
    1. Introduction:
    2. Swami Vivekananda gave a scientific definition to education and religion: 'Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man'. 'Religion is the manifestation of the divinity already in man'.

      Swami Ranganathananda quoted the above definition several times in his writings and agreed with it. Swamijj stressed the need for the synthesis of science and religion in education.

    3. Need for synthesis of Science and Religion in Education:
    4. Swamiji wanted that "education has to enable all students to achieve at least a fraction of the synthesis of east and west, spirituality and science, contemplation and action. It is the science of spirituality, 'the paravidya' the supreme science, that fosters in man ethical attitudes, aesthetic and spiritual values, including the moral values associated with pure science.

      The harmony of all these values and the intrinsic harmony between science and religion, always upheld in Vedanta, become revealed in our time in the deep spiritual kinship between Narendra (the later Swami Vivekananda) the representative of a para-vidya and Sri Ramakrishna, the full embodiment of para-vidya.

      All such values emerge from out of the depths of the human spirit at a certain stage of human evolution and after the achievement of some measure of mastery of the environment by him; they do not emerge from physical nature itself. It is folly, therefore, to believe, or to expect, that they will automatically result from the wealth resulting from such achievements".

      The current secular school and university education is high; yet it is not yielding desired results. The spiritual education that Swami Vivekananda received from Sri Ramakrishna bearing wonderful fruits of character, strength and compassion is the highest education into which the other two, to fulfil themselves, must lead a child.

      It is deep as the ocean and broad as the sky. It harmonizing east and West, Religion and Science, the sacred and secular.

    5. Religious Education:
    6. Religion is a necessary basis of education. Religion is realization. No scripture can make us religious. We may study all the scriptures of the world. Yet we may not understand a work of religion or of God. We should not merely to listen to great principals, but we must apply them in the practical field, turn them into constant practice.

      Service to poor people is the best religion. Religious Education means knowing of universality of God and his presence in every aspect. Service to mankind is the highest goal of religious education.

    7. Equal Treatment to all Religions:

    Swamiji has given lectures on Bhagavad Gita, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Lord Buddha and Guru Gobind Singh on invitation of several religious authorities. He treated all religions as equal and has given message "we should not destruct our nation in the name of religion".

    The list of different lectures addressed by Swamiji to our great spiritual teachers:

    On Bhagavad Gita : His discourses in English on the Bhagavad Gita,

    which were given every Sunday, while in Hyderabad Ramakrishna math (1975-93) used to attract thousands of men and women.

    On Jesus Christ: Christian's celebrations held at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture - Calcutta in 1954.

    On Prophet Mohammed: Prophet's birthday celebrations held in Rangoon on April 21, 1940.

    On Lord Buddha: (a) Contributed to the Daily, The Rangoon Gazette, Burma, on the occasion of the birthday, of Bhagavan Buddha, May 1941.

    (b) Bhagavan Buddha's 2500 Th Birthday Celebrations at Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras, on 30th May, 1956.

    (c) Women's University, Kyoto on 18 Th September, 1958.

    (d) Anatomy Lecture Theatre of the Medical College, Geneva, on 27th June, 1961.

    On Guru Gobind Singh: Contributed to the Sikh Review, Calcutta, 1967.

    To Sum Up:

    Man can enter into, and benefit from the spiritual education from any stage or any level of his school or college education. We shall be wise if we open ourselves to the eternal message of our Adhyatma vidya, or science of soul in depth, and generate a fresh capital of our spiritual resources of energy, with a view to digest and assimilate and to transform the physical and mental energy. This is the requirement of our highly modern and technical age.




    Significance of the Study

    Review of Literature of works of Swami Ranganathananda

    Brief Life Sketch of Swami Ranganathananda











    © Copy Right: M. Padma Lalitha Sharada Kumari, M.Ed. Osmania University, Hyderabad

    E-mail: kpmiyapuram AT

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