Title: Betrayal of Trust
Author: Lipstickcat
E-mail: [email protected]
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: George Wesley/Fred Wesley
Rating: Nc-17
Squick challenge: #3 � Write incest. Must include a confession
Web page: http://www.geocities.com/lipstickcat
Warnings: Thar be twincest�. Also, I�m not sure whether this could be considered non-con or not, so take that as a warning in itself�
Disclaimer: If they belonged to be, I�d have picked far sexier twins to play them in the film.



Even though the weather was miserable, both Fred and George were in high spirits. They had found themselves a nice secluded spot in the quad, away from prying eyes and the drizzling rain, and were plying their goods like true salesmen. As George sold a non-descript paper bag full of Nosebleed Nougat to a fourth year girl, Fred handed over a packet of Canary Creams to a fat first year Ravenclaw. He watched as his satisfied customer walked away opening the packet and almost called out to stop him as the kid raised the innocent looking biscuit to his mouth. Almost. The prankster in him got the better of himself and he caught hold of his twin�s elbow to grab his attention as the boy promptly turned into an oversized canary.

They both bent over double in fits of laughter, before Fred took the opportunity to turn the situation to his advantage, giving out a spiel as if the canary was all part of a demonstration. Maybe it was, George had thought that Ravenclaws were supposed to be intelligent.

Harry and his two shadows appeared towards the end of dinner. Harry and Ron eagerly enquired what the twins would recommend for a good high fever, and possibly some purple spots, to get them out of Divination. Hermione mostly hovered around looking disapproving and scaring off the punters.

A tall, slick looking Slytherin placed a massive order for Fainting Fancies.

�Our stock is almost cleaned out,� Fred took great delight in telling him.

�But if you leave a small deposit, we�ll have a batch made up especially for you,� George continued seamlessly. �It�ll be ready by Thursday.�

The Slytherin handed over a deposit and walked away, all parties feeling extremely satisfied with the transaction. All except Hermione.

�Are you sure they�re safe?� she asked George suspiciously.

�Of course. We tested all our Skiving Snackbox products ourselves. None of them cause any lasting harm.�

�See?� said a patch of thin air next to George. �I�m fine, aren�t I?�

Harry, Ron and George joined the crowd as they laughed at Fred, who removed the invisibility hat to reveal a grin to rival the Cheshire Cat. The smile even re-materialised in much the same fashion.

Hermione scowled.

�But, such a large order. What do you think he�s planning to do with them?�

�Faint a lot, I imagine,� Fred laughed.

However, George�s smile faded. He knew what Hermione was getting at and his stomach stirred uneasily.

�No, listen,� she persisted. �There�s a lot of trouble in the Muggle world. There�s this drug, my parents are always warning me about it and its in the Muggle papers all the time,� she took a breath and was glad to see that Fred was at least listening. George was concentrating on her words so intently that he was frowning. �They put it in your drink and it makes you fall asleep and then when you�re unconscious, they � rape you.�

A gasp went around the crowd. George looked like he was going to throw up. He turned away suddenly and Fred felt a protective urge to comfort his brother and defend their hard work. Wrapping reassuring arms around George, he turned on Hermione angrily.

�Well, the Fainting Fancies will hardly dissolve in someone�s drink!�

�No,� Hermione retorted, �they�re biscuits! You don�t need to disguise them, no one will suspect that you�re offering them a biscuit with ulterior motives!�

George screwed his eyes up and buried his face in his brother�s shoulder as they continued to argue. Fred�s voice bellowed past his ear, but he�d stopped listening to the words. His brother smelt warm and familiar; a mixture of school soap, alchemical residues from experiments and the smoky after-burn of exploding spells, all overlying the young male musk that was his brother�s base scent. It would have normally comforted him, but the current topic of conversation brought back memories he�d tried to forget.


They had tested the Skiving Snackboxes all summer at Grimmauld Place. They�d had a room to themselves and the other residents had the good grace to ignore the explosions that had come from it. They�d been several different shades of singed that summer and they�d loved every type.

The only real flaw with the Fainting Fancies was that they required teamwork. Once you had successfully passed out and was excused from class, you required a trustworthy friend to force-feed you the antidote.

It was late evening when they�d decided to test the trick biscuit, they�d had dinner and returned to their room faking yawns all the way up the stairs. The sun was setting through the window and cast their room in golden shades so that they seemed to blend into their surroundings as they entered. Their minds had turned to an evening of testing their newest creations and didn�t stop to chat idly or to enjoy the view. Fred fished out a large bag from under the beds and selected a prototype Fainting Fancy, along with its antidote.

