
W = (letter - ) littera w (duple ve)

wad = tampon;

wadding = (cotton wool) watta;
(padding) borra

waddle = promenar se como un anate

wade = vadar (le aqua)

wafer = biscuit;

waffle= wafla

waft= transportar

wag = farsator;
agitar (se)

wage = paga, salario

wage-claim = reclamation de salario

wage-earner = salariato

wage-freeze = *blocage de salarios

wage-war = facer le guerra

wager = sponsion;

waggle = *wag

wagon = (-ggon) carro;
(R.R.) wagon (de mercantias)

waif = infante abandonate

wail = lamento;

waist = cinctura

waist-high = al nivello del cinctura

waistcoat = gilet

waistline = mesura cinctural

wait = pausa, periodo de attender;

wait-for = attender

wait-on = servir

waiter = servitor;
(call to attract his attention) senior!

waiting = attender

waiting-list = lista de attender

waiting-room = antecamera;
(at station) sala de attender

waitress = *servitrice;
(called to attract her attention) seniora!

waive = (depart from) derogar (a un principio);
(give up) renunciar

wake = (of a ship) sulco;
(wake up) eveliar (se)

waken = eveliar (se)

waking = velia

wake-up = (awake) eveliar (se)

walk = (stroll) promenada;
(path) allee;
(stroll) promenar se;
(opposite of ride) ambular, ir a pede

walk-about = promenar se

walk-along = camminar

walk-away = partir (a pede)

walk-'round = circumerrar

walk-up-and-down = ir e venir

walkie-talkie = transmissor-receptor portabile

walking = promenante

walking-stick = baston, canna

walkout = (from conference) retiro;
(strike) exopero

walkover = victoria facile

wall = parietal;
(electrical) muro;
(of room) pariete;
(fortification) muralia

wall-off = murar

wallaby = *wallaby

wallet = cartiera, portafolio

wallop = grande colpo;

wallow = rolar se

wallpaper = tapete de papiro

walnut = nuce

walnut-tree = nuciero

walrus = *morsa

waltz = walzer;
dansar un walzer

wan = pallide

wand = virga

wander = errar, vagar

wander-about = divagar, vagar

wanderer= vagabundo, homine errante

wanderlust = passion de viagiar

wane = declino;
(on the - ) in declino

wangle = artificio, *truffo;
obtener per subterfugio

want = (lack) manco, carentia;
(need) necessitate;

wanted = (desired) desirate;
(for a crime) recercate

wanting = mancante, deficiente

wanton = (capricious) capriciose;
(lewd) impudic, lascive;
(meaningless) gratuite

war = de guerra;
(wage - ) facer le guerra

warble = canto;

ward = (male) pupillo;
(female) pupilla;
(of hospital) sala

ward-off = parar

warden = guardiano

warder = carcerero, guardiano

wardrobe = armario, guardaroba

warehouse = magazin;

warehousing = immagazinage

warehouseman = magazinero

wares = mercantia

warfare = guerra

warhead = capite explosive

warily = con circumspection

wariness = circumspection

warlike = guerrier

warm = calide, calorose;
(heat up) calefacer;
(slightly) tepidar;
(in the - ) in loco calide

warm-up = calefacer, *recalefacer

warm-blooded = de sanguine calide

warm-hearted = benevole, de bon corde

warmonger = *bellicista

warmth = calor

warm-up = exercitios preliminari

warn = prevenir, animadverter

warning = advertimento

warp = (in weaving) filo de ordimento;
(twist) falsar;
(in wood) deformar;
(character) perverter;
(weaving) ordir;
(wood) deformar se

warpath = (on the - ) in humor bellicose

warrant = (electrical) autorisation;
(written) certificato;
(police) mandato;

warrant-officer = *subofficiero

warranty = (guarantee) garantia;
(document) certificato

warren = *coniliera, *garenna

warrior = guerrero

warship = nave de guerra

wart = verruca

wary = caute, circumspecte

was = (be) esseva, era

wash = lavanda, lavatura;
lavar (se)

