
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha Movie 2...

Castle Beyond the Looking Glass

Inuyasha is human tonight. Shippo and Myouga accompanied him in the hut while the rest of his companions fought Naraku outside.
Naraku’s body exploded, and revealed his true form: a giant spider. Shippo helped Kagome escaped from the blast, and the gang was ready to fight once more. The spider/Naraku had a barrier to protect him, and Inuyasha couldn’t just stay in his hut watching anymore. Naraku accidentally trashed the hut Inuyasha was hiding in, thankfully, the sun decided to finally appear. Now a hanyou once more, Inuyasha joined his friends in the final battle against Naraku.
First Inuyasha cut Naraku’s barrier with Tessaiga. Then Kirara, with Miroku and Sango on her back went to chop up all of the spider’s legs. Kagome pinpointed the Shikon shards on the spider’s back, and Inuyasha pierced Naraku. Naraku exploded into pieces but was still recovering, and he planed on swallowing Inuyasha. Inuyasha cut him up once more. And Naraku’s human form appeared. Finally, with a combination of Hiraikotsu, Miroku’s staff, Kaze no Kizu, and Kagome’s arrow, Naraku disappeared. Kagura got her heart back, Kohaku remembered Sango, and the Kazaana in Miroku’s hand disappeared. It was confirmed that Naraku was finally dead.
Meanwhile, Kanna was walking through the forest with Kagura. Kagura’s wish was to be free with the wind, and Kanna said that she’ll grant Kagura her wish. But Kagura argued that Naraku was dead, so she was already free.
Back to Kagome’s group. A wondering nobleman in the bushes saw Kagome and Sango taking a bath in a spring. He thought of them as tennyo (heavenly maiden). Miroku caught him peeking and was about to catch him, but Miroku was taken for the peeper instead. And when Inuyasha came to the “rescue? Kagome sat him to oblivion.
Kanna brought Kagura into a cavern where a mirror was stored, and they woke up a woman named Kaguya, princess of the heavens. Kaguya said that she will grant Kagura’s wish if they help her.
With the death of Naraku, Kagome was finally able to go back to her time. They studied the fairy tale of Kaguya Hime in class. Hojo asked her out again, but was interrupted when Souta sudden came screaming that Inuyasha came. Kagome ditched Hojo and her friends and dragged Souta away to talk. They were in front of a pet store and dogs were barking so loud that Kagome was pissed off enough to yell “osowari?to the dog. But instead, Inuyasha fell from a roof. People were approaching so Kagome dragged him into a photo booth. While they were watching, Souta slipped in some coins, and took their pictures. Kagome cut up their pictures and put them into a heart-shaped locket and made Inuyasha wear it.
Back in the Sengoku Jidai, Kanna and Kagura were searching for five items which were needed for Kaguya’s resurrection. They found two, and dropped the items into two of Mt. Fuji’s five lakes. But the other three were: Inuyasha’s fire rat fur, a holy cup of Buddha which was entrusted to Kikyo’s care, and the swallow’s cowry shell which was in Kohaku’s hands.
To get Inuyasha’s fire rat fur, Kagura baited him out and they were involved in a battle where Inuyasha lost. Kagura and Kanna didn’t beat him. But somehow, Kaguya, who was still trapped in a mirror, reflected Bakuryuuha, Inuyasha’s ultimate attack, right back at him. They got a piece of Inuyasha’s coat and the moon became a full moon. If Kagome didn’t "sit" Inuyasha in time, he would’ve died. Kaguya discovered Kagome, and the fact that the flow of time was different for her.
Everyone was taking a break after Naraku’s death. Miroku went to visit the monk that raised him, and Sango went back to her village to visit the graves. The old monk gave Miroku a package, something Miroku’s grandfather wanted him to have once he defeats Naraku. It was a letter that told about how Miroku’s grandfather fought Kaguya 50 years ago. Miroku decided to check out why every night was a full moon. He “convinced" his tanuki companion, Hachi, to help him.
Meanwhile, Sango and Kirara rescued Kohaku from a bunch of youkai; sister and brother were back together once again. Sango brought Kohaku back home. With the full moon in the sky, Kagura attacked and took the Swallow’s cowry shell from Kohaku. The final item was Kikyo’s holy cup of Buddha, and they got that one easily since Kikyo just handed it over. With all five items in hand, Kaguya was freed from the mirror that she was trapped inside.
Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo set out to find more Shikon shards, and they passed by a bunch of warriors who were picking on a traveler, the same traveler that was peeking on Kagome and Sango in the spring. He turned out to be Hojos ancestor (really funny part). In Hojo’s bag, there was a robe, a robe that belonged to a tennyo. They decided to travel together for the day since Hojo was really clumsy.
