Achilles Tendinitis
 Tightness or burning sensation in the 
area from lower calf to heel.

Ankle Sprain
-Acute pain and swelling of the ankle.

Cubold Bone Displacement
Pain on the outside of the ankle, resulting in
the inability to push off toes.

Groin Strain
Pain of tightness on the inside of thighs.

Pain in the thigh or buttocks; tingling or 
numbness on the outside of feet and toes

Side Stitch
Muscle cramps in the upper abdomen.

Shin Splints
- Pain along the inner side of the shin bone.

Massage with ice twice a day, warm up
thoroughly and strengthen your calves
with heel raises.

Apply ice immediately, elevate the leg. 
Ice the ankle as often as possible the first few days, if your ankle can not bear weight see a physician.

Consult an orthopedist or podiatrist.

Apply ice and elevate the injured area. 
Perform stretches for the adductor muscles.

Perform hamstring and lower back stretches. If pain persists see a physician.

Stop and take deep breaths. Perform side stretches.If you are in a performance, take 
deep abdominal breaths.

Ice massage is helpful. avoid jumping for a few days. Persistent pain may be due to a stress fracture; consult a physician.

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