Title: Statue
Author: Lipstickcat
E-mail: [email protected]
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: Pg-13
Web page: http://www.geocities.com/lipstickcat
Disclaimer: Can I have Lupin? Pretty please? *makes puppy eyes at Rowling* No? Awww. *sighs* They�re not mine then.
Notes: This was supposed to be a 100 word drabble...


Never in his wildest dreams would he have expected Severus� skin to be warm.

Yet it was. Not flushed, nor the cold stone clamminess that his colouration and temperament suggested, not right now at least. Just warm, soaking into him where-ever their skin touched, a snugness that infused within him to his very bones.

Remus dared to shift, wrapping one sinewy leg around his partner�s and resting his thigh against buttock, not at all marble-like, but soft and also wonderfully warm. Snape allowed this for the moment, not resisting the embracing arms around his shoulders.

Now that all was calm, the frantic passion of moments before ebbing away leaving a comfortable sense of purely existing, the lycanthrope took a moment to gaze out of his office window. The sky was a dark navy blue, a sliver of moon sitting high in the sky. He smiled to himself, that was the way he liked to see the night sky.

Snape began to pull away, already weary of the still around them. It was to be expected: Remus knew that Severus couldn�t bare to feel at peace for too long, it was his restless heart and constant sense of injustice against himself that made him who he was. The feeling that he had a place where he belonged and someone who could possibly dare to love him disturbed him if he was left to contemplate it or bask in it for any length of time.

His movement caused Lupin to shift as well against the office rug that they had been lying on. Suddenly, he was aware of the not quite painful friction burns across his shoulder blades and the base of his spine. They reminded him in gushes of prickly warmth how he�d arched his back in response to his lover�s touch, how each thrust had pushed him further across the coarse material.

As the gap between them increased, low flickering candle�s caught the dark haired man�s features. Red blotches covered the otherwise sallow skin around his mouth and chin. Remus raised his hand and dragged it over his own chin. Stubble rasped beneath his fingers; he hadn�t shaved since early that morning. Severus had been reckless when they had found themselves alone. He wasn�t without passion.

But now he was standing up and looking for his clothes. Lupin shifted and sat cross legged as he watched the other man dress. He watched as the marks that he had left on his face faded, his skin once again looking like cold stone. It was hard to believe that this statue could be capable of the lust he had just experienced.

But he knew the truth. Next time he wouldn�t be so surprised.
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