Author: Rice
Pairing: Kingsley/Remus
Rating: R
Notes: Post- OotP
Wordcount: 270 words


Remus felt the deep baritone voice wash over him, making him tremble. He loved it when Kingsley spoke with his lips brushing Remus�s belly, tickling the fine hairs leading down to his trousers.

�Say it,� Remus whispered. �Say anything.�

�I want to have you right here, Remus. Right here where the others could walk in and see me pressed up against your slick body, watch as you cry out in ecstasy, see you writhe underneath my touch.� He began to move lower, his voice becoming deeper, sending tremors through Remus�s body, causing his breath to catch. �I want to take your hot mouth into mine, I want to slick your cock with my tongue and when you yell out my name I want them all to hear. I want them all to know that it was me who could do this to you�� His voice trailed off as he took Remus into his mouth.

Remus gasped and arched his back, thrusting his hips upwards. He couldn�t cope with hearing that voice, saying those things; he felt he could come in the middle of meetings whenever Kingsley spoke. The vibrations his voice caused coursing through him.

But when Remus did come, he didn�t call out Kingsley�s name, but stifled another on his lips before it could incriminate him. Kingsley knew, however, what Remus meant to say and how much he was dying to scream it out. He knew that this is what he was here for, a substitute in Remus�s pain. But he was determined. He would make the wolf love him, even if it was for the briefest of moments.
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