North Jackson Church of Christ
2780 Highway 45 Bypass
(Located 2 traffic lights North of Interstate 40)
Jackson, Tennessee 38305
Phone (901) 664-7811�� Fax (901) 664-7811
On the Web @�
E-Mail: [email protected]
Schedule of Services
Sunday Worship
Bible Study
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Bible Class
Tuesday Men's Class
Wednesday Ladies Class
...................10:00 A.M.
......................9:00 A.M.
.....................6:00 P.M.
.....................7:30 P.M.
.....................9:00 A. M.
....................10:30 A.M.
Kelby Smith
David Powell
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Local Outreach Mission Program Bulletin Page 1 VBS
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History of the North Jackson Church of Christ
    The first record of the Lord's church meeting in Jackson, Tennessee was in 1898 when five members met in the home of brother and sister J.R. Wilkinson at 1008 Highland Street.� They soon made arrangements to meet in the Phythian Building on Main Street.� In July 1909, the small group moved into a house built on a lot at the Southeast corner of Highland and Grand Avenue.� That same year brother G.A. Dunn came to Jackson to conduct a gospel meeting.� By that time the church had become a nice little congregation of about fifty members.� The building stood until 1929, when a brick building was erected. It is now occupied by the Red Cross and is located at 718 Highland Avenue.

     Young men from the college at Henderson often came to lead the worship services.� Gospel meetings were a frequent occurrence, and they often lasted for two or three weeks.� When brother T.B. Larrimore came for a meeting, services were conducted for an entire month.

     Other notable speakers in gospel meetings have been J.D. Tant, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., Ira Doublin, G.C. Brewer and Guy N. Woods.

     The congregation met in the brick building at 718 Highland until 1955.� Then they occupied a new building at the corner of Allen and Edgewood Streets.� During the past years these Christians, under the faithful and capable leadership of elders, have preached the simple truth of New Testament Christianity and emphasized mission works in numerous places throughout the world.� At Home, the congregation was a leader in the establishment of the West Tennessee Children?s Home.� It has also encouraged many young preachers from Freed-Hardeman University by having them work with the church.� Some of these include Steve Parsons, Eddie Miller, Gene Gilliland, Gary Hampton, Les Jackson, Ken Kilpatrick, Cameron Traw, Andy Masters,Kelcy Hahn, David Powell, Miles Mayo, and Nathan Kidwell.� All of these worked with the educational department which was under the direction of James Mahaffy who served as Educational Director from 1966-1968.

      Local ministers have served this congregation well.� They were T.M. Carney (1912), John T. Smith, C.S. Austin, W.S.Long, L.S. Lancaster, F.O. Howell, W.T. Hines, E.R. Harper, A.S.Landis, L.M. Coop, H.A. Dixon, Frank Van Dyke, O.D. Johns, George Tipps, Don Gardner, Flavil Nichols, Hugh Fulford, Carmack Skelton, Van Stewart, Charles McDonald, Phillip A. Dunn, Billy Watson, and Russell Cook.� Our present Ministers are David Powell and Kelby Smith.  Shawn Montandon now servers as an intern.

     In March 1989, the church moved to a new facility located at the corner of Highway 45 Bypass and Oil Well Road, with a goal of serving the needs of the rapidly growing North Jackson area.� In the past seven years we have distributed more than 22,000 tracts in the immediate area, which has been canvassed five times.

     In the summer of 1996, we moved into a new 1,000 seat auditorium at the same location.�

     The brightest segment of our history is yet to come and we hope includes you.
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