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Look at the following websites and analyze them using the 5 media concepts below. For each of the five concepts you should write 2 - 5 sentences to address the various questions.

Websites to use (choose 3 of the 5):


Yahoo Music

LA Times

National Geographic

Amnesty International


Media Literacy Concepts:

1. Classify the Product

   All media messages have some basic identifiable properties
o       What medium is used?  the genre?
o       Is it part of a whole or complete by itself?
2. Examine its origins
  All media messages are constructed.
o       Who is the sender of the message?  Who paid for the message?  How many people actually put it together and what did each do?
o       What is the content based on?  an actual event?  an idea?  whose idea?
o       What is the purpose or intent of the message?  Is it clear or hidden? 
3. Analyze its mediation
     Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules.
o       What techniques are used to attract my attention?
§        Colors, shapes
§        Sounds or silence
§        Movment
§        Symbols
§        Props, settings, clothing
§        Words – written or spoken
o       Conventions of presentation:  routines or patterns, traditions, stereotypes, narrative formulas, camera angles and point of view, use of graphics and layouts
o       What is emphasized and what is left out?
4. Investigate its consumption
     Different people experience the same message differently.
o       How might different people understand this message differently from me?
o       Who is the intended audience and why?
o       How does your (and others’) background (gender, ethnicity, age, religion, economic status, familiarity with product, etc) influence your reaction? 
o       What is your or others’ motivations for consuming product?
o       Who has access to it?  Is anything needed to consume the product?
o       How many ways might you interpret this message?
5. Perceive its impact
      Media have embedded values and points of view.
o       What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message?
o       What judgments are made about personal or social relationships?  about political, economic, or moral values?
o       What is the cultural context?  
o       What Ideas are being sold?
o       What type of person is the consumer asked to identify with?
o       What kinds of behaviors and consequences are shown?
o       Who or what is left out?
o       What are personal/societal effects of consuming this?  the effects on your time /money?  the effects on future experiences with the media?



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