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How To Build A Bridge

In SimCity 2000, all you had to do was drag a bridge across the water and you had a bridge. Well, in SimCity 3000, it's different.

You still make a bridge by dragging the cursor across the water. But it remains red. So this is what you do. Start 5 tiles away from the water. (For highways, it's 4 tiles.) Click on that tile and drag all the way across the water 5 tiles on the other side of the water. (4 tiles for highways) The red highlighted tiles should now be blue. Let go and you have a bridge.

However, it's not always that easy. On the starting point and ending point of the bridge, the terrain is automatically elevated. That means you need a clear area around the starting and ending points before you drag and build. And make sure there aren't any underground objects interfering either. And one more thing. Make sure the building areas are fairly level. That's important too.

If everything goes well, a nice bridge should be built. What kind of bridge depends on how wide the span. You can't choose in SimCity 3000. Sorry! And one more thing before I close... Don't try to build diagonally. The engineers haven't figure that one out yet.

Author: Maxis
Source: SimCity.COM

Formatted and Edited by (the Webmaster)

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