
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha GanG...


Name: InuYahsa
Occupation: Hero
Age: 15 (Appearance in Human Years) [Actual Age ~ 200 Years]
Gender: Male
Race: HanYou [Half-Demon]
Ability: Warrior
Origin: Unknown
Relatives: Sesshoumaru
Love Interests: Kagome & Kikyou
Retainer: Myouga

Inuyasha is a HanYou [Half-Demon], and his father, a dog TaiYouKai [demon lord], also has a full demon son named Sesshoumaru, who despises Inuyasha. Their father died before the story even began, but he left each of his sons very powerful swords. Inuyasha's sword, Tessaiga, can kill 100 youkai with one swing. Sesshoumaru's sword, Tenseiga, can bring life back to 100 people. Inuyasha's mother, a very beautiful, kind person, is also already deceased.

Hot-tempered and slightly tactless, Inuyasha has a hard time trusting anyone (Half-Demons have a hard time trying to live with either species peacefully). He fell in love with a priestess named Kikyou, who guarded and purified the Shikon no Tama [Jewel of Four Souls], an item that grants a demon great powers. Inuyasha had wanted to become human in order to be with her, but Naraku tricked them into hating each other--another reason why Inuyasha has a hard time trusting anyone. With Kagome's appearance in his life, Inuyasha is starting to learn love and trust again. Nonetheless, Inuyasha has a great deal of conflict over whether he wants to be with Kikyou or Kagome because he loves both of them.

Inuyasha has several claw attacks. One is called Sankon Tessou [Soul-Shattering Iron Claws], and another is Hijin Kessou [Flying Claws of Blood]. His sword, Tessaiga [Iron Fang] has its own special abilities; Kaze no Kizu [Wound of the Wind], Bakuryuuha [Explosive Wave Technique], and Kekkaigiri [Barrier-Destroying]. He can also run fast and far, jump high and far, and he's very strong.



Name: Kagome
Occupation: Junior High Student
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Ability: Nursing & Bow-User
Origin: Tokyo
Relatives: Grandfather, Mother & Souta
Love Interests: Inuyasha
Pet: Buyo

Kagome is a 15-year-old junior high student from present day Japan. She lives with her mother, younger brother, and grandfather in a home on the estate of a very old temple. The temple's sacred tree is the same as the one to which Inuyasha was sealed so many years ago. One morning as she was leaving for school, Kagome and her brother were searching for the family cat, Buyo. She found Buyo inside the wellhouse, but a demon from medieval Japan burst in through the Bone-Gobbling Well, grabbing Kagome and pulling her to medieval Japan. She fights off the demon, unknowingly using the power of the Shikon no Tama [Jewel of Four Souls] hidden inside her body (what the demon was trying to get by attacking her). After dispatching the demon, Kagome pops back out of the well, only to realize that she's not where she thought she was. Thus begins her adventures with Inuyasha, whose seal she breaks. Over time, she falls in love with Inuyasha, only to find heartache since he stills loves another.

Courageous and surprisingly smart, Kagome has a strong moral center, determination, and lots of tact. Though she and Inuyasha seem to fight a lot, she is very protective of him and the other members of the Yasha gang. She knows her feelings well, and does not try to hide them from herself.

Just as Kikyou had much skill with a bow, Kagome can shoot Hamaya [Purity Arrows], which damage even the powerful bad guys in the show, like Naraku. She also eventually can even use her bow to ward off demons.



Name: Shippou
Occupation: Being KAWAII
Age: 7 (Appearance in Human Years)
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune YouKai [Fox Demon]
Ability: Black Magic & Kitsune Bi User
Origin: unknown
Relatives: none
Love Interests: Satsuki
Pet/Retainer: none

Shippou is very young and so does not have the power of some other demons. His father, who was killed for his pelt by Hiten and Manten, was the last person that Shippou had as family. Thus, he tags along with the Yasha gang after Kagome and Inuyasha avenged his father's death. Though he and Inuyasha do not get along at all, Shippou wants Kagome to be happy, and tries to encourage Inuyasha's feelings for Kagome.

Personality: Also hot-tempered, but with the innocent mind of a child, Shippou likes to help out whenever possible (since his fighting abilities aren't too much help, being that he's so young). He's very observant of other people's feelings, even if, like a kid, he blurts things out a bit too much.

He can become a floating pink balloon, leave a trail of Naki Kinoko [Weeping Mushrooms] in case someone needs to follow him, and change his appearance (the transformations aren't always complete). His attacks include magical illusions: Tsubushi Goma [Smashing Top], Bunshin [Divide], and Kitsune Bi [Fox Fire]. Some of his "ingredients" include: ofuda [Charm], ojizousan no moto [Element of Ojizou-San: an enlightened person who looks over children, travelers, and the Underworld], ganguma [Toy Horse], ganguhebi [Toy Snake], goma [Top], happa [Leaf], kinoko [Mushrooms], and dosogeri [Acorns].