He handed the antidote to George and settled on his side of the pushed together beds. With a grin, he bit into the supposedly cream filled biscuit and began to eat.

�Hmmm, the strawberry filling is a little bitter,� he commented as his eyes began to glaze over. Then he softly fell back onto the mattress.

Antidote in hand, George approached his brother, skirting around the bottom of the bed to the side. Fred appeared to be in a deep peaceful sleep; his eyes closed lightly, his chest rising and falling steadily, his arm was flung out onto George�s pillow, dropping the crumby remains of the biscuit over it. George carried out a few checks, first testing Fred�s pulse to make sure it was normal, then pressing his ear against his chest to check his heartbeat. It still followed the same soothing rhythm that was more familiar to him than that of his own heartbeat. He prodded his brother, gently at first, then harder, shoving him and taking him by the shoulders to shake him. He didn�t wake. Curiously, he put his finger against the silky soft covering of a eyelid and gently pulled it back. A pinpoint of black pupil in a mass of vivid green stared unseeingly at him.

He let the eyelid fall back again and watched his twin�s peaceful, slack face. The sun was as low in the sky as it could be now and the light in the room had turned from golden yellow to firey orange. The colour played over Fred�s pale face, casting it in bronze and sharp shadow. His long, fair eyelashes caught the light and looked like delicate shards of caramel resting in the concave of his eye socket.

Without thinking, George bent down and brought his face close to his brother�s, breathing in the familiar warmth before dragging his tongue across the feathery lashes. He pulled back, a little short of breath, and surveyed the beauty of his twin, his cheek wet and glittering in the failing light.

They were as close as brothers could be, perhaps closer. Behaviour that might have made people uncomfortable in any normal situation was allowed to pass with little thought because of what they were. So what if they finished each other�s sentences? They were twins. So what if they spent every living minute side by side? They were twins. So what if they had no masculinity issues about sharing touches? They were twins. So what if they pushed their beds together and slept in each other�s arms?

They were twins.

Sometimes George wondered if people didn�t realise that they were two separate people with separate thoughts and feelings. Even the other boys that they shared a dorm with at Hogwarts seemed to adjust to the irregularity of them sharing one of the four poster beds faster than George thought normal.

Yes, they had shared a womb. Yes, they did find comfort as a pair. A lot of the time they could predict the other�s thoughts, but that didn�t mean that they didn�t have their own thoughts and feelings. They had separate personalities, even if they were the only ones who noticed. And to George, that was a problem. He knew how he felt about his relationship with his brother, but he honestly couldn�t tell how Fred felt. He needed to be a them too much to risk losing his other half on a whim.

Sometimes it wasn�t easy to conceal. Abnormal attraction is hard to hide when the object of your obsession is constantly by your side. They hid nothing from each other, would change in front of each other. He knew what every inch of Fred�s body looked like, without even needing to look in a mirror. When they lay together at night, lazily touching each other without really noticing, it was easy to get aroused. He�d been sleeping with his back to Fred more and more often recently, but still his brother would innocently sling his arm over him and he�d be left lying awake for hours, willing his painful erection away.

But now, Fred was lying unconscious on their bed. George was looking at a lifetime of being with his one desire and never truly being with him. Perhaps if he could just touch him the way he�d been aching to, perhaps that would be enough.

Nervously, George began to unbutton the shirt that Fred was wearing. Suddenly, his ears were extra sensitive and he guiltily jumped every time he heard a rustle of movement from anywhere in the house. Fred�s soft breathing sighed and his heart raced a triple beat alongside it. His hands trembled as he undid the bottom button and everything stilled as he reached up and pushed the collar of the shirt over the sharp bone of his brother�s shoulders.

His thumbs grazed over soft, warm flesh and he let out a gasp he hadn�t realised he was holding in. Reverently, he smoothed back the rest of the shirt, exposing as much torso as he could without removing the item of clothing completely. Fred�s chest rose and fell restfully. Unaware. George let his hands hover over it before dropping them and palming the gentle curves of young, unrefined muscle. His thumb brushed over a cool nipple and he returned to it, watching fascinated as he rubbed the nub and it responded by perking up. He stole a glance up to his twin�s face to make sure than he was still fast asleep, then bowed his head again, flicking out his tongue to lick and taste the hard peak of skin.

