Hehe, short stories, Lance's shorts are falling down...Okay, not funny, but here you go... :)

I have decided that many of these stories are crap. But, I'll leave them up until I figure out what to do with them. For now. :) Also, they're arranged (for the most part) by date, now. In their individual tables to make it pretty. You could consider that your warning about quality, but some are better than others. :)

The Stories:

To make things easier (maybe?)...Pick your poison:
Everything not called JC/Lance
Gen stuff
Het stuff (don't worry, there's only one)

JC/Lance stuff:
No Son of Mine
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Lance comes out to his parents...
Genre: Songfic, Angst.
Rating: R
It's a Wonderful Life
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Inside JC's head on Thanksgiving...
Lance is mad at him...will he have to spend
Thanksgiving alone?
Genre: Angsty inner thoughts
Rating: PG-13-R
Nothing More
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Another holiday story, this time
my contribution to the lyric wheel. Lance and
JC talking on Christmas Eve...
Genre: Fluffy almost songfic.
Rating: PG-13
I Thought They Were Our Friends
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Lance and JC are hiding...but from who?
Genre: Angsty convo piece
Rating: R
A Liquid Dream
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Total conversation. That means all talking.
Lance and JC discuss O-Town. Hee.
Genre: Almost songfic. Convo piece.
Rating: PG - Warning: Not nice to O-Town :)
Stay the Same
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Lance is insecure, JC writes a letter.
Genre: Fluffy songfic.
Rating: G-PG
You Forgot the Receipt
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Lance and JC meet at a beverage center.
Genre: AU and Fluff
Rating: G-PG
Look at the Moon
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Lance and JC are separated, JC
calls Lance. Very sappy.
Genre: Fluffy, cavitiy inducing, the whole nine.
Rating: G
Chex Mix
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: A weirdo short. Chris POV.
Consider yourself warned. :)
Genre: Oddness? If that's not a genre I just created it.
Rating: G-PG
Pairing: Lance/JC
Summary: Chris, Joey, and Justin decide that Lance
and JC have 24 hours to get their acts together.
Genre: Um, it's supposed to be mostly funny.
Rating: PG-13

Pairings not called JC/Lance:
Just Kidding
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Summary: Lance and Chris are just kidding.
Genre: It's strange, but mostly humor. I tried, anyway.
Rating: PG-PG13
Pairing: Chris/Lance, Lance/various OMC's
(No! Come back! that's not a bad thing, I swear!)
Summary: Lance tries to find someone that's his type.
Genre: Um. Let's call it General. (How's that for vague?)
Rating: PG-PG13..one of these days, I'll pick just one.
Good Enough
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Summary: Lance doesn't think he's good enough,
and he and Chris sleep together. Sort of.
Genre: Mostly...drama, angsty stuff.
Rating: PG13-R-ish, I guess. Nothing too bad.
Just a Game
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Summary: Chris gets bored and plays a stupid game that screws things up. Basically.
Genre: Mostly angsty. I suck at classifying, though.
Rating: PG13
Finale B
Pairing: Joey/Lance
Summary: Joey, Lance, and space. They said no. Now what?
Genre: I give up. General angst. Some fun.
Rating: PG13
Home to Mom
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Summary: Lance's mom doesn't like Chris. Chris tries to fix it.
Genre: Mostly fun with a little angst.
Rating: R-ish
Porch Swing on a Sunday Morning
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Summary: For the happyfic challenge. JC meddles.
Genre: As the challenge implies, happyfic. Some fun. Rating: PG13

Wherein I step out of my Comfort Zone (otherwise known as Gen fiction)
Summary: Lance always tells them the news...
Genre: Um, not really angst, but...eh. Whatever you want it to be, really.
Rating: PG-PG13:)
Summary: It's Joey's birthday, but Justin's is always a few days later....
Genre: Fluffy. :)
Rating: G

Wherein I step even further out of my Comfort Zone. AKA, Het fiction.
All Works Out
Pairing: Lance Bass/Jessica Simpson
Summary: Lance wants what is someone elses. It'd never work. Right?
Genre: Oh, some angst. Mostly just...middle type stuff.
I'm good at this classifying thing.
Rating: PG-13

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