Harry Potter
Fanfiction is listed by author. The pairing, rating, status and any other important notes are listed after the title. Please pay attention to the notes, as this is where you will find any warnings. 

If you read something you like, please take the time to tell the author. Your feedback feeds the bunnies

Barriers - George Weasley/Fred Weasley. Nc-17. *WARNING* Twincest

Shark - Snape/Lockhart. R.
Testing the Ground - Lupin/Snape. G. Sequel to "Shark"
Statue - Snape/Lupin. Pg-13
Betrayal of Trust - George/Fred. Nc-17 *WARNING* Twincest and semi noncon
Another Year - Remus (no pairing). G. Drabble
Going Up - Sirius/Remus. R
In the Family - Fred/George, Harry. Pg-13. Drabble challenge. *WARNING* Twincest
Hail to the King - Draco/Harry, Ron/Harry. G. Drabble challenge
First Night - Fred/George. Nc-17. *WARNING* Twincest NEW 18/07/04
Taste - Sirius/Remus. Pg NEW 18/07/04

Untitled - Kingsley/Remus. R. Drabble NEW 18/07/04

Cartography of Fire - George/Remus. Nc-17
NEW 18/07/04
Part 1
Ellen Smithee

Squeaky Clean - George/Fred. Nc-17 *WARNING* twincest NEW 18/07/04
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