Title: First Night
Author: lipstickcat
Rating: Nc-17
Pairing: Fred/George
Written for: bksncleverness

For the Fred and George Ficathon. The challenge: I would love to see the twins have their first time together. Yay! First time twincest!! I want it as smutty as someone can make it. NC-17. Hell, NC-30. Keep it light. These are not angsty fellows.
Wordcount: 4,676. I hope you wanted an essay ^_^;;

Thanks to mistigri for beta-ing


The grand opening at 99 Diagon Alley was a roaring success. It was an invitation only affair and everyone who could come did. The twins found their products sold well, going to their friends at �mates rates�, of course. Someone had brought along a few bottles of something to celebrate with; it had bubbles that fizzed up the young proprietors� noses and a taste that stuck their tongues to the roof of their mouths, but they were on their own premises, meaning that they weren�t drinking underage, and they weren�t about to pass up the chance to have a drink.

Their mother spent most of the afternoon, having cornered Lupin the second he walked through the door, talking incessantly about her sons. He nursed his drink, accepting every top up that came around and occasionally giving sips to Sirius who sat loyally at his feet in dog form. Molly was putting on a front of being upset, but the more she talked, the more he read between the lines and realised that not only was she proud that her two boys had stood on their own four feet and followed their hearts, she was relieved; joke shop owners didn�t seem an obvious target for Voldemort or any of his followers, unlike Ministry workers, dragon breeders, code breakers and friends of The-Boy-Who-Lived.

The afternoon flew by. The joke shop was a mass of transforming wands and canaries and everyone was laughing, everything becoming more amusing the more they drank. Sirius got extremely drunk and tried to hump Lupin�s leg. Worryingly, the lycanthrope didn�t seem to mind that much; perhaps he was just glad to have an excuse to get away from Molly.

As evening fell, the guests began to drift away, taking the floo home or going to get a room at the Leaky Cauldron. Fred and George said their farewells, shaking hands (and paws), and kissing their mother goodnight as she left. Arthur offered them both a manly handshake each, before pulling them into his arms and hugging them like a proud father should.

After the last guest had left, George shut the shop door and pulled down the shutter for the first time, gazing out onto the moonlit cobbled street that would now be their home with a sense of awe and expectancy. Fred was tidying up the shop behind him. George turned, picked up a champagne glass from the floor and placed it on the counter.

�We can tidy up in the morning,� he walked over to his twin with a smile. �We should get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day.�

Fred agreed and followed George through the door at the back of the shop that lead to the upstairs flat. It wasn�t a huge living space; two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom, but compared to The Burrow, it was a mansion. They�d always had to share, from the moment that they were born. Until they were eight, they had shared a bed. Then they�d been given bunk beds in their cramped room. While they had been at Hogwarts, they�d not only shared with each other, but with three other boys. The idea of having a room all of their own for the first time in their lives was so great a novelty that they�d splashed out on plush king size beds each.

They said goodnight and retreated to their own rooms, each feeling a strange tingle of trepidation at the simple act of going to bed.


Twenty minutes later and Fred was lying in his bed, wide-awake. He�d thrown back his covers because he�d been too hot and had gotten tangled up in his sheets as he�d tossed and turned restlessly. But now the cool night air was ghosting across his bare skin and he was getting cold. It didn�t help that his mind was still racing with excitement, or that he was slightly tipsy, so that the room seemed to be drifting on a calm ocean.

He climbed out of bed and slipped on his dressing gown, woven from silky veela hair; a small extravagance that both he and George had succumbed to. He walked over to the window, taking care to place one foot in front of the other and not stumble as the room drifted slightly to the right. He pulled back the curtain and gazed out. He could see the opal moon in the dark sky above, bright white and gazing back at him. There were no stars though, the light of the city swallowing them up. The room was at the back of the shop and his window looked down onto Knockturn Alley. Unlike the street at the front, this one was as lively as the day; shops with signs that glowed advertised �OPEN ALL NIGHT� before rewriting themselves to say �XXX�. Women and men stalked the streets, getting accosted by passers-by and disappearing with them between buildings, for one thing or the other. Fred felt rather voyeuristic to be watching them from above, but he doubted that they cared whether he could see or not.

He sighed. He felt slightly jealous of the people below; they had each other, even if only for a few, paid for, minutes. He had never thought about how much he had begun to take his brother�s presence for granted, but now that he couldn�t hear it, he missed the comforting steady breathing of his twin as they slept.

