    * History of Hoverspeed
Fleet of Hoverspeed

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Fleet of Seafrance

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    * History of Sam. Lines
Fleet of Sam. Lines

History of Hoverspeed

Hoverspeed was established due to the co-operation of two hovercraftoperators who kept links over the Channel. It was Seaspeed who maintained a line between Dover and Calais and Boulogne, also Hoverlloyd who maintained a line between Ramsgate and Calais.

The fusioncompany originally operated with a fleet of six hovercrafts.
Two SRN-4 MK III Hovercrafts:
'The Princess Anne' and 'The Princess Margaret'.
Four SRN-4 MK II hovercrafts: 'Sure', 'Swift', 'Prince of Wales' and the 'Sir Christopher'.
Together they sailed between Dover-Calais and Dover-Boulogne.

Hoverspeed was taken over by Seacontainers Ltd. in june 1986.
In 1990 Hoverspeed was worldwide the first company who took a catamaran in service for the transport of cars.
"Hoverspeed Great Britain" had the honour of doing so, a seacat of 74 m.

It were these Seacats (catamarans with a double hull), which replaced the smaller SRN-4 MK II hovercrafts.

 In 1997 it was once again Hoverspeed who was the pioneer to start with the largest fastferries with a single hull, the SuperSeaCat.

When in 1998 the co-operation between Sally Lines and Holyman (who run the link between Ostend and Ramsgate with two 81 m. Seacats) came to an end, Holyman decided to co-operate with Hoverspeed Fast Ferries.
Hoverspeed chartered the vessels of the Australian Holyman Group and diverted the link to Ostend-Dover.

In the beginning of 2001 Hoverspeed and SeaContainers made a total re-organization of the fleets and routes.  Nowadays the ships are changing almost continously of route.

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