Strutting down the Blvd.:

A Short Online Exploration of Immigration to the U.S. 

Go to the website below and answer all the questions:

Click on enter


Reading through the introduction, answer the following questions:


1.     What is a new immigrant?

2.     What is the National Immigration Act of 1965?

3.     What is Ellis Island?

4.     Where is Queens?  Describe it


Under the “Go To” pull down menu in the upper right corner, go to “Timeline” and answer the following questions:

5.     In 1790, what was required to become an American Citizen?

6.     What seemed to be the primary focus of the debate about immigration in the 1860’s and 1870’s?

7.      What was passed in 1882?  Who had control over immigration?  Who was excluded?

8.      How was this law revised in 1891?

9.      What was established in 1906?

10.  In 1917, what was added as a requirement for immigration?

11.  What was exempt from the quota law in 1921?

12. How did immigration attitudes and patterns change in the 1930’s and 40’s? Why?

13.  How did these attitudes and patterns change again beginning in 1968?

14. What was the focus of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?

15.  Do the policies toward immigration through the late 80’s and 90’s fit with the 2001 Patriot Act?


Under the “Go To” pull down menu in the upper right corner, go to “Unlikely Bedfellows” and answer the following questions:

16. What cultures are represented in the narrative?

17. How do they narrators try to integrate their own cultures in America?

18. How do the narrators’ cultures support one another or clash with one another?

Extension and Reflection:

19. Looking at the specifics of that you have gathered, what conclusions could you draw about the immigrant experience in the U.S.?

20. How can any of this information inform the current debate about immigration in the U.S.?




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