
Cokin filters on a digital? Yes it is posible.

See examples by Adilson Faltz who uses a Olympus C-720 UZ with CLA-4 55 mm adapter tube.

 Cokin has introduced a kit for digital camera users! One of the problems with digital cameras is that they don't often have filter threads, so attaching an accessory is, in most cases, not possible. The new Cokin Shoe Digi-holder has a base plate with five horizontal grooves about 1cm apart and 9cm length. Within the baseplate is a sliding tripod screw that can, following a path, be set in any of the grooves at any position. This means you can align the area where the filter slots in front of your lens, regardless of where the camera's tripod mount is or how far the lens pokes out when extended. There have been several attempts at making products like this before, but this seems like the most logically and widely compatible.

 The kit comes with a holder, an A507 4 point star filter, an A198 Sunset Graduate and a 48 page brochure showing examples of other filters you can buy.


COKIN Filterfast 2 G350 Digital  Filter Holder
Filter Holder
 A057 Star 4 A198 Sunset 2
Colorful 48-page brochure

Cokin Store


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