Cognitive Deficits Via Dioxin.
Low Graduation Rates, Jacksonville FL.

This page:

General Note: Dioxin causes expensive disabilities like ADD/ADHD. Diabetes and Cancer. Eliminate endocrine disruptors like dioxin and save $4,000/year/household on unnecessarily high Medicare and private medical insurance, disability taxes and extra income taxes to make up for taxes not paid by unnecessarily disabled people.

Ref. PS

3,700 Toxic "Porphyrinogenic Substances"
Cynthia Wilson 1996
CIIN=Chemical Injury Information Network
(revised 05/10/2000)
Click on Library Scroll down to porphyria section

Remember that 9% of population is estimated to have
porphyria and it is doubling at least every 20 years.

(5% permanent genetic damage; 4% temporary but
moving toward permanent).
(revised 05/10/2000)

See also Reference 14,
Symptoms Porphyria, Endocrine Disruption
(Links is below)

This Poison Control Center reference paper was given
to the Duval Co. Florida School Board on Aug. 3,

This paper covers 3,700 "toxins" called endocrine
disrupter "Porphyrinogenic Substances", some
common, too many of which have been found in
school environments.

These chemicals range from mildly temporally
porphyrinogenic like seldom exposure to weak
peroxide to extremely porphyrinogenic like TCDD
dioxin-Agent Orange at parts per trillion.

The book is set up alphabetically by chemical name,
showing some sources and references.

Endocrine disrupter toxicology is coming to light to
the public as the most costly toxicology of this century.

Endocrine disruptors run from engineered chemical
weapons to incinerator flue gas & ash to certain
classes of products to certain classes of prescription

Consumer Reports and the EPA says we all have

A question asked to this site's author:

"Are you implying that a mother has to be a
toxicologist, endocrinologist, lawyer and mean as a
junk yard dog to protect her children from toxic

YES (revised 05/10/2000)

Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics-Dioxin |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems: | 5 most costly dioxin diseases Overview |

Additional Overview Info:
| PCB Toxicity by CDC | | 48% Graduation Rate Jax FL | | EDSTAC |

Send questions to:
| [email protected] | | [email protected] |

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