Creatures is a series of games of artificial life, where you can hatch, grow, and raise your own creatures. In this game, the creatures learn and act as if they're alive. Creatures can be played however you want to. Some people like dabbling in the more complex areas, like the genetics and biochemistry. Others enjoy seeing what colors appear after generations of breeding. And some simply enjoy the world, it's complex ecosystems, and the raising of creatures.

Creature Labs is the main site for Creatures, and has articles on the mythology, history, and technology in creating the game. It is also where you can get the
Docking Station for free.
The world of creatures is inhabited by four species: Norns, Ettins, Grendels and the Shee. In the game, you can play with any one of these species. With the addition of the Docking Station, a free download for Creatures 3, players can now swap their creatures across the world! The possibilities of Creatures are endless!
The tutorials below will take you through everything you need to know about the Creatures game. They will teach you everything from the different species, to basic Creature care. But first, below are the instructions to download the Docking Station - the free Creatures addon for online play. You can play the Docking Station without Creatures 3 - and if you enjoy it, pick up a copy of the Creatures 3 Exodus. It's worth the expense!
To begin your adventures in the land of Creatures, download the Docking Station for free. You can play offline or online, but if you want to join the online community, you need to head over to the Docking Station Central, and apply for a username and password.

When you're done downloading the
Docking Station, scroll down to my tutorials posted below to get a taste of what it's like to raise your first Norn! You do not need to be registered or online to complete my tutorials.
My Tutorials:
Tutorial: Adopting Norns
Tutorial: The Four Species of Creatures
Tutorial: Outside the Norn Meso
Tutorial: Downloading Agents
Tutorial: The Docking Station Tutorial: Downloading Norn Breeds
Tutorials: Ryo's Extra Tutorials
Tutorial: Hatching Your First Norn
Tutorial: Interacting with Your Norn
Tutorial: Norn Diet and Energy
Tutorial: Grendels and Starvation
Tutorial: Diseases and Poison
Tutorial: The Norn Lifecycle
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