
G = (letter - ) littera g (ge)

gab = parlar in modo inintelligibile

gabardine = gabardina

gabble = torrente de parolas;
parlar in modo inintelligibile

gable = fronton

Gabon = *Gabon

gadget = apparato, *dispositivo

gag = (in mouth) mordacia;
(joke) joco,

gaiety = gaitate

gaily = gaimente

gain = ganio;

gait = passo

gala = gala, festa

galaxy = *galaxia

gale = tempesta

gall = bile

gallant = (brave) valente;
(courteous) gallante

gallantry = valor

galleon = galeon

gallery = galeria

galley = (ship) galera;
(place for cooking) *cambuso, cocina

gallon = gallon

gallop = galopo;

gallows = furca

galore = abundante

galvanize = galvanisar

Gambia = *Gambia

gamble = joco;

gambler = jocator

gambling = joco

game = ( for fun) joco;
(match) partita;
(hunted) chassa, de chassa

game-keeper = *guardachassa

gammon = gambon

gamut = gamma

gander = oca mascule

gang = bandaj, *gang

gang-rape = violation in banda

gang-up = alliar se (contra)

gangster = gangster

gang-way = (corridor) passage;
(structure) *passerella

gangrene = gangrena

gaol = (jail) carcere

gaoler = (jailer) carcerero

gap = (opening) apertura, brecha;
lacuna, vacuo

gape = esser (multo) aperte, hiar

gaping = aperte

garage = garage

garbage = immunditias

garble = (falsify) falsificar;
(text) alterar, mutilar

garden = jardin;
facer le jardinage

gardener = jardinero

gardening = jardinage

gargle = *gargarisar

garland = guirlanda;

garlic = allio

garment = vestimento

garnish = guarnitura;

garrison = guarnition;
placiar un guarnition in (un urbe)

garter = garrettiera

gas = (gaseous substance) gas;
(gasoline) gasolina;
*asphyxiar (con gas)

gas-cooker = furno a gas

gas-fire = estufa a gas

gas-burner = becco de gas

petrol-station = station de gasolina

gasoline = gasolina

gasworks = fabrica de gas

gash = grande incision;
facer un grande incision in

gasket = *obturator de junctura

gasp = sufflo compulsive (de choc),

gastric = gastric

gastronomic = gastronomic

gate = porta

gatecrash = entrar sin invitation

gateau = torta (con crema)

gather = colliger;
(of people) reunir se;
(of things) accumular se

gathering = reunion

gauche = inhabile

gaudy = troppo colorose

gauge = indicator;
estimar, mesurar

gaunt = emaciate, magre

gauze = gaza

gay = (bright, cheerful) gai;
(homosexual) homosexual

gaze = reguardo fixe;
reguardar fixemente

gaze-at = contemplar

gazelle = *gazella

gear = (apparatus) mechanismo;
(equipment) equipamento, utensiles;
(of car) velocitate;
(transmission) transmission, ingranage

gear-lever = levator del cambio

gearbox = cassa de velocitates;

gehenna = (biblical) *gehenna, inferno

gelatine = gelatina

gem = gemma

gemini = geminos

gender = genere

gene = *gene

genealogy = genealogia

general = general

general-election = electiones general

general-practitioner = medico general

generally = *generalmente

generalization = generalisation

generalize = generalisar

generate = generar

generation = generation

generator = generator

generic = generic

generosity = generositate

generous = generose

genesis = (origin) genesis;
(biblical) genesis;
(boor of - ) *libro de genesis

genetic = genetic;
( -s) genetica

genial = affabile, cordial

genitals = organos genital

genitive = genitive;

genius = genio

genteel = de bon tono, elegante

gentile = (non-jewish) gentil, *goy;
(heathen) pagan;
(non-jew) gentil, *goy;
(heathen) pagano

