
A = (letter ) littera a
(indefinite article) un;
(per) per;
(a dollar a dozen) un dollar per dozena

aback = (taken ) surprendite, stupefacte, attonite,

abandon = (without care) abandono;
(leave behind) abandonar

abandoned = abandonate;
(deserted) *desertate;
(reprobate) sin morales

abandonment = abandono, abandonamento

abase = abassar

abasement = abassamento

abashed = disconcertate

abate = (reduce) minuer, reducer;
(subside) remitter, subsider

abatement = diminution

abbey = abbatia

abbreviate = (shorten) abbreviar

abbreviated = (shortened) abbreviate

abbreviated addressing = *adresation abbreviate

abbreviation = abbreviation

abdicate = (give up) abdicar

abdication = (to give up) abdication

abdomen = abdomine

abdominal = abdominal

abduct = (kidnap) abducer, raper

abduction = abduction

aberrant = (abnormal) anormal

aberration = aberration

abet = appoiar, adjutar, esser complice

abettor = appoiator, adjutator

abeyance = suspension;
(in ) pendente

abhor = (hate) abhorrer;
(detest) detestar

abhorrence = abhorrimento

abhorrent = abhorribile;
(detestable) detestabile

abide = tolerar;
demorar ( by a law) observar;
( an opinion) mantener

abiding = (faithful) fidel;
(law ) observante le lege

ability = capacitate, habilitate

abject = (miserable) abjecte

abjure = (renounce) abjurar, renunciar

ablative = ablative;

ablaze = (on fire) in flammas;
(glittering) resplendente

able = capace, habile;
(be ) poter

able bodied = robuste

ablution = (wash the body) *ablution

ably = habilemente

abnegation = (giving up rights) *abnegation

abnormal = anormal

abnormally = *anormalmente

abnormality = anormalitate

aboard = a bordo (de)

abode = (=house) casa, domicilio

abolish = abolir

abolition = abolition, *dissolution

abominable = abominabile

abominably = abominabilemente

abominate = abominar

abomination = abomination

aborigine = aborigine

abort = abortar

abortion = aborto

abortive = abortive

abound = abundar

abounding = abundante

about = approximativemente, circa;
(around) circa;
(concerning) de, in re, super

about face = reverso de direction
reversar direction

about town = *urban, *cosmopolitan

above = in alto;

above all = super toto

above board = sin deception, apertemente

abracadabra = (magical incantation) abracadabra, incantation magic

abrade = (wear away) *abrader

abrasion = abrasion

abrasive = (irritating) abrasive

abreast = in fila (duple, triple)

abreast of the times = al currente del cosas

abridge = abbreviar

abridgement = summario

abroad = al estraniero, al extero

abrogate = (cancel) *abrogar

abrupt = abrupte, brusc

abscess = abscesso

abscond = (go away and hide) avdiscampar

absence = absentia

absent = absente

absent oneself = absentar se

absent without leave = *absente sin permisso

absent minded = distracte

absent mindedness = distraction

absentee = absentista

absolute = absolute

absolution = absolution

absolve = (acquit) absolver

absorb = (liquid) absorber;
(knowledge) assimilar

absorbent = absorbente

absorption = absorption

abstain = abstiner se

abstemious = (temperate) *abstemie

abstention = abstention

abstinence = abstinentia

abstract = abstracte;

abstraction = abstraction

absurd = absurde

absurdity = absurditate

abundance = abundantia

abundant = abundante

abuse = (misuse) abuso, misuso;
(insult) invectiva;
(insult) injuriar;
(misuse) abusar de, misusar

abusive = (misusing) abusive;
(insulting) injuriose

abysmal = abysmal

abysmally = *abysmalmente

abyss = abysso

academic = academic

academy = academia

acappella = (singing without music) *acappella

accelerate = accelerar (se)

acceleration = acceleration

accelerator = accelerator

accent = accento;

accentuate = accentuar

accept = acceptar

acceptable = acceptabile

acceptance = acceptation

access = accesso

access arm = *brac(h)io de accesso

access time = *tempore de accesso

access type = typo de accesso

accessible = (people) abbordabile;
(places) accessibile

accessory = accessori;
(object) accessorio;
(person) complice

accident = accidente

accidental = accidental, fortuite;

accidentally = *accidentalmente

acclaim = acclamar

acclamation = acclamation

acclimatize acclimatar (se)

accommodate = (adapt) accommodar;
(adjust) adjustar;
(lodge) albergar, *allogiar

accommodation = (adapting) accommodation;
(adjusting) adjustamento;
(lodgings) albergo, *allogiamento

accompaniment = accompaniamento

accompany = accompaniar

accomplice = complice

accomplish = complir

accomplished = experte

accomplishment = (achievement) complimento;
(gift) talento

accord = accordo;
(of one's own ) spontaneemente;
accordar (se)

