Title: Another Year
Author: Lipstickcat
Rating: G
Pairing: None, as yet...
Word count: 100 words
Summary: Remus is getting old.
Disclaimer - I don't own them. If I did, Remus, Sirius and the twins would spend their life in the shower ^_~

He was nearly forty years old and his friends were busying themselves around him, making arrangements. Remus smiled politely and took it all in good humour, but honestly, he didn�t feel like celebrating.

Forty years. He�d been with the wolf for nearly thirty-three of them. Thirty-three years was a long time in canine years. No wonder he looked older than he was; weary and greying. Sometimes, when it was cold and damp, his right knee would crack and ache.

But at least there was less need for the Wolfsbane now; a werewolf with arthritis was nothing to be afraid of.
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