gentle = amabile, dulce, suave;
(breeze) moderate

gentleman = senior, gentilhomine

gentleness = amabilitate, mansuetude, suavitate

genuflect = genuflecter

genuine = (real) genuin, authentic;
(of person) sincer

genus = genere

geographical = geographic

geographically = *geographicamente

geography = geographia

geological = geologic

geologically = *geologicamente

geologist = geologo, geologista

geology = geologia

geometrical = geometric

geometrically = *geometricamente

geometry = geometria

geranium = geranio

geriatrics = *geriatria

germ = (reproductive element) germine;
(of disease) germine pathogenic;
(bug) microbio

german = german;

german-measles = roseola

germanic = germanic

Germany = Germania

germicide = germicida

germinate = germinar

germination = germination

gerund = gerundio

gesticulate = gesticular

gesture = gesto;
gesticular, exprimer se per gestos

get = (receive) obtener, ganiar;
(acquire) prender, procurar;
(a disease) contraher, suffrer de;
(become) devenir, facer se;
(persuade) persuader;
(reach) arrivar a;
(make) facer;
(to - it, understand) comprehender;
(have got to) deber

get-about = displaciarse

get-across = transversar

get-along = (be better) incontrar se melior;
(make it) arrangiar se;
(progress) facer progresso

get-along-with-someone = intender se

get-around = ambular

get-a-word-in = inserer un parola

get-back = (recover) recuperar;
(return) retornar

get-behind = vader (ir) retro

get-better = refacer se, recuperar se, restablir se

get-by = arrangiar se

get-divorced = divorciar se

get-down = (descend) descender;
(move to the beat) dansar al rhythmo

get-drunk = inebriar se

get-engaged = fidantiar se

get-for-oneself = procurar se

get-in = (inside) entrar;
(a car, bus) montar se

get-in-bed = mitter se in lecto, vader (ir) al lecto

get-in-the-sack-with = compartir le lecto con

get-in-touch = mitter se in contacto

get-lost = perder se

get-married = maritar se

get-off = (down) descender de;
(satisfy oneself) satisfacer se, contentar se

get-on = (board) montar;
(fare) succeder

get-out = (portion) obtener, reciper un portion;
(leave) partir

get-over = superar

get-ready = preparar se

get-rid-of = eliminar

get-the-boot = esser dimittite

get-the-sack = esser dimittite

get-stuck = bloccar se

get-the-better-of = vincer, superar

get-through = (by) penetrar;
(reach, arrive) acceder, attinger

get-up = levar se

get-wet = esser molliate

geyser = geyser

Ghana = *Ghana

ghastly = horribile

gherkin = cornichon

ghetto = ghetto

ghost = phantasma, spectro;
(holy spirit, holy - ) spirito sancte

giant = gigante

Gibraltar = *Gibraltar

giddiness = vertigine

giddy = vertiginose

gift = dono

gifted = talentose

gigantic = gigantic

giggle = rider stupidemente

gild = (make of gold) aurar

gilt = aurate, *dorate;

gimmick = stratagema, *trucco, artificio

gin = (drink) gin;
(trap) trappa

ginger = *rosse;

ginger-up = animar, stimular

gingerbread = pan de gingibre

gingerly = delicatemente

gipsy = tsigan;

giraffe = giraffa

gird = cinger, cincturar

girded = cingite

girder = trave (de aciero)

girdle = cinctura;

girl = puera, pupa

give = dar, donar;

give-away = (distribute) distribuer, facer dono de;
(betray) revelar, trair

give-back = restituer

give-forth = divulgar

give-in = ceder, render se

give-off = emitter

give-out = (hand out) distribuer, repartir;
(release news) proclamar;
(exhausted) restar rendite, esser exhauste

give-thanks = render gratias

give-up = (hand over) render;
(abandon) abandonar, renunciar;
(part with) relinquer;
(surrender) ceder;
(cease) desister de

glacier = glaciero

glad = contente, felice

gladly = de bon voluntate

glamour = fascino, incantamento

glamorize = render attractive

glamorous = incantator, attractive

glance = reguardo

glance-at = ocular

gland = aden, glandula

glare = (of light) fulgor, lumine cecante;
(gesture) reguardo feroce;
jectar un reguardo menaciante

