read it in the Bible. I was just a child when I took it. How very strange. And it's all over in our stories. What were the three things the Blue Fairy told Pinocchio he had to learn to become REAL! They were the same things Jesus taught us too. Yet a children's story can teach this just the same. Do you want to be a SHEEP, Puppet, a Shepard or Mystic? Power corrupts absolutely. Yet "The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom."  It's the Gravity of Love. No of sexual love but of a higher more sacred love.


The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.

We have no ability as humans to understand what our Creator is. But we can look into space with the Hubble Telescope and see suns being born across the universe.  Now think of how very small you are relative to any of this! You want to challenge this?

If you sneeze-a sign of a pending flue or cold--in America or in other parts of the world people say:

Gott Segnen Sie or God Bless You

There was a time when humans knew that without GOD you couldn't recover from these illnesses. But our drugs which once worked are not so slowly loosing their effect. So with God you may again recover as they did in times long past. HIV/AIDS doesn't kill people. It's the condition of their immune system that does. AND many drugs which can blunt the problem by creating a false immunity to things, are just that-false. What GOD created in you is the REAL thing. God Bless YOU!

There is a cure for HIV/AIDS.  Even if you are a homosexual, prostitute or sex addict, I would suggest you resist this. It would be better to live as a celibate than to subject yourself to the kinds of stress and hormonal modifications such a life would offer simply for sexual gratification. Then again, I would think marriage may lessen this problem but it is still not accepted.

Of all the things that can destroy one's connection with GOD, lust is the worse.  So do not subject yourself to those things that would trigger the lust in your.  Don't watch TV and be very selective about what kind of Media you view.  Move to rural areas and learn to live a quite and peaceful life. Find GOD within yourself and you can be cured of HIV/AIDS.

There will never be any other cure for Virus. Most so called virus cures are simply changes in our mental thinking and the FEAR of GOD that these plagues instill on populations. In other words, plagues tend to bring people back to GOD. This is the real cure. NOT the man made vaccines.

The whole way a vaccine works is to strengthen what GOD has created by giving the body a lighter test than the full test of a virus. In other words, you give a healthy person a vaccine and they have the immune system to fight it and develop a protection to it. This is how they work. So Vaccines will only really work on healthy people.

HIV/AIDS is not a virus. It is a state of health or the lack of health. The reason it is tied to sexual activities, is that unclean sex under unhealthy mental condition creates changes in the neuroendocrine system that is necessary for good health.

The reason Jesus said to go out and Baptize all people is about this concept. Water emersion is one way to reconnect people with the SOURCE. Baptism can be done more than once in life. And it is best done in rushing water or water falls or in ocean waves. I learned about the health giving potential of ocean wave as a very small child. It would always cure me of the flue or a cold when we went to the beach and I spent the day in the surf.  Humans have an instinct to this. That is why we love to stand in showers so much.

This is the one law of GOD that I feel it the biggest and most important not to break.  It's deception in love for other goals, such as sex, financial support or power.  So here is the lyric to this midi.

What Kind Of FOOL?

What kind of fool am I
Who never fall in love
It seems that I'm the only one
That I have been thinking of

What kind of mind is this
An empty Shell,
A lonely cell,
In which, an empty heart must dwell

What kind of clown am I?
What do I know of life?
Why can't I cast away this mask of clay
And live my life

Why can't I fall in love
Like any other people can
And maybe the I'll know
What kind of fool I am?

What kind of lips are these?
That lie with every kiss
That whisper empty words of love
That left me alone like this

Why can't I fall in love
Like any other people can
And maybe then I'll know
What kind of fool am I.

One of the biggest problems with our sexually liberated society, is that it breeds deception, manipulation, loneliness and depression. And what this lead to is guilt and self-hate which eventually leads to illness of other things-like HIV/AIDS, prostrate, breast and ovarian cancers. Humans were simply NOT genetically engineered to be running on sex hormones all the time. It's as simple as that. So when you go against your nature, you go against your creator, GOD. And that is definitely NOT a GOOD THING!

Love To All The Children

Redmond Rose~



























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