Name: Miroku
Occupation: Houshi [Monk]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Ability: Taima [Demon Expulsion]
Origin: Mushin's Temple
Relatives: Mushin [Guardian]
Love Interests: Sango
Retainer: Hachiemon

Miroku is a lecherous monk. He asks every pretty woman he meets if she'll bear his child. Though this sounds quite ridiculous, Miroku has a good reason to ask. He, his grandfather, and his father were cursed by Naraku with what is called a kazaana [Wind Tunnel]. It's basically a black hole in the palm of his right hand, and he must use a monk's seal to keep it from sucking in everything around him. The bad part of this curse is that the Wind Tunnel will eventually suck him in as well, just as it did to his father and grandfather. Thus, Miroku has to continue his family's line so that if he fails to kill Naraku, thus lifting the curse, his son will have to take on the job. He meets up with Kagome and Inuyasha early on in the series. Finding that he and Inuyasha have the same purpose (finding the Shikon shards and killing Naraku), he helps as best he can whenever they fight Naraku's evil forces.

Miroku seems superfluous and flaky, but he constantly worries about the curse in his hand, and feels that time is running out. He has a good sense of humor, cares for the others in the Yasha gang, and makes great sacrifices if he feels it will help them.

Though his Wind Tunnel is his most powerful weapon, he sometimes cannot use it due to Naraku's Saimyoushou [Hell's Insects], which sometimes pop up to willingly get sucked into the Wind Tunnel, stinging Miroku as they enter. However, he also has some significant holy powers, which he can use to protect the others by making a invisible shell over them, and his shakujou [monk's staff] is a pretty good holy weapon.



Name: Sango
Occupation: YouKai Taijiya [Demon Exterminator]
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Ability: Exterminating Demons
Origin: Taijiya no Mura
Relatives: Kohaku
Love Interests: Miroku
Pet: Kirara

Sango, her brother Kohaku, and their father (the village leader), all lived in a village of demon exterminators. It was their trade, and they were good at their jobs. However, the first night that Kohaku went to fight demons with his older sister, father, and other exterminators, they ran into Naraku. Naraku used a spider demon to control Kohaku, and made him kill his and Sango's father and the other exterminators. He almost killed Sango, and ended up dying when the people who hired them shot Kohaku after his crazed attack of his family and friends. They also shot Sango full of arrows, thinking that she had gone insane as well. That night, everyone in her village was killed by a huge swarm of demons, all controlled by Naraku. Obviously, poor Sango was mentally scarred for life. Though she thought Kohaku had died, Naraku used a Shikon shard to keep her brother alive in order to use him not only as a mindless drone, but also as a means to manipulate the Yasha gang since Kohaku is important to one of its members.

Sango really loves her brother, and hates to see him being used. However, the only thing keeping him alive is a Shikon shard in his back. She is trying desperately to get her brother back, not the lifeless shell that Naraku has made--the real Kohaku doesn't want to remember what he did (though he was forced) that awful night. She is a brave, kind, loving person.

Sango has a great weapon, her Hiraikotsu [Flying Bone], a huge boomerang. She uses it to slice the enemy, whether it's one big demons or a bunch of them together, and to block attacks. She can also use a small katana very well, and there is a hidden pop-up dagger on her right wrist.



Name: Kirara
Occupation: Sango's Companion
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Neko YouKai [Cat Demon] Or Nekomata [Two-Tailed Cat]
Ability: Warrior
Origin: Unknown
Relatives: Unknown
Love Interests: None
Owner: Sango

Sango's pet demon. When we first see her, she's actually pretty huge and scary-looking with a demon's head in her mouth. Kirara has become a significant portion of the group's fighting squad.

This feline demon is very protective of Sango and her friends. She can't speak, but she's still smart enough to completely understand what other people are saying. Note: In episode 26, we see a short scene near the end in which Kirara is standing with Midoriko, the powerful miko who first "created" the Shikon no Tama, so Kirara must be really old.

When in her big size, Kirara can fly, carrying perhaps three people on her back. She's also got huge, saber-cat-like teeth and claws that are good for hand-to-hand fighting, but they're not too useful against very powerful enemies.

Inuyasha Graphic


Inuyasha Media


MoRe StuFF

.'InuYasha GameS'.
.'QuiZ QuiZ'.

TaGgiE BoarD


.'LinKs mI'.

ForeveR ShrinE © XiaO FanG. Layout © Jessica--InuYasha Kagome Mania
Layout provided by InuYasha Kagome Mania
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