according = accordante

according to = secundo, conforme a

accordingly = in consequentia

accordion = accordion

account = (all senses) conto;
(on of) a causa de

account for = dar conto de

accountability = responsabilitate

accountable = responsabile

accountancy = contabilitate

accountant = contabile

accouter = (equip) equipar

accredit = accreditar

accreditation = accreditation

accumulate = accumular (se)

accumulation = accumulation

accuracy = exactitude, precision

accurate = exacte, precise

accusation = accusation

accusative = accusativo

accuse = accusar

accused = accusato

accustom = accostumar, habituar

ace = asse

acephalous = (headless) sin capite

acerbity = (bitterness in taste) acerbitate

ache = dolor;

aches = (my head ) le capite me dole

achieve = complir

achievement = complimento

acid = acide;

acidic = acide, *acidic

acidification = acidification

acidify = acidificar

acidosis = *acidosis, *acidose

acid precipitation = precipitation de aciditate

acid rain = pluvia acide ( acidic)

acid test = test de acido

acknowledge = admitter, recognoscer

acknowledgement = admission, recognoscentia

acne = *acne

acolyte = *acolyto

aconite = aconito

acorn = glande

acoustic = acustic

acousticly = *acusticamente

acoustics = acustica

acquaint = informar

acquaintance = cognoscentia

acquainted with = (be ) cognoscer, esser al currente de

acquiesce = (agree without enthusiasm) acquiescer

acquiescent = acquiescente

acquire = acquirer

acquisition = acquisition

acquit = (free from obligation) absolver, disculpar

acquittal = absolution

acre = acre

acrid = (bitter) *acride, acerbe

acrimonious = acrimoniose

acrimony = (bitterness in argument) *acrimonio

acrobat = acrobata

acrobatic = acrobatic

acrobaticly = *acrobaticamente

acrobatics = acrobatia

acronym = *acromymo

acrophobia = acrophobia

acropolis = *acrophobia

across = trans

act = acto;
(do) ager;
(theater) jocar;
(in the ) in flagrante delicto

actinia = (sea anemone) *actinia

act of god = caso fortuite

act of parliament = acto del parlamento, lege, statuto

acting = *interimari;

actinium = (Ac) *actinium, *actinio

action = action

activate = activar

active = active

activist = *activista

activity = activitate

actor = actor

actress = actrice

actual = actual, real

actually = *actualmente

actuate = (put into motion) actuar

acuity = *acuitate

acumen = (keenness) *acumine

acute = acute

ad = (advertising) annuncio

adage = proverbio

adagio = *adagio, lentemente

adamant = (unyielding) *adamante, intransigente

adam's apple = pomo de adam

adapt = adaptar (se)

adaptability = adaptabilitate

adaptable = adaptabile

adaptation = adaptation

adapter = ( tor) adaptator

add = adder

adder = (viper) vipera;
(computers) *additionator, *additor, *summator

addict = (of drugs) *narcomano;
(enthusiast) enthusiasta

addiction = (to drugs) *narcomania;
(enthusiasm) enthusiasmo

adding machine = calculator

addition = addition, supplemento;
(in ) in plus;
(in to) preter

additional = additional

additionally = *additionalmente

addle = (confuse) confuse

addled = putride

address = (on letter) adresse;
(speech) discurso;
adresse, *direction;
(a letteror person) adressar;
(speak to) abbordar

addressee = destinatario

add to = annexar

add up = additionar, summar

adept = (skillful) experte;
adepto, experto

adequate = adequate, sufficiente

adhere = adherer

adherent = adherente

adhesion = adhesion

adhesive = adhesive

adhesive plaster = sparadrapo

adipose = (fatty) *adipose

adjacent = adjacente

adjective = adjectivo

adjourn = ajornar

adjournment = ajornamento

adjudicate = (judge a dispute) adjudicar

adjudicated = adjudicate

adjudication = adjudication

adjudicator = adjudicator

adjuration = (solemn command) *adjuration

adjust = adjustar

adjustable = adjustabile

adjustment = (settlement) adjustamento

adlib = ad lib;
(improvise) improvisar

administer = administrar, gerer

administration = administration, gestion

administrative = administrative

administrator = administrator

admirable = admirabile

admiral = admiral

admiralty = admiralitate

admiration = admiration

admire = admirar

admissible = admissibile

admission = (entrance, concession) admission;
(acknowledgement) confession

admit = (allow in, concede) admitter;
(acknowledge) confessar

admittance = admission

ado = agitation, activitate

adolescence = adolescentia

adolescent = adolescente

adopt = adoptar

adoption = adoption

adorable = adorabile

adore = adorar

adorer = (masc.) adorator;
(fem.) adoratrice

adorn = adornar, ornar

Adriatic = Adriatico, Mar Adriatic

adrift = flottante al deriva

adroit = (skillful) adepte, experte, habile

adulate = (praise highly) *adular

adult = adulte;

adulterate = adulterar

adulteration = adulteration

adultery = adulterio

advance = avantiamento, progresso;
(go ahead) avantiar, progreder;
(money) anticipar