Hesitantly, he moved to his door. He would go knock on George�s door, see if he was asleep. If he were, he would listen to him breathing for a little while, to ingrain the sound into his memory for the night. And if he weren�t, then he�d wish him goodnight and just have to get used to sleeping alone.

As he turned the door handle, he fancifully imagined George doing the same, so that they popped their heads out of each other�s doors at the same time. Of course, he knew that he was being silly and that it wouldn�t happen; he knew better than anyone that they were two separate people and didn�t always do and say everything at the same time.

And he was completely right; George didn�t open his door at the same time as him, because George was already standing outside of Fred�s room, leaning against the wall.

�Can�t sleep,� it was both a statement and a question and it didn�t need a response. Fred simply stood aside and let his brother into his room.

George sat down on the edge of Fred�s bed, and watched as his brother walked over to the half opened curtains and sat against the windowsill between them.

�Have you seen down there?� Fred asked with a nod over his shoulder.

�Yes,� George grinned wickedly. �We should go down one night and explore.�

�Mum would kill us if she ever found out!�

�Wouldn�t she just?�

The bed springs creaked softly as George stood up and joined his brother at the window. Fred turned around and leant against the sill, the perfect copy of his twin. They stood shoulder to shoulder and watched the events beneath them in silence.

There was a young man walking below, barely older than them, his dark hair bounced as he continually looked left and right around him. It was obvious that he was new to the alley. As he reached just beneath the window, a woman, older than him and dressed in revealing lace, accosted him. He stopped and spoke to her. Then she kissed him, before beckoning another person over. Both twins craned their necks and leant closer to the glass to see the person who was out of their line of vision. A man walked into view, long blond hair tied loosely behind him, wearing a tight t-shirt and trousers made from a shiny material that caught the streetlights. As he kissed the young man, the twins gasped.

As the two older people lead the young man across the street, they opened his shirt and took it in turns to lick and bite his flesh. All three of them shared wet sloppy kisses. The young man was pressed against the wall opposite Fred and George�s property and as the woman kissed the youth, the man sunk down and unfastened his trousers. Then he was dragged into the shadows between two buildings.

The twins could feel each other shaking where they touched. Their chests heaved as they tried to control their breathing. George pulled away from the windowsill before his arms gave way beneath him. Fred followed. They both looked at each other, staring deep into huge black pupils, trying to pretend that they couldn�t see how the other was gasping for breath, ignoring the jutting erections that the sheer gowns failed to conceal.

Fred sucked in a deep stuttering breath and flung himself forwards, hoping that he did know his brother�s mind this time. His mouth connected with George�s and he pressed forward gently. George�s lips were like a downy cushion; soft and full, neither warm nor cold beneath Fred�s mouth. It took a moment of shock where both mouths were pressed together, breath being held painfully in chests that wanted to heave and pant, then George seemed to come to a decision and he raised his hands to grip lightly on his brother�s shoulders, his mouth tentatively beginning to brush against Fred�s. Fred�s eyes fell shut in relief and he let out his held breath in a sigh, leaning in closer and resting his hand on the chest in front of him, feeling a shiver of wonder at the subtle curve of pectorals beneath the silky gown.

George caught Fred�s lower lip between his own, pulling and sucking on it experimentally. One hand strayed from his twin�s shoulder and slid up the slender curve of neck, fingers tangling in the ends of messy red hair. He could feel the heat from the palm against his chest, its partner slipping around his waist and bunching up the gown, so that the material brushed over his erection. In response to the teasing stimuli, he removed his other hand from Fred�s shoulder and fisted it in the longer hair at the back of his head so that he could steer his brother�s mouth closer to his.

It was hard to tell who initiated it, but they suddenly found that they were both kissing with open mouths, hungrily tasting each other. Teeth clashed with their eagerness and inexperience, but they didn�t care. They grinned against amused lips and continued, sloppily mouthing at each other and moaning soft encouragements.

Instinctively, George swirled his tongue over satiny lips before slipping it shyly into his brother�s mouth. Fred made a muffled noise of surprise that quickly dissolved into a hum of pleasure as George�s tongue wetly met with his own. They leaned against each other, hands roaming over the smooth veela hair gowns, occasionally slipping across exposed flesh, giving them both pangs of excited trepidation. They took turns exploring the other�s mouth; tongues dancing slickly together, tasting the thick aftertaste of the champagne they had drunk, combined with bittersweet pumpkin juice that their mother had insisted they drank before bed.

