
D = (letter - ) littera d (de)

dab = colpo legier;
applicar con colpo legier

dabble = agitar, occupar se como dilettante

dactyl = *dactylo

dactylic = *dactylic

dad(dy) = papa

daffodil = narcisso silvestre

daft = folle, stupide

dagger = daga, pugnal

dahlia = dahlia

daily = quotidian;
omne die;
(cleaner) domestica (nonresidente);
(newspaper) *quotidiano;

dainty = delicate;

dairy = lacteria

dairy-farm = ferma lactari

dairy-produce = productos lactari

daisy = margarita

dam = (dike) barrage, dica;
(animal) matre;

damage = damno, injuria;
damnificar, guastar

damages = indemnitate

damn = (exclamation) diabolo!;
(condemn) damnar;
(I don't give a - ) non me importa

damnable = damnabile

damnation = damnation

damp = humide;

dampproof = impermeabile

dampen = (wet) humectar;
(of enthusiasm) amortir

damper = (of car) *amortisator;
(of furnace) registro

damsel = virgine, puera, *damisella

damson = damasceno

dance = dansa;

dancer = (masc.) dansator; dansatrice

dandelion = dente de leon

dandruff = furfure

dane = danese

danger = periculo

dangerous = periculose

dangle = suspender;
esser suspense

danish = danese

dank = humide

dare = defia;
(I - say) forsan, probabilemente

daredevil = *osato

daring = audace, hardite;
audacia, harditessa

dark = obscur, tenebrose;

darken = obscurar

darkness = obscuritate, tenebras

darkroom = camera obscur

darling = car;
(fem.) cara;
(masc.) caro

darn = sarcir

dart = (weapon) *dardo;
(for game) *flechetta;
precipitar se subitemente

dartboard = scopo pro flechettas

dash = (daring) ardor;
(bit) pauc;
(line) lineetta;
lancear con violentia;
precipitar se

dashboard = pannello a instrumentos

dashing = galliarde

data = datos

data-processing = elaboration de datos

date = (fruit) dactylo;
(calendar) data;
(out of - ) antiquate, obsolete;
(to - ) usque al presente;
(up to - ) actual, moderne;
usque nunc

date-from = datar de

daub = coperir, revestir

daughter = filia

daughter-in-law = filia affin

daunt = intimidar

dawdle = perder le tempore, tardar

dawn = (daybreak) alba, aurora;
(beginning) initio;
comenciar a parer

dawning = nascente;
(beginning) initio

day = die;
(by - ) de die;
(from - to - ) de die in die;
(good - ) bon die;
(one - ) un belle die;
(the - after tomorrow) *postdeman

day-before-yesterday = anteheri

daybreak = alba

daydream = reverie;
soniar (distractemente)

daylight = die (lumine del die)

daze = esturdimento;

dazzle = (blinding) cecamento;
(pomp) pompa;

deacon = (biblical) diacono

dead = morte;
(at - of night) in le medio del nocte

dead-end = impasse

dead-letter = littera morte

Dead-Sea = Mar Morte

deaden = amortir

deadline = data limitar, data ultime

deadlock = impasse

deaf = surde

deaf-aid = apparato acustic

deaf-and-dumb = surdemute

deafen = assurdar

deal = (business) negotio, transaction;
(cards) distribuir, distribution de cartas, mano;
(wood) abiete;
(a blow) dar;
(do business) mercar;
(a great - ) multo

dealer = mercante, negotiante, venditor

deal-in = commerciar in

deal-with = (trade) commerciar con;
(treat) arrangiar;
(concern) tractar se de

dean = decano

dear = car

death = decesso, morte;
(put to - ) poner a morte;
(sentence to - ) condemnar a morte

death-certificate = certificato de morte

death-duty = derectos de succession

death-rate = (taxa de) mortalitate

death-sentence = sententia de morte

deathly = fatal, mortifere

debar = excluder

debase = (degrade) degradar;
(coinage) alterar

debatable = debattibile, discutibile

debate = debatto, discussion;
debatter, discuter

debit = debito;

debris = fragmentos, restos

debt = debito;
(be in - ) esser indebitate;
(run into - ) indebitar se

debtor = debitor

debut = debut

decade = decennio

decadent = decadente

decant = transvasar

decanter = carrafa

decapitate = decapitar

decarbonize = discarburar

decathlon = *decathlon

decay = (rot) decomposition, decadentia;
(of teeth) carie;
(rot) decader, decomponer;
(teeth) cariar;
(fall into - ) cader in decadentia, ruinas