advance payment = pagamento anticipate

advancement = avantiamento

advantage = (having superiority) avantage

advantageous = avantagiose

advent = advento

adventure = aventura;
aventurar (se)

adventurous = aventurose

adverb = adverbio

adverse = adverse

adversity = adversitate

advertise = annunciar

advertisement = annuncio, reclamo

advertising = publicitate

advice = aviso, consilio

advisable = consiliabile, judiciose

advise = avisar, consiliar

advised = avisate;
(ill ) incaute;
(well ) judiciose, sage

advocate = advocato;
favorar, recommendar

aegean = egee;
mar egee

aerate = aerar

aerial = aeree;

aerodrome = aerodromo

aeroplane = airplane aeroplano, avion

aerosol = (mist) *aerosol;
(spray canister) *atomisator

aesthetic = esthetic

aestheticly = *estheticamente

aesthetics = esthetica

afar = de longe, a un distantia

affability = affabilitate

affable = (friendly) affabile

affair = affaire

affect = (have an affect on) afficer, impressionar;
(pretend) affectar;
(concern) concernar

affectation = affectation, preciositate

affected = affectate

affection = affecto

affectionate = affectionate

affiliate = affiliar (se)

affiliation = affiliation

affinity = (of similar structure) affinitate

affirm = (confirm it is true) affirmar

affirmation = affirmation

affirmative = affirmative

affix = affixo;

afflict = affliger

affliction = affliction

affluence = affluentia

affluent = affluente

afford = (give) dar;
(we cannot ) nos non pote tolerar le expensa de

affray = (brawl) *rixa

affront = (insult) affronto;

affusion = affusion

afghan = *afghan;

Afghanistan = *Afghanistan

afield = (astray) disviate;
(far ) multo lontan

afloat = flottante, in barca

aflutter = nervosemente excitate

afoot = in motion

aforementioned = lo mentionate previemente

aforesaid = precitate, lo citate previemente

afraid = apprehensive, pavorose; be timer, haber timor

afresh = de nove

Africa = Africa

african = african;

after = postea;
post que;
post, pois

after all = post toto

after birth = placenta

after burner = becco de *post ignition

after care = *cura de convalescentia

after effect = repercussion, consequentia

after glow = *brillantia restante

after image = *imagine restante

after life = vita post morte

after noon = postmeridie

after thought = reflexion posterior

after wards = postea, depost, post, depois, pois

again = de nove, de novo

again and again = repetitemente

against = contra

agape = (love) *agape, amor christian

agar = agar, gellatina de alga

agaric = agaric, agarico

agave = agave

age = (years) etate;
(oldness) vetulessa, vetustate;
(period) epocha;

aged = vetule

agency = agentia

agenda = ordine del die

agent = agente

agglomerate = (gather into a mass) *agglomerar

aggrandize = (make bigger) *aggrandisar, augmentar

aggravate = (infuriate) exasperar;
(worsen) aggravar

aggravating = (making worse) aggravante;
(annoying) exasperante

aggravation = (making worse) aggravation;
(annoyance) exasperation

aggregate = collective, total;
aggregato, total;
aggregar (se)

aggression = aggression

aggressive = aggressive

aggressor = aggressor

aggrieve = offender

aghast = horrificate

agile = (nimble) agile

agility = agilitate

agitate = (stir up) agitar

agitation = agitation

agitator = agitator

agnate = (on father's side) *de parte del patre

agnostic = agnostic;

agnosticism = (can't know for sure) *agnosticismo

ago = retro, passate;
(a year ) ante un anno;
(long ) pridem

agog = (excited) excitate

agonize = (anguishing, suffering) agonisar

agonizing = atroce, *agonisante

agony = (anguish) agonia, angustia

agoraphobia = (fear of open places) *agoraphobia

agoraphobic = *agoraphobic

agree = (concur) consentir, esser de accordo;

agreeable = agradabile

agreement = (concurrence) accordo;
(pact) convention

agricultural = agricole

agriculture = agricultura

aground = arenate;
(run ) arenar (se)

ah = ah, *ei, *eia, *heia

aha = *aha, *heia

ahead = ante, avante

ahem = *ehem

aid = adjuta, auxilio, succurso, subvention;
adjutar, adjuvar, auxiliar, succurrer

ail = doler, penar

aileron = *aleron

ailment = maladia, morbo

aim = (object) fin, proposito, scopo;
(milit.) mira;
(blow) diriger;
(gun or telescope) punctar;
(intend) intender (de), aspirar (a)

aim at = (target) mirar a, visar a

aimless = sin proposito

ain't = (milit.) (isn't) no es, non es

air = aere;
(in the open) al aere libere

air pressure = pression atmospheric

airborne = portate per le aere

air conditioning = climatisation

aircraft = aeronave(s), avion(es)