wash-one's-hands-of = lavar se le manos de

wash-out = distinger per lavar, eliminar per lavar

wash-up = (dishes) lavar le plattos;
(oneself) lavar se

washable = lavabile

washbasin = bassino de lavage

washer = (disc) *rondella;
(machine) lavator

washing = (act) lavage;
(dirty clothes) pannos a lavar;
(just washed) pannos lavate

washing day = die de lavage

washing machine = lavator, machina a lavar

washing powder = (laundry detergent) sapon in pulvere

washing-up = lavage del plattos

wash-leather = pelle de camoce

wash-out = disastro, fiasco

washroom = lavatorio

washstand = lavabo, lavamanos

wasp = vespa

wasp's-nest = vespiario

wastage = perdita

waste = (ravaged) devastate, vaste;
(untilled) inculte;
(indust.) inutilisabile, residual;
(land) region inculte;
(loss) perdita;
(misuse) dilapidation, misuso;
(indust.) residuos;
(squander) guastar;
(time) perder

waste-away = deperir

waste-paper = papiralia

waste-pipe = tubo de discarga

waste-products = residuos

wastebasket = waste-paper basket

wasteful = prodige

wastefulness = prodigalitate

waste-paper = basket corbe a papiro

waster = dissipator

wastrel = dilapidator

watch = (supervision) surveliantia, vigilia;
(timepiece) horologio;
observar, surveliar, vigilar super;
(pay attention) prestar attention a;
(as spectator) spectar;
(television) telespectar

watch-over = vigilar super

watchdog = can de guarda

watcher = surveliante

watchful = al(l)erte, vigilante

watchfulness = vigilantia

watchmaker = horologiero

watchman = guardiano

watchstrap = bracialetto de horologio

watchtower = guarita, *turre de guarda

watchword = parola de ordine

water = aqua;
(cattle) abiber;
(plants) rigar

water power = energia hydraulic

water-closet = lavatorio, w.c.

watercolour = aquarella

watercress = cresson de aqua

waterfall = cascada

water-front = quartiero del porto

watering-can = rigatorio

water-lily = lilio de aqua, *nenufar

waterlogged = plen de aqua, saturate

water-main = conducto principal de aqua

watermark = (paper) filigrana;
linea de aqua

watermelon = melon de aqua

watermill = molino de aqua

waterpipe = tubo de aqua

water-polo = (sport) *water-polo

waterproof = impermeabile;

watershed = linea *divisori (del aquas)

water-ski = facer le ski aquatic

water-skiing = ski aquatic

waterspout = tromba

watertight = (impervious) hermetic;
completemente logic

water-tower = castello de aqua

waterway = (canal) canal;
(river) fluvio navigabile

waterworks = central de aqua

watery = aquose

watt = watt

wattage = wattage

wave = unda;
(move to and fro) agitar;
(to someone) facer signos per le mano;

waveband = banda de undas

wavelength= longitude de unda

waver = vacillar, hesitar, balanciar

waverer = homine irresolute

wavy = undulate, undulose

wax = ceree;
(treat with wax) incerar cerar;
(grow) crescer

waxing = crescente;
(treatment with wax) inceramento;
(growing) crescimento

waxwork = figura de cera

waxworks = museo de figuras de cera

way = (path) cammino, via;
(manner) maniera, methodo;
(custom) costume;
(direction) direction;
(by the - ) a proposito;
(be in the - ) esser un impedimento / obstruction

