To be a good dancer, nutrition is an important key. Dancing is a serious studyand it takes lots of energy and persistence. If you want to achieve ahealthy"dancers body" you MUST eat right here are some tips...
Obviously, if you want that arabesque to look stunning you gotta drink milk!not only is it an important source of calcium but it's also a great source of energy! By drinking milk you're strengthing your bones and muscles so you can work harder to be a better dancer! If you want to dance your best you must also eat a well balanced nutritious diet.This means eating foods everyday from the four food groups and staying away from fatty extras ie: chips, chocoLates etc. Also never,ever go on a diet without consulting a doctor,parent,teahcer or a dietician. Some dance students go on crash diets,by doing this you're weakning your body and you could really hurt yourself. Diet with ease and you'll see improvement...
Here are some menu ideas...
Veggies are a great idea for snacking after or during a dance practice...-So even if you don't like veggies that doesn't mean you have to avoid them like the plaque, try eating them in a variety of ways like steamed,fried and of coures raw.Try using dips on raw ones or if you have  a blender make a blended drink.
-Fruit can be turned into frostys with a blender or you can make a fruit salad or even make your own variety of fruit juice.

Welcome to the challenging world of dieting. Many dancers
resort to dieting when they believe that dancing is all about apperance as opposed to talent. Dieting has left many dancers feeling not only alone but very afraid. There is only one proper way to diet and that is to eat right and still stay in shape. When I say eating right I simply mean eating enough to get you through the day and then some. You must eat out of all the 4 food groups to expect to be a healthy strong dancer.

Eating Disorders
 The scary truth, dieting can lead to eating disorders.  Some dancers go onsuch horrible diets that they eventually end up starving themselves(Anorexia Nervosa)or binging and purging (Bulimia). These disorders are very serious and should be reported as soon as a suspected sufferer has one.

 Anorexia Nervosa
It's a disease that effects a staggering 10% of young people, however 95% ofsuffers are female. This disease is caused when a person has a strong desire to lose weight. The dieter will slowly begin limiting their food intake to barely  anything at all. They will slowly begin to starve themselves.

 Signs and Symptons:
 -Sudden interest in weight loss,food,calories etc.
-Loss of appetite
-Making up excuses to not eat ie: "I already ate" or "I'm not hungry"
-"Hiding" under baggy clothing
-Withdrawing from friends and other social events they used to enjoy
-Loss of more than 10% of their body weight
-Low tolerance to cold
-Always tired,weak and faint
-Marks drop in school
-Pale faced and gaunt hallow eyes
-Soft downy hair growing all over their body
-Loss of menstruation
-Loss of hair ie: head, pubic etc.
 Note: As you can see this disease is a very serious one and should be taken  seriously, if left un-treated it can lead to Hear Failure and even death.

This is when the sufferer will use the binge and purge cycle to their "advantage" this simply put means that the person will eat and eat and than throw it all up. They assume that this will help them lose weight in a healthy way. However, this is a very dangerous way to lose weight.

 Signs and Symptoms
 -Sudden interest in weight loss, food, calories etc.
 -Increase in appetite
-Eating alone
 -Always having to use the bathroom after every meal
 -Weird smelll in their bathroom/room etc.
 -"Moon" shaped face
 -Gaunt eyes
 -Losing friends and other things that were important to them
 -Pale thin body

Note: This is just as serious as Anorexia, however it can go undetected for much longer because the weight loss is much more graduall.

Fatty Food Vs. Healthy Food
Hamburger w.cheese & deep fried french fries w.Pepsi 
Chicken burger with a garden 
salad and milk.
Chilli dog and onion rings Pita wrap and coleslaw 
Pepperoni pizza and 
chocolate milkshake
Vegetarian pizza and  milk
Chocolate bar(Mars,Kit Kat etc.)  Rice cakes or low chocolate pudding
Chips and dip  low  Veggies(raw)and a fat salad dressing
Pop(Pepsi,Coke)  Go for a diet Pepsi etc.
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