aircraft carrier = *porta aviones

airfield = aerodromo, campo de aviation

airforce = armea aeree, *fortia aeree

air hostess = stewardessa

airing = ventilation, aeration

airline = linea aeree

airmail = posta aeree;
(by ) via aeree, per avion

airman = aviator, aeronauta

airplane = aeroplane, avion;
(by ) per aeroplane, per avion, via aeree

airport = aeroporto

air raid = incursion aeree

airship = aeroplane, avion, nave aeree

airsickness = mal de aviatores

airtight = hermetic, impermeabile al aere

aisle = nave lateral, passage

ajar = semiaperte

alacrity = (quickness) *alacritate

alarm = alarma, al(l)erta;

alarm clock = eveliator

alarming = alarmante

alas = guai

Alaska = *Alaska;
(State of ) *le Stato de Alaska

Albania = *Albania

albeit = benque

Alberta = (Canada) Alberta

album = album

albumen = (egg white) albumine

albumin = (complex protein) *albumina

alburnum = (sapwood) alburno

alcohol = alcohol

alcoholic = alcoholic;

alcoholism = alcoholismo

alcove = alcova

alderman = *legislator urban

ale = bira;
(brown ) bira obscur;
(pale ) bira clar

aleatoric = (random) *aleatori

aleatory = (random) *aleatori

alembic = alembic

alert = a(l)lerte, vigilante;

alertness = vigilantia

alexandrian = *alexandrine, hellenistic

alga = alga

algae = algas

algebra = algebra

algebraic = algebraic

Algeria = Algeria

algerian = algerian;

algol = lingua de programmation algol

algonquian = algonquian
(amerindian) algonquiano

algorithm = *algorithmo

algorithmic = algorithmic

alias = alias;

alibi = un alibi

alien = (different) alien;
(foreign) estranie;

alienate = (force a separation) alienar, estraniar

alienation = alienation

alight = in flammas, illuminate;
(set ) accender, incender

align = alinear

alignment = alineamento

alike = simile, similar;
equalmente, del mesme maniera

alimental = (nourishing) *alimental

alimony = alimentos (post marital)

alive = vive, vivente;
(be ) viver, spirar;
(make ) vivificar, animar, reanimar

alive and well = san e salve

alkali = alcali

all = omne, tote;
(everybody) omnes, totes;
(everything) toto;
(at ) del toto

allah = (arabic) God

allay = (calming) sedar

all clear = toto ben, toto clar

allegation = (assertion without proof) allegation

allege = (affirm) allegar;
(use as an excuse) pretextar

alleged = pretense

allegiance = (loyalty) deber de fidelitate

allegory = (hidden meaning story) allegoria

allergic = allergic

allergy = allergia

alleviate = (relieve) alleviar

alleviation = alleviation

alley = allee, vico

alliance = alliantia

allied = alliate

alligator = alligator

allocate = (allot) assignar, distribuer

allocation = allocation

allocator = assignator, allocator

allot = assignar, attribuer, distribuer

allotment = (apportioning) distribution, repartition;
(land) parcella de terreno

all out = con maxime fortia

all over = in tote parte
(finished) terminate

allow = permitter

allowable = admissibile

allowance = alimentos

allow for = tener conto de

allow me = permitte me

alloy = alligato;

all right = salve, correcte;
de accordo

allspice = specie, condimento (de *myrto)

all star = *omnistella

all the better = tanto melio

all the same = con tote isto

all told = in toto

allude = (casually refering) alluder (a)

allure = (attract) attraher

alluring = attractive

allusion = allusion

ally = alliato, confederato;
(by marriage) apparentar

alma mater = *alma matre

almanac = almanac

almighty = omnipotente

almond = amandola

almost = quasi

alms = almosna, caritate, eleemosyna;
(give ) facer le caritate

aloe = *aloe

aloft = in alto, in le aere

alone = sol, singule

along = preter, secundo;
(manage, get ) arrangiar se;
(get with a person) intender se

along with = insimul a

alongside = bordo a bordo;
preter, al latere de;

aloof = (reserved) multo distante

alopecia = calvitia

aloud = in alte voce

a lot = multo

a lot of = multe

alphabet = alphabeto

alphabetical = alphabetic

alphabetically = *alphabeticamente

alphanumeric = *alphanumeric

alpine = alpin, alpestre

Alps = Alpes

already = jam

alsatian = (dog) can pastoral german

also = anque, etiam, de plus

altar = altar

alter = alterar (se)

alteration = alteration

altercation = (heated argument) *altercation

alternate = alterne, alternate;

alternative = alternative;

alternator = *alternator

although = ben que

altimeter = altimetro

altitude = altitude

alto = alto

altogether = integremente

altruism = *altruismo

altruistic = (generous, unselfish) *altruistic

aluminum = ( ium) (Al) aluminium, *aluminio

alumna = (female alumnus) alumna

alumni = alumnos

alumnus = alumno

always = semper, sempre

am = (be) (I ) io es, io esse

amalgamate = (combine) amalgamar (se)

amalgamation = amalgamation

amanuensis = (secretary) *secretari

amass = amassar

amateur = amateur, dilettante

amateurish = dilettantesc

amaze = stupefacer

amazed = stupefacte

amazement = stupefaction

amazing = stupende

ambassador = ambassator

amber = jalne;
ambra (jalne)

