What is Ballet?
So you want to know about ballet etc. Well you came to the right place...  Ballet The human art in which people express feeling and emotion through  their body,takes physical & emotional strength to perform the art.I'll be honest with you... ballet is EXPENSIVE! Well I guess there can be exceptions but for the most part...

Below is the average (Singaporean) fee for ballet.
Lesson FeesUsually it depends on the No. of hours you take a week, the graded classes (from Grade One -Grade Five) is 1 hour , Non Syllabus Classes, Grade Six -Advanced Classes are usually one and a half hours to two hours long &  that will cost  about $80 (for Grade 1-5) $150 and above (for  Non Syllabus , Grade Six -Advanced
Classes and you usually pay in terms ( Every Three Months)
LeotardsThese can be pricy...childrens are almost always cheaper than adults an average adult leotard runs between $25 and above depending on the colour & design. It is always better to buy them at your dance studio as they are sold much cheaper .
TightsDance Tights are sold much expensive and  mine normally  cost about $18, childrens will be about half the price of an adult size tights . Hint: always buy pink,most dance schools don't except any other colour for ballet.
Slippers (full sole) Full sole is usually cheaper than split sole, but the average  cost for full sole slippers are 35.00-45.00 children like I said are about 1/2 that price.
Leg-warmers You don't really need them. Aren't a big issue, these cost no more than15.00.
Dance skirts Not recommended at for students doing the lower grades (Grades1-5), it's an complusory item on your attire if you are doing on of the major exams(Grade 6 onwards exams) in singapore. they Should cost around $30.
Dance bag(Only For Ballet Shoes and Pointe Shoes especiallly) You shouldalways  carry your dance supplies in there own durable bag.  These really vary,ex: ACapezio,Bloch or other company logo bag will be pricy(40.00-70.00) but a "no-name"bagwill cost about 20.00
Basic Ballet Terminology(helpful for beginners)
Plie  A slow bending of the knees,practice at the barre first in all positions.
Plie(demi) 1/2 bend of the knees.
Releve Rising onto demi-pointe(balls of the feet)
Glisse Sliding foot along the floor.
Pirouette A spin on one leg with the other leg cupped under the knee.
Battement Either a raised leg(grande)
Pointe shoes Dancers shoes "gained" after many years of training

Now those aren't even a tenth of the terms used in ballet but it's a pretty good start. There  are also alot of arm and leg positions that you will be shown...

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