decayed = (decrepit) decadite, decrepite;
(of teeth) cariate;
(rotten) putride

decease = decesso;

deceased = decedite;

deceit = deception

deceitful = fallace, fraudulente

deceive = deciper

deceive-oneself = illuder se

decelerate = (re)lentar

deceleration = allentamento, relentamento

december = decembre

decency = decentia, honestate

decent = decente, honeste

decentralize = discentralisar

deception = deception

deceptive = fallace, illusori

decibel = decibel

decide = decider (se), resolver (se)

decide in favor of = (-our of) optar pro

deciduous = *caduc

decimal = decimal;
fraction decimal

decimal-point = puncto decimal

decipher = decifrar

decision = decision, resolution;
(come to a - ) prender un partito

decisive = decisive

deck = (of ship) deck, ponte;
(of cards) joco;

deck-out = revestir

deckchair = sede plicabile

deckhand = marinero

declaration = declaration

declare = declarar

declension = declination

decline = declino;
(refuse) declinar;
(worsen) decader

declining = declinante

declutch = disaccopular, disingranar

decode = decifrar

decompose = decomponer (se)

decorate = decorar, guarnir

decoration = decoration, guarnimento

decoy = ave de appello, esca;

decrease = diminution;

decree = decreto;

decrepit = decrepite

dedicate = consacrar, dedicar

dedicated = dedicate, scrupulose

dedication = dedication

deduce = deducer

deduct = deducer, discontar

deduction = deduction

deed = acto

deep = (profound) profunde;
(low-pitched) grave

deepen = approfundar (se)

deep-freeze = congelator

deep-seated = radical

deer = cervo

deface = disfigurar

default = (deficiency) mancantia;
(non-appearance) contumacia;
faller a

defeat = defaite, vincimento;

decided = decise, incontestabile

defeatism = defaitismo

defeatist = defaitista

defect = defecto;
desertar, facer defection

defection = defection

defective = defective

defence = defensa

defend = defender

defender = defensor

defendant = accusator

defense = defensa

defensible = defensibile

defensive = defensive;

defer = ajornar, differer;

deference = deferentia

deferential = deferente

deferentially = *deferentemente

defiance = defiantia

defiant = defiante

deficiency = deficientia

deficient = deficiente

deficit = deficit

defile = passo stricte;
(milit.) defilar

define = definir

definite = decise, definite

definitely = categoricamente, decisemente

definition = definition

deflate = deflar

deflation = deflation

deflect = derivar, disviar

deform = deformar

deformed = deforme

defraud = defraudar

defrost = disgelar

deft = dextere

defunct = defuncte;

defy = affrontar, defiar

degenerate = degenerate;

degradation = degradation

degrade = degradar

degrading = degradante

degree = (level) grado;
(academic) diploma, licentia

dehydrate = dishydratar

dehydration = dishydration

de-ice = disgelar, *dispruinar

de-icer = *dispruinator

deity = deitate

dejected = abattite

dejection = abattimento

delay = demora, retardo;
(keep back) retardar;
(of payment) arretrar;

delegate = delegato;

delegation = delegation

delete = deler

deletion = deletion

deliberate = deliberate;

delicacy = delicatessa

delicate = delicate

delicious = deliciose

delight = delecto;
delectar (se)

delighted = incantate

delightful = delectabile

delinquency = delinquentia

delinquent = delinquente

delirious = delirante;
(be - ) delirar

deliver = (goods) livrar;
(medical) delivrar;
(set free) liberar, delivrar;
(a speech) pronunciar

delivery = (goods) livration;
(medical) delivration;
(setting free) liberation, delivration

deliveryman = livrator

delta = delta

delude = deluder

delude-oneself = blandir se

deluge = diluvio;

delusion = delusion

delve = foder

delve-into = immerger se in

demand = demanda;
(ask) demandar;
(insist) exiger

demarcate = demarcar

demarcation = demarcation

demarcation-line = linea de demarcation

demean = degradar

demented = demente

demilitarize = dismilitarisar

demister = ventilator

democracy = democratia

democrat = democrate

democratic = democratic

demolish = demolir

demolition = demolition

demon = demone

demonstrate = (show) demonstrar;
(politics) manifestar

demonstration = (display, proof) demonstration;
(politics) manifestation

demonstrative = demonstrative

demonstrator = (all senses) demonstrator;
(politics) *manifestator

demoralize = dismoralisar

demote = reducer a un grado inferior

demure = modeste

den = *antro, cava

denationalize = disnationalisar

denial = denegation;
(self - ) abnegation

denim = de *jeans;
(cloth) tela de *jeans

denim-skirt = gonnella de *jeans

denims = (jeans) *blue-jeans

Denmark = Danmark

denomination = (class, name) denomination;