ambergris = ambergris

ambidextrous = *ambidextre

ambiance = (environment) ambiente

ambient = ambiente

ambiguity = ambiguitate

ambiguous = (unclear) ambigue, equivoc

ambition = (aspiration) ambition;
(unscrupulous) arrivismo

ambitious = ambitiose

ambivalence = (conflicting feelings) *ambivalentia

amble = *amblo;
ir al *amblo

ambrosia = ambrosia

ambulance = ambulantia

ambulant = ambulante

ambulatory = (walking able) ambulatori

ambush = imboscada, insidia;

ameliorate = (improving) *ameliorar

amen = (Heb., so be it!) amen

amenable = (responsive, submissive) tractabile, docile

amenable to = accessibile a

amend = emendar

amendment = emendamento

amends = reparation;
(make ) for reparar

amenity = *amenitate

amerce = punir con multa

amercement = punition con multa

america = america;
(u.s.a.) statos unite

american = (of america) american;
( citizen) *statounitese

American Samoa = *Samoa American

americium = *americium, *americio

amethyst = amethysto

amiable = (agreeable, friendly) amabile

amicable = amicabile

amid = ( st) in medio de, inter

amiss = mal;
(come ) facer mal;
(take ) prender in mal parte

ammonia = (gas) ammoniaco;
(solution in water) aqua ammoniac

ammunition = munition

amnesia = amnesia

amnesty = (pardon) amnestia

amok = *amok

among = ( st) inter

amoral = amoral

amorous = (full of love) amorose

amount = amonta, quantitate;
amontar (a)

ampere = ampere

amphibian = amphibie;

amphibious = amphibie

ample = ample

amplification = amplification

amplifier = amplificator

amplify = amplificar

amputate = amputar

amputation = amputation

amuse = amusar, diverter

amusement = amusamento, divertimento

amusing = amusante, divertente

an = (indefinite article) un;
(per) per, (an apple a day) un pomo pro die

anabaptist = *anabaptista

anachronism = (out of date) anachronismo

anachronistic = anachronistic

anagram = anagramma

anal = *anal

analog = *analogic

analog computer = *computator analogic

analog to digital converter = transformator analogic a digital

analogous = (comparable) analoge

analogy = analogia

analysis = analyse

analyst = analysta, analysator

analyze = analysar

anarchist = anarchista

anarchy = (disorder) anarchia

anatomical = anatomic

anatomically = *anatomicamente

anatomy = anatomia

ancestor = (forebear) ancestre, *antecessor

ancestral = ancestral, *antecessori

ancestry = *ancestria, *antecedentia

anchor = ancora, *anchore;
ancorar (se), *anchorar;
(weigh ) disancorar, *disanchorar, levar le ancora

anchovy = *anchoa

ancillary = *ancillar;

ancient = ancian, antique

and = e, [et]

andalusia = *andalusia

andalusian = *andalusian;
*andalusiano, *andalus

andorra = *andorra

anecdote = (short story) anecdota

anemia = (anae ) anemia

anemic = (anae ) anemic

anemone = anemone

anesthetic = (anae ) anesthetic;

anesthetist = (anae ) *anesthetista

angel = angelo

angelic = angelic

anger = cholera, ira;

angle = angulo;
piscar (con linea)

angler = piscator (con linea)

angling = pisca (con linea)

anglican = anglican;

Angola = *Angola

angry = irate, in cholera;
(get ) irascer (se)

Anguilla = *Anguilla

anguish = (agony) agonia, angustia, tormento

angular = angular

animal = animal

animate = animate;

animated = (lively) animate

animation = animation, verve

animosity = (hatred) animositate

anisette = anisette

ankle = cavilia

Annam = Annam

annamese = annamita

annex = annexo;
(add on) annexar, annectar

annexation = annexion

annihilate = (destroy) annihilar

annihilation = annihilation

anniversary = anniversario

annotate = annotar

announce = annunciar

announcement = annuncio, annunciation

announcer = annunciator

annoy = enoiar, irritar, vexar

annoying = moleste, irritante

annual = annual, annue;
(yearbook) annuario;
planta annual

annually = *annualmente

annuity = annuitate

annul = (void an agreement) annullar, annihilar

annulment = annullation, dissolution

anodyne = anodin

anoint = unguer, linir

anointed = unguete, linite

anointing = unction

anomalous = anomale

anomaly = anomalia

anonymity = anonymitate

anonymous = anonyme

another = (different) un altere;
(additional) ancora un;
(one ) le un le altere

answer = (reply) responsa, replica, (solution) solution;
responder (a), replicar (a)

answer for = ( something) responder de (un cosa);
( someone) responder pro (un persona)

