Title: In the Family
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred/George
A challenge drabble, using the sentence: "It really is better keeping it in the family."
Rating: Pg-13
Incest warnings


It was a warm autumn day when Harry paid a visit to the twin�s joke shop, he could almost forget that there was a war raging across the country. And that was why he liked to visit Fred and George; to forget.

He toyed with a trick wand while the brothers catered to a customer, smiling broadly as it turned into a haddock that mooed when he picked it up. Once the customer had left, fully satisfied, Fred greeted Harry with an enthusiastic hug while George locked the shop door and hung a �gone to lunch� sign in the window.

As they climbed the stairs to the flat above the shop Harry told them that he was happy that his investment was so successful.

�We�re glad our generous benefactor is pleased,� George grinned as he affected a subservient tone. Then he clapped a hand over his friend�s shoulder. �And to what do we owe this visit?�

Harry waited to reply until they had reached the living room of the flat and he had made himself comfortable in a plush chair. He hugged a cushion, suddenly looking sixteen again.

�I needed a distraction.�

Fred and George exchanged looks. That was understandable; the weight of his responsibility was enough alone, but Professor Lupin had died recently. Harry read his eulogy with the love of a son. He needed a distraction from the real world alright.

A mixture of expressions flickered over the twins� faces, a conversation of thoughts. They both glanced at Harry simultaneously, unnerving him slightly, before exchanging nods. Then they got up and sat on the arms of the chair, either side of Harry. Their hands fell into the younger man�s lap as they leaned forward. Despite the cushion acting as a barrier, Harry could still feel their palms and fingers against his thighs. He couldn�t look away as their mouths met directly in front of his face, his throat drying up as a tongue slid from one mouth, (Fred�s? He suddenly couldn�t tell the difference), into the other. Saliva glittered tantalisingly, and he wanted a taste, if only to get some moisture back into his own mouth.

It took a moment after the twins had sat back up to react and even as he stood up he was tempted to drag the both of them to the floor. But he couldn�t, they were his best friend�s brothers. Twin brothers.

He hurriedly excused himself, his face flushed, and ran down the stairs to the shop floor, pulling his robes around himself to cover his erection as he dashed out into the street. Back upstairs, George slid into the seat and pulled Fred onto his lap.

�Shame,� he muttered to his twin, breath hot against the other�s ear.

�But at least it�ll give him something else to think about for a while,� Fred agreed.

�Perhaps its for the best. It really is better keeping it in the family.� Lips skimmed over pale throat. �Do you think Ron wants to come over?�
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