Title: Hail to the King
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: centering on Draco, but with hints of Draco/Harry and Ron/Harry.
rating: G
A challenge drabble, using the line: "But I guess in my own way, I am king.. Hail to the king, baby!"


Draco watched from the Quidditch pitch as Gryffindor house carried their newest hero back into Hogwarts. He almost smirked as they hit Ron�s head on the top of the entrance, but he just couldn�t quite bring himself to take pleasure from the scene. They were chanting �Weasley is our king� and that just wasn�t right. He should be singing that song, along with the rest of Slytherin, he should be feeling like he�s part of something, instead of watching from the outside as always.

It wasn�t fair, Weasley had everything already, why couldn�t he have a little of something good for a change? Ron had friends, not just Harry and the mudblood, but the whole of his house, in one degree or another. Draco didn�t have friends in Slytherin, only carefully cultivated associations that would possibly serve him in adult life. Not even Crabb and Goyle were friends, they were just convenient. Bodyguards, the same as their fathers had been to his.

At least Ron�s father wouldn�t punish him for showing an interest in Muggles, in fact, quite the opposite. He would have liked to have taken Muggle Studies, but Lucius would have balked at the idea, to say the least. Once, Draco had sneaked out and tricked his way into a Muggle cinema. They were having a �Late Night Classic Horror Fest�. For a few hours he had got lost in a different type of magic. It felt good to let it wash over him and lazily wonder how it worked. Never mind that all of the black magic was wrong and that he felt a vague flash of embarrassment that he no more knew what a �boomstick� was than the �primative screwheads� did. Almost all that he knew of Muggles and their history was gleamed from that film.

It had taken weeks for the stripes of bruises to fade from where his father had beat him with his cane when he�d found out where he had gone.

And the Weasley had Potter. Ron may not notice it, nor may Harry, but from the outside looking in, it was plainly obvious.

He�d never have that, for so many reasons: Because he couldn�t stop being snide, because jealousy made him so. Because he�d get more than the cane for developing any kind of relationship with the enemy. Because he was scared to even try.

The strains of �Weasley is our king� began to fade away at last, leaving Draco on the playing field, flanked by the closest things that he had to friends, completely alone. His mouth pulled back in a bitter, ironic smile as he remembered a time when he felt normal.

"But I guess in my own way, I am king. Hail to the king, baby!"

Crabb and Goyle exchanged nervous glances before enthusiastically crying �Hail to the king!�

Draco shook his head to himself and went to change.
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