answerable = responsabile

ant = formica

antagonism = antagonismo

antagonist = antagonista

antagonistic = antagonistic

antagonize = evocar le hostilitate de

antagonism = antagonismo

antarctic = antarctic;
antarctico, oceano antarctic

Antartica = Antartica

antelope = antilope

antenatal prenatal

antenna = antenna

anthem = *antiphona;
(national ) hymno national

anthology = anthologia

anthropology = anthropologia

anti air craft = antiaeree

anti body = *anticorpore

anticipate = (do in advance) anticipar;
(expect) expectar;
(foresee) previder;
(forestall) prevenir

anticipation = (doing in advance) anticipation;
(expectation) expectation;
(foresight) prevision;
(forestalling) prevention

anti climax = *anticlimax

anti clock wise = in senso *antihorologic

antics = buffonerias

anti cyclone = anticyclon

antidote = antidoto, contraveneno

anti freeze = *anticongelante

Antigua = *Antigua

antiquated = antiquate, vetuste

antique = antique;

antique dealer = antiquario

anti semitic = antisemitic

anti septic = antiseptic;

anti social = antisocial

anti thesis = antithese

antler = corno de cervo

anus = ano

anvil = incude

anxiety = anxietate

anxious = anxie

any = al(i)cun;
( further, emphatic) qualcunque, ulle;
(in case) in omne caso

any body = al(i)cuno

any further = plus, plus longe

any how = (however) de omne modo, in omne caso, totevia;
(in spite of everything) malgrado toto;
(no matter how) de qualcunque maniera

any more = plus (longe)

any one = al(i)cuno

any place = alicubi, ubique, in qulcunque loco

any thing = alique

any time = aliquando

any way = de omne modo, de qualcunque maniera

any where = alicubi, ubique, usquam, in qualcunque modo

any wise = de qualcunque modo (maniera)

aorta = aorta

apache = (amerindian) *apache

apart = a parte;
(come ) divider se

apartheid = *apartheid, separation racial

apartment = (flat) appartamento;
(room) camera

apathetic = apathic

apathy = apathia

ape = simia;
(go ) simiar

aperitif = aperitivo

aperture = apertura

apex = apice

aphasia = (loss of word comprehension) aphasia

aphasic = aphasic

aphelion = aphelion

aphid = aphide

aphorism = aphorismo, maximo

aphoristic = aphoristic

aphrodisiac = aphrodisiac

apiary = apiario

apiarist = apiarista

apiece = pro cata uno

aplomb = completemente composte (componite)

apocalypse = *apocalypse, revelation;
(book of ) libro del *apocalypse, libro del revelation

apologetic = excusatori

apologize = facer su excusas, excusar se

a posteriori = aposteriori

apostle = apostolo

apostrophe = apostropho

appall = consternar, horrificar

appalling = horrific, terribile

apparatus = apparato

apparent = apparente

appeal = appello;

appealing = attractive

appear = apparer, parer

appearance = (coming into sight) apparition;
(aspect) apparentia;
(biblical) apparentia, *parousia;
(make an ) facer un apparentia, apparer

appease = appaciar, placar

appendicitis = appendicite

appendix = appendice

appetite = appetito

appetizing = appetitive

applaud = applauder, plauder

applause = applauso

apple = pomo

apple orchard = verdiero de pomos

apple tree = pomiero

appliance = apparato

applicable = applicabile

applicant = candidato, sollicitator

application = (act of applying) application;
(for a position) sollicitation.

apply = applicar;
esser applicabile, referer se;
(for a position) sollicitar (un posto)

appoint = (prescribe) fixar, prescriber;
(to a position) appunctar, nominar

appointment = (meeting) appunctamento;
(to a position) nomination

appraise = appreciar, valutar

appreciable = appreciabile

appreciate = (value) appreciar, valutar;
(understand) apprehender, notar;
(rise in value) crescer in valor

appreciation = appreciation

appreciative = grate, laudative

apprehend = (grab, arrest) apprehender

apprehension = apprehension

apprehensive = apprehensive

apprentice = apprentisse;
mitter in apprentissage

apprenticeship = apprentissage

approach = (nearing) approche;
(access) accesso;
(to a problem) accostamento;
approchar (se), approximar (se)

approachable = approchabile, abbordabile

appropriate = appropriate, applicabile;
appropriar se (un cosa)

approval = approbation, sanction;
( on) pro acceptation o retorno

approve = approbar, sanctionar

approximate = approximative;
approximar (se)

approximately = circa, approximativemente

approximation = approximation

apricot = albricoc, armeniaca

april = april

a=priori = apriori

apron = avantal

apt = apte

aptitude = aptitude, disposition

aquarium = aquario

aquarius = aquario

aquatic = aquatic

aquavit = *aquavite

aquavitae = *aquavite, *aqua ardente

aqueduct = aqueducto

aquifer = *aquifero

arab = arabe, arabic;

arabesque = *arabesc, *arabesco

Arabia = Arabia

arabic = arabe, arabic;