glass = (substance) vitro;
(for drinking) bicario, vitro

glasses = (eye -) berillos, *oculares, *anteoculos

glaze = vitrar

glazier = vitrero

gleam = scintillar

glean = facer spicilegio

glee = allegressa

glib = volubile

glide = glissamento;
(slide) glissar;
(airplane) planar

glider = planator

glimmer = *luce debile

glimpse = breve vision;
(catch a- of) intervider, vider pro un instante

glint = reflexion, scintillation;

glisten = brillar

glitter = scintillation;

gloat = contemplar con satisfaction

global = global

globally = *globalmente

globe = (sphere) globo, sphera;
(map) globo (terrestre)

gloom = (darkness) obscuritate;
(of mind) depression, tristessa

gloomy = lugubre, triste

glorify = glorificar

glorious = gloriose

glory = gloria

gloss = (sheen) lustro, politura;
(note) glossa;
(glaze) satinar;
(explain) interpretar

glossary = glossario

glossy = lustrose

glove = guanto

glow = brillantia;
caler, incandescer

glower = jectar un reguardo menaciante

glucose = glucosa

glue = colla, glutine;
collar, glutinar

glum = triste, melancholic

glut = superabundantia

glutton = glutton

gluttony = gluttonia

glycerine = glycerina

gnarled = nodose

gnash = facer strider (le dentes)

gnat = culice, mosquito

gnaw = roder

gnome = (aphorism) gnoma;
(goblin) gnomo

gnu = *gnu;
(gnu is not unix) *gnu

go = (vim) vigor;
(turn) tentativa, torno;
(move) ir, vader;
(become) devenir;
(depart) partir;
(work) functionar

go-about = occupar se de;
avantiar, facer progressos

go-back = retornar;
(date from) remontar a

go-down = (descend) descender;
(founder) *affundar se

go-in = entrar

go-into = entrar

go-off = (depart) partir;
(explode) exploder
(tantrum) *exploder de ira

go-on = continuar, proceder

go-out = (leave) exir, sortir;
(fire) extinguer se

go-up = montar

go-without = contentar se sin
(make do and - ) *arrangiar se con e contentarse sin

goad = stimulo;

go-ahead = permission;

goal = (aim) scopo;
(sport) goal

goal-keeper = goal-keeper

goalpost = palo

goat = (fem.) capra;
(male) capro

gobble = devorar

goblet = calice

goblin = gnomo, spirito maligne

god = deo;
(biblical) Deo, *Theo

god-child= filiolo

goddess = dea

god-father = patrino

god-forsaken = deserte, triste

godless = athee

godly = pie, devote;
(godlike, divine) divin

godmother = matrina

godsend = fortuna inexpectate

godson = filiolo

goggles = berillos protective

going = (departure) partita;
(sport) stato del pista

gold = de auro;

golden = (made of gold) de auro;
(in colour) aurate, auree

goldfish = pisce aurate

goldmine = mina de auro

goldsmith = aurifice

golf = golf;
(- club) club de golf;
(stick) massa de golf

golfball = balla de golf

golfcourse = percurso de golf

golfer = jocator de golf

gondola = gondola

gondolier = gondolero

gong = gong

good = bon;
(for - ) pro sempre;
(it is no - ) es inutile

good-afternoon = bon die

good-bye = (goodbye, goodby)
adeo, a revider nos

good-day = bon die, bon jorno

good-evening = bon vespere

good-for-nothing = inutile, bon a nihil

good-friday = venerdi sancte

good-humoured = de bon humor

good-intentions = *bon intentiones

good-job = *bon travalio, *ben facite

good-looking = belle, de belle aspecto

good-morning = bon die

good-natured = affabile, de tono amical

good-night = bon vespere, bon nocte

good-will = bon voler

goodness = bonitate

goods = mercantias, merce

goods-train = traino de mercantias / merces

goose = oca;
(wild) ansere

goose-berry = grossula

gore = sanguine;