During a picnic, Kagome and Inuyasha discovered that Hojo the ancester was on his way to Mt. Fuji to throw in the feathered robe. It was to prevent disaster from occurring since a full moon was appearing every night. Before they knew it, all of the Inuyasha gang, though divided into three groups, were looking for a away to stop Kaguya.
Night approached, Kagome and Inuyasha sat by the fires and discussed the future. Hojo was watching with jealousy. Kagome asked if he still wanted to be a full youkai, and said that she liked him fine the way he was. Suddenly, Kaguya attacked, seeking out the feathered robe in Hojo’s hand. Kaguya bound Inuyasha to a tree and Kagome attempted to free him by shooting arrows at Kaguya. Kaguya used her mirror and reflected Kagome’s arrow back at Inuyasha. But Kagome blocked the way. Hojo threw the feathered robe and the robe was pierced into Kagome’s skin along with the arrow. Kagome fainted and Kaguya took her away. Kaguya told Inuyasha to go to her castle of illusions.
On his way to find Kaguya, Miroku met Sango, and their exchange was quite interesting. Kaguya’s castle resided on a lake, and Kaguya used a formation of a star to raise her castle.
Kagome wasn’t dead since the feathered robe saved her, but she was bound by Kaguya’s magic and was unable to move. She watched as her friends tried to help her, especially Inuyasha. (Kikyo helped a bit too, but only because Inuyasha’s life was in danger.)
A conversation between Kaguya and Kagura revealed the fact that Kaguya wasn’t a tennyo at all, she was a youkai who ate a tennyo so she can have eternal youth. Kanna and Kagura tried to defeat her, but now that Kaguya has the feathered robe, she was able to trap Kagura in time.
Miroku and Sango and the gang were injured during their fight with the castle’s guardians. They used the bandadges from Kagome’s time to cover up their wounds.
In Kaguya’s castle, she used the feathered robe again to stop time everywhere. Even the water stopped moving. But Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kohaku, and Inuyasha weren’t affected. The first five were protected because of the bandages from Kagome’s time, and Inuyasha was wearing the locket from Kagome’s time. Inuyasha fought long and hard against the guardians of Kaguya’s castle. When he finally went in, he discovered that it was no more than an illusion.
Without the illusion, it was clear that the castle was under the frozen lake. Inuyasha cut open the barrier and the gang all went in. They had a very heated battle inside the real castle. Kagome was still bound by Kaguya’s magic. Inuyasha had a hard time fighting Kaguya because of the magic from the feathered robe. Kaguya succeeded in defeating everyone and piercing a hole in Inuyasha’s stomach. Kaguya showed Inuyasha’s demon side in her mirror and trapped his human side. Inuyasha turned full youkai and lost his mind and attacked Miroku.
Kagome couldn’t watch anymore. Shippo helped her escape from the bind by throwing Shikon shards at her. Kagome rushed to Inuyasha’s side and tried to wake up his human side. Kagome ran out of ideas, so she kissed him. The darkness in Inuyasha’s heart was conquered by Kagome’s love. When he returned to a hanyou again, he noticed Kagome and kissed her back.
Miroku tried to kiss Sango, but that’s another story.
When Inuyasha returned to normal, Kaguya’s spell was broken as well. They went on fighting. But as if Kaguya wasn’t enough, Naraku decided to make his reappearance, by coming out of Kohaku’s body. Miroku’s kazaana came back. It turned out that Naraku wasn’t dead at all, he was just waiting for the right moment to come so he can devour Kaguya’s body.
Naraku and Kaguya were fighting now, and the castle was slowly collapsing. Naraku disappeared again and Inuyasha picked up the fight. Kagome had Shippo transform into a bow and Kagome fired Miroku’s staff at the feathered robe. Without the robe’s power boost, Inuyasha's Kaze no Kizu cut Kaguya into oblivion. But Kaguya’s immortal spirit tried to take Kagome’s body as her new one. Naraku was waiting to devour Kaguya’s spirit when Inuyasha interrupted, and Miroku sucked up Kaguya’s soul with his kazaana. Everyone, including Naraku and Kohaku escaped through Kaguya’s mirror. Kaguya’s castle disappeared, her star formation was gone, and the moon was back to its normal cycles.
With a purple Mt. Fuji as background, the gang set out for their adventure once more. Miroku and Sango teased Kagome about the kiss, Inuyasha said something along the lines of "I didn't want to do it", and was sat into the ground. Everything was back to normal once more.

Inuyasha Graphic


Inuyasha Media


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.'InuYasha GameS'.
.'QuiZ QuiZ'.

TaGgiE BoarD


.'LinKs mI'.

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Layout provided by InuYasha Kagome Mania
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