arable = arabile

arachnid = *arachnide

aramaic = *aramean, *aramaic

arapahoe = (amerindian) *arapaho

arbiter = arbitro

arbitrary = arbitrari

arbitrate = arbitrar

arbitration = arbitro

arbitrator = arbitrator

arbor = *herbiero

arboreal = arboreal

arboretum = aboreto

arbor vitae = *arborvite

arc = arco

arc light = lampa de arco

arc torch = torcha de arco

arcade = arcada, passage

arch = arco;

archaeological = archeologic

archaelogically = *archeologicamente

archaeologist = archeologo

archaeology = archeologia

archaic = archaic

archbishop = archiepiscopo

archer = archero, sagittario

archery = archeria

archipelago = archipelago

architect = architecto

architectural = *architectural

architecturally = *architecturalmente

architecture = architectura

archive = archivo

archway = arcada

arctic = arctic;
arctico, oceano arctic

ardent = ardente

ardor = ( our) ardor, zelo

arduous = ardue

arduousness = arduitate

are = (be) esse

area = surface) area;
(region) region

arena = arena

aren't = (milit.) no es, non esse

Argentina = Argentina

argentine = argentin

argentinian = argentino

arguable = arguibile

argue = arguer, argumentar

argument = (dispute) disputa, altercation;
(reason) argumento

argumentative = argumentative

arid = aride

aries = ariete

aright = correctemente, justemente

arise = (originate) nascer, provenir;
(rise) altiar se, surger

aristocracy = aristocratia

aristocrat = aristocrate

aristocratic = aristocratic

arithmetic = arithmetica

arm = brac(h)io;
(weapon) arma;
armar (se)

arm in arm = con brac(h)ios juncte

armageddon = harmagedon

armament = armamento

armchair = chaise de brac(h)ios, confortabile

armful = brac(h)iata

armhole = apertura del manica

armor = ( our) armatura, cuirasse

armor plated = ( mour ) cuirassate

armory = ( oury) arsenal

arms = (weapons) armas;
(in , armed) armate

army = armea

aroma = aroma, aromate

aromatic = aromatic

around = circa;
(get ) ambular;
(stand ) circumstar

arrange = (order) arrangiar, disponer;

arrangement = (order) arrangiamento, disposition;
(make s) facer le preparativos

array = ordine;
arrangiamento, *serie, *matrice;
(in algorithms) arrangiar;
(an army) ordinar, arrangiar;
(deck out) adornar, vestir

arrears = arretrate;
(be in ) arretrar se

arrest = arresto, arrestation;

arrival = arrivata, advenimento

arrive = arrivar

arrogance = arrogantia

arrogant = arrogante

arrow = flecha, sagitta

arsenic = arsenico

arson = incendiarismo

art = arte

art gallery = *pinacotheca

art school = schola de arte

arterial = arterial

artery = arteria

artful = artificiose

arthritic = arthritic

arthritis = arthritis

artichoke = artichoc

article = articulo

articulate = articulate;

articulation = articulation

artificial = artificial

artificial limb = prosthese

artificially = *artificialmente

artillery = artilleria

artist = artista

artiste = artista

artistic = artistic

Aruba = *Aruba

as = como;
(since) pois que, proque;
(same ) mesmo que;
(substitute, white snow) tanto blanc como le nive

as far as = usque (a)

as for = quanto a

as from = a partir de

as if = como si, quasi que

as long as = proviste que, a condition que

as it were = pro si dicer

as many = tante

as much = tanto

as soon = si tosto que

as well = que

as white as snow = si (tanto) blanc como le nive

asbestos = asbesto

ascend = ascender

ascension = ascension

ascent = ascension, montata

ascertain = assecurar se, constatar

ascribe = ascriber

ash = (cinders) cinere;
(tree) fraxino

ash tray = cineriera, cineriero

ash wednesday = mercuridi del cineres

ashamed = confuse;
(be ) haber vergonia

ashore = super le terra;
(go ) disbarcar

Asia = Asia

Asia Minor = *Asia Minor

asian = asiatic;

aside = parte, al latere

ask = (enquire) demandar, inquirer;
(invite) invitar

ask a question = facer un demanda

askew = oblique;
de transverso

asleep = addormite;
(fall ) addormir se

asparagus = asparago

aspect = aspecto

asphalt = asphalto

aspiration = aspiration

aspire = aspirar (a)

aspirin = aspirina

aspiring = ambitiose

ass = (donkey) asino;
(buttocks) culo

assassin = assassino, assassinator

assassinate = assassinar

assassination = assassination

assault = assalto, attacco;

assemble = (gather) assemblar;
(a machine) adjustar,montar;
assemblar se

assembler = *assemblator

assembly = assemblea

assembly hall = sala de reuniones, sala de assemblea

assembly line = catena de montage

assent = assentimento, sanction;
acceder (a), assentir (a)

assert = affirmar, asserer

assert oneself = imponer su autoritate

assertion = assertion

assertive = assertive

assess = (evaluate) evalutar;
(fix a quota for) quotisar;
(tax) taxar

assessment = (evaluation) evalutation;
(contribution) quotisation;
(tax) taxation

