Title: Going Up
Author: Lipstickcat
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Rating: R
Spoilers: Set between PoA and OotP, so pretty much everything
Warning/Kinks: Frottage and public sex

Notes: this is gardens_gnome's fault: I was writing another frottage fic and mentioned it to her. She went off and looked up the online dictionary definition and came back with "Masturbation by rubbing against another person (as in a crowd)" It was a fatal bunny breeder....

Thanks to mistigri for beta-ing


Remus shuffled backwards in the confined place that he was forced into, consciously moving a little closer to Sirius and pushing the other man tighter into the corner of the stainless steel box. He had the fugitive to his back and was trying to cover him with his body, but Sirius was resisting all attempts to be concealed; instead resting one hand on Lupin�s shoulder, the other around his waist, as he eagerly glanced over his other shoulder at the crowd of muggles who continued to squeeze into the elevator.

Remus was nervous. He didn�t trust the contraption that he had semi-willingly climbed into, he hated being crowded by so many people that he didn�t know, and he was afraid that his friend would be recognised. Heavens forbid that should happen, here of all places; people could get so unpredictable when confronted with a so-called murderer. Fortunately for them, though, people were also often completely oblivious to anything going on outside of their important little worlds and were so unobservant sometimes he just wondered how they managed to cross the road without getting run down by an automobile.

All the same, he was careful to study everyone who entered, whilst avoiding attention drawing eye contact. He hadn�t wanted to meet up, but Sirius had sent him several begging owls and it had been hard to muster the self-control to keep saying �no�. Truth be told, as much as he hadn�t wanted to meet, he had wanted it. Their last meeting had been fleeting, so full of revelations that he hadn�t had time to simply appreciate the fact that Sirius was back. They had so much to discuss, so much to catch up on. So much to do.

Which was why he�d agreed to meet up for �a chat and a cuppa� in a little Co-Op store in the middle of a sleepy village. They weren�t to know that the caf� was on the second floor, nor that it seemed to be the only place to socialise in the whole damned parish.

Finally, the last person pushed their way into the lift, in that polite, not actually touching, way that the English had mastered so well. Everyone else took the obligatory half a shuffle backwards to accommodate them and Remus followed suit to avoid an elbow in his chest. Then the doors slid shut, the last of the natural light vanishing in a vertical strip. The elevator jerked into life, seeming to drop slightly before beginning its ascent. Remus lost his balance and thrust his leg backwards to steady himself. Suddenly, he found his thigh pressed against Sirius� crotch.

He half turned to apologise for any hurt caused, but Sirius grinned back at him in a wicked way that he, all at once, realised he had missed for the last 12 years of his life. He turned back and studied his hands intently, willing himself not to blush as a hardness began to grow against the back of his thigh. He could feel Sirius� breath warmly misting across the back of his neck, fingers tightening slightly against his shoulder and waist, a solid length pressing against the top of his leg. He started to wish that he hadn�t agreed to talk, he would have rather just gone to wherever Sirius was hiding out and caught up there.

Suddenly the orange glow of the strip lights flickered and fizzed, there was a groaning, whirring sound and the lift stopped with a shudder. A woman screamed. Hysterical, see? People get hysterical over a lift stopping, what would they do if they recognised Sirius? Only, the doors weren�t opening and the lighting had dimmed. There was a hushed muttering between the other occupants and it slowly dawned on Remus that they had broken down. Instinctively, he pushed back further against the comforting warmth of his friend; he wasn�t afraid, just slightly uneasy. He didn�t want to be trapped here, with all these muggles. He found that his hand had crept over to rest on the one that was holding his waist.

A man pulled out a small rectangular box of plastic, prodded at it a few times and held it to his ear. He then swore and informed the minute room that there was �no reception�, which Remus thought was frankly quite obvious as the elevator was far too small to fit a reception into. Someone up front was jabbing at some buttons near the door; there was a fizzling and the distant but crackling sound of a human voice. People began to visibly relax. Remus wanted to ask what was happening, but he didn�t want to draw attention to himself.

A slightly tense hum of conversation began in the elevator and he listened carefully to several conversations at once: People outside knew that they were there and were fixing the problem. It wouldn�t take too long. Remus felt better. Muggles were actually quite good at this technology stuff. They�d be fine.