denominator = denominator

denote = denotar

denounce = denunciar

dense = dense, spisse

density = densitate, spissor

dent = indentation, marca de colpo,
indentar, marcar

dental = dental

dentist = dentista

dentistry = dentisteria

denture = dentatura

deny = (say no) negar;
(disown) renegar

deny oneself = abnegar

deodorant = disodorante

depart = partir

department = (admin. division) departimento;
(ministry) ministerio

department-store = grande magazin

departure = partita

depend = depender

depot = (depository) deposito;
(for trams, etc) remissa

deprave = depravar

depraved = depravate

depravity = depravation

depreciate = depreciar

depreciation = depreciation

depress = deprimer

depressed = depresse

depression = depression

deprivation = deprivation

deprive = privar

deprived = destitute, private

depth = (being deep) profunditate;
(deep place) profundo

deputation = deputation

deputize = deputar

deputy = adjuncte;
adjuncto, deputato

derail = facer derailar;

derailment = derailamento

derelict = derelicte

deride = derider

derisory = derisori

derivation = derivation

derivative = derivative;
(medical) derivativo;

derive = derivar

derogatory = derogatori

derrick = turre de sondage

descend = descender

descendant = descendente

descending = descendente

descent = descendita

describe = describer

description = description

descriptive = descriptive

desert = deserte;
(wasteland) deserto;
(merit) merito;

deserter = desertor

desertion = desertion

deserve = meritar

deserving = digne

design = designo;

designate = designate;

desirable = desirabile

desire = desiro;

desk = bureau, scriptorio

desolate = desolate;

desolation = desolation

despair = despero;
(drive to - ) desperar

desperate = desperate

desperation = desperation

despicable = contemptibile

despise = contemner

despite = despecto;
in despecto de, malgrado

despondent = abattite, discoragiate

despot = despota

despotic = despotic

dessert = dessert

dessert-spoon = coclear de dessert

destination = destination

destine = destinar

destiny = destino

destitute = destitute, indigente

destitution = destitution

destroy = destruer

destroyer = (person or thing that destroys) destructor;
(navy) chassa-torpedineros

destruction = deletion, destruction

destructive = destructive

detach = distaccar (se)

detachable = distaccabile

detached = isolate, separate

detachment = distaccamento

detail = detalio;

detailed = detaliate, minutiose

detain = detener, retener

detect = deteger, discoperir

detection = discoperta

detective = detective

detente = distension, diplomatic, *detente

detention = detention

deter = discoragiar, dissuader

detergent = *detersive;

deteriorate = deteriorar se

deterioration = deterioration

determination = determination

determine = determinar (se)

deterrent = preventive;

detest = detestar

detestable = detestabile

detonate = facer detonar;

detonation = detonation

detonator = detonator

detour = deviation

detract = detraher

detriment = detrimento

devaluation = devalutation

devalue = devalutar (se)

devastate = devastar

devastation = devastation

develop = disveloppar (se)

developer = disveloppator

development = disveloppamento

deviate = deviar

deviation = deviation

device = (apparatus) apparato;
(heraldry) devisa;
(means) expediente

devil = diabolo

devious = devie

devise = imaginar, inventar

devoid = disproviste

devote = devotar

devoted = devote

devotee = devoto medio

devotion = devotion

devotions = precarias

devour = devorar

devout = devote

dew = rore

dexterity = dexteritate

dexterous = dextere

diabetes = diabete

diabetic = diabetic;

diabolic = *diabolic

diagnose = diagnosticar

diagnosis = diagnose

diagonal = diagonal

diagonally = *diagonalmente

diagram = diagramma

dial = quadrante;
(telephone) facer, formular

dialect = dialecto

dialog = (-ogue) dialogo;

diameter = diametro

diamond = (gem, shape) diamante;
(cards) quadro

diaper = panno

diaphragm = diaphragma

diarrhea = (-oea) diarrhea

diary = diario

dice = datos;
trenchar in cubos;
jocar al datos

dick = (milit.) (detective) detective;
(insult) penis!;
(abbreviation for richard) *ric