way-in = entrata

way-of-life = tenor de vita, maniera de viver

way-out = (exit) exito;
(means of escape) escappatoria

wayfarer = viagiator

waylay = insidiar

wayside = bordo del via

wayside chapel = cappella al bordo del via

wayward = capriciose, indocile, rebelle

waywardness = capriciositate, indocilitate

W.C. = water closet, W.C. (ve-se), *le vese

we = nos

weak = debile

weaken = debilitar, extenuar, infirmar;
debilitar se, devenir minus forte

weakening = debilitation, decadentia, diminution

weak-kneed = coarbe, sin character

weakling = persona debile

weakly = debile

weakness = debilitate

weak-willed= indecise

wealth = ricchessa, opulentia

wealthy = ric, opulente

wean = dislactar, ablactar

weapon = arma

wear = (use) uso;
(deterioration) deterioration;
(clothing) vestimentos;
(last) durar

wear-and-tear = consumption / deterioration natural

wear-away = consumer (se)

wear-off = facer disparer;

wear-out = consumer (se), extenuar (se)

weariness = fatiga, languor, lassitude

weariness-of-life = tedio del vita

wearing = (tedious) fatigante;
(clad in) vestite de;

wearisome = enoiose, fatigante

weary = exhauste, fatigate, lasse;

weasel = mustela

weather = tempore
(bronze) impartir un patina a;
(rock) deteriorar;
(a storm) exir con successo, superar

weather-forecast = bulletin meteorologic

weathercock = monstravento

weave = textura;

weaver = texitor

web = (spider's) tela (de aranea);
(world wide - ) tela trans terrestre

webbed = palmate

webbed foot = *palma

webbing = (tela de) *cingulas

wed = sposar

wedding = nuptial;

wedding bells = campanas nuptial

wedding ceremony = ceremonia nuptial

wedding day = die de nuptias

wedding feast = (reception) festa nuptial

wedding gown = roba nuptial

wedding ring = anello nuptial

wedding vows = votos nuptial

wedge = cuneo, calceolo;

wedlock = maritage

wednesday = mercuridi

weed = mal herba;

weed out = eliminar

weeding = disherbage

weed-killer = *herbicida

weedy = (of soil) plen de mal herbas;
(puny) magre

week = septimana

weekday = die de travalio

weekend = fin de septimana, week-end

weekly = septimanal

weekly-magazine = revista / magazine septimanal

weep = lacrimar, plorar

weigh = (be heavy, measure the weight of) pesar;
(mentally) balanciar, ponderar

weigh-anchor = levar le ancora

weigh-down = cargar, supercargar

weigh-one's-words = mesurar su parolas

weighbridge = bascula

weighing = machine balancia (pro personas)

weight = (heaviness, for scales) peso;
(of a blow) fortia;
cargar (de un peso)

weight-lifting = sublevamento de pesos

weighty = (heavy) pesante, ponderose;

weir = dica

weird = (mysterious) mysteriose, supernatural;
(strange) bizarre, estranie

welcome = benvenite;
dar le *benvenita a

weld = junctura soldate;

welder = soldator

welding = soldatura

welfare = (well-being) ben-esser, prosperitate;
(social aid) assistentia social

welfare state = stato *assistential

welfare work = assistentia social

well = san;
(be - aware) non ignorar

well done! = bravo!

well-being = ben esser

well-bred = cortese, ben educate;
(of dogs) de racia

well-built = robuste

well-founded = fundate

wellingtons = bottas (de gumma)

well-known = cognite, familiar

well-mannered = manierose

well-off = satis ric

well-read = culte, erudite

well-broken = con accento culte

well-wisher = amico

well-worn = usate

were = (be) esseva, era

werewolf = lycanthropo

west = del west, occidental;
(direction) al west;
west, occidente

westerly = del west

western = del west, occidental;
(film, book) *western

Western-Samoa = (Pacific island) *Samoa Occidental

westward = (-s) al west

wet = humide, molliate;
pluvia, molliatura, humiditate;
molliar, humectar

wet-blanket = *guastafesta

wet-day = die de pluvia

wetness = molliatura

wetting = molliatura, humectation

whack = colpo;

whale = balena

whaler = (man or ship) balenero;
(boat) baleniera

wharf = quai, discargatorio, imbarcatorio

what = qual, que;
(that which) lo que

what-a = qual

what-a-pity = qual damno!

