Poisons like Dioxin carried by fine dust
from roadways.....playground dirt.
(Low Graduation Rates, Jacksonville FL.)

This page: http://www.geocities.com/fltaxpayer/endocrine/30sand.html

General Note: Dioxin causes expensive disabilities like ADD/ADHD, diabetes and cancer. Eliminate endocrine disruptors like dioxin and save $4,000/year/household on unnecessarily high Medicare and private medical insurance, disability taxes and extra income taxes to make up for taxes not paid by unnecessarily disabled people.

Fine dust transport of dioxin and other toxins;
"Unexpected" exposed groups......

(revised 05/10/2000)

"Its Blowing in the Wind."

Latest Gulf Illness Suspect: Sand;
Army Doctor Says it Acted as Carrier for Multiple Agents

March 06, 1999
The Cincinnati Enquirer
(Copyright 1999)
_____via IntellX_____

CNNFN; chemical industry.

"It {fine-sand] actually increases the effect of the
chemical agent.

It makes an unchallenged delivery to the target
organs," Col. Korenyi-Both said.

"And it is completely invisible; no one will recognize it
as a chemical agent."

An unusual fine-grain sand that covers much of the
Persian Gulf region plays a key role in the mysterious
diseases that affect thousands of veterans eight years
after the Gulf War, an Army doctor says.

Most people recovered within a few days [from dust],
but the strange illness stayed on Col.

Korenyi-Both's mind.

He sent bags of sand home as souvenirs.

After the war, his son, who was working for NASA,
showed Col.

Korenyi-Both some electron micrographs of the sand.

He saw that the tiny particles were covered with nooks
and crannies.

Further study showed that other agents and microbes
could attach to the silicon particles, in effect becoming
"dusty agents."

"The Bedouins have a disease called 'desert lung
syndrome.' The symptoms are the same," he said.

"The sand is bioactive by itself." The fine particles not
only attack the lungs, they actually can penetrate into
the bloodstream, where they circulate virtually forever,
he said.

"It will lower your immune system, leaving you open
to whatever hits you from the outside world," he said.

Worse, later research revealed that chemical weapons
bonded to the sand became even more dangerous.

"Like a good soldier, I submitted it for clearance.

And I received clearance," Col. Korenyi-Both said.

"Then the clearance officer disappeared, never to be
seen again.

Subsequent publications were denied for two years."

Now, he said, researchers are seeking him out to
discuss his theory.

Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics-Dioxin |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems: | 5 most costly dioxin diseases Overview |

Additional Overview Info:
| PCB Toxicity by CDC | | 48% Graduation Rate Jax FL | | EDSTAC |

Send questions to:
| [email protected] | | [email protected] |

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