dictate = dictar

dictation = dictato

dictator = dictator

dictatorial = dictatorial

dictatorship = dictatura

dictionary = dictionario

die = (for stamping) cuneo;
(for games) dato;

die out = disparer

diesel = diesel

diesel-engine = motor diesel

diesel-oil = oleo diesel

diet = (all senses) dieta;
(be on a - ) esser a dieta;
(put on a - ) poner a dieta

differ = differer

difference = differentia;
(it makes no - ) il non face differentia

different = differente

differential = differential

differentially = *differentialmente

differentiate = differentiar

difficult = difficile

difficulty = difficultate

diffuse = diffuse;
diffunder (se)

dig = excavation;
excavar, fossar;

dig-up = *disinterrar

digest = digesto;

digestible = digestibile

digestion = digestion

digit = digito

digital = digital

digitally = *digitalmente

dignified = digne

dignity = dignitate

dike = dica

dilate = dilatar (se)

dilemma = dilemma

diligent = diligente

dilute = diluer

dilution = dilution

dim = obscur;
obscurar (se)

dime = *decima

dimension = dimension

diminish = diminuer, reducer;
reducer se

diminutive = diminutive, minute

dimple = fossetta

din = ruito, strepito;
(create a - ) strepitar

dine = dinar

dinghy = barca remate;
(sailing - ) parve veliero

dingy = inattractive, obscur

dining-car = wagon restaurante

dining-room = camera a mangiar

dink = (slang) *idiota

dinner = dinar

dinner-jacket = *frac

dinosaur = dinosauro

diocese = diocese

dioxide = bioxido

dip = immersion;
(plunge) immerger (se);
(slope) inclinar;
(lights) abassar

diphtheria = diphtheria

diploma = diploma

diplomacy = diplomatia

diplomat = diplomate

diplomatic = diplomatic

direct = directe;
diriger, governar

direct-current = currente continue

direction = (all senses) direction;
(instruction) instruction;
(way) senso;
(in the - of ) verso;
(in the opposite - ) in senso inverse

directive = directiva

director = director

directory = *adressario;
(street - ) indicator del stratas;
(telephone - ) libro telephonic

dirt = immunditia

dirty = immunde;

dilapidated = decadite, in mal stato

disability = incapacitate, infirmitate

disabile = facer incapace, mutilar

disabled = incapace, infirme

disabled-soldier = invalido

disablement = incapacitate, invaliditate

disadvantage = disavantage

disadvantageous = disavantagiose

disagree = disaccordar;
(the wine -s with him) le vino le disconveni

disagreeable = disagradabile

disagreement = disaccordo

disallow = non admitter

disappear = disparer

disappearance = disparition

disappoint = disappunctar

disappointed = disappunctate

disappointing = disappunctante

disappointment = disappunctamento

disapproval = disapprobation

disapprove = disapprobrar

disarm = disarmar

disarmament = disarmamento

disaster = disastro, *sinistro

disastrous = disastrose, *sinistrose

disc = (disk) disco;
(cd-rom - ) disco *cdrom;
(slipped - ) disco intervertebral prolabite

disc-jockey = presentator de discos

discard = abandonar

discern = discerner, perciper

discerning = clarividente, perceptive

discernment = clarividentia, discernimento

discharge = discarga;
(a debt) pagar;
(dismiss) dimitter;
(unload) discargar

disciple = discipulo

disciplinary = disciplinari

discipline = disciplina;

disclaim = repudiar

disclaimer = repudiation

disclose = revelar

disclosure = revelation

discoloration = *discoloration

discolor = (-our) discolorar

discomfort = incommoditate

disconcert = disconcertar

disconcerted = confuse, disconcertate

disconnect = disaccopular

disconsolate = disconsolate

discontent = discontento

discontented = discontente

discontinue = discontinuar;

discord = discordo

discotheque = *discotheca

discount = disconto;

discourage = discoragiar

discouraged = discoragiate

discouragement = discoragiamento

discover = discoperir

discoverer = discoperitor

discovery = discoperta

discredit = discredito;

discreet = discrete

discrepancy = discrepantia

discrete = discrete

discretion = discretion

discriminate = discriminar

discrimination = discrimination

discus = disco

discuss = discuter

discussion = discussion

disdain = disdigno;

disease = maladia, morbo

diseased = infecte, malade

disembark = disimbarcar

disembowel = eventrar

disenchanted = disincantate

disengage = disingranar

disfelloship = excommunicar, disassociar

disfigure = disfigurar

disgrace = disgratia;