what-for = proque?

what-is-to-be-done? = que facer?

what-time-is-it? = qual hora es il?

what-to-do? = que facer?

what's-the-matter? = que passa?

what's-up? = que passa?

whatever = qualcunque;

whatever-happens = sia que sia

wheat = frumento

wheedle = persuader con blandimentos

wheel = (of bicycle) rota;
(steering-) volante;
(milit.) conversion;

wheelbarrow = carretta de mano

wheelbase = distantia inter le axes

wheelchair = chaise rolante

wheeze = respiration sibilante / asthmatic;
respirar con difficultate

when = quando

whence = de ubi

whenever = quandocunque

where = (in which place) ubi;
(whither) a ubi

where-are you? = ubi es tu?

where-to? = a ubi?

whereabouts = ubi;

whereas = (seeing that) viste que;
(but) ma

whereby = per le qual

wherefore = (why) proque, pro qual ration;
(therefore) dunque

wherein = in le qual

whereupon = a qual puncto

wherever = ubicunque

wherewithal = medios

whet = (sharpen) affilar;

whether = esque, an, si
( - ... or...) sia... sia...

whetstone = petra de affilar

which = qual, que;
que, le qual(es)

whichever = qualcunque;
non importa qual

whiff = sufflo fugace

while = (during the time that) durante que, dum;
(although) ben que;
(whereas) e, ma;
(spatio de) tempore

while-away = passar (le tempore)

whim = capricio, phantasia

whimper = gemito;

whimsical = eccentric, lunatic

whine = gemimento, gemito;

whinny = hinnir

whinnying = hinnimento

whip = (scourge) flagello;
(parlament) appello; deputato disciplinari;
(scourge) flagellar;
(eggs, cream) batter

whipping = flagellation

whirl = facer tornear;

whirling = vertiginose

whirlpool = gurgite, vortice

whirlwind = tromba

whirr = stridulation;

whisk = (culinary) *battitor;
mover se rapidemente

whiskers = (man's) barbas lateral;
(cat's) mustachios, *vibrissas

whiskey = (-ky) whisky

whisper = susurro;
susurrar, sufflar

whist = whist

whistle = (both senses) sibilo;

whistler = sibilator

whistling = sibilation

whit = (jot) iota

white = blanc, albe;
(the colour) blanco;
(of egg) blanc de ovo, clara

white coffee = caffe con lacte

white lie = mendacio officiose

white metal = (babbit) metallo blanc

white-collar = worker empleato de bureau

white-haired = a capillos blanc

white-hot = incandescente, calefacite al blanco

whiten = blanchir

whites = (of eggs) blanc de ovo;
(laundry) *blancos del lavanda

whitewash = lacte de calce;
(paint) blanchir con lacte de calce;
justificar per argumentos false

whither = a ubi, quo

whitsun = pentecoste

whittle = away attenuar, taliar

whizz = sibilation;

whizz past = passar sibilante, mover se rapidemente

who = (interrogative) qui;
(relative) qui, le qual(es)

whoa = stop!

whoever = quicunque

whole = integre, integral, tote;
(the - of) tote le

wholeheartedly = de tote le corde

wholemeal = (de) farino integral

wholeness = totalitate;
(without flaw) indemnitate

wholesale = (in bulk) in grosso;

wholesaler = venditor in grosso

wholesome = salutar, san

wholly = toto, in toto e per toto, toto

whom = (interrogative and relative) que;
(after preposition) qui, le qual(es)

whoop = crito;

whooping = cough pertusse

whore = prostituta, *puta, *putana

whose = (interrogative) de qui;
(relative) de qui, del qual(es), cuje

whosoever = whoever

why = proque, perque, quare

wick = micca

wicked = (perverse) impie, perverse;

