According with the stadistics division of the United Nations, touring includes the activities done by the persons during their trips and stay in places different than their usual environment, for a continued period of time less than a year but longer than 24 hours, for entertainment intentions, business and other reasons.

Touring is an activity in which man is the main actor, therefore, as this is performed in the personal field, each one have an own interpretation, which depends on the experience, wishes, likes, motives, culture, language, etc., then a definition from a general point of view is difficult if not contradictory

To define touring is easy if it refers in every case to the opinioin of each person, to what is perceived or interpreted by each one, but, when bulking the definition to satisfy the general opinion then it becomes difficult.

When asked a young man to define touring, he said “It is a way to have a nice time”.  A taxi driver said “Touring is that many foreigners to come and use my car and spend lots o money”.  Dr. Ignacio Arrillaga, touring expert from Spain said “ is all the voluntary and temporal displacement caused by reasons different than profit, implies all the goods, services and organization than in every country determine those displacements feasible and the relationships and facts that take place between them and the travellers.  Dr. Arrillaga asigns a dynamic character to touring when he says “displacement” and agrees with the swiss opinion about the one traveling for profit is not a tourist, denying the posibility of the “tourist for business”

The spanish professor  Manuel Ortuño, in his book Study of Touring, published in 1966, defines touring in the most simple but accurate way saying “Touring is the like for traveling to enjoy crossing a country”, this is almost complementary to the definition given by the young man and the taxi driver

Pope Johannes Paulus II on October 9th 1984, when meeting the participants at the World Congress about Pastoral of Touring, said  “Touring is a complex reality submitted to several forces and economic influences or of other kind, difficult to gather in total”

Touring can be defined in a simple and common way saying that is the natural tendency of humans to change of site to get benefits of the good things of other places different than the one where he use to live and to relax in a pleasant environment for entertainment and recreation.

But, Why the human wants to change his environment? Because boring? Or necessity or convenience?

The chiefman of a market research said it very simple: the main reason for traveling can be sinthetized in a single word “escape”, escape from the boring daily routine,  escape from the familiar things, from the common things, from the ordinary things, escape from the job, from the boss, from the clients, from going back and forward in train, from the house, from the garden, from the leaking tabs. Etc.

Also it can be said that touring is a socio-economic phenomenon  that have great influence on the cultural and economic development of the populations, or that is the movement of humans to exchange knowledgement, culture, adventures, beliefs, languages, etc.

Dr. Miguel Flores, from Venezuela Carabobo University, said “touring definition has been matter of several different opinions moreover if it is considered  the angle or position assumed for that definition, but the discussion is still on depending if it supported on the tourist itself or on the touring activity

That is why touring is so difficult to define and its true interpretation is given by each one according with its own experience.   Something about what everyone agrees is that touring is a dynamic activity, touring implies movement, transport.  Touring can not be avoided and can not be evaded.  If touring appears in a region with touring properties and this evades it, then it becomes detrimental and against that particular region.

The recognized writer Dr. Arturo Uslar, in his book about traveling, defines touring: “It is on this pages the reiterated testimony of an endless curiosity for earth and the people.  Nothing has ever attracted me more, not even the books, than getting into a new road and arriving an unknown city.  The continuous confrontation between what we take and what we find produces a prodigious variety of contrasts and adjustments.  All that seemed to us so familiar suddenly becomes attractive and new.  The street, the speaking, the garments, the food, the complex sensation of proximity and distance, of been near a man from another world.

The word touring derived from the latin word “tornus”  that means turn, around or movement was adopted by english, french and spanish in that way, aplying it to touring.  That is why today when a touring trip is offered, say, a movement of persons that transfers or travel for pleasure, they are invited to participate in a “tour” to a defined destination

The term “tourist” applied to the ones that travel, caused in the past, in some persons, specially in USA, a sort of sorrow, perhaps derived from airport seats classified as “tourist” and “first” class.  It seems that the first class passenger regarded the tourist as an intruder with whom he didn’t want to be confused with.  This has influenced to the point that in Hawaii the tourist office was called “Visitors office” and in the hotels in any place, travellers are called “guests” and not “tourists”.  Of course that this sorrow is less, but when we see the “guest” or “visitor” confused among the population of the tourist destination, then he has converted despite his unconscious claim into a “tourist”  and the hotels want to be full of tourists, guests or visitors indifferently.


It is difficult to define cycle touring

It is a multidisciplinary sport, so complex, so personal, so original, that is not possible to put a fixed label.

To live or not to live, one gets the feeling or not!!