They could have explored like this all night, but as George�s tongue ran over the length of his bottom lip, an image came to Fred�s mind. He remembered the boy who was probably still in the alleyway. He knew enough of the world to guess what he was getting for his money, and Fred suddenly wanted to give that to his brother. Reluctantly, he drew back. George�s mouth followed briefly, his grip on his twin�s head tightening. Fred forcefully broke the contact and his chest burst into painful flames at the hurt look that crossed George�s features.

�It�s ok,� he reassured his double, �come with me.�

With an apprehensive smile, he took his brother�s hand and led him over to the bed. Considering the short distance, it seemed to take forever to cross the floor on legs that shook with every step. The clammy warmth of their hands pressed together, fingers tightly intertwined, seemed to give each the strength to continue walking.

�Sit down.�

George complied and sat on the edge of the bed. He watched with a certain sense of detachment as his brother slowly climbed down to his knees in front of him. The feeling of trembling fingers gently pinching the gossamer fabric of his gown and shifting it aside was somehow magnified so that the more delicate Fred�s movements were, the more George was aware of them. The pearly white material caught the light that slipped through the open curtains and shone in streaks that followed the way the fabric fell in folds, the tip pinched between Fred�s thumb and index finger. The edge of the gown ghosted over George�s thigh as it was moved and released, so that it fell, at once both heavy and feather light, away from George�s leg. Fred repeated the process with the other side of the gown, even slower this time, feeling as if his heart might split in two from the erratic rhythm it was pumping through him.

Only once the gown had been fully pushed aside did he allow himself to look at George�s erection. It wasn�t the first time that he�d seen his brother naked, nor was it the first time that he�d seen him aroused, they had shared many adolescent showers and ribbed each other over bodily functions that they could not yet control, but this time it was different. Even if the original stirrings of emotion had been for the events outside of their window, it was he who had clung to them and nurtured them. This erection was for him.

Fred was fascinated. It was the first time that he had truly paid any attention to anyone�s cock but his own. He knew that if they stood side by side and compared, it would be identical to his, which was straining for attention beneath his still fastened robe. It was almost disconcerting, seeing such a familiar organ from this angle. It was long and thin, the skin holding a slightly darker tone than the pale flesh of the rest of his brother�s body. Fine veins ran up the length and Fred wondered, if he took his penis in one hand and his brother�s in the other, whether his fingers would trace over the same smooth ridges in the same places. The hood was a shade redder than the rest, jutting against a flat creamy stomach, glistening slightly at the tip.

There was a sharp wet sound and Fred jerked his head up to see George�s throat working as he swallowed. His Adam�s apple bobbed as his lips parted in a release of breath. His tongue flickered out and ran along his bottom lip, before teeth bit down and unconsciously drew in the lip in a nervous gesture. Fred watched as the pad of skin slipped out of the bite and returned to its full cushion, one side a little redder than before. Fred rose up on his knees, planting his hands on pliant thighs, and leaned in to gently trace his mouth over that bottom lip.

George moaned and tilted his head to the side to try and deepen the kiss but Fred withdrew once more and sank back to his former position. He took stock of where his hands where placed, squeezing the curvy flesh and brushing his thumbs over wisps of red curls. George sucked in a sharp breath and let out a nasal whimper in quick succession. Smiling to himself, Fred ran his hands down his brother�s thighs, slipping them over to the inside so that the legs trembled slightly beneath his touch.

He firmly grasped his twin�s bony knees and pushed them away from each other. It took very little pressure and George willingly opened his legs to his brother, who then crawled forward, hands drifting once more to the inside of his thighs. George shifted in his seat as he instinctively tried to increase the much needed contact. But, teasingly, Fred fluttered his fingers over the tight skin at the juncture between thigh and groin. George�s leg juddered violently, the pad of his heel thumping dully against the threadbare carpet beneath. He could feel the touch, so painfully near to his erection, so very nearly touching that he could feel the residual tingles of pleasure in the base of his cock, but not enough.

Finally taking pity on him, Fred reached out and gently took his brother�s arousal in his hand. The shaft nestled against the pads of his palm as he tightened his grip. Although he knew what an erect penis felt like, and this was very much like holding his own dick, there was still something very new about the way the taut smooth skin felt against his fingers.