wickedness = impietate, perversitate

wide = (broad) large, vaste;
(big) grande

wide open = toto aperte

wide-angle = *grandangular

wide-lens = objectivo *grandangular

widely = (broadly) largemente;
(generally) generalmente

widen = allargar

wideness = largor

widening = allargamento

widespread = diffuse, extense, general

widow = vidua;

widowed = vidue

widower = viduo

widowhood = viduage, viduitate

width = amplitude, largor

wield = (tool, weapon) manear;
(power) exercer

wife = marita, sposa, *uxor, *mulier

wig = perrucca

wiggle = torto, undulation;
serper, torquer se

wigwam = wigwam

wild = (electrical) salvage;
(angry) furiose;
(crazy) extravagante, insensate, phantastic;
(fierce) feroce;
(place) inculte;
(uncontrolled) *irrefrenate;
(of weather) tempestuose, violente

wilderness = deserto

wildfire = foco grec;
(spread like - ) propagar se como foco grec

wildness = (wild state) stato salvage;
(ferocity) ferocitate;
(fury) furia;
(violence) violentia

wilful = (obstinate) obstinate;
(of murder) premeditate

wiliness = astutia

will = (desire) voler, voluntate;
(law) testamento;
(w/ future) ...r-a;
(wish) voler willing ben disposite, servicial

willingly = de bon corde, de bon grado, de bon voluntate

willingness = bon voluntate

willow = salice

willow-grove = saliceto

willpower = voluntate

wilt = (wither) marcescer, marcer;

wilted = marcide

wilting = marcor

wily = astute

win = ganio, triumpho, victoria;
(be victorious) vincer;
(gain) ganiar, acquirer

win-back = reganiar

win-over = ganiar, persuader

wince = grimasse de dolor;
facer un grimasse de dolor

winch = *cabestan;
sublevar con un *cabestan

wind = (weather) vento;
(medical) flatulentia;
(a handle) girar;
(on a spool) bobinar;
(knock the breath out of) facer perder le halito;

wind-instrument = instrumento de vento

wind-up = (a clock) remontar;
(a company) liquidar windcheater blusa (de golf)

winder = button de remontar

windfall = (fallen fruit) fructo cadite;
(good luck) bon fortuna, ganio insperate

windlass = *cabestan

windmill = molino a vento

window = (of a house, vehicle) fenestra;
(of a shop) vitrina;

window box = jardiniera de fenestra

window cleaner = lavavitros

window dressing = decoration de vitrinas

window frame = quadro del fenestra

window pane = vitro

window shop = reguardar le vitrinas

window-sill = tabula (de fenestra)

windows = fenestras, vitrinas;

windpipe = trachea

windscreen = parabrisa

windscreen-wiper = essugavitro

windshield = parabrisa

windshield-wiper = essugavitro

windswept = exponite al vento

windy = ventose

wine = vino

wine-cellar = cellario

wine-merchant = mercante de vino

wineglass = vitro a vino

wine-grower = viticultor

wine-growing = viticole, vinicole;

wine-list = carta del vinos

wing = (most senses) ala;
(theater) coulisse

wing-commander = locotenente colonello (de aviation)

winged = alate

winger = (soccer) ala

wing-nut = matre vite con alettas

wing-span = invirgatura

wink = (un) batter del palpebras;
batter le palpebras

winkle = litorina

winner = ganiator, victor

winning = victoriose

winning post = posto de arrivata

winnings = ganios

winter = hibernal;

wintry = (of the winter) de hiberno;
(icy) glacial

wipe = essugar

wipe-away = levar

wipe-out = (get rid of) eliminar, supprimer;
(debts) liqidar;
(kill) annihilar, exterminar

wiper = essugavitro

wire = filo (metallic);
(put wires in) munir con filos;
(instal electric wiring) facer le installation electric;
(telegraph) telegraphar

wire-brush = brossa metallic

wire-gauze = tela metallic

wire-netting = grilliage, rete metallic

wireless = radio

wiring = (systema de) filos electric

wiry = magre ma forte

wisdom = sagessa

wisdom-tooth = dente de sagessa

wise = (learned) sage;
(prudent) prudente;

