
The shots were taken using Reala 100 film using a Minolta XD11 with 50mm f1.2 lens. The images were processed by Kodak, and cropped in Microsoft Photo Editor. Quality of the saved images was reduced to
minimise the file size.

Brief notes and tips I discovered:

I find that the filters look the best through the viewfinder when stopped down to f8 or so, but at that level you can see the ring of the filter in the middle.

I solved the problem by combining the filter with the double mask filter no. 345, effectively covering the problem area. The centre image was taken without the filter in place, just the other part of the mask.

The pictures were all taken at the Melbourne Royal Botanic gardens on the weekend. Picture 1 uses the filter no. 203 (multi-image x 13) while the other entries use filter 202 (multi-image x 7).

The exterior image  was underexposed deliberately to achieve the final result.

"Final tip on the multi-image filters is to consider storing them in the Cokin 10 filter box. If stored in their normal cases, they can get scratched on the flat side when they are removed for use."
Antony Hands

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