Detox Humans and Animals in the U.S.
Save $ Trillions, Medical Costs

This page:

* General Note: Dioxin causes expensive disabilities like ADD/ADHD, diabetes and cancer |. Support incentives to eliminate endocrine disruptors like dioxin and save | $12,900 / year / household | on unnecessarily high indirect and direct medical costs, Medicare and private medical insurance, disability taxes and extra income taxes to make up for taxes not paid by unnecessarily disabled people. The solution is to provide 100% tax grants for dioxin etc. elimination using "taxes generated by industry."


There are variations of 5 detox methods that have been used by various people in the U.S. as it has become apparent the extent of toxic damage:
1. Saunas with vitamin B3, niacin.

2. (Medical Grade) charcoal (not coal based) and Vitamin E colon cleansing

3. Aphoresis-Plasma Phoresis

4. Remove essentially all exposures to Porphyrinogenic Substances toxic chemicals that interfere with the liver's P450 Detox System.

5. Consistent with item 4 above, use of certified organic food ( no chemicals added to land for 5 years) and distilled water with medical profession testing and advice on mineral supplements.

Note that serious mineral deficiencies can result if critical minerals are depleted too rapidly (along with toxics). Also many Americans have vitamin deficiencies.

See Terms of Use disclaimer.

If you want further information for your medical professional, E-mail the address below.

Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics-Dioxin |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems: | 5 most costly dioxin diseases Overview |

Additional Overview Info:
| PCB Toxicity by CDC | | 48% Graduation Rate Jax FL | | EDSTAC |

Send questions to (delete anti-spam space between "c" and "jeffrey"):
| georgec [email protected] |

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