gorge = gorga;
plenar (se) con nutrimento

gorgeous = magnific, splendide

gorilla = gorilla

gory = sanguinose

gospel = evangelio

gossip = (talk) commatrage;
(person) commatre;

gothic = gothic

gouge = *gubia;
cavar (con le gubia)

goulash = gulash

gourmet = gastronomo, gourmet

govern = governar

government = governamento

governmental = governamental

governor = governator

gown = (woman's) roba;
(academic) toga

grab = sasir

grace = gratia;
(your - ) vostre excellentia

graceful = gratiose

gracious = gratiose

grade = grado;
(mark) nota;
graduar, classificar

gradient = gradiente

gradual = gradual

gradually = *gradualmente

graduate = graduato;
graduar se

graduation = graduation

graffiti = *graffiti

graft = inoculation;
inocular, insertar

grain = (of sand, seed) grano;
(crop) cereales

gram = (-amme) gramma

grammar = grammatica

grammatical = grammatic

grammatically = *grammaticamente

gramme = gram

gramophone = grammophono

granary = granario

grand = grandiose, imponente, magnific

grand-piano = piano de cauda

grand-child = (masc.) granfilio;
(fem.) granfilia;

grand-daughter = granfilia

grandeur = magnificentia

grand-father = granpatre

grandiose = grandiose

grand-mother = granmatre

grand-parent = (masc.) granpatre;
(fem.) granmatre

grand-son = granfilio

grand-stand = tribuna (de honor)

granite = granito

grant = (land) concession;
(money) subvention;
(academic) bursa, stipendio;
conceder, accordar;
(take for -ed) presupponer

grape = uva

grape-fruit = pompelmus

grape-vine = vite;
medio de communication clandestin

graph = graphico

graphic = graphic

grapple = luctar

grasp = prisa;
(take hold) caper, sasir;
(a tool, weapon) impugnar;
(mentally) apprender

grass = herba

grate = grillia;

grateful = grate

gratification = gratification

gratify = (content) gratificar, contentar;
(a whim) satisfacer

gratitude = gratitude

gratuity = gratification, pourboire

grave = grave;
fossa, tumba

grave-stone = lapide *sepulchral

grave-yard = cemeterio

gravity = gravitate

gravy = succo de carne, sauce

gray = (-ey) gris

graze = (of cattle) pasturar;
(touch) rader;
(wound) excoriar

grease = grassia;

grease-proof = impermeabile al grassia

greasy = grasse

great = (big) grande;
(eminent) celebre, magne;
(a - deal) multo

Great-Britain = Grande Britannia

greatly = multo

greatness = grandor

Greece = Grecia, *Hellas

greed = avaritia, aviditate

greedy = avar, avide

greek = grec, *hellenic;

green = verde

greens = verdura;
(political party) *le Verdes

greenery = verdura

green-grocer = fructero, verdurero

green-grocery = fructos e verdura

green-house = conservatorio

Green-land = Groenlandia

green-lander = groenlandese

greet = salutar

greeting = salute

gregarious = gregari

Grenada = *Grenada

grenade = granata

grey = (-ay) gris

grey-hound = leporario

grid = grillia

grief = dolor

grievance = gravamine

grieve = affliger, penar;
affliger se

grievous = dolorose, grave

grill = grillia;
grilliar, rostir

grille = grillia

grim = cruel, menaciante, sever, sinistre

grimace = grimasse;
grimassar, facer grimasses

grime = immunditia

grimy = immunde

grin = surriso;
surrider (monstrante le dentes)

grind = labor monotone;
functionar ruitosemente

grip = (hold) prisa;
(bag) sacco de viage;
(handle) manico, *impugnatura;
(of tyres) adherentia;
impugnar, sasir, stringer