disgraceful = vergoniose

disgruntled = de mal humor

disguise = disguisamento;

disgust = disgusto;

disgusting = disgustose

dish = platto;

dish-cloth = pannello pro lavar plattos

dish-out = apportionar

dish-washer = *lavaplattos

dish-water = lavatura

dishearten = discoragiar

disheartening = discoragiante

dishevelled = discapillate

dishonest = dishoneste

dishonor = (-our) dishonor;

dishonorable = (-onour-) dishonorabile

disillusion = disillusion;

disinclined = *averse

disinfect = disinfectar

disinfectant = disinfectante

disinherit = dishereditar

disintegrate = disintegrar (se)

disinterested = disinteressate, impartial

disjointed = (out of joint) dislocate;
(of speech) incoherente

disk = (disc) disco;
(floppy - ) *dischetta

diskette = *dischetta

dislike = repugnantia;
non amar

dislocate = dislocar

dislodge = (displace) dislocar;
(expel) expeller

disloyal = disloyal

dismal = lugubre

dismally = *lugubremente

dismantle dismantellar

dismay = consternation;

dismiss = dimitter

dismissal = dimission

dismount = dismontar

disobedience = disobedientia

disobedient = disobediente

disobey = disobedir a

disorder = confusion, disordine;
disordinar, disrangiar

disorderly = disordinate

disorganized = disorganisate

disown = dismentir, repudiar

disparage = denigrar, *dispreciar

disparaging = *dispreciative

disparity = disparitate

dispassionate = impartial, sin passion

dispatch = (message) depeche;
(promptness) expedition;
(sending) invio;

dispel = dispersar, dissipar

dispensary = dispensario, pharmacia

dispense = dispensar

dispense with = contentar se sin

dispersal = dispersion

disperse = disperger (se), dissipar (se)

dispirited = discoragiate

displace = displaciar

displacement = displaciamento

display = (apparatus) apparato;
(pomp) fasto;
(show) spectaculo;
(visual - unit) unitate de *visualisation;
(exhibit) exponer;
(courage) displicar

display cabinet = vitrina

display-unit = apparato de presentation, monstra

display-window = monstra, vitrina

displease = displacer

displeasure = displacer

disposal = disposition;
(at your - ) a vostre disposition

dispose = disponer

dispose-of = disfacer se de

disposition = disposition

disproof = refutation

disproportionate = disproportionate

disprove = refutar

dispute = disputa;
(industrial - ) conflicto *obrer;

disqualification = disqualification

disqualify = disqualificar

disquiet = inquietude;

disregard = disdigno, indifferentia;
non prestar attention a

disrepair = (be in - ) mal stato

disreputable = de mal fama, vergoniose

disrepute = mal fama

disrespect = irreverentia

disrespectful = irreverente

disrupt = disrumper

disruption = disruption

disruptive = disruptive

dissatisfaction = discontento

dissatisfied = malcontente

dissatisfy = discontentar

dissect = dissecar

dissection = dissection

dissent = dissension;

disservice = disservicio

dissident = dissidente

dissimilar = dissimilar

dissociate = disassociar

dissolve = dissolver (se)

dissuade = dissuader

distance = (remoteness) distantia;
(trip) percurso

distant = distante

distaste = repugnantia

distasteful = repugnante

distemper = (paint) tempera;
(bad mood) mal;
(paint) pinger al tempera;
(upset) distemperar

distil = distillar, *alambicar

distillation = distillation, *alambication

distillery = distilleria

distinct = distincte

distinction = distinction

distinctive = distinctive

distinguish = distinguer

distinguished = distinguite, eminente

distort = distorquer

distortion = distortion

distract = distraher

distraction = distraction;
(drive to - ) confunder

distrustful = turbate

distress = affliction;
(of body) doler, (mind) affliger, desolar

distressed = afflicte, desolate

distressing = afflictive

distribute = distribuer

distribution = distribution

distributor = distributor

district = districto, quartiero

distrust = diffidentia;
diffider de

distrustful = diffidente, suspiciose

disturb = disturbar, inquietar

disturbance = agitation, commotion

disuse = disuso;

disused = desuete

ditch = fossato;

