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The Connection
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In 1979 together with developments in technology the first electronic, microprocessor-controlled payphone, the 'Blue Payphone' was introduced in the UK allowing the telecommunication network being totally digital and modernized by 1988, which resulted in placement of telephone box's around the world including the use of first credit-card-operated payphones and phonecards as a means of cashless services.
In Brief Timeline of Telephone Box's
The idea and use of phonecards evolved around developments in wireless transmission and communication for public use. The first freestanding call offices were introduced in 1886, followed by installation of first coin-operated call box at the Post Office in 1902. Next developments were in establishing of emergencies calling facilities known as police box-or 'Tardis' in 1920's and design of 'Kiosk's' (which primary use was for buying stamps) in 1921.
In 1926 the Royal Post Office commissioned architect Giles Gilbert Scott (1880-1960) to design good quality kiosk to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V to be celebrated in 1935. The design also known as 'K2' (was adopted until the final kiosk 6) become the 'classic' London Red Telephone Box and landmark, made from cast iron being considered as the standard UK kiosk design installed all over the country and used ever since. .... more
Phonecards Collection
Title: BT phonecards
Origins: UK
Issue: Various collection by subject .... more
Published: by British Telecom [BT], England
On Display: D-Day - series of 4 cards; VE-Day - series of 6 cards; True Brits - series of 6 cards and Back in Action - series of 4 cards

Title: Mercury Phonecards
Origins: UK
Issue: Nature subject .... more
Published: by Mercury Communications LTD
On Display: Set of 4 nature phonecards in mint condition
Telephone booth at wikipedia .... more
Links page to phonecards collectors .... more
Events in telecommunications history .... more
The Connection
Graphic Design
Polish Culture
Poland in UK
This site is created and maintained by mpgraphics based on research to assist students in education on history of gaphic design. First published on the 26th March 2001, with Yahoo - Geocities. Until January 2009 mpgraphics had approximately 46.097 visitors
© mpgraphics 2001- 2009



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