With one less worry on his mind, he slowly became aware of the movement behind him. Physically feeling his pupils expand with surprise, he whispered over his shoulder to Sirius.

�What are you doing?�

�I�m sorry, it�s been so long�� Sirius� reply was a gravely sound, each word punctuated by a rough jerk of his hips.

�Can�t you wait?� Remus was bemused by his friend�s actions.

�No,� a harsh bark of a word.


�Hush. Do you want people to look?�

Remus glanced around anxiously at the other people in the lift, no one was looking. He didn�t want them to look either; even if they didn�t recognise who he was hiding, they would surely notice the way he was having difficulty keeping the lower half of his body still.

Sirius was rhythmically grinding his now quite prominent arousal against him, starting by pushing it against the top of his thigh and then flicking his hips upwards so that it rubbed briefly against the curve of his buttock, teasingly slipping towards his crack, before pulling away and being thrust against his thigh again. Under such an assault Lupin found it hard to keep still, he couldn�t help but jerk forwards slightly with every thrust. Nor could he help the urge to grind back against Sirius.

The hand that he had been holding disentangled from his grip and slid forwards to cup his arousal, sending a shiver of thrill through him. Remus bit down on his lip to prevent the groan that was welling up inside of him from escaping. He tilted his head back, painfully aware of the seemingly oblivious people around him, their presence acting as both a temper and a stimulant to his arousal. Sirius was at his ear; lips languidly kissing his lobe, tongue lapping wetly at the shell, teeth travelling to the point where ear, jaw and neck all meet and nipping gently.

Remus gazed wildly down his nose at the occupants of the room but still no one was paying attention to them. A soft �ah!� escaped his throat as Sirius palmed his balls through the material of his clothing. The animagus suddenly hooked his other arm beneath Remus� armpit, wrapping it tightly across his chest and pulling him close so hard that he barely kept his balance. Sirius� movement grew more erratic, more desperate. He was panting harshly against Remus� neck, hot wet breath puffing into his ear and carrying crooning sounds with it.

Still, Remus watched the other occupants of the lift, even as he shifted his hips to increase the friction against Sirius� hand. Sirius was nearly finished and Remus wanted nothing more that to be able to taste his cries on his lips as he came, but he knew that kissing another man would definitely draw attention to them.

The part of Lupin that was still paying close attention to their surroundings was aware of a crackly voice coming from the front of the crowd of people. The overhead lights fizzed back on, momentarily blinding him with the bright artificial light. The lift jerked and noisily whirred back into action. Sirius came with a gravely sound that was thankfully covered by the lift restarting. His lips pressed against Remus� earlobe as he groaned, both bodies shuddering with the effect.

A warm hand passed over the lycanthrope�s unsatisfied arousal, which was quickly batted away now that the other occupants could see clearly again. Sirius instantly released his hold of Remus, but he remained pressed against him. Wet sticky warmth soaked through the back of Remus� trousers. Both men struggled to control their breathing, although Sirius was panting more obviously. Remus was glad that he hid him from view.

The elevator reached the end of its ascent shortly and Remus hung back, intending to cast a quick cleaning spell before they left. He tried to keep Sirius back, but the other man ducked down and slipped past him, on the heels of the last person to exit. He stopped at the control panel by the doors, paused for a moment, then hit a button. The doors slid shut before anyone else could enter.

Remus pulled his wand from his sleeve and performed the necessary spell. The lift jerked and began to descend again. The metal lined room suddenly seemed so much less oppressing and he couldn�t help but let out a laugh of relief.

�I can�t believe you just humped my leg!�

Sirius shrugged and grinned.

�Sorry, I guess I�ve been spending too much time as a dog recently.�

Remus laughed again, but the smile faded as Sirius pulled out his own wand.

�What are you doing?�

Sirius held up a finger to gesture that he�d answer in a moment, and then uttered a few words that Lupin couldn�t catch. The lights fizzed to an amber glow again and the lift shuddered and stopped. Remus stumbled, but Sirius was ready to catch him. His mouth was so close that, as he spoke, his lips brushed over his friend�s.

�I don�t believe we�re quite finished yet.�

A voice crackled over the intercom, but Remus didn�t worry about trying to answer it as Sirius dropped to his knees and began to unfasten his trousers. There was no one to see now and no chance of being interrupted. He was going to enjoy catching up with his old friend.

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