dither = (hesitate) hesitar;
(shake) tremer

ditto = ditto

ditto-mark = *marca de ditto

divan = divan

dive = immersion, salto;
immerger se, descender rapidemente

diver = *scafandrero

diverge = diverger

divergent = divergente

divers = (several, various) diverse

diverse = (different, varied) diverse

diversify = diversificar

diversion = diversion

divert = diverter

divide = divider (se)

dividend = dividendo

dividers = compasso

divine = divin;

diving = immersion, submersion

diving-board = *trampolino

diving-suit = *scafandro

divinity = divinitate

divisible = divisibile

division = division

divorce = divorcio;

divorced = divorciate;
(get - ) divorciar se

divorcee = (fem.) divorciata;
(masc.) divorciato

divulge = divulgar

dizziness = vertigine

dizzy = vertiginose

do = facer;
(I - know) io sape;
(arrange) arrangiar;
(cause) causar;
(cheat) fraudar;
(cook) cocer;
(commit) committer;
(learn) apprender;
(of homage) render;
(prepare) preparar;
(roast) rostir;
(suit) convenir;
(travel) percurrer;
(behave) conducer se;
(be suitable) convenir;
(cook) cocer;
(get on) ir;
(last) durar;
(of health) esser;
(roast) rostir;
(suffice) bastar;
(have to - with) esser relative a, haber relation con;
(how - you -) como va vos?, bon die!;
(that will - ) basta;
(well done!) multo ben!

do-you-know = sape vos?;
(do you understand? ... yes I - ) comprende vos? ... si, io comprende

do-away-with = poner fin a, supprimer

do-one's-best = facer le possibile

do-out = nettar

do-up = (button) buttonar;
(close) serrar;
(redecorate) redecorar;
(repair) reparar

do-without = contentar se sin

docile = docile

dock = bassino, *dock;
banco del accusatos;
(deduct) discontar;
(suppress) supprimer;
entrar in *dock

dock-yard = arsenal, officina de constructiones naval

docker = obrero *portuari, stivator

doctor = (in general) doctor;
(physician) medico;
(falsify) falsificar;
(treat) medicar;
(patch up) reparar

doctrine = doctrina

document = documento;

documentary = documentari;
film educative

documentation = documentation

doddering = decrepite

dodge = eluder

doer = facitor

dog = can;

dog's-life = vita de can;
(people, go to the -s) degradar se;
(of ousiness) ir a ruina

dog-collar = (dog's) collar de can;
collar false de ecclesiastico

dogged = (followed) persecute;
(persistent) tenace

dogma = dogma

dogmatic = dogmatic

doings = gestas

dole = indemnitate de disoccupation;
( - out) distribuer

doll = pupa

dollar = dollar

dolphin = delphino

domain = dominio

dome cupola

domestic = domestic;
(fem.) domestica;
(masc.) domestico

domesticate = domesticar

dominance dominantia

dominant dominante

dominate = dominar

domination = domination

domineer = tyrannisar

domineering = imperiose

Dominica = *Dominica

Dominican-Republic = *Republica Dominican

dominion = dominio

domino = domino;
(play -es) jocar al domino

donate = donar

donation = donation

donkey = asino

donor = donator;
(blood - ) donator de sanguine

doom = destino funeste;

doomsday= die del judicio

door = porta

door-keeper= portero

doorstep = limine

doorway = porta, entrata

dope = (person) imbecille;
(drug) narcotico;
(varnish) vernisse;
(drug) narcotisar;
(varnish) vernissar

dormant = latente

dormitory = dormitorio

dormouse = *muscardino

dosage = dosage

dose = dose;

dossier = dossier

dot = puncto;
punctar; al puncto

dotage = secunde infantia, senilitate

dote-on = amar follemente

double = duple;
(two, on the - ) dupletto;
(person) sosia;
(at the - ) al passo de carga

double-bass = contrabasso

double-bed = lecto matrimonial

double-cross = dupar, fraudar

double-dealing = duplicitate

double-dutch = linguage inintelligibile

double-glazing = vitro duple

double-room = camera a duo personas

doubt = dubita;
(beyond - ) foras de dubita;
(be in - ) esser in dubita;
(cast - on) poner in dubita

doubtful = dubitose, questionabile

doubtfully = dubitosemente, questionabilemente

doubtfulness = dubita, *dubitositate, *questionabilitate

doubtless = sin dubita

douche = ducha;

dough = pasta

douse = (extinguish) extinguer;
(immerse) immerger

dove = columba

dovetail = *cauda de hirundine;
incastrar a cauda de hirundine

dowdy = inelegante

down = a basso;
(go - ) descender;
ir al fundo;
(of sun) poner se;
(a street) passar per

down-with-the...! = a basso le...!