He butterflied a couple of kisses over his brother�s heart, feeling the steady beat beneath his lips, and marvelled how far apart it was from his own fluttering heart. He pulled back with a pleasant flipping sensation in his gut and cast his eyes over the body stretched out before him. Twilight had now set in outside the window and pale blue-grey shadows painted the two figures inside the room. His gaze rested on the shadowed creases of the crouch of the baggy trousers Fred was wearing.

Hesitantly, George reached down and undid the fly. He cringed at the noise the zipper made as he pulled it down, the whir seeming to fill the still of the room. He paused, his heart pounding in his throat, waiting for someone to burst in, for Fred to wake up, but nothing happened.

Slightly timidly, he pushed his hand inside the trousers and struggled to manuvoir it beneath the waistband of his underwear. He gasped as he found his brother�s flaccid member and had to resist the sudden revolted urge to pull away. Instead, he cupped his hand around it, squeezing and pulling gently, marvelling at the feeling in his hand. Slowly, it began to grow firmer. Shocked, he glanced up, but Fred�s face showed no sign of awareness and his breathing hadn�t altered noticeably. George laughed softly to himself; his twin�s body was reacting of its own accord.

He continued his ministrations a little longer, enjoying the feeling as the arousal in his hand grew and hardened, shifting from limp and soft to nearly rigid and velvety He slowly became aware of his own excitement and, reluctantly, he pulled his hand away. Undoing his own trousers, he climbed onto the bed and pulled his own erection free as he straddled his brother�s legs, resting on his thighs. Then he returned to stroking Fred�s semi-erection with his left hand while he pumped his own with his right.

His mind became as blank as the darkness that filled the room. He stared down at Fred�s form, eyes piercing through the night to catch the movement of his chest, the bur of russet hair on his head. George moaned and wished that his twin was moving, writhing beneath him at his touch. He wished that he could feel the burning warmth of his hands caressing his body, his breath panting against his skin, echoing his own gasps for breath. He wanted to feel his brother�s fingers bringing him off, to know what it felt like to be closer than they�d ever been before, to be so close that they were inside each other: tongues in mouths and mouths around erections and erections buried in each other�s bodies.

He came in a burst of white heat, biting his lower lip to drag back the call of his brother�s name that he wanted to cry to the heavens and beyond. For a moment, he sat, shoulders bowed, and sobbed softly to himself, confused in the swimming feelings of guilt and satedness. Then, shaking, he climbed off his brother and the bed and switched the bedside lamp on.

The harsh yellow light flooded the room and cast the world beyond the window into a black hole. Sliver streaks of viscous fluid pooled on Fred�s pale skin, glinting as his chest moved, slowly rolling down the curve of his torso.

Hurriedly, George used a cleaning spell, almost stumbling over the words, on his brother and himself. Then he tucked Fred�s already dying erection back into his trousers and fastened them up. He rebuttoned the shirt, taking care to button it straight and then tidied himself up.

Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and took a few calming deep breaths before fixing his grin in place and giving Fred the antidote. If his twin ever wondered how it had got dark so quickly, he never mentioned it.


The bell rang signalling the end of dinner and time to go to lessons, putting a stop to Fred and Hermione�s bickering. As she stormed away, Fred pulled back from hugging George and gave him a reassuring smile.

�Ignore her. She doesn�t know what she�s talking about. People wouldn�t use our Skiving Snackboxes for that sort of thing, she�s just over reacting.�

George bit his lip. He pulled away, suddenly feeling so disgusted with himself he didn�t want to touch his own skin, never mind let his beloved brother touch him. He was supposed to be the more sensible of the pair. How could he have been so irresponsible? He�d betrayed the trust of the one person that really mattered.

�Fred,� a tear rolled down his cheek as he choked out his twin�s name, �can we skip charms? There�s something I have to tell you.�


It was the first time in years that he�d slept alone. He knew that Fred would forgive him, but he missed the familiar warmth of his other half. He missed his reassuring heartbeat. He had to forgive him.

He was huddled up, holding himself, trying to hide from the coldness of the sheets. His head hurt from crying and his eyes were raw. He would have still been crying if he had the energy to do so, but alone he found he�d lost the will for anything, even for feeling sorry for himself. He barely noticed the dip of the mattress as someone climbed into bed beside him.

Warm arms pulled around him and he could smell the unmistakable char of explosions and young male musk. A mouth pressed close to his ear and hot breath carried whispered words straight through his body and stirred his penis.

�Show me what it was like��

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