Diabetes is Linked to Poison Dioxin.

This page: http://www.geocities.com/fltaxpayer/endocrine/12diabet.html

General Note: Dioxin causes expensive disabilities like Diabetes and ADD/ADHD. Eliminate endocrine disruptors like dioxin and save $4,000/year/household on unnecessarily high Medicare and private medical insurance, disability taxes and extra income taxes to make up for taxes not paid by unnecessarily disabled people.

Ref 12
NLM has 20 References to Diabetes toxicant Dioxin

Diabetes is linked to dioxin.

All Americans test positive for dioxin at levels linked
to chronic conditions.

(Another page, linked below, has more on diabetes and
dioxin: "More on Diabetes")

Length of exposure to dioxin and secondary toxins
increase the probability of diabetes symptoms to

Some of us have more than the average exposure to
endocrine disrupting chemicals.


Diabetes cost is $1.3 trillion for existing cases in the
US. (over patients' remaining lifetimes).

Diabetes will double to $2.6 trillion cost by year 2010
as cases will double from 16 million to 32 million if
we do not turn this increase around.

(These figures are conservative if we factor in lost
productivity and negative effects on families).

Diabetes alone will bankrupt Social Security,
Medicare and private health insurance and destroy the
Defense Budget.

Diabetes is an endocrine disruption condition linked to
dioxin. You can read the summaries of research linking
dioxin to diabetes on the US government supported
PubMed system:

Search for "diabetes dioxin" on PubMed
[Nat.Library Medicine]

Med [NLM address changed, revised 03/03/2000]

Pesatori AC, et al.
Dioxin exposure and non-malignant health effects: a
mortality study.
Occup Environ Med.
1998 Feb;55(2):126-31.
PMID: 9614398; UI: 98276537.

Kennedy S.
The genetics of endometriosis.
J Reprod Med.
1998 Mar;43(3 Suppl):263-8.
PMID: 9564659; UI: 98225847.

Vena J, et al.
Exposure to dioxin and nonneoplastic mortality in the
expanded IARC international cohort study of phenoxy
herbicide and chlorophenol production workers and
Environ Health Perspect.
1998 Apr;106 Suppl 2:645-53.
PMID: 9599712; UI: 98262446.

Bertazzi PA, et al.
The Seveso studies on early and long-term effects of
dioxin exposure: a review.
Environ Health Perspect.
1998 Apr;106 Suppl 2:625-33.
PMID: 9599710; UI: 98262444.

Slade BA.
Dioxin and diabetes mellitus.

1998 May;9(3):359-60.
No abstract available.
PMID: 9583434; UI: 98242736.

Axelson O, et al.
Dioxin and diabetes mellitus.
1998 May;9(3):358-9; discussion 359-60.
No abstract available.
PMID: 9583433; UI: 98242735.

Henriksen GL, et al.
Serum dioxin and diabetes mellitus in veterans of
Operation Ranch Hand.
1997 May;8(3):252-8.
PMID: 9115019; UI: 97270138.

Dines KC, et al.
Effectiveness of natural oils as sources of
gamma-linolenic acid to correct peripheral nerve
conduction velocity abnormalities in diabetic rats:
modulation by thromboxane A2 inhibition.
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids.
1996 Sep;55(3):159-65.
PMID: 8931113; UI: 97084779.

O'Donnell JM, et al.
Altered thermoregulatory responses to clonidine in
streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Br J Pharmacol.
1996 Mar;117(5):938-42.
PMID: 8851514; UI: 97004203.

Moberg E, et al.
Acute effects of the alpha 2-adrenoreceptor antagonist
idazoxan on hormonal responses and symptoms of
hypoglycaemia in patients with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Metab.
1996 Feb;22(1):31-6.
PMID: 8697293; UI: 96261465.

Steenland K, et al.
Use of multiple-cause mortality data in epidemiologic
analyses: US rate and proportion files developed by the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
and the National Cancer Institute.
Am J Epidemiol.
1992 Oct 1;136(7):855-62.
PMID: 1442751; UI: 93071903.

Jacobson SH, et al.
Effects of alpha 2-adrenergic blockade on renal
hemodynamics in patients with insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract.
1991 Dec;14(3):197-203.
PMID: 1685705; UI: 92137030.

Langer SZ, et al.
Pre- and postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors as target
for drug discovery.
J Neural Transm Suppl.
PMID: 1687782; UI: 92284220.

Ostenson CG, et al.
Alpha-adrenoceptors and insulin release from
pancreatic islets of normal and diabetic rats.
Am J Physiol.
1989 Sep;257(3 Pt 1):E439-43.
PMID: 2571300; UI: 89390608.

Farjam A, et al.
Effects of the alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists
yohimbine and idazoxan on kidney function in intact
and diabetes insipidus rats.
Urol Int.
PMID: 2572085; UI: 90020717.

Ostenson CG, et al.
Alpha 2-adrenoceptor blockade does not enhance
glucose-induced insulin release in normal subjects or
patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
1988 Nov;67(5):1054-9.
PMID: 2903169; UI: 89034605.

Webb KB, et al.
The diagnosis of dioxin-associated illness.
Am J Prev Med.
1986 Mar-Apr;2(2):103-8.
PMID: 2968809; UI: 88269297.

Filippini G, et al.
Relationship between clinical and
electrophysiological findings and indicators of heavy
exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-dioxin.
Scand J Work Environ Health.
1981 Dec;7(4):257-62.
PMID: 6291143; UI: 83041191.

Iukhlova NA.
[Experience in using adrenergic blockaders in treating
diabetes mellitus].
Probl Endokrinol (Mosk).
1978 Sep-Oct;24(5):3-7.
No abstract available.
PMID: 30081; UI: 79033685.

Jirasek L, et al.
[Chloracne, porphyria cutanea tarda, and other
poisonings due to the herbicides].
1976 Jul;27(7):328-33.
PMID: 134006; UI: 76259634.

PubMed is an experimental service of the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the
National Library of Medicine (NLM).

PubMed has been developed in conjunction with
publishers of biomedical literature as a search tool for
accessing literature citations and linking to their
full-text versions at publishers' Web sites.

PubMed searches the 8 million citations in MEDLINE
supplemented by pre-Medline citations which do not
yet have MeSH index terms and by citations supplied
electronically by publishers.

Abstracts are available for viewing by going to this
search page, typing in "diabetes dioxin" and clicking
on the author's names.

ED Briefing Book Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics (Dioxin) |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems: |
Overview 5 most costly dioxin diseases |

ED Briefing Book Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics (Dioxin) |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems: |
Overview 5 most costly dioxin diseases |

Additional Overview Info:
| PCB Toxicity by CDC | | 48% Graduation Rate Jax FL | | EDSTAC |
| EPA Dioxin Report Chap 9, Health Effects | | EPA 1994 Dioxin Report, other chapters | | Court Affidavit of Dioxin Damage | | Solutions to Dioxin Problem |

Send questions to:
| [email protected] | | [email protected] |

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