The term cycle touring encloses all forms of recreational not competitive cycling and all scopes of using the bicycle in continuous search

Cycle touring is the sport that is done without any haste (to be the first in arriving is not the point) without any prize (the satisfaction is found in every pedal turn)

Cycle touring is a sport intended not to imitate high competition cycling and in which many times self-sufficiency is searched.

Cycle touring is one of the major pleasures given by the bicycle

In Cycle touring it is not important how many kilometers are done, doesn’t matter the time, but how and which way is used.

The real Cycle touring starts very long before the ride, getting ready itineraries, studying the maps, talking, collecting information, studying the places and ways to eat and sleep, preparing the equipment and the bicycle and getting physical fit.

Cycle touring more than a sport is a life style, is a concept and philosophy of life

Cycle touring is an inseparable combination of human and machine

Cycle touring means freedom and independence

Cycle touring help us to rediscover lost feelings from our inner world, to find the most intense pleasures and to contact and to interpret our environment and real life.

Cycle touring is an endless source of varied sensations for all ages.

Cycle touring is not against the concept of family, since this wonderful machine reveals itself as a unity family tool.  Today is not rare the image of couples with their children sharing the experience of a cycle touring bike ride.


Sometimes we ride in the altitude above 3,500 up to 5,000 m.a.s.l., under this conditions we must know what to do against the effects of he high.

Basically it is recommneded to the people from lowlands not in use with altitude to rest and relax.

Sometimes, if necessary, we can use a pharmaceutical product with the  active ingredient called “acetazolamida”, also called Diamox

Diamox is used to reduce the strenght and length of the altitude sickness symptoms: stomach disease, headache, difficult breathing, dizzy, fatigue, lack of energy.

It is an emergency use medicine that sometimes is useful to accelerate the aclimatization, it is often used by mountain search and rescue teams.

Diamox reduces blood pH changes.  In the altitude blood alcalinizes due to CO2 (carbon dioxid) excess, this excess is due to the fast breathing (hyperventilation) me make trying to get more oxygen from the rarified air of the altitude.

Diamox  makes kidneys to eliminate bicarbonate (the base form of CO2), this re-acidifies the blood, balancing the efects of the hyperventilation.  In consequence urinary frequency will be noticeably increased, therefore to drink lots of water is recommended when using this product.

The blood re-acidification acts as respiratory stimulant that allows easy smooth breathing during the night avoiding the apnea and so increasing performance during the day

Diamox is a sulphate based medication, persons allergic to this compound should not take it

When taking Diamox some side effects are: numbing, humming ears, creeping or vibration in hands, feet and lips.  Taste alterations, metal flavoring.  Rare side effects are: headache and nausea.  Few mountain climbers have reported blurred vision.  All these effects disapear when stop taking Diamox

Diamox is not a magic inmediate remedy against “soroche”.  Treatment process takes 24 – 48 hours or 12 – 24 hours, depending on the person and altitude.

The Diamox treatment must start 24 hours before getting up to the altitude.  The dosis is one 250mg every 12 hours.  Once at the altitude continue taking until relief is reached or the side effects become intolerable.  It would never be longer than 3 days

The truth is that the best solution against “soroche” is just taking time to aclimatize resting before any activity in the high, recommended is to drink plenty of water, “mate de coca” also helps, but not alcohol, soft analgesics (paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofeno) only if headache is too intense.

The soroche natural evolution process leads to feel better and often it is enough just resting in the high at which you feel bad.

Symptoms get better usually in 1 or 2 days, but could extend to 3 or 4 dyas.  To descend is an option too and recovering faster.

" I don’t ask for gold
Not for hope
Not for love
Not even a for friend to understand me
All that I ask for is the sky above me and the road under my feet
The brightest that sky
And the more different the road 
than the one of our common life
The biggest the feeling of freedom along

Robert Louis Stevenson.
Next trip
Curriculum rutae
Planned trips:
Cycle touring
Recommendations for
Consejos y Datos útiles, etc.
(2 days)
Nor Yauyos
(10 days)
(2 days)
Mala valley, Calango, Azpitia
(2 days)
Pachacamac, Cieneguilla
(1 day)
Cieneguilla, Sisicaya, Antioquia
(2 days)
Chankillo, Casma, Sechin

Del valle de Santa Eulalia al de Chillon

Quilmaná, Pocotó

Puerto Inca, Sacaco, Silaka, Jihuay

Huancayo, Huancavekca, Paracas

San Juan de Iris

Canta, Lachaqui, Arahuay

Cumbe, Canchacalla, Santa Cruz de Ucros


Ruta entre ríos: del Rímac al Lurín

Qapaq Ñan
Valle de Asia
Weather forecasts

Huancor, Valle de Chincha
Contact Info: 

Aníbal Paredes M. 

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone: ++ (51) (1)  433 7981
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