gripe = (affect with colic pains) dar colica a;
(complain) querelar

gristle = cartilagine

grit = (stony sand) arena;
fortia de character;
(an icy road) sablar;
(the teeth) interfricar

gritty = arenose

grizzly = grizzly, urso gris

groan = gemito;

grocer = speciero

grocer's-shop = specieria

grocery = specieria

groin = *inguine

groom = (for horses) groom;
(bridegroom) sponso;

groove = (channel) cannellatura;
(record) sulco;

grope = cercar tastante

gross = (coarse) grossier;
(total) brute;
(12 dozen) grossa;
(bulk) grosso

grotesque = grottesc

grotto = grotta

grouch = persona irritate

grouchy = irritate

ground = (land) terra;
(background) fundo;
(basis) fundamento;
(plot, terrain) terreno;
(soil, floor) solo;
arenar (se)

grounds = sedimento

ground-floor = plano terren

ground-less = sin fundamento

ground-sheet = tela impermeabile

grounds-man = guardiano del terreno

ground-work = fundamento

group = gruppo;

grouse = plancto, querela;
planger se, querelar

grove = boschetto

grovel = humiliar se

grow = (become) devenir;
(become larger) crescer;
(of plants) vegetar;

grow-up = devenir adulte

growl = grunnimento;

growth = (increase) crescimento;
(medical) excrescentia

grub = larva

grubby = immunde

grudge = (motivo de) rancor;
dar in spirito rancorose;
(bear a - ) haber resentimento

gruelling = exhauriente, penose;
proba exhauriente

gruesome = horribile, macabre

gruff = aspere, de mal humor

gruffness = tono aspere

grumble = murmure;

grumpy = irritabile, brusc

grunt = grunnimento;

Guadeloupe = *Guadeloupe

Guam = *Guam

guarantee = garantia;

guarantor = garante

guard = (electrical) guarda;
(of train) chef de traino;
(of protection) guardar

guard's-van = *furgon (de bagage)

guarded = circumspecte

guardian = *guardian;
(electrical) guardiano;
(of minor) tutor

guardian-angel = angelo tutelar, *angelo guardian

Guatemala = *Guatemala

guerrilla = guerrillero

guess = conjectura;
(conjecture) conjecturar;
(believe) creder, supponer

guess-work = conjectura

guest = (invited person) invitato;
(at hotel) hospite

guest-house = pension, parve hotel

guidance = direction, guida

guide = guida;

guide-book = guida, manual

guide-dog = can guida

guide-lines = lineas de guida

guild = corporation;
union de mestiero

guillotine = guillotina;

guilt = culpa

guilty = culpabile

guinea = (coin) guinea;

guinea-pig = porco de india

Guinea-Bissau = *Guinea BiSsau

guitar = gitarra

gulf = golfo;

gull = laro

gullet = esophago, gorga, gurgite

gulp = inglutimento, grande buccata;

gum = gingiva;
(substance) gumma;

gun = (firearm) arma de foco;
(cannon) cannon;
(rifle) fusil;
(pistol) pistola, revolver

gun-carriage = affuste

gun-fire = cannonadas, foco de artilleria

gun-man = (terrorist) terrorista;
(armed robber) robator armate

gun-powder = pulvere

gun-running = contrabando de armas

gurgle = *gluglu;
facer *gluglu; *glugluer

gurgling = facente *gluglu; *glugluente

gush = effusion;

gust = colpo de vento

gusto = enthusiasmo, fervor

gut = intestino;
destruer le interior de

gut-out = destruer le interior de

guts = (food) tripas;
(pluck) corage

gutter = (at eaves) guttiera;
(in street) canaletto

guy = individuo, typo;
ridiculisar, parodiar

guy-rope = corda de tenta

Guyana = *Guyana, *Guiana

gymnasium = gymnasio

gymnast = gymnasta

gymnastic = gymnastic

gymnastics = (sport) gymnastica

gynecologist = (gynaec-) gynecologo

gynecology = (gynaec-) gynecologia

gypsum = gypso

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