Biophysical Reality and Future Technologies

              IndexEco  Culture - Future Technologies - Biophysical Reality Projects - Parent Site

Future Technologies - The Conceptual Foundation

Eco Culture - A New Conceptual Vision of life and Living Universe

What is Biophysical Reality

The New Vision of Life and the Formation of Livings System

New Foundation for Bio-Information and Biotechnology

Authors work in the field of Plant Biotechnology


1] The Quantum Technology for Water Conservation

2] The Eco Culture - A Technique to Produce Clonal plantlets manipulating quantum energy












Future technologies are collection of conceptual projects conceived from the knowledge of Biophysical Reality. Biophysical Reality explains Quantum Reality, Qualitative and Quantum Living aspect of Nature. It opens a a new foundation to develop nature compatible technique and technologies capable of influencing every field of human interest, health/medicine, food/agriculture, energy/its utilization, information/its manipulation,  ---

These projects are simply the seeds in the womb of knowledge of interrelationship and oneness. One can Call it Unification Theory. Any one who pursues these technological concepts should first know the womb and its Biophysical Reality. It is the knowledge of the womb that is primal for existence. These seeds of future technologies cannot be independent and separated from the womb for its growth. Any attempt to achieve it in separation could lead to imbalances and deterioration than sustenance.

I have spent of much of my energy to keep the vital knowledge of relationship and oneness of nature  through the parent site. The site  has virtually deduced the complexity of evolved world to simplicity of design and principle in a simple system. I would request any one who enters this site first read and understand the Biophysical Reality and oneness before exploring these techniques

This is a call to

  • All intellectuals to come together to explore unity; inter relationship, oneness of nature and guide the endangered world in the right direction

  • It is a call to companies, governments, which sits on surplus funds  to explore the technique and technologies.

1] Eco-Culture - A New Simple, Practicable and Economical Concept of Clonal Multiplication of Plant System

2] Coconut Endosperm culture as a possible method for conversion of sugar into oil

3] A Quantum Technology for Water Conservation

On Board

Project plan Introduce Science of God into School such that Individuals minds are trained to carry Light and give life and order to society than darkness and disorder

Redefining health/medication- techniques to improve health and disease resistance. Guide Lines  to Natural Medication

Redefining food/agriculture-techniques to improve health and disease resistance. Guide Lines  to Natural Productivity

Project for Energy Conservation

Exploring development of intelligent chips and intelligent computers

 Quantum Reality and the Biophysical foundation Life and the Living Universe


Ask questions and Seek Answers

2012 Prediction- Time to Awaken to Reality of Nature

2012 Vital Predictions. It is Time to Awaken and take control of our Abode. It is time for Unified Knowledge that gives Life and Order 
Copyright - Grace New Age Research  &nnbsp;
Answering Fundamental Questions - Laying Foundation for New Techniques and Technologies
[Project Email].
Last updated: August 18, 2007 .
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