In the past, Norns were hard to breed. But in C3 and the Docking Station, all you literally have to do is stick the Norns together in a room, provide a few toys, and out pop the eggs. However it is all actually very complex, and if you want to burn your eyes out, here is the entirety of Norn Breeding.  However, I will go over a few basics with you, and some handy tips. Finally, if you're still having trouble, check out my Links Page where I have a section dedicated to Agents that help with breeding.
Most Norns cannot give birth until they are at least at the age of Youth. You can check their age by going into the Norn panel where you have changed their name. Every Norn reaches the different live stages at different times, so it's normal to see Norns maturing differently. When Norns grow, they get bigger, and sometimes their markings become more pronounced. Here, Cheryl my Chichi Norn, proudly displays bright yellow spots during adulthoood.
To the left is the Hoverdoc's monitering of Cheryl's fertility cycle in adulthood. As you can see, each color line represents a different chemical. When Cheryl is ready to mate, she will say "Cheryl very friendly"
Norns mate with the sound of the "kiss-pop", and if the mating is successful, you'll soon be rewarded with a "new egg" event symbol at the top left corner of your screen. Activate the Hoverdoc to see a picture of your new egg. Your Hoverdoc screen should look something like this:
Once your Norn is pregnant, and she's with a group of Norns, you may want to isolate her, to give her lots of rest, and make sure she is well fed.
One last final note: Pregnant Norns are instinctively drawn to "Norn Home", so immediantly after conception, you may see them attempting to get back to the incubator area. As your Norn travels, you will see her tummy get rounder and rounder, until she sits in a kneeling position, and the egg is laid.
You now know everything there is to basic Norn care and their life cycle, all except the act of dying, which is sad to say, part of the cycle of life. When a Norn dies, and there are many reasons why, you will get a "death symbol" up in your event area. Clicking on it will direct you to the deceased Norn, where if you watch them long enough, will dissolve in a cloud of stardust.

In Creatures 3, you are gifted with a Cemetary, where you can pick out a picture of your Norn to place at their headstone, and write a small message in their memory. Of course, like all things, life goes on, and Cheryl's genes will be continued down throughout generations.
And that is (almost) everything on the basic care for Norns. Of course, there is much more to the keeping and raising of Norns. However, from here on out it gets more and more complex as you go. Here is a list of other tutorials you may want to explore:
Tutorial: Adopting Norns
Tutorial: Adding Norn Breeds
Tutorial: Adding Agents
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