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cheat codes
for SimCity 3000, version 1.0

To get the cheat box to type the cheats in, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C. The cheat box will appear in the top left corner of the screen. Type in the cheats and press Enter.
��call cousin vinnie ��"business deal" with Vinnie ($100,000 and only once)
��zyxwvu ��gives you SimCastle in rewards (only if you reject Vinnie's proposal)
��i am weak ��makes almost everything free
��salt on ��turns salt water into fresh water
��salt off ��turns fresh water (that used to be salt water) back into salt water
��terrain one up ��raises the terrain up one tile
��terrain one down ��lowers the terrain down one tile
��terrain ten up ��raises the terrain up ten tiles
��terrain ten down ��lowers the terrain down ten tiles
��i love red tape ��city hall description becomes "Miles and Miles of Red Tape." Also sets the date to the year 1900
��garbage in, garbage out ��all garbage buildings become available regardless of year
��power to the masses ��all power plants become available regardless of year
��water in the desert ��all water facilities become available regardless of year
��pay tribute to your king ��all rewards and opportunities become available except GigaMall and Casino
��let's make a deal ��all of your petitioners to whom you have connections start to make deals with you
��stop forcing advice ��shuts up advisors
��force Moe to say[insert text here] ��makes Moe say whatever you put in the [insert text here] space. You can use this cheat for Mortimer, Constance, Maria, Randall, Gus, and Karen.
��force petitioners to say [insert text here] ��works similiar to the cheat above
��nerdz rool ��only high tech industries will grow
��load terrain [path] (example: C:\pictures\map.bmp) ��loads selected terrain (Click here for more info.)
��UFO swarm ��after typing this cheat, activate the UFO disaster and lots of UFO's appear over you city
��the birds ��a flock of seagulls fly over your city
��porntipsguzzardo ��"Aha! We Have A Real Pro Here! Try BROCCOLI" message
��broccoli ��"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Brocolli"message
��bat ��"Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da BAT-man!" message
��scurk ��"If You Build It, They Will Come" message
��llama ��"The Llama is Quadruped" message
��sim ��"If You Lived Here, You'd Be A Sim" message
��help ��"Dozens Of Hidden News Ticker Reveals; Sims Encouraged To Collect Them All And Amaze Friends" message
��will wright ��"What Will He Think Of Next?" message
��erts ��"Investment Tip: Buy Low, Sell High" message
��electronic arts ��"Not Just A Sports Games Anymore" message
��ticker ��"[city name] Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" message
��money ��"Money Does NOT Grow On Trees, Study Concludes" message
��simcity ��"Keep Trying And Maybe You'll Figure It Out" message
��hello ��"Greetings Mayor, Your Sim Salute You" message
��mayor ��"Mayor [mayor name] brings [city name]To News Ticker Highlight" message
��sc3k ��"Mayor Suspected Of Attmepting Embezzlement; Ends In Failure" message
��1234 ��"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement in News Ticker" message
��maxis ��"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" message
��moremoney ��"MOREMONEY Not Cheat Code, Research Concludes" message
��advisor ��"Mayor Under Investigation For Possible Embezzlement" message
��fund ��"FUND Not A Cheat Code, Do Not Type MOREMONEY, It Is Not A Cheat Code Either" message
��simon says [insert text here] ��(whatever text you put after "simon says" shows up on ticker)
��easter egg ��"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting" message

How to Access All Buildings

Open and close these options (open it, then hit the X on the upper right hand of the box) in this order:

  1. Power Plants
  2. Rewards and Opportunities
  3. Garbage Disposal
  4. Landmarks
Now you should be able to place any building in your city by going to landmarks.

SimCity 3000 Mega Cheat! Win 9 Billion Simoleons!

You can get $9,000,000,000! Yes, you heard me right. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Download the SimCity 3000 Trainer program. It's available at the Downloads section of this website.
  2. After you download it, open up loader.exe (the icon with three red letters.)
    Then, click on Run Game.
  3. Then, open SimCity 3000, open a city, and press F11.
  4. And after that, either wait for a while for the results to take effect or do something for instant results like rotating your city view or placing a building.
  5. And in your box, there should be $9,000,000,000. You're rich!

Click here for the print version of the cheat codes.

Extras: Click here for SimCity 2000 cheat codes.

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