downcast = abattite

downfall = cadita, ruina

downhearted = discoragiate

downhill = a basso;
(go - ) descender

download = *cargar sur disco

downpour = forte pluvia

downright = absolute;

downstairs = a basso

downtown = in le centro del citate

downtrodden = opprimite

downward = descendente

downwards = a basso

dowry = dote

doze = somno curte;
facer un somno curte

doze-off = addormir se

dozen = dozena

drab = (brownish) color de fango;
(dreary) monotone

draft = (call-up) conscription;
(air) currente de aere;
(of contract) minuta;
(of document) redaction;
(call up) conscriber;
(a contract) minutar;
(a document) rediger

drafty = (-aught-) *ventose, exponite a currentes de aere

draftsman = designator technic

drag = (hindrance) remora;

drag-on = prolongar (se)

dragon = dracon

dragonfly = *libellula

drain = aquiero;
(remove water) disaquar;
(cause to flow from) escolar;
(exhaust) exhaurir;
escolar se

drainage = disaquamento, escolamento

draining-board = *escolatorio

drainpipe = tubo de disaquamento

drake = anate mascule

drama = drama

dramatic = dramatic

dramatist = dramaturgo

dramatize = dramatisar

drape = cortina;

draper = drappero

drastic = drastic

draught = bibita;
( -s) joco de damas

draughty = (-fty) *ventose, exponite a currentes de aere

draw = (pull) attraction;
(lottery) lotteria;
(sport) partita nulle;
(pulling) tiramento;
(lots) tiramento al sorte;
(sketch) designar;
(water) haurir;
(make, pull) tirar

draw-lots = tirar al sorte

draw-near = approchar (se)

draw-out = tirar

draw-up = (near) approchar (se);
(documents) rediger

draw-back = disavantage, inconveniente;
arretrar (se)

drawbridge = ponte levatori

drawer = (furniture) tiratorio;
(person) designator;
(chest of -s) commoda

drawing = (sketch) designo;
(pulling) tirada

drawing-back = (retreat) reculamento

drawing-board = tabula de designo

drawing-pin = cimice

drawing-room = salon

drawl = pronunciation lente e pesante;
pronunciar lente e pesantemente

dread = apprehension, grande timor;
apprehender, timer

dreadful = espaventabile, terribile

dream = sonio, *somno;

dreamer = soniator

dreamy = somnolente

dreary = lugubre

dredge = draga;

dredger = draga

dregs = sedimento

drench = saturar

dress = (attire) habito, vestimento;
(frock) roba;
(clothe) vestir;
(wound) curar;
vestir se

dress-circle = prime balcon

dress-maker = sartor

dress-up = adornar (se) dressed vestite;
vestir se

dresser = (sideboard) buffet de cocina;
(dressing table) toilette

dressing = (bandage) bandage;
(grooming) toilette

dressing-down = reprimenda

dressing-gown = peignoir

dressing-table = toilette

dribble = (sport) *dribblar;
(drip) guttar;
(of babies) salivar

drier = *siccator

drift = (movement) *deriva;
(purport) tenor;
(of snow) cumular se;
(float) flottar al deriva

drifting = voga

driftwood = ligno flottante

drill = (milit.) exercitio;
(tool) forator;
(mining) sonda;
(milit.) exercitiar;
(hole) forar;
(mining) sondar

drill-through = perforar

drink = biberage, bibita;

drinkable = bibibile, potabile

drinker = bibitor

drinking = biber;
( - water) aqua potabile

drip = gutta;
guttar, stillar

drip-dry = *ex-guttar, que se sicca rapidemente e non se repassa

dripping = (of water) guttar;
(cooking -s) grassia de rostito

drive = (roadway) avenue;
(golf) colpo;
(energy) energia;
(propulsion) propulsion;
(transmission) transmission;
(force) coercer;
(a car) guidar;
(propel) propeller;
(push) pulsar;
(golf) tirar le colpo

drive-away = chassar;

drive-back = repeller;

drive-in = (enter) entrar in;
(a nail) figer

drive-mad = affollar

drive-off = chassar;
(go for a - ) facer un viage

drivel = nonsenso

driver = (of bus) guidator;
(of car) automobilista, chaurfeur;
(of train) machinista