wise man = sagio

wisecrack = argutia

wish = desiro, voler;
(desire) desirar;
(want) voler

wish for = desirar

wishbone = furchetta del sterno

wishful = desirose

wishful-thinking = prender le desiros pro realitates, illusionismo

wishy-washy = insipide

wisp = tracia, pecietta

wistaria = glycinia

wistful = un pauc triste

wit = (intelligence) intelligentia;
(clever humour) argutia;
(person) persona argute;
(to - ) a saper

witch = maga

witch-doctor = mago tribal

witchcraft = magia

with = (accompanied by) con;
(by, of, from) de

withdraw = retirar;
(go away) retirar se;
(milit.) replicar se, retirar se

withdrawal = retiro;
(from a contract) disdicimento;
(milit.) replicamento, retraite;
(removal) subtraction

wither = (electrical) desiccar;
(dry up) desiccar se;
(specifically of plants) marcer se, marcescer se

withered = marcide

withering = fulminante;

withhold = (retain) retener;
(information) subnegar

withholding = (retention) retention;
(of information) subnegation

within = intra

without = (outside) foras;

withstand = (hold out against) resister a;
(milit.) sustener

witless = (stupid) stupide;
(not witty) infacete

witness = (evidence) testimonio;
(person) teste;
(testify) testimoniar;
(a document) testar

witness-box = tribuna del testes witnessing attestation

witticism = argutia, facetia

witty = facete, facetiose

wizard = mago

wizened = desiccate, marcide

wobble = oscillation, tremulamento;
(be unsteady) oscillar, esser instabile, tremular;

wobbly = vacillante, insecur

woe = guai

wolf = lupo

woman = femina, *mulier

womanhood = femininitate

womanliness = femininitate

womanly = feminin

womb = sino, utero

women = feminas

won = ganiate, vincite

wonder = (feeling) admiration, stupor;
(object) meravilia, prodigio;
(ask oneself) demandar se;
(marvel) meraviliar se

wonderful = meraviliose, stupende

wonderful-to-relate = mirabile dictu

won't = will not

wont = habitude;
(be one's - ) soler

woo = (court) facer le corte a, cortesar;

wood = (forest) silvestre;
(wooden) de ligno;
(substance) ligno;
(trees) bosco, silva

woodcut = xylographia, gravura sur ligno

wooded = silvose

wooden = de ligno

woodland = zona de boscos

woodman = travaliator forestal

woodpecker = pico

woodwind = instrumentos de ligno

woodwork = (carpentry) carpenteria;
(cabinetmaking) ebenisteria;
(parts made of wood) *lignage

woody = lignose

wooing = (courting) corte;

wool = lana

woollen = de lana

woollen-goods = laneria

woolly = lanose

word = (group of letters) parola, vocabulo;
(of honour) parola;
rediger, exprimer in parolas

word-of-honour = parola de honor

word-of-mouth = *transmitter pro parola (pro bucca)

wording = formulation de parolas, phraseologia, redaction

wordy = prolixe, verbose

work = (toil) labor, travalio;
(something produced by work) obra;
(toil) laborar, travaliar;
(function) functionar;
facer functionar, operar

work-day = die de labor

work-of-art = obra de arte

work-on = continuar a laborar; influentiar; reparar

work-out = (calculate) calcular;
(elaborate) elaborar;
(result in) resultar in

work-up = (excite) excitar;
(prepare) preparar

workbench = cavaletto

worker = obrero, travaliator

workhouse = asylo del povres

working = functionante; que / qui labora;

working-class = classe *obrer

working-day = die de labor

working-majority = majoritate sufficiente

workings = sitos de exploitation

working-class = del classe *obrer

workman = obrero, travaliator

workmanlike = (of a thing) ben facite;
(of a person) competente, habile

workmanship = factura

workroom = camera de labor

works = (factory) fabrica;
(fortifications) fortificationes

workshop = officina

world = mundial;
(earth) mundo;

