If you haven't already done so, I recommend you read the background information for the site

So you just dropped in from Land o' Links? Then you're doubly welcome.
You didn't? Then click on the cormorant above sometime and fly on over to check it out.
It's a sorted list of menopause related links (only) compiled by members of
This page has links to pages here and elsewhere which I hope will supply necessary basic information which women new to menopause and/or the internet may lack. Of course anybody is welcome here, just as they are anywhere on the site. There are no tests or prerequisites!

Click on any blue word to reach the relevant information. If you find yourself stuck or in a different website, click the browser "back" button to retrace your steps.

If at any time you get a File Not Found error and the address includes,
substitute for this and try again.

How to interact with other (peri)menopausal women
You may read and/or post, the usenet newsgroup. 
To do this you will need a news reader on your computer such as is available in Netscape Communicator, or Outlook Express or you may read on the web through . Newsgroups are public and wide open to the world. Posting to them involves exposing yourself to any passerby so you may think it prudent to post under a pseudonym, but remember that if you don't post your question, you will have to rely on luck that it gets answered.
For greater privacy, you may "subscribe" at no cost to a mailing list. This means that every message sent to the list is emailed to all the members - thus you receive all the messages but your messages are only seen by the members of the list. Typically you will receive a lot of email by this method, and there will usually be more "off topic" personal chat.
There are also web sites and bulletin boards which allow interaction with their visitors
What does menopause feel like?
Best to start out with the up side of menopause - yes there is one, current advertising notwithstanding ;-)
And for the humorous side take a look at

On the physical side, could you have written the posts Is this menopause?  A while ago a group of women on the menopaus mailing list collected a list of 33 possible unwelcome symptoms which can be associated with menopause (but may also be caused by simple aging - or midlife psychosocial concerns). Check your physical feelings out against them and visit the humorous horror story of what it would be like to have them all at once.  Once you've done this, you may like to check the day to day occurrence of those you have with the help of the MenoChart.

Take a look at this response to an unprepared husband for Menopause 101 or these ones to a newbie with a collection of queries

And if you or your doctor think you're"too young" for menopause then read this response

Just as important as physical feelings (and in many cases more so) are the emotional feelings and connotations of menopause. Joan  conceived of the idea of a symbolic story for menopause called the The Men-o-Pause Cave . She originally posted it in April 97 and it was resurrected in October 97. On both occasions it elicited vigorous discussion.

Another section of the site which deals with emotional and social aspects of menopause is through women's discussions where status quo attitudes are challenged and tales of increased satisfaction are told. If you are filled with any degree of dread about what being postmenopausal will mean, reading this will probably be a relief. Hard though this may be to believe when you are in the initial stages of fighting against physical symptoms, the physical aspects are only a minor aspect of the transition. As you progress you will find your attention shifting to more permanent (and welcome) things - the unwelcome symptoms *are* temporary, I promise ;-). Check out the historical section too - no matter how alarming (even ludicrous) the descriptions of the "change" all agree that better is to come .

The need to celebrate and document this developmental transition into being a wise postmenopausal woman is addressed in a lighthearted way at Developing into a modern day crone: making and marking progress. Just reading this page is all you have to do to be awarded your first silver toe! 

Do I have to take anything for it?
Not necessarily - only if you have truly horrendous symptoms and most people don't.  To get some idea of the complexities and variations of "HRT" visit the Ovarian HormoneTherapy section where you will find scientific data and personal anecdote.

Before you let anybody scare you into long term "preventative therapy", check out the page Decisions, Decisions. Here you will find multiple medical considerations of the study results which get distorted in press releases and ads. Then make up your own mind. It's your body and your decision. No doctor can "put you on" anything without your agreement. Know what you are agreeing to! 

But what about the "fact" that "This is the first century women have lived past menopause"? The fact is - it isn't! (Unless the doctor writing about it in 1837 was psychic '-)

How to research menopause (or anything else!)
Certain cautions are in order when you set out to gather information. If you don't have research training and practice in analyzing what you read, you will probably benefit from these guidelines and demonstrations that asm posters have offered to us over time. 
Evaluating a web site's credibility (Includes links and FDA suggestions
How to Evaluate a Study  And not just take it at face value 
Critique of a Premarin ad  Have you noticed the contradictions? 
What is a disease? Be sure it's not defined by a drug 
Deceptive health-related advertising on the internet:  FTC info 
Multilevel marketing and OTC "natural progesterone" creams
If you would rather research print material, we have a book list complete with some reviews. Widely recommended (Dec 97) is Dr Susan Love's Hormone Book. Don't forget to investigate your public library.
If you don't have local access to local book resources check here for ideas.
Looking for something specific? Use the site search engine


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