driver's-licence = patente de guidar, *permisso de guidar

driving-licence = patente de guidar, *permisso de guidar

driving-school = schola de guidar

driving-test = examine pro patente de guidar

drizzle = pluvia fin;
pluver finmente

drone = (sound) susurro;
(bee) ape mascule;

droop = inclination;

drop = (fall) cadita;
(drip) gutta;
(lower) abassar;
(let go) lassar cader;

dropper = *contaguttas

drought = siccitate

drown = (in water) necar (se);
(with noise) coperir, suffocar

drowning = necamento

drowse = dormir

drowsiness = somnolentia

drowsy = somnolente

drudge = (person) quasi-sclavo;
travaliar (ingrate e penosemente)

drudgery = servitude, travalio penose

drug = droga, pharmaco;
drogar, narcotisar

drug-addict = *narcomano

drug-store = drogeria;
(pharmacy) pharmacia

druggist = drogista, pharmacista

drum = tambur;
batter le tambur

drum-into = facer comprender, figer le capite

drum-stick = bacchetta de tambur

dummy = ficte;
(effigy) effigie;
(tailor's) mannequin;
(cards) morto;
(soother) tetta sur anello;
(image) simulacro

drunk = ebrie;
(get - ) inebriar se

drunkard = inebriato

drunken = ebrie

drunkenness = ebrietate

dry = sic;
(remove wetness) siccar;
(drain) disaquar;
(with cloth) essugar;

dry-dock = bassino de reparation sic

dry-humor = (-our) humor mordente

dry-land = terra firme

dry-rot = putrefaction sic

dry-up = desiccar (se)

dry-wine = vino sic

dryer = (clothes) *siccator

dump = discargatorio;

dumping = discarga

dumpling = bolletta

dumpy = parve e corpulente

dun = brun;

dunce = asino, scholar ignorante

dune = duna

dung = stercore;

dung-beetle = *scarabeo del stercore

dung-heap = stercorario

dung-hill = stercorario

dungeon = prision subterranee

dungy = *merdose, *stercorose, *stercorate

dupe = dupe;

duplicate = duplicate;
(double) duplicar;
(with a duplicator) mimeographar;
(copy) reproducer

duplicator = duplicator, mimeographo

duplicity = duplicitate

durability = durabilitate

durable = durabile

dry-clean = nettar a sic

dry-cleaning = lavage chimic

dryer = *siccator

dryness = siccitate

dual = dual

dual-carriageway = *strata de sensos separate

duality = dualitate

dually = dualmente

dubiety = *dubitate

dubious = dubitose

dubiously = dubitosemente

duchess = duchessa

duck = anate;
clinar se

duckling = anate juvene

duct = conducto

due = debite;

dues = quota;
(be - ) competer

due-to = a causa de

duel = duello;

duet = duo

duke = duce, duc

dull = (boring) enoiose;
(not glossy) mat;
(slow) obtuse;
(of noise) surde;
(sad triste;
(of weather) obnubilate;

dullard = (stupid person) stupide

dulse = alga edibile (*dulleasq)

duly = debitemente

dumb = (unhearing) mute;
(stupid) imbecille

dumb-bell = peso de mano

dumbfounded = stupefacte

duration = duration

during = durante

durum-wheat = *farina-dur

dusk = crepusculo

dusky = tenebrose

dust = pulvere;
(clean) dispulverar;
(sprinkle) pulverar

dust-bin = receptaculo de immunditias

dust-bowl = region ubi le terra es sufflate pro le vento

dust-cart = carro de immunditias

duster = pannello (pro dispulverar), *plumero

dustman = *levator de immunditias

dust-pan = pala de mano

dutch = hollandese, nederlandese

dutchman = hollandese, nederlandese

dutiable = taxabile

duty = (obligation) deber;
(tax) derecto, imposto;
(customs) doana;
(service) guarda, servicio;
(off - ) libere;
(on - ) de servicio

duty-free = exempte de doana

dwarf = (masc.) nano;
(fem.) nana;
render minuscule per contrasto

dwell = habitar

dwell-together = cohabitar

dwell-on = insister super

dwelling = habitation

dwindle = diminuer

dye = tinctura;

dyeing = tinctura

dyer = tinctor

dying = moribunde, moriente

dyke = dica

dynamic = dynamic

dynamics = (science) dynamica

dynamite = dynamite;

dynamo = dynamo

dynasty = dynastia

dysentery = dysenteria

dyspepsia = dyspepsia

dyspeptic = dyspeptic;

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