asset = (property) possession;
(advantage) avantage, bon qualitate

assets = (business) activo

assign = assignar

assignment = assignation

assimilate = assimilar (se)

assist = adjutar, assister

assistance = adjuta, assistentia

assistant = (helper) assistente;
(in a shop) commisso

assizes = *assises, sessiones de un tribunal

associate = associate;
associato, socio;
associar (se)

association = association

assorted = assortite, varie

assortment = assortimento

assume = suppose) supponer;
(take on) assumer

assurance = (certainty) assecurantia;
(self confidence) disinvoltura

assure = assecurar

Assyria = *Assyria

assyrian = *assyrie;

asterisk = asterisco

asthma = asthma

asthmatic = asthmatic;

astonish = stupefacer, surprender

astonishment = stupefaction

astound = stupefacer

astray = foras del strata;
(go ) disviar se;
(lead ) discamminar

astride = (with legs apart) con le gambas a parte;
(on horseback) a cavallo;

astrologer = astrologo

astrological = astrologic

astrology = astrologia

astronaut = *astronauta

astronomical = astronomic

astronomer = astronomo

astronomy = astronomia

astute = astute, sagace

asunder = in duo

asylum = asylo;
(lunatic ) asylo pro alienatos

at = a
(milit.) ( the) al

at another time = alias

at mr. smith's = a presso de senior smith

at home = a casa

at present = actualmente

at this moment = in iste momento

atheism = atheismo

atheist = atheista

Athens = Athenas

athlete = athleta

athletic = athletic

athletics = athletica

atlantic = atlantic;
atlantico, oceano atlantic

Atlas = Atlas

atmosphere = atmosphera

atmospheric = atmospheric

atmospherics = disturbationes atmospheric

atom = atomo

atom bomb = bomba atomic

atomic = atomic

atone = expiar

atone for = expiar

atonement = expiation

atrocious = atroce

atrocity = atrocitate

attach = attaccar, *attachar

attachable = attaccabile, *attachabile

attachment = (affection, fastening) attaccamento;
(adherence) adherentia;
(accessory) accessorio

attache = attache

attache case = valise pro documentos

attack = attacco;

attacker = aggressor

attain = attinger

attainment = attingimento

attempt = (try) essayo, tentativa;
(criminal) attentato;
essayar, tentar, provar

attend = (be present at) assister a;
(accompany) accompaniar;
(medical) attender;
(school) frequentar;
(pay attention) prestar attention

attend to = attender

attendance = (presence) assistentia;
(service) servicio

attendant = attendente, custode

attention = attention;
(pay ) prestar attention

attentive = attente, attentive

attic = mansarda

attitude = attitude

attorney = procurator

attorney general = procurator general

attract = attraher

attraction = attraction

attractive = attractive, sympathic

attractiveness = charme, attraction

attributable = *attribuibile

attribute = attributo;

au pair = *au pair, servitrice *au pair

auburn = castanie clar

auction = (business) auction;

auctioneer = auctionator

audacious = audace

audacity = audacia

audible = audibile

audience = (interview) audientia;
(listeners) auditorio

audiovisual = *audiovisual

audiovisually = *audiovisualmente

audit = verification de contos;

auditor = revisor, verificator de contos

audition = audition;
dar audition a

auditorium = auditorio

august = augusto

aunt = amita

aura = aura

auspices = auspicios

austere = auster

austerity = austeritate

Australia = Australia

australian = australian;

Austria = Austria

austrian = austriac;

authentic = authentic

authenticity = authenticitate

author = autor

authoritarian = autoritari

authoritative = (of document) autorisate;
(of manner) autoritari

authority = autoritate

authorization = autorisation

authorize = autorisar

autistic = *autistic

autism = autismo

autobiographical = autobiographic

autobiography = autobiographia

autograph = autographo;

automatic = automatic

automation = *automatisation

automobile = automobile

autonomous = autonome

autopsy = autopsia

autumn = autumno

auxiliary = auxiliar;

availability = disponibilitate

available = disponibile, utilisabile

avalanche = avalanche

avarice = avaritia

avenge = vengiar, vindicar

avenger = vengiator

avenue = allee, avenue, *avenite

average = medie;
calcular le media de, render le media de;
(on ) in media

aversion = aversion

avert = averter

aviary = aviario

aviation = aviation

aviator = aviator

avid = avide

avoid = evitar

avoidable = evitabile

avoidance = evitation

await = attender

awake = vigile;
eveliar (se)

awaken = eveliar (se)

awakening = evelia

award = (prize) premio, precio;
(reward) recompensa;
adjudicar, premiar

aware = conscie

awareness = conscientia

away = foras, via;
(two kilometers ) a duo kilometros

awe = pavor reverential

awe inspiring = imponente, tremende

awe struck = horrificate

awful = terribile

awfully = terribilemente; multo

awkward = (clumsy) inhabile;
(difficult to deal with) difficile, embarassose

awol = *absente sin permisso,
*absente sin excusa

ax = ( e) hacha

axis = axe

axle = axe

azalea = azalea

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