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003 Red

Red Filter 003

Cross Ref #  Kodak # 25 Red

 Almost completely suppresses blue and green. The Cokin Red filter should be used to create dramatic contrast : A blue sky becomes almost black, starkly setting off light with a green landscape. In landscape photography increases contrast in cloud formation dramatically. Haze is reduced and white surfaces appear brilliant . In portraiture skin appears porcelain white.

"Using a red filter when shooting portraits in B&W gives an interesting look. However be sure that your subject isn't to blond - or wearing virtually no makeup. That will result in a washed out look. And remember - lipstick cannot be totally red. I would recommend a brownish or even better bluish tone"
Maria T Hansson

"In this picture - no filter is used. The skin looks normal. All inperfections are showed only as a function of lightning direction and intensity.
The model is Karin - a co-worker of mine at the Chemical Engineering Design Department at Chalmers University of Technology."
Maria T Hansson

All photos shown on this site are the ownership of the Photographer and are not to be distributed in any way which may violate his/her copyright without permission from the copyright holder.

Red Filter + Neutral Polarizer
 This combination enhances the effect of the red (or orange) filter. If you shoot with the sun behind you, the sky becomes completely black. The red filter makes foliage lighter, similar to the effect obtained with black-and-white infrared film. To enhance the effect, use the Cokin Graduated No. 121 (or 121 plus 120).

Multi-rainbow effect with color filters

Norbert Rupp
Cokin 003 Red   
Location Tasmania/Australia, Port Arthur, the Asylum in the northern part of the historic site.
 The most famous tourist attraction of historic buildings in Tasmania is the former prisoner site of Port Arthur in the south east part of Tasmania. This image shows the Asylum erected in 1867, which housed up to 100 ill prisoners or exprisoners. After the prison was closed the Asylum building is now the local Town Hall.

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Ref. 003

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