Amber Habib's Publications

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  1. Direct limits of Zuckerman derived functor modules - Journal of Lie Theory, Volume 11, No. 2, (2001).
    Abstract. We construct representations of certain direct limit Lie groups $G=\lim G^n$ via direct limits of Zuckerman derived functor modules of the groups $G^n$. We show such direct limits exist when the degree of cohomology can be held constant, and discuss some examples for the groups $Sp(p,\infty)$ and $SO(2p,\infty)$, relating to the discrete series and ladder representations. We show that our examples belong to the ``admissible'' class of Olshanskii, and also discuss the globalizations of the Harish-Chandra modules obtained by the derived functor construction. The representations constructed here are the first ones in cohomology of non-zero degree for direct limits of non-compact Lie groups.
  2. Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups. To be published in MRI Lecture Note Series. Here are postscript files of the more finished sections of this book (as of Nov 7, 2000):

    Title Page 15 kb
    Table of Contents 48 kb
    Locally Compact Groups 325 kb
    Real Reductive Groups 348 kb
    SL(2,R) 305 kb
    SL(2,C) 229 kb
    Parabolic Induction
    Holomorphic Discrete Series
    Overview 193 kb
    Hecke Algebra of a Lie Group
    Cohomological Induction
    Appendix 208 kb
    Bibliography 104 kb
    Index 39 kb

Amber Habib

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