There are two different ways to get extra Norns into your game besides adopting them from other people. You can download gene files and inject them with a Genetics Kit, or you can download Norn Breeds and inject them with the Egg Layer. Each of these choices are vastly different, but both are considered adding "breeds" since it's really the genes that make the breed.
Since both are used, I have outlined some of their traits below.

Gene Files:
Gene Files are a little more complicated than just adopting a Norn. There are many different things you can do with Gene Files, and one of them is continuing to produce a Norn that is exactly alike the original every time.  You need a Genetics Kit to be able to use Norn genetics properly.
Norn Breeds:
Breeds are special, because they contain unique genes for that breed (ex. Toxic Norns can only eat toxins, where as the Chichi Norns are poisoned by toxins). They also contain unique sprites (looks) and they can be injected over and over again with the egg layer (where you hatched your first Chichi Norn).

I prefer Norn breeds over  gene sets because I do not have to worry about a Norn I really liked dying, without laying any eggs. Gene sets are nice, but I have to open another program to inject them, and that takes time. Norn breeds injected straight from the egg layer insure an endless supply, and take no more time than a click of a button.
To download an extra Norn breed, you first need a crash course in what we call "Breed Slots." Breed Slots are very important. If you try to download two breeds that take the same slots, you'll have a conflict, so it's important to keep track of what breed goes where. This link Here will help you.

Suffice to say, there are 4 categories: Norn, Ettin, Geat, and Grendel, and within each category are 26 slots, one for each letter of the alphabet. Just because a breed is in a particular catagory does not make it one of those species.

Aside from that, downloading Norn breeds is just like any other agent: they belong in the Agent Folder.
Below are some places that host popular breeds. Try downloading them for practice. One last small note: I too, have a section dedicated to Norn "breeds". These are actually Norns recolored from their original forms, so they do not take a breed slot. You can download with without worrying about taking over already occupied slots. You may want to download my Lavender Bengals, instead of the Lilac Bengals from Adventures in Nornsitting. Lilac Bengals will write over the popular Siamese Norns, while my Lavender Bengals do not. And they're both purple.
Amanora's Creatures:
Flora Norns
Butterfly Norns
Dream Norns
Rainbow Norns
Mummy's Creatures:
A list to all available Norn breeds.
Creatures Wiki:
Another list site of Norn breeds with links
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