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001 Yellow

Yellow Filter 001
 Cross ref #   Kodak #8 yellow

 Reduces background blue, accentuates the other colors. Brings out clouds in a blue sky. For portraits, this filter reduces freckles and red spots on skin and darkens blue eyes.

"Using a yellow filter should be kept very limited. Unless you want to show your subject in a very unattractive way - a yellow filter will show too much contrast in the skin.

This filter would probably work better for male or senior subjects."
Maria T Hansson

"In this picture - no filter is used. The skin looks normal. All inperfections are showed only as a function of lightning direction and intensity.
The model is Karin - a co-worker of mine at the Chemical Engineering Design Department at Chalmers University of Technology."
Maria T Hansson

All photos shown on this site are the ownership of the Photographer and are not to be distributed in any way which may violate his/her copyright without permission from the copyright holder.

Ref. 001

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