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How To Build A Tunnel

So you want a tunnel, huh? But darn it! It won't work! Why not? Here's how to build a tunnel: Place the tunnel cursor on a steep slope. The slope has to be the steepest kind. Also, if you�re running a road from a flat plain up to a hill, you won�t get a tunnel right at the base of the hill. Tunnels have to start at the second steep slope above the flats, or higher. The engineers will automatically offer a tunnel as an option, whenever a Mayor tries to run a road up a steep slope.

A tunnel...

Release the mouse at this point and the engineers will ask you whether you want to pay for it or not. Tunnel-building is expensive, so it pays to be careful about where you go digging. If you choose not to build the tunnel when they ask you, they�ll go ahead and do their best to make a road up the side of the hill. They'll most likely have to mess around with the terrain to make it flat enough for Sims to drive on. If you say yes, then the tunnel will be built. Remember to make sure that the terrain at the future exit is a slope and not jagged.

A tunnel...

Author: Maxis
Source: SimCity.COM
Formatted and Edited by (the Webmaster)

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