George�s hands were at the edge of the bed, fisted tightly in the sheets. As Fred slid his hand experimentally up and down the shaft in a long slow pump, George�s grip tightened and a keening sigh escaped him. Fred smiled up at his twin, taking in the perpetually parted lips, the wide blue eyes, the rise and fall of his chest, a scattering of red curls just visible beneath the robe. Feeling a pleasant twist in his gut that he was the one who was doing this to his brother, Fred ducked forward. He could smell the tang of sex in the warm air directly around George�s groin. A bead of precome sat on the tip of the head. Nervously, Fred flickered his tongue out and lapped against the slit. George whined, willing himself not to squirm under the fleeting hot pressure of Fred�s tongue.

The taste was sharp and salty, Fred rolled the flavour around his mouth, getting used to it. Then he bent back in and laved his tongue over the velvety head. George couldn�t help but buck his hips forward so that the tip of his cock nudged against soft satin lips. In a single sweeping motion, Fred gave the top of George�s erection a hearty lick and then plunged down to take it into his mouth.

George couldn�t hold back the deep cry that sprung from him as he was suddenly surrounded by soft wet heat. He flung his head back and thrust his hips forward convulsively as he felt like his whole being centred between his legs. A tongue quivered against the underside of his cock, pushing the length up against the roof of his brother�s mouth as his doppelganger swallowed several times and tried not to choke. Suddenly, George was hyper-aware of what he was doing. He paused and then guiltily lowered himself back onto the bed. He wet his lips and looked down at his brother, still bent over him, mouth still around him, not moving.


The silence seemed to stretch out. All he could hear was his own laboured breathing; it filled his ears in jagged raspy pants. He couldn�t hear Fred�s breathing, although he could see the rapid movement of inhalation and exhalation in the shifting play of light over the back of Fred�s gown.

�Ish hokeh,� the words vibrated straight down the length of George�s dick and through his balls. It took great restraint not to thrust his hips back up into that wonderful mouth again.

Fred pulled back, his lips clamped firmly round the organ in his mouth, and sucked. His brother�s hands flew to his head and clenched in his hair, pulling against his scalp just enough to make tiny spikes of pain register to him, but not enough to actually hurt. The guiding hands pulled him back a little further, then dragged him down towards the other�s body. This was repeated a couple more times before the hands released their grip, remaining to stroke and slide through his hair as he bobbed backwards and forwards and listened to the encouraging moans and wordless mutterings that spilled from his brother�s lips.

Fred wondered how much longer it would be before George came, surely not long now? His own erection was still untouched and painfully hard beneath the robe. Every time he shifted position, the gown would drag over it and despite the smoothness of the material, it felt like sandpaper over the sensitive skin. Making a decision, Fred pulled away and let George�s penis slip from his numb lips. George whined at the loss. In consolation, Fred spread his fingers over his twin�s torso and pressed his lips against the supple skin just below his left hip. The hands on his head dropped down to his shoulders, and then continued to stroke down his body as he stood and took a step back.

George found himself gazing straight ahead at the tip of his brother�s erection, which was peeking out from between the two folds of material. He was just psyching himself up to grasp his brother�s hips tighter and brush his mouth against the tip, when Fred took another step back, out of range. He watched the nimble movement of his twin�s hands as they untied the already loose cord of the gown, and then slid up the two edges, pushing it apart to expose familiar pale skin, dusted with cinnamon freckles and amber curls of hair. He slipped it over his shoulders and he shrugged out of it. It fluttered heavily to the floor like a dying butterfly.

Then he lent forwards and stepped towards his seated brother, who tilted his face up to receive his kiss. Only Fred�s breath ghosted over George�s lips as he bypassed his mouth and ducked to press his own mouth over the exposed throat. As he sucked hungrily on George�s Adam�s apple, he climbed onto his twin�s lap, straddling him and resting one knee on the bed, still supporting himself on the other leg.

�Move further back,� he gasped against George�s neck, licking up to the bottom of his earlobe.

George obeyed and shuffled backwards, the movement being made more difficult by the weight that was climbing and settling over him. When he had wriggled far enough back on the bed for only his feet to be hanging off, a palm to his chest forcefully shoved him down. He fell back with an �oof!� and a wide playful grin. The back of his head just touched the other side of the mattress.

