There are three other rooms in the Docking Station aside from the Norn Meso. This tutorial gives a brief summary of each, because while they're important, they're not widely used unless you plan on playing online. My other tutorials about Norn raising take place in the Norn Meso. Later on, you'll learn how to add more rooms to the Norn Meso, making the area for your Norns bigger. Until then, you'll only have the Norn Meso and these other three rooms.
The Capillata Hub is the first room you'll come to after exiting the door from the Norn Meso. The Hub is really nothing more than a hallway, connecting the other 2 rooms to the Norn Meso. Later on, when you get Creatures 3 attached, you can also access the C3 ship through here.

You'll notice that on each door are three symboles in the shape of an Ettin, Grendel, and Norn. If you click them to red, you effectively lock out that species. This is a good way to stop Grendels from invading the Norn Meso after you connect to C3. You will notice there is no symbol to lock out Geats, or Shee. While the Shee are rarely played as a breed in Creatures 3, you may meet up with some Geats through the portals, or your own download. Clicking the Norn icon will not stop them from exploring the rest of the ship.
The door in the middle of the Capillata Hub leads to the Comms Room. Here you can do everything from check who is online, inject your downloaded Agents, chat to people, send messages, and select a few option changes.

This place is mostly used for checking who is online, sending them a message and initating a chat. If you play offline, here is where you will want to inject your wonderful Agents you downloaded. Only objects can be injected here; if you downloaded a Norn breed Agent, they will appear in the egglayer in the Norn Meso.
The last room is the Workshop Room. This is the place where players make portals to connect to other worlds. It's also where the containment chamber is, and you can place sick Norns here for isolation until they are healed. This is the most complicated chamber out of all four rooms, so below is a crash course in Portal Creation.
Portals are what connect your world to other people's. If you want to send Norns out, and recieve Norns from other players, you have to create portals to do so.

Portals are fairly easy to do. In the
Workshop Room, in the upper left, is your Portal Dispenser. Click "Create" to start a new portal.

Now, name your portal. I like to name mine either "Out" or "In" depending what I want. "Out/In" is good too. After you've named it, click the "Configure" Button.

The "Configure" button will take you to a list of all your contacts. If you have NOT been online before, you will not have any. Instead, select "Any Online User" to send your Norns too, and recieve your Norns from. Later on, when you have made some friends and contacts, you can be more specific.

Go ahead and click the green check mark to the left. This will take you back to your portal where you can click "Release". Your portal will drop to the floor, ready to activate. Place your portal in a safe spot, and click to activate. (
Remember, you must be online for it to work! To go online, you must be registered Here.)

Portals that are working properly have a blue swirly area. If you want your Norns to go through, telling them "Push Portal" will activate the portal, and send them to another world. There is another way to send Norns to and from your world, and that is through the containment chamber.

The Containment Chamber is that cage looking thing in the bottom right corner of the Workshop. It has many uses, from isolating sick Norns, to acting as the "immigration port" for incoming Norns. It can also be used like the HoverDoc, to check sick Norns and heal them.

You can set the contaiment chamber up just like any other Portal. It can recieve incoming Norns and safely secure them until you have a chance to check them for diseases, (or whether or not they're Grendels). If you don't like the incoming Norn, you have an option to refuse them access into your world. The Norn is then sent back through the portal to where it came.

You can also send
out various Norns through the contaiment chamber, to specific people, or to anyone in particular. If people like the Norns they recieve, they will probably keep them. Some of your Norns will be sent back, (this will happen) so be prepared. As a rule of thumb, most people prefer Norns that aren't generation 1. If you're going to send out some Norns, make them unique somehow, whether by color, or breed. As a beginner, you may want to open your portals for incoming Norns, just to see what other people have out there. I have had many unique creatures step through mine.
One last note for the world of online play: When you get some Norns through the portals, it's always interesting to see their past. Check their history, their pictures and their summaries. There's a lot of interesting stuff out there!
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