world-famous = de fama mundial

worldliness = mundanitate, secularitate

worldly = mundan, secular

worldwide = global, mundial;
in tote le mundo

world-wide-web = (WWW) tela trans terrestre (TTT)

worm = (electrical) verme;
(earthworm) lumbrico;
(intestinal) helminthe

worn = (used as clothing) portate;
(heavily used) deteriorate

worn-out = (used up) non plus servibile, usate;
(tired) exhauste

worried = anxie

worry = anxietate, inquietude;
(worry) inquietar;
(bother) vexar;
inquietar se, perturbar se

worse = pejor, *plus mal;
pejo, *plus mal;
(form bad to - ) de mal in pejo, *de mal a plus mal

worse-and-worse = de mal in pejo

worsen = impejorar, pejorar;
impejorar, pejorar se

worship = adoration, culto;
adorar, coler;
(your - ) senior judice, senior burgomaestro

worst = (le) pejor, pessime

worth = valor, dignitate;
(be - ) valer

worthiness = merito

worthless = sin valor, van

worthlessness = manco de valor

worthwhile = digne de consideration, que vale le pena, utile

worthy = digne

would = (auxiliary) -ea;
(used to) soleva;
(conditional) ...r-ea

would-be = aspirante, pretendite, or use the prefix pseudo

wound = *ferita, vulnere, plaga;
vulnerar, ferir, leder, plagar

wounded = (soldiers) feritos

wounding = ferimento

wow = *ah, *eheu;
(English) *wow, *vuau;
(French) *voila, *vuala

wrangle = altercation;

wrap = (robe) sortita;
(shawl) chal;

wrap up = involver, inveloppar;
coperir se

wrapper = (electrical) papiro de *imballage;
(of book) copertura

wrapping = inveloppamento

wrappings = *imballage, copertura

wrapping-paper = papiro de *imballage

wrath = cholera, ira

wrathful = *irascite, irate, in cholera

wreak = (cause) causar;
(give vent to, exhaust) dar libere expression

wreath = corona (de flores), guirlanda

wreathe = (festoon) inguirlandar;

wreck = (shipwreck) naufragio;
(the ship) vascello naufragate;
(ruin) ruina;
destruer, ruinar

wreckage = fragmentos, restos

wrecked = naufragate;
(be - ) naufragar

wren = rege del sepe

wrench = (spanner) clave;
torquer con violentia

wrestle = luctar

wrestler = luctator

wrestling = lucta

wretch = scelerato

wretched = miserabile, misere

wretchedness = miseria

wriggle = movimento serpentin;

wring = torquer

wringer = exprimitor de aqua

wringing = torquimento

wrinkle = ruga;
arrugar (se), corrugar (se)

wrinkled = rugose

wrist = carpo

wrist-watch = horologio-bracialetto

writ = mandato, ordine judicial;

write = scriber

write-down = registrar per scripto

write-off = perdita total;
(a debt) cancellar

write-out = (copy) copiar, transscriber;
(a cheque) scriber

writer = (person who writes) scriptor, autor;
(of articles) articulista;
(of short stories) novellista

writhe = contorquer se

writing = scriptura, scripto;

writing-desk = scriptorio

writing-pad = bloco

writing- paper = papiro de scriber, papiro de litteras

written = scripte

wrong = (immoral) injuste, immcral;
(inappropriate) improprie;
(incorrect) false, incorrecte;
injuria, torto, mal;
(be - ) haber torto

wrongdoer = malfactor

wrongful = (unjust) injuste;
(illegal) illegal

wrongfully = a torto, injustemente

wrongheaded = obstinate in error, perverse

wrought = iron = ferro forgiate

wry = (twisted) torquite, torte;

www = (world wide web) tela trans terrestre (ttt)

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