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When you take photos take this filter off

 Camera stores and the photo-industry have a vested interest in promoting sales of photographic filters. In many cases, the store or discounter may make more profits from selling you the filter than the lens it goes on.
 Authors of photobooks rely on store sales and promotion, so they don't want to challenge ''conventional wisdom''.  

  Photographic magazines are filled with camera store ads too. Fear is usually used to sell and encourage the use of protective filters such as the UV or Skylight filter. The big fear is that you will scratch your high-priced lens, thereby rendering it useless. The unspoken fear is that you will be identified as an idiotic rank amateur or newbie if you don't have UV filters on all your lenses.

If you use a UV or Skylight filter for protection take it off when you are taking photos (I do not recommend a Cokin UV or Skylight square type for protection)

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