Fred looked down at him for a moment, his eyes hidden by eyelids made heavy by lust. He was grinning too. He pulled back the edges of George�s robe and smoothed his palms over the body beneath him, lean and even. His fingers dipped into the hollow of the other�s clavicle, then up and over the gentle sweep of chest, lingering briefly to toy with a pert nipple and to cause his brother to shiver and gasp. Then further down to the perfectly flat stomach, soft, tender belly. Hands wandering on a tangent to brush over concaved flesh just above sharp hips, then rejoining to tangle in coarse red hair. Just a few teasing touches, trailing fingertips along the length of his shaft before pulling away. Then he allowed himself to fall forward, hands falling either side of George�s head and curling to grip the mattress.

His mouth covered his brother�s instantly and they kissed and bit and sucked on each other�s lips and tongues passionately. George�s hands rose to the heated flesh above him, one hand drifting up to cup the back of his twin�s head, the other eagerly moving down to squeeze and knead the soft round flesh of arse. Fred shifted position, using one knee to nudge George�s legs apart, and then settled between his thighs. He lowered himself so that their erections lay pressed side by side, his belly hot against his brother�s, chest against chest. They could both feel the other�s heart as it rattled painfully beneath their rib cage, pounding so hard that it threatened to break free.

He began to move his hips, finally feeling relief at some positive stimulation to his arousal. Both young men moaned into each other�s mouths simultaneously, the exchanged sound humming down the other�s throat. Fred began to buck a little harder, his mouth straying to the corner of George�s lips as he felt the need to be more verbal.

�Oh! Yes. That�s so good��

George placed a kiss against the corner of Fred�s jaw and agreed with him.

�So good.�

His brother�s body rocked against him, pushing and rubbing. His erection was dragged across the different textures of cock against cock, against hot sweaty skin and through coarse hair. Fred pushed himself up to give himself better leverage. George dragged his palm over his double�s chest, a sheen of sweat beginning to bead over his skin. He ran his hands down Fred�s arms, marvelling at the sinewy muscle that suddenly stood out hard and smooth with the effort of holding himself up. The light from the window fell over half his face, picking out his features in stark contrast; white cheekbone, the dark hollow of his eye socket, the strong line of his jaw, the black hole of his mouth, fallen wide in pants and grunts. His hair was ruffled, sweat glistening on his brow, his fringe damp and sticking together in curls.

George felt the coiling of white heat in his gut and arched his back from the bed as he cried out and came. He thought that he saw his brother�s mouth twitch up at the corners as he did so. He barely registered as Fred dropped back down again, noted with a detached interest that his stomach has sticky and wet, as Fred buried his head into his collarbone and snaked his arms beneath his armpits, hooking his hands over his shoulders.

Fred used the new leverage to pull himself up and down his brother�s lower body as quickly as possible. The come was slick over his cock and he rubbed against the heat frantically, needing desperately to come as well. Addictive pleasure-pain grew in his belly and as it released, he lifted his head and bit down on George�s shoulder, so that it was his brother who cried out again, this time as his other half came. He rocked for a few more moments, licking and kissing the raw crescent of teeth marks apologetically. Then he untangled his arms and slid slightly to the side so that he was also lying on the bed, his legs still over George�s.

They lay together for a while, holding each other, floating in their own post orgasm heaven. Sounds started to come back to them; the gradually slowing pant of the other�s breathing, the drifting noise of life in the alley, the tick of the bedside clock.

�Did you have to bite me?� George�s voice interrupted the peace and brought them back to the room. It was slightly more croaky than normal.

There was a long pause where Fred shifted almost unperceivably.

�Yes. I think I did.�

�You kink.�

�Look who�s talking.�

Another long silence. George shivered and pulled the edge of the gown back over him, but it did little to cover or warm him.

�Cold,� neither a question nor a statement, Fred just felt the need to say it.

George nodded and began to sit up, as did Fred. They looked at each other briefly, taking in the other�s naked body, truly taking stock of it like they�d never seen anything similar in their lives before: the pale skin and dusting of freckles, the wild hair and bony knees, kiss bruised lips and sticky stomachs. Completely new.

Fred crawled up to the head of the bed and flicked back the covers. A slight inclination of the head and George crawled up to join him. They snuggled beneath the sheets, tangling themselves together.

�Lets go down to Knockturn Alley tomorrow,� Fred muttered into George�s shoulder.

�See what we can pick up from